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The world is unraveling; the depth of the disorder is alarming; its pace is accelerating; and its potential impact on your investments is far-reaching.
Just last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin — until recently the warmly-welcomed eighth member of the G8 Industrialized Nations — lashed out viciously against the West.
In a defiant, combative state-of-the-nation speech before the Russian parliament, he compared Western leaders to Adolph Hitler, implicitly threatening that they could meet a similar fate for their “hateful ideas.”
He accused them of plotting the dismemberment and demise of the Russian peoples, saying they’d be “delighted” to see the country fall apart like the former Yugoslavia “with all its tragic consequences.”
He declared they are surrounding Russia with “a new Iron Curtain,” making no pretense of disguising his paranoia.
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Putin fired up, addressing Russian Parliament last week. |
And he scoffed at the West’s anger over the Ukraine crisis. “If this did not happen,” he insisted, “they would come up with another excuse to hold Russia back, to contain Russia, to influence Russia, or to take advantage of Russia for their own interests.”
This was a landmark speech — not just in the bravado of his chest-pounding, but also in the audacity of his actions, including:
* Putin’s annexation of the Crimea this past March — the watershed event that will go down in history as ending the post-Cold War world order of the late 20th Century and beginning the new, not-so-cold conflicts of the 21st Century.
* Putin’s de-facto annexation of Eastern Ukraine into the Greater Russia, staking his claim to territory that’s double the size of Crimea.
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Putin says the West’s actions remind him of Hitler’s. But ironically, the 31,000 square miles he has taken over in Ukraine is almost the same as the area of today’s Austria, the nation Hitler annexed 76 years earlier. |
* Putin’s takeover of 31,000 square miles of territory overall, more than the areas of Maryland, New Jersey and Massachusetts combined — and almost as much as Hitler’s Anschluss (annexation) of Austria 76 years ago.
* Putin’s moves to take personal control over Russia’s entire defense industry with the aim of spurring development of modern weaponry.
* Putin’s multi-pronged efforts to build up Russia’s nuclear power, including major exercises by forces responsible for Russia’s strategic nuclear arsenal.
* Putin’s recent incursions into European airspace by fighter jets and long-range bombers, including larger, more complex formations of aircraft, flying more provocative routes than usual. (Even those over international airspace in the Baltic Sea, North Sea and Atlantic Ocean violated civil aviation agreements for filing of flight plans.)
* Putin’s dramatic pivot to China, redrawing some of the same lines that divided the communist East from the capitalist West during the worst years of the Cold War.
However, the immediate — and most salient — consequences of his actions are neither political nor military. They are massive new waves of flight capital from East to West.
Russian money is the first to move. Regardless of their political leanings, Russian oligarchs see the obvious — the exodus of foreign capital, the crumbling ruble, the sinking Russian economy. Putin specifically acknowledged as much in his speech when he offered a kind of blanket amnesty to all Russians who agree to bring their money back home.
East European money is the next to make a beeline for safer havens:
In the Baltic states, the Russophobia is exceeded only by the hatred and vitriol.
In Poland, anti-Russian sentiment is a complex mix of bad memories, negative emotions, aversion and derision that are only exceeded in countries that have suffered recent invasions, such as Ukraine and Georgia.
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Top: Mass grave uncovered in the Katyn Forest, three years after Stalin’s massacre that virtually wiped out Poland’s elite in 1940. Bottom: Site of 2010 crash accident in same forest, again killing many from Poland’s elite. |
Even new-generation Poles cannot forget Stalin’s 1940 massacre of 22,000 Polish officers, priests and intellectuals in the Katyn Forest.
Nor have they forgiven the Russians for their bungled handling of a 2010 crash of a Polish Air Force plane, killing Polish President Lech Kaczyński, his wife, the president of the Polish central bank, 18 members of the Polish parliament, and relatives of Katyn massacre victims.
I do not share these resentments and nor should you. The Katyn massacre is history and Russia has formally apologized. The crash was an accident, and no one can be blamed.
But among many East Europeans, these are intensely emotional, deeply-embedded memories that are unerasable. As long as people feel secure, they can suppress them; as soon as they feel threatened, the memories return in a flash. And the desperation to move money explodes.
