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Right after the financial crisis hit and the Federal Reserve started printing money with no end in sight, many of the media talking heads and even some very influential economists claimed that central banks were out of ammunition.
There was nothing left they could do to stem the tides of deflation, they said. Central banks had no more weapons left.
I tried to set them straight, but to no avail. I told everyone I could, in no uncertain terms, that the central banks of the world — including the European Central Bank — had many more weapons left at their disposal.
Chief among them, I said, were the following:
A. They could reduce the bank reserve ratio, the amount of funds that must be held in the bank’s vault (or at the central bank on behalf of the bank) on deposit by banks. Currently, for U.S. banks with more than $79.5 million of customer deposits, that requirement is 10 percent.
B. They could demand that banks buy assets, like equities, real estate and more. And …
C. They could punish banks by charging them a negative interest rate for depositing funds they’re’ not lending out to the economy with the central bank.
If you’re a bank, for instance, with $100 million in customer deposits that you’re not making use of (lending out) and instead you parked that money with the central bank for so-called safe-keeping …
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We are going to see a renewed bull market in commodities, especially gold, silver and select mining shares. |
Then the central bank would charge you for holding that money. You’d get no interest on that money, but instead, take a haircut for depositing that idle cash with the central bank.
The U.S. Fed has not yet employed any of the above three additional weapons it has at its disposal. Simply because the U.S. economy, as weak as it is, is surviving such that it’s actually off life support, and the Fed is now tapering its money printing operations.
However, as I have pointed out all along, the real disaster facing the world is not the U.S. but Europe.
Its economy is dying. It is collapsing in the nightmarish consequences of horrendous policy decisions … the most ill-advised of which was the implementation of the euro … not to mention the euro region’s mountain of debts that are going bad.
Europe is in a depression. A deflationary depression that will only get worse. Where 123 million people — one out of every six — now live in poverty … where total unemployment is above 20 percent in many countries … and where youth unemployment is greater than 60 percent.
Which is precisely why the European Central Bank (ECB), headed by Mario Draghi, last week rolled out Weapon C above  …
And is now charging any European bank that wishes to deposit funds with the ECB a negative interest rate, or penalty, of MINUS 0.10 percent.
Mark my words: Draghi’s negative deposit rate won’t matter one iota when it comes to Europe’s depression. Europe’s depression will only end when the euro breaks apart at the seams and each country is allowed to take back its native currency, devalue it and stoke the flames of inflation.
Until then, Europe will continue to sink deeper and deeper into depression. And the longer Europe’s policymakers try to stick to the hair-brained single currency, the worse the social chaos in Europe will become, as the war cycles I have been telling you about ramp up ever higher.
Mark my words now a second time: Before this great financial crisis ever comes to a close, you will see our very own Federal Reserve also implement negative deposit rates to try and get commercial banks to lend money into the economy.
That’s a year or two off based on my research, but negative rates will come to the U.S. Federal Reserve. I have absolutely no doubt about it.
So what do negative central bank rates mean for the markets?
That’s the heart of the matter for us investors. I see three chief consequences:
First, since negative rates have hit Europe first, we should now see the euro’s demise accelerate. Why? There are many reasons, but chief among them is that there is nothing to prevent European banks from taking their excess funds and depositing them into banks in other countries where they can indeed get a better return, instead of being penalized.
That’s going to depress the euro, and cause other stronger currencies to rally: Asian currencies, and especially the U.S. dollar — which is now clearly in bull mode — a forecast I have made that is now unfolding very quickly.
Second, but on a longer-term basis, we will see the U.S. equity markets fulfill my forecast of much higher prices to come, with the Dow Industrials eventually heading toward the 32,000 level.
As I’ve spelled out in previous columns and in detail in issues of my Real Wealth Report, there are several forces that are going to drive the U.S. equity markets much higher over the longer-term. Negative rates in Europe is now one of them.
Third, we are going to see a renewed bull market in commodities, especially gold, silver and select mining shares.
There are two simple reasons:
1. Europe’s negative central bank interest rate — the first time ever that a central bank has had to take such a drastic measure — also sends a loud and clear signal that Europe’s economy is in worse shape than most people realize … and that the euro is on its death bed.
