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The report below is about a lesser known tech stock that’s given us up to $32,820 better gains than Apple. It blew me away. I think it will do the same for you. — Martin

$44,670 actual profits
on our tech stock pick

That’s $32,820 more than we made
in Apple in the same time period

Big name companies like Apple are making very good money for my subscribers. But this leading artificial intelligence stock has given us $32,820 MORE in gains than Apple itself! And the profits are just beginning to roll in.

— Jon D. Markman, Weiss Research Senior Analyst

Dear Subscriber,

If you think you can make good money in big name tech giants, you’re absolutely right.

But if you think that’s the BEST way to make BIG money today, I’m happy to tell you that you’re dead wrong.

I know. Because I’ve done both.

I just helped my subscribers make 32% in Apple, 44% in Amazon, 37% in Facebook and 32% in Alphabet Inc. (Google) in a matter of months.

With these four stocks in our portfolio, we’ve beaten the S&P 500 by three to one.

You could simply follow my “Buy” signals for big name picks like these and make very good money. I think it’s a no-brainer. It’s been happening month after month. And it’s going to continue to happen.

But that’s not why I’m writing you now!

Today, my mission is to introduce you to the lesser known technology leader in our model portfolio that has beaten Apple by a mile.

The stock is causing a Silicon Valley Shock Wave,
and has already handed us a gain of 149%.

Since I put this stock in our portfolio in October last year, it has risen a staggering 149%, compared to a 39.5% rise for Apple during the same period. I call these kinds of companies, now taking Silicon Valley by storm, “Shock Wave stocks.”

If you had invested $3,000 in this Shock Wave Stock, you’d be looking at a gain of $4,467. And with an investment of $30,000, you’d be sitting with an awesome gain of $44,670.

That’s a whopping $32,820 MORE than you could have earned in high-flying Apple during the same 10-month period.

The power behind this company’s growth is something everyone talks about but few people understand or know how to invest in: artificial intelligence.

How “The Rise of the Machines” ...
Can make you wealthy!

Artificial intelligence is what makes machines smart.

And it is rapidly transforming everything in our lives ...

Google Maps knows when I’m going to work or returning home. Even without me asking, it gives me a traffic alert and tells me how long it will take. It even knows where I’ve parked my car.

Thermostats can now sense when you return home and adjust the temperature to your preferred level, saving energy costs when you’re away.

Cars can connect to the same “grid” as traffic lights ... making unnecessary traffic jams a thing of the past.

Cars can also sense objects, automatically take evasive action and avoid collisions. The result is fewer car accidents and fewer deaths caused by driver error.

Or imagine a sensor on your body that not only monitors your blood pressure and heart rate, but alerts medical staff so they can instantly send an ambulance in case of an emergency.

It will also automatically notify the hospital emergency room that you’re on the way so they’re ready for you.

That’s Artificial intelligence, which, in turn, explains why this Shock Wave stock in our model portfolio has soared 149% since October of last year, trouncing our gains in Apple, Amazon, Alphabet and Facebook combined.

Kiplinger’s Personal Finance says artificial intelligence is “so enormous, it’s hard to wrap your brain around.”

The founding father of sensor technology, Janusz Bryzek, calls it "the largest growth in the history of humans.”

Goldman Sachs states that the structural changes will be as massive as those brought about by The Industrial Revolution ...

And analysis by McKinsey & Co. concludes, “The hype may actually understate the full potential ...”

My Shock Wave stock that has given us 149% (so far!) is not a giant company like Facebook — yet! But it’s on its way to becoming one. And the rise so far is just the beginning.

19 trillion reasons why this stock has barely
scratched the surface of the profits it can make.

A newly disclosed estimate from technology giant Cisco, put the economic value of this phenomenon — artificial intelligence and all the things that it commands — at a jaw-dropping $19 trillion by 2020.

To put $19 trillion in perspective, the entire amount of money invested in technology during the height of the 1990s tech boom was $3 trillion. That means the entire dot-com industry — and the vast fortunes investors made — was less than one-sixth of the opportunity you have before you today.