Money is also moving from East Asia, where China’s President Xi Jinping — worried about economic stagnation and paranoid about internal revolt — has mounted a sweeping anti-rights campaign, which could be among the worst since the end of the Cultural Revolution in 1976.
It’s flowing from Syria and Iraq, where the largest international alliance since World War II, including 60 nations large and small, is still unable to achieve more than symbolic gains in pushing back 30,000 rampaging jihadists.
Big money is also coming from Japan, where investors now see signs that Abenomics, their last great hope to end decades of stagnation, is already collapsing.
And most of this money is flooding into the one safe country that’s big enough to absorb it: The United States.
Does that wash away America’s fundamental debt troubles, political gridlock and long legacy of policy blunders? Of course not. But it does drive up U.S. asset values, opening up new, untold opportunities for investors.
So stay tuned.
Good luck and God bless!
You and Mike Larson are so shockingly misinformed about Russian policy and Putin’s actions, I hardly know where to begin. I urge you to read Robert Parry’s brilliant reporting to discover the true situation in Ukraine. Despite the relentless anti-Putin propaganda Americans are subjected to, most of us have determined that his response to US aggression and the US paid for coup in Kiev has been rational and measured. We have also determined that he is the most laudable statesman alive in the world today, and that Americans can only dream of having a leader who actually cared about the people of his country as Putin does. If you and your staff persist in this demonization campaign, I will be forced to cancel my subscription with you.
You should probably pack up and go live there. Have fun.
That is where National Hero Edward Snowden resides.
I have friends in Russia who would not agree with you. Do you live there? Upon what experience and/or knowledge do you base your conclusions? What are the sources of your information? Accusations such as yours need to be backed up with something other than threats. If you can show an intelligent reasoning process, it would be of far more value to others. (Please know that I’m not saying any country’s leaders are better – I have a background in research & fact-checking, and I’m truly curious about how you came to your conclusion.)
I am an editor for an online newspaper. Three of the journalists we publish have sources inside the CIA and the Pentagon. Google Robert Parry at Consortium News and Pepe Escobar who writes for The Asia Times. Mike Whitney and Eric Zuesse also have sources in both Russia and Donetsk, and George Eliason, now living in Donetsk, has been embedded with the troops for several months and publishes day by day accounts of the genocide. The truth is out there. You just have to be willing to hear it.
FYI – The US has multiple NGOs inside Russia whose mission is to foment dissent and overthrow Putin. As Putin stated in his address to the nation last week, the US goal is to break up Russia into pieces as it did Yugoslavia, install a Yeltsin-like puppet government, as the US just did in Ukraine, and take over the oil and gas resources. ( Evidently you are unaware that Joe Biden’s son is directing the fracking of Donetsk. They have no problem slaughtering the people in order to get to the natural gas under their feet.)Hell, it worked in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan – right? No , it did not work, it left chaos and bombed out infrastructure and millions of dead civilians. Putin will not permit the invasion and balkanization of Russia. He has shifted his economic focus toward Asia and left the US lackeys of Europe to stew in their own juice. Putin is a nationalist, above all. He saved Russia from the oligarchs, rebuilt its economy and raised the standard of living 1000 fold. His 85% approval rating has been earned. The ring of nuclear fire the US has installed on the Russian border left him no choice but to rebuild his defenses and prepare for a US attack. And unless the American people stand up and refuse to allow our government to initiate WWIII, we could all be dead in short order.
And if we are all dead in short order, what difference does it make? Unless you are among the one percent of the “civilized” world that have all the money, the future looks bleak for the rest of us, and who wants to live through hell of any type? The worldwide re-distribution of wealth has been obscene. If one percent of the people have all the money, and you are not part of that one percent, what reason is there to hope for a long life in steadily worsening conditions?
There is a not to be missed speech from the floor of the Bundestag online at youtube by a German member of their parliament, a woman named Sahra Wagenknech, who lays out in clear, succinct terms what is at stake for Germany and castigates Angela Merkel to her face in public. Merkel was visibly ruffled, as she was exposed as just another US poodle executing a senseless, baseless war with Russia at the US bidding. My posts here are roughly a summary of her statement, as I wholeheartedly agree with every word she said
One additional source you may want to check out. Dmitry Orlov is a Russian/American former CIA analyst for Russian affairs. He is retired and living in the US. He writes a brilliant blog called Club Orlov.