That means savvy European money is now going to take a fresh look at tangible assets — commodities — again, especially gold and silver.
In addition …
2. It’s a huge boon to mining shares, just like it was in the 1930s, when Europe last went bankrupt, and mining shares such as Homestake Mining soared from $65 a share in 1929 to nearly $373 in 1933 — a 474 percent gain in just four years …
And where Dome Mining soared from $6 to $39.50, a 558 percent gain.
Thing is, this time around, the gains in mining shares will likely be far greater, even greater than they were in the first phase of gold’s bull market from 2000 to 2011.
The two chief reasons:
1. Due to gold’s three-year bear market, many mining shares were completely destroyed. As a result, there are now only a handful of mining shares that savvy investors would want to buy.
That means a rush to buy the best of the best, which will rocket their share prices higher, multiplying investors’ money many times over.
2. As the war cycles continue to ramp higher and the world enters an almost unprecedented period of social chaos, the flood of money into commodities and mining shares will become ever greater.
Best wishes,
P.S. To help you position yourself to ride this tsunami of rising stock prices, I have a special gift for you: My FREE Dow 31,000 Preparedness Kit. Click here to get your copy now!
Hi Larry what happend whit your prediction about gold going to 960 ?
Dear Larry,I live in the repubic of ireland.I have put my life’s savings in physical gold.It is in my own possession.I am worried about the euro cash i have,and what you say about the end of the euro currency.CAN YOU TELL ME, WHEN WILL THIS HAPPEN,AS I HAVE 20,000,TO 30,OOO CASH IN EURO CURRENCY.SHOULD I BUY MORE PHYSICAL GOLD WITH IT.MANY REGARDS AND GOD BLESS.PATRICK AND RITA O’ SULLIVAN.
Being a subscriber already, is it possible to get the five (5) reports that are being offered to New subscribers?
Thank you,
Larry, during the last bounce in gold, you correctly predicted that it was only a bounce and not the start of the new leg up. Thank you; that prediction helped me avoid losses. One piece of evidence you cited at the time was that there was no capitulation low in gold to point to. There still isn’t, and yet you are now stating you think the bottom is in, and you have a major buy signal. Considering that gold has not done much more than consolidate here, and the price is not exactly heading skyward yet (it’s still in a downtrend), could you explain how/when that buy signal was generated, and why you now apparently think that no capitulation is needed? Thanks very much.
For many years now, whether due to manipulation or some other factor, the price of gold (priced in dollars) has been inversely correlated to the strength of the dollar, yet your analysis concludes that the dollar will strengthen substantially as Euros seek safety in the dollar but that gold will also rise.
If the majority of investors begin to pull Euros out an invest in dollars, the price of gold, at least initially, will go down. That will erode confidence in gold as a safe asset class for a group of investors who have stayed clear of gold for years anyway. What event will cause these investors, who have previously shied away from gold, to suddenly embrace it in the face of a declining price? What makes you think that they will suddenly “get religion” on this subject? They will still be listening to the same old voices for their analysis and we can be certain that those analysts and the bullion banks will still be predicting $750 gold.
It won’t be until the dollar falls in value that gold will take off. I don’t think that will happen until a later phase when inflation actually heats up domestically and the dollar falls catastrophically that we will see gold rise to astronomical levels. At that point, gold will be in permanent backwardation, and it will be too late to buy gold. But, as you predict that it will take a couple of years before the US employs tool C, it will likely be at least a year beyond that before the value of the dollar collapses. What is your time frame for the employment of tools A & B? The Fed has been employing tool B for several years, what changes if it requires it’s members to also buy?
I am a lifetime subscriber….Weiss Elite.. How do I get the bonus special reports offered in your report of today seeking subscribers?
Les Jordan
Of the two picks you have made so far, JNUG and IAG, which one should have a greater return over the next couple of years and why?
Wow…do you know anything about JNUG ? it’s a 3x bull ETF…so far it gained about 70% – since it’s low was $ 13.40 ( May 2014 ) and it’s recent high was $ 23 . It can also fall by 70% or more ( see Feb. high to May low – minus 67 % ) if gold goes back to $ 1240 or lower . If you would’ve bought JNUG Jan.2014 low at $ 19.95 it then went to $ 41 in Feb. 2014 but also fell to $ 13.40 in May ….. see these swings ? Not to compare with a stock like IAG .