Alphabet (Google) co-founder, Larry Page, says artificial intelligence “would be the ultimate version of Alphabet (Google.) The ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the web. It would understand exactly what you wanted, and it would give you the right thing.”

Tesla Founder Elon Musk says, “The pace of progress in artificial intelligence is incredibly fast ... you have no idea how fast — it is growing at a pace close to exponential.”

Tech billionaire Mark Cuban declared “the world's first trillionaires are going to come from somebody who masters artificial intelligence and all its derivatives and applies it.”

Consider self-driving cars, for instance. They rely on a whole array of state-of-the-art cameras and sensors. They need to PROCESS the vast quantities of data that pour through — all in real time.

That’s where artificial intelligence comes in. And the companies that take care of all this, like this Shock Wave stock — that’s just given us a 149% gain so far — are the ones that are going to build your wealth with the greatest speed and certainty.

Your own personal “Silicon Valley Insider”

My name is Jon Markman and I alerted investors to nearly every major technology trend while it was first beginning or even before. That includes the rise of the PC, the popularity of the iPod, the mobile expansion of the Internet, and more recently, the dominance of the Cloud.

I was part of elite editorial staffs that won two Pulitzer Prizes. I won the prestigious Loeb Award in business journalism. I was recruited by Microsoft as the first managing editor of MSN Money back at the dawn of the commercial internet in 1996.

I made investors a lot of money as a hedge fund portfolio manager. And then I decided to leverage my decades of experience as a Silicon Valley insider to help you make a lot of money.

Today, I live in Seattle, just a short drive away from the headquarters of Amazon and Microsoft. I maintain contacts in every major technology company you can imagine.

Based on first-hand knowledge, I have predicted, with plenty of advanced warning, the rapid transformations sweeping through the world of technology. And I use this foresight to help you pick the outstanding winners.

Like the time Martin Weiss interviewed me on streaming TV three years ago, and I predicted exactly how artificial intelligence will touch our lives by 2017.

Like the time I wrote my subscribers about the amazing intelligence of talking computer assistants such as Siri and Alexa. And most important, I use this foresight to help you pick the outstanding winners.

How to own the best Shock Wave stocks

Whatever you do, don’t just blindly buy an index like the Nasdaq or S&P 500. If you follow that approach, you’ll just be owning HUNDREDS of stocks that have FAILED to adapt to the shock wave sweeping Silicon Valley, many of which could even get crushed.

Instead, if you want to make good money in big-shot companies like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, or Alphabet (Google), that’s absolutely fine.

That’s what I’ve been doing for my subscribers. And that’s what I can help do for you. I can help time your entries, time your exits, and keep you focused on piling up the PROFITS without getting heebie-jeebies or exiting too soon.

But what really gets me excited is the idea of getting you into my favorite, fastest-rising Shock Wave stocks, which are leaving the Apples and Amazons of the world in the dust.

That’s precisely why I’ve created my Shock Wave Portfolio for members of my Tech Trend Trader service.

That way, you can own ONLY the stocks I believe will profit exponentially from the Shock Wave ... and avoid the duds. For example, I’ll name Shock Wave Stock #1, which has already surged 149% since we bought it. Plus, I’ll introduce you to ...

Shock Wave Stock #2: This company is using revolutionary artificial intelligence software to help businesses function more efficiently and profitably. Far too often, companies lose thousands of man hours when employees ask the question, “What do I work on next?”

But this Shock Wave company’s AI software crunches millions of points of data and uncovers ways to accelerate sales, improve customer service and optimize marketing campaigns. And as time goes on, the software actively learns and improves.

For the moment, Microsoft, Google and Amazon may have more sheer muscle in the marketplace. But this Shock Wave company is putting its AI technology into the hands of its customers RIGHT NOW. Inevitably, investors will be handsomely rewarded.

Shock Wave Stock #3: This company is fresh off its IPO and boasts an impressive roster of clients who use its cloud-based software, including Goldman Sachs.