Brava Linda Graham !!!. ‘Dr.’ Weiss is the fanatic phoney. President Vladimir Putin demonstrates daily the highest degree of statesmanship and diplomacy. Do not do any business whatsoever with this group of haters. Incidences targeted in this ridiculous article occurred before Mr. Putin was born!
I concur with Linda Graham. It is a shame to see Martin Weiss falling for all this twisted US propaganda.
Dare to take a peak at RT news programs such as Crossfire and some of their guests such as Professor Stephen Cohen.
Don’t bother to yell that it is propaganda. It is no more so than the BBC or any major US outlet. All nations have a point of view.
Well said
“America’s…long legacy of policy blunders” mentioned in your last paragraph is directly responsible for Putin’s actions listed in the body of the article. Yet you make no connection. Then you call his speaking of truth “paranoia” and use other words to inflame opinion. Is it your purpose to help encourage the world’s most war-like country (yours!) to pursue ever more war? Is it good to run with the submissive media herd?
Hard to say,if today’s world is worse than the last several decades.Seems like you can always find good and bad things happening,at any time and no way to quantify.
If one were searching for evidence of paranoia and lunacy, one should look to the US Congress where many neo-con members have the insane idea that a nuclear war is “winnable”, and the House just voted to send arms to the neo-nazi thugs in Kiev who have spent the last several months torturing and slaughtering women and children in Donetsk. The purpose of course is to provoke Putin into invading to protect the Russians in the Eastern regions of Ukraine. He has so far not taken the bait, but continued genocide may force his hand. That is the real danger here. .
The House decision is a mystery. The challenge I see is that if two sides of a conflict both have trigger-happy leaders and a desire to feed the white horse, if events have an appearance which may not be reality but manipulated by the power elite to have a certain consequence, and the people do not pray with fervor and rein in their leaders…we could have a very unpleasant problem. It’s no wonder that people with money are panicked and wondering where to put it…
The US is lining up nuclear missiles on the Polish border. If they continue on this path, the planet and all things on it would be dead. Finding a place for money would be a moot point.
Wow it is incredibly obvious that you are a Russian shill. The nuclear defense shield in Poland is a defensive weapon that shoots down incoming nuclear missiles. They are not nuclear weapons. Your omission of that and insertion of the opposite is decisive manipulation.
This tac of misinformation is exactly the type of propaganda that Russia is using to stir dissent.
While neither side of the current conflict is without blame, your contorted reality adds nothing productive to an already inflamitory situation.
Why is Ms. Graham a Russian shill? Because she points out the truth? And Rob, you’re obviously an American corporate-media shill. The American people are truly the must uninformed of any Western nation and that’s not just my opinion, it’s been demonstrated time and again by neutral polling. Just remember this, Russia today has the weapons and delivery systems to turn the United States into cinders and ash, so we shouldn’t get too cocky! Russia has watched over twenty years as the United States has pushed military alliances right up to Russia’s doorstep, and then complained that the Russians have “moved” troops “to the borders of NATO”. Rob, until you gain some understanding of the deceitful, aggressive, neo-con-driven madness of current American foreign policy, you should probably refrain from commenting. Its embarrassing!
Most of the comments I am reading sound like they are communist sympathizers, anti-Americans but jobs.So far to the left of Elizabeth Warren, you cannot even see her!
But this is free country, and you have a forum here to express your views.
cmon you liberals never stop your rant always whining and spreading mistruths and lies and because of the idiot who calls himself a president yea you call him obummer he gave away our new icbms for old outdated Russian short to middle range missiles and for what for every 2 we lost the Russians only gave up one yea what a deal and then obummer gets caught saying ill give up more missiles but you have to wait till after the election well obummer is a socialist
When we read about Putin moving Russian troops to Russia’s border, we should remember America’s response to Russian attempts to install nuclear missiles in Cuba when Kennedy was President of the U.S. We were ready to go to war. Now that we are doing the same thing to Russia, why should we expect them to react differently than we did. I agree with S. Irby. I also think it is time for a world hearing to be held to give us some unbiased facts about this situation before we blow ourselves up.