I’m not a member yet … but …
Btw, I dilly-dally with low three-digit K total at play in 7-8 mining stocks exclusively. (only)
Yet, these holdings on average, are a + 4.19% today. Slow and steady gains are good. We sure don’t want a tulip-like frenzy in gold. Do you agree?
These positions and gains when annualized reward investors lucratively.
Plus, recent trends seem to validate your recent call. However, it may not be a bad idea to keep DUST handy because we’ve heard certain sound-bytes in the recent past which knocked the market on its heels.
Is a $ reset looming? If so, what happens to GOLD PRICES?
SOMEONE here really BLEW their call with oil.
I watched a You Tube interview with Donald Trump. I do not know how lond ago it was recored but what the mogul said was that oil should be priced at US$ 50/barrel. Now we see gold soaring to new heights, perhaps more than US$ 150/barrel
Absolutely ..over and over again – also in copper . Then he said gold must hold $ 1278 but gold went to $ 1240 and now it’s THE BOTTOM IS IN and now gold goes to $ 1400 and $ 1600 ….because there is war somewhere ? O.k., the euro is sinking – gold goes up but it needs more than just a sinking euro . Well, he called the bottom before ( Oct. 2013 ) and things did not turn out his way . Will wait and see but his IAG did well so far .
“However, as I have pointed out all along, the real disaster facing the world is not the U.S. but Europe. ”
Really? What happened to the “eye of the hurricane” and the “back wall of the financial crisis” that would come crashing down on us?
If you read him correctly THAT is coming later not NOW .
i’m still waiting for “the collapse of the dollar by 2012” guess we missed that one then?
This too has changed ….that is for much later . 1st the USD goes up because of Europe …. watch international money flow .
If you read his yearly forecasts .( no matter which year ) … not many things are coming in as he ” predicted ” . Now Larry has gold going to $ 1460 in a few month ..and higher hitting $ 1600 after that. THAT I like to see.
But that is nothing compare to what his Company is promoting …silver . Paas is suppose to gain 1000 % in 2014 . Paas was at $ 10 low …it will hit $ 110 in 7 month ?
So far it gained about 37% …not bad since Dec. 2013 but gaining 1000 % in 1 year ?
There are hyping up the people …that’s all and by the end of 2014 many will be disappointed . Why even come up with a b.s. like that ? According to Martin Armstrong …we have NOT seen the lows yet in gold/silver .
I guess some people have been told that the bottom is in according to the comments???? It certainly hasn’t been told to your non-subscribers. Missed the bottom because I listened to you that the market would bottom in Jan – then you changed it to May, except it didn’t happen then either. If you called the bottom, what did I miss???? I too am still wating for the market crash of 2012.
Market Crash in 2012? Glad I missed that one. Hadn’t sign up for newsletter yet. Now
I am waiting for the 10% correction that was suppose to happen in Feb. and Now June, any moment now. Sold out of all my stocks. Stocks keep going up. Hopefully my stocks don’t go up past 10% when this correction occurs.
No market crash re: DOW just a normal correction is expected .
Why would he tell the bottom is in for non-subscribers ? He needs to make $$$ .
Don’t worry – he said the bottom is in in Oct. 2013 and was 2 month early with that .
you mentioned 3 weeks ago that oil would see one final down leg before starting a swift rise. Is this down leg still in your forecast.??? has the geopolitical scene changed enough, irag & ukrane, to cancel the next down leg to 85.00 per bl.
is a down let to $80 in oil still in the cards???
it looks like Larry is not here to answer any questions…no , oil no more down than $ 90’s – Larry said . Since he was totally wrong with oil anyways – stop asking him .
larry,be a boy and give us a few more JNUG,in my books your more a buy and hold guy than me. me,Ill hold 2-3 days and butt out as long its profitable.but hold for 1-2 months is crazy in this market ie. bought LNG for 5 days,made $75 and out, today it has gone down . its working