What’s unique is that it actually uses artificial intelligence to develop apps! It’s a computer programmer inside a computer.

I’m looking for these companies to duplicate or even exceed the 149% gains we are already seeing from Shock Wave Stock #1.

And I name all three, with specific “Buy” instructions for each, in my special free report, “Masters of the Digital Universe.”

Even my “ordinary” plays are giving us DOUBLE
the gains of the high-flying Nasdaq Index

And never forget: My Shock Wave Portfolio will ALSO help you harvest the continuing stream of steady profits that are pouring out of staple, big name tech leaders like these.

Just take a look at how some of my favorite picks are performing:

* Stock A. It’s up more than DOUBLE the 19% rise in the Nasdaq since we recommended it last October, with much more to come.

* Stock B. I recommended this one on Election Day. And as you know, the market has been posting record high after record high since then. But with this tech winner, you would have beat this bull market more than 2-1!

* Stock C is already up almost 50% since I recommended it ... compared to the 25% rise in the Nasdaq.

And all THREE of these stocks are just beginning their rise.

But if you’re kicking yourself for missing out on these spectacular profits, just remember what I’ve told you:

Owning “tech giants” like Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple and Facebook is a good way to build wealth. But it’s not the only way. More importantly, it’s certainly not the best way to build a big fortune.

The Shock Wave stocks I recommend are destined to not only leave the Nasdaq in the dust. But also leave the “media darlings” like Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Alphabet in the dust.

And remember what’s behind it all ...

Artificial intelligence. Changing our economy, our world, our entire life. Ready to put tremendous wealth in your pocket.

But the ONLY way to get my “Buy” signals for my Shock Wave stocks is to accept a risk-free membership in the service that gives my Shock Wave Portfolio.

BEST VALUE: A one year subscription to Tech Trend Trader for the discounted rate of $1,897 and get a SECOND YEAR FREE! A whopping $3,103 savings! Click here.

GREAT VALUE: Take a six-month subscription to Tech Trend Trader for $1,197, and get an additional six months free. You save $1,303 off the annual rate! Click here.

** Your bonus: PLUS, you get a copy of my new report, “Masters of the Digital Universe,” which names all three of my favorite Shock Wave stocks. It’s a $79 value, FREE with your membership.

Or call TOLL-FREE 1-800-393-0189
(Overseas, call 1-561-627-3300)

Get one year of Tech Trend Trader for $1,897 ...
get another year FREE!

Normally, the retail price of my Tech Trend Trader is $2,500 a year. Compare that with many elite trading services that go for $5,000 or more and that’s quite a bargain. Even more so when you recognize the amazing wealth-building power of artificial intelligence.

But when you join me today, you won’t pay $2,500 to get started. Not even close. Because for a limited time, I want you to be able to join for just $1,897 — and receive a whole second year, FREE.

You SAVE a total of $3,103!

You risk virtually NOTHING with our
ironclad money-back guarantee!

My promise to you is a simple one.

Take as much time as you want to decide for yourself. If you’re not absolutely delighted by the profits you are making, then just let me know ANYTIME for any reason. I’ll rush you a FULL refund of the unused balance remaining on your membership term.

And of course, everything you have received, the alerts, the daily updates, the stock picks, the free reports — are all yours to keep — completely without cost or obligation.

Simply click your subscription choice below.

Yours for a brighter, better, more profitable future,

Jon Markman
Editor, Tech Trend Trader

BEST VALUE: A one year subscription to Tech Trend Trader for the discounted rate of $1,897 and get a SECOND YEAR FREE! A whopping $3,103 savings! Click here.

GREAT VALUE: Take a six-month subscription to Tech Trend Trader for $1,197, and get an additional six months free. You save $1,303 off the annual rate! Click here.

** Your bonus: PLUS, you get a copy of my new report, “Masters of the Digital Universe,” which names all three of my favorite Shock Wave stocks. It’s a $79 value, FREE with your membership.

Or call TOLL-FREE 1-800-393-0189
(Overseas, call 1-561-627-3300)