I’m not aware of any genocide in Donetsk. Has it been covered in the news? My personal opinion is that Ukraine is in Russia’s sphere of influence just like North America is to the US. Maybe this is an outdated policy! So much takes place in covert ways. We should not alienate Russia but work with Putin as an equal. Aggression is a danger to the world and the West needs to engage Russia in positive ways. I don’t have the answers!
Wow…Marty and Mike still ignorant as ever. These two cats are a trip!..
Weiss research is really off basep lately. The view of what’s really happening in Russia, Ukraine and the rest of the world is myopic at best.
For a really eye opening experience read The Colder war or most stuff by David Stockman, Mish Shedlock and the people writing for Doug Casey.
You’ll lose a lot of money following the tips here. Believe me.. i’m talking from personal experience.
I have to agree with the comments of Linda above. It seems the articles of late take a myopic view of events surrounding Russia. Look at the expansion of US and Nato military assets worldwide, how we have bases and military deployments surrounding Russia, Iran, and whoever our latest enemy de jour happens to be. Then we demonize these countries when they become concerned of US intentions.
As a Brit living in the US and married to a US gal but working in East Europe, I have to say that Linda Graham is right on the money. The CIA is currently destabilising Hungary (same playbook as the Ukraine) and considering the amount of US and NATO sabre rattling, Putin has been remarkably forebearing. If racketering pols continue to bait Russia, however, there will eventually be trouble.
The really stiking thing is how much and Russia have come to resemble each other; two corrupt oligarchies figting for resources, manufacturing excuses to go to war. The average American and Russian are also very similar, their (our) basic wants and needs are identical; a little security, work that fulfils us, the love of a good partner, the time to watch our children grow. But we are betrayed, on both sides of the Atlantic, by politicians and banksters that consider us expendable.
These are sad and dangerous times and it does not help or enlighten when you, Martin, play to the old gallery.
Let’s all cool down and simply recognize one basic fact. Nobody on Martin’s team, including Martin himself, can be described as a serious researcher. Everyone on the team, including Martin himself, will assert the existence of ANY “trend” (even if it is a trend that is not only grossly exaggerated – most of Martin’s trends ARE – and not only unlikely, but actually ludicrous) if the declaration of the existence of that “trend” is reckoned capable of stimulating 400,000 readers (400,000?????) to invest in the assets that will benefit therefrom. Martin, solidly backed by Larry Edelson, rants on about the possibility of a war with Russia (or a war between China and Japan over some mickey-mouse islands in the South China Sea) because he wants to encourage more and more people to shift their money to the U.S. stock market – which will assist his Ultimate Portfolio stock picks to retain their value even as the majority of them are sinking out of sight (so much for the “Top Ten” out of 12,000 stocks analyzed – a blind chimpanzee could pick stocks more successfully). Larry Edelson rants on about war cycles because he can’t bear to imagine that the price of gold won’t recover – which would leave him looking a bit of a putz. Mike Larson never stops hinting at a rise in interest rates – even if that happens only n 2030 – because he would be distraught if his main predictions failed to materialize. In short – relax – Martin doesn’t hate Putin. What he hates, with a passion, is the fact that NOTHING that he has predicted over the past ten years has actually come true..
For all the “Pro Russian Blather” I have just read, might I point out that not only are TRILLIONS flowing to the U.S., but virtually NOTHING is flowing to Russia. In fact, the second problem Stalinist Putin is having is that virtually NO ONE is trying to move to Russia and millions of his “happy” (?) countrymen want to get out.
I should also point out that NOT ONE country freed after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, has Democratically decided to rejoin the Russians. EVERY ONE of them have Democratically chosen to join the E.U.
Just compare the standard of living and the wages in the E.U. in comparison to those in Russia, aye?…. :(
For all the wonderful things Linda has too say about Russia, I find it interesting that “Linda” doesn’t tell us where she lives, nor what her citizenship is… Now, I find that “interesting”, don’t you?
Let’s hear it Linda – Where do you “Hang your hat” ???
In what way is “money flowing”? For example, bank account deposit transfers to western banks?
Does anyone in the M&M community read articles by Paul Craig Roberts?
What ever else the neocons that hold sway in foreign affairs seek to playout with Russia, they are supported by those that foresee an implosion in global markets (derivatives??). War will be blamed instead of the fat cats that control the debt creation for all these years.
I normally do not comment on sites like this, but in this case I feel compelled to make an exception.
Linda Graham is a breath of fresh air! On reading Martin’s diatribe, I had given up on searching for some sanity in his “unconventional wisdom”. I must say that in reading today’s comments, I have regained a measure of hope that there may be enough people in the US with the ability to analyze today’s trends so as to allow the world to survive a while longer.
Thumbs up to you Linda!!!
Martin, I just returned from a trip to Poland. If you think the air crash was an accident, you are very mistaken.
I appreciate a lot of things Weiss does, such as watch out for the solvency of U.S. banking and insurance institutions, but I’ve also found their advice (as with nearly all advice) must be taken with a grain of salt! All the professional financial advisers I’ve known since the strange pre-crash volatile days of 2007 have admitted to me personally that they do not really know what’s in store…
That said, it’s good to be aware that things ARE brewing in Ukraine, East Europe and in Putin’s mind.. I know Russian citizens who were very afraid during Putin’s reign and wanted out. But, they also respect his intelligence and loyalty to Russian interests. I also know firsthand there is quite a bit of instability in Eastern Europe not far under the surface…And I know there are GREAT people in ALL of these countries–the USA included!–and they all have a lot in common and shared values.
I hope everyone can keep some Peace and not do anything rash. There will ALWAYS be antagonizers or criminals–we have plenty in the U.S. and the U.S. House of Representatives. However, I don’t believe the U.S. citizens or the military want ANYTHING to do with any more trumped-up, further no-win conflicts. Living near the Pentagon, I really believe that the U.S. military is getting fed up with being “hung out to dry,” so to speak, and taking all the burden for questionable objectives. And when they’re done, they’re done. They are about done and may start turning their CONSIDERABLE MIGHT against powers that want to further abuse or misuse them. This new CIA Torture Report from the Bush/Cheney “oil war” lost years looms large and shows the level of criminality and fraud… It would not be coming out in the light unless very powerful people at the top were not getting FED UP!!! ;) They can only force and fire so many military brass and Americans have the tendency to get pretty fed up. ;) The word is that the recent, shocking replacement of U.S. Sec. of Defense Hagel will be good for a more responsible future-?
Also, living in D.C./military land, culturally, no one has it in for Russia. By extreme contrast, most people in the U.S. military/govt. positions have family who fought WITH Russia as ALLIES during WWII. That founded a deeper tie based on BLOOD than most politicians realize!…That was my impression throughout the Russian annexation of Crimea–preparation for crisis, sympathy for Ukraine’s independence, but NO real antipathy AT ALL toward Russia! It’s more like respect for a distant brother or cousin. And I am surrounded by hardcore, multi-generational military families here… These are not the the “talkers” like W. Bush or Cheney. These are real U.S. soldiers who are seriously formidable.
This article is a spew of American “exceptionalism” at its worst, and a complete denial of all that the US has done to instigate this situation over the past 30 or 40 years. Government overthrows and supporting coups in small countries, fomenting unrest in larger ones, and currency wars everywhere–along with a complete inability to accept responsibility for any of the immoralities and crimes we’ve committed.
Just look at the GOP response (except for McCain) to the torture report last week: denial, justification, rationalization, and even complete support for TORTURE of hundreds or thousands of people, many of whom were only suspected of wrongdoing. It was a shamefully partisan response to something that should be utterly nonpartisan: bringing to justice the people who implemented these disgusting, traitorous policies.
But we can’t even seem to do that. I’m no fan of Putin, but he’s not 100% wrong. Until we begin to stop doing things like this and sweeping them under the carpet we are not a moral nation and we have no standing to chastise him for his actions. What happens if we discover Putin has been torturing his enemies? We have given up the moral high ground and it will be very difficult to recover it.
Your map is flawed in that it does not show eastern Europe and the countries that have joined NATO in red, with Ukraine now in red after the US backed coup. I always was suspect of Putin as a bad guy but now Obama kills with drones without trials. In fact I have paying attention to what the Russians say and it seems they are playing defense here. Per Henry Kissinger the west grossly miscalculated by supporting “Yats”. Putin really does have weapons of mass destruction and is not a pushover like Hussein, Gadaffi, etc. We should be trading and negotiating with Russia. They are seeking diplomatic solutions like more federalist autonomy for Ukraine. Yanukovik was deposed by US because he opposed a deal that would bring in NATO and US corporations to frack Ukraine. So now we have a massive increase in military spending passing congress. Mike and Martin, where are the military contractors on your best buy lists?? I read there resolution 758 just passed by Congress and it is sickening. Gloves are off and both sides now affirm the right to pre-emptive first strike nuclear war. To first strike JFK responded with digest, “and we call ourselves the human race” The same folks that brought you weapons of mass destruction in Iraq are bring you nuclear war with Russia, Enjoy
And why do we support the Saudis who behead people daily for crimes such as sorcery and adultery, the home of Bin Ladin and most of the 911 hi jackers? We should instantly have a tax on their oil, or better yet, not accept it.
Martin I think you need to cut the hysteria and focus instead on applying money management techniques to the so-called Ultimate Portfolio. Cutting losses is a cardinal rule among successful investors. One can easily recover from small losses compared to big drops. An 8% loss needs only an 8.7% gain to recover, a 25% loss needs a 33% gain just to get even, etc. Professional investors have a sell price (up or down) in mind and employ protective stops. ARII is now 27+% below your initial buy price and you have taken no action – a mistake. No one wants to sell at a loss but by setting ego aside and taking a small loss one is able to invest another day. Also, your buying more of a stock while its going down makes no sense. The time to add to a holding is when it starts to turn up – when the demand level has been reached. As to geopolitics you might find TV stations, Russia Today and France 24 enlightening.
i feel 50% say the baloon is white-50% say its black? i am so confused and really believe that is what the the powers running the world want me and the world to believe?
so they want to steer me to the right, for reward,or left for punishment we are really alone with no sure way to no what is true or not?
I would like to thank Martin and company for attempting to provide all of us with information and personal predictions concerning the markets worldwide. I appreciate having the privilege of reading all the various contributors’ comments, and hope this thread will not discourage them from continuing their work.
what a worthless article. You just repeat a history that anyone who reads the WSJ or watches Fox already knows. No insights or prognostications whatsoever. Why write it?
The West preyed on Yugoslavia like a pack of Jackals and tore it to pieces. We bombed Belgrade to smithereens and supported the Muslim fanatics that are now fighting with ISIS. And now we say that Ukraine must stay united. What hypocrisy !!! Where is the “universal right of self-determination” that we espouse ???
At the end of the cold war there was an understanding that we would no encroach on Russia’s borders. We violated that with impunity. Putin is a strong leader that has an approval rating 3 or 4 times better than Obama. His reaction has been very mild compared to what the US has done for decades. I love my country, but its leadership and foreign policy are dismal, especially with the current Administration that has no clue. I hate to see America’s place in the World denigrated.
PS: Yes, I have been all over Russia, Ukraine, Crimea, Serbia (including Belgrade which has still not been able to rebuild the destruction of Clinton’s bombs), Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, etc. I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears and made my own judgements.
Maybe some of us remember all the “Peak OIL” hysteria from Martin and his “team of experts” about 7 or 8 years ago?? Same BS…just follow the money for Martin.
Folks, this is an extremely serious situation. I see by these comments that there is a significant difference of opinion here, and we shouldn’t be too quick to accept anything we hear about this matter. I urge you to read the Ukraine and Crimea entries in the major encyclopedias to gain a clearer historical understanding of this matter. Obviously distorted propaganda is flying in all directions by western media (I don’t know much about eastern media sources). I think it is high time there was a world hearing to investigate this whole matter before we get ourselves into more trouble than the world is prepared to deal with. The more I hear about the Ukrainian crisis, the more I wonder if there isn’t a hidden hand connection between this crisis and the world economic situation, the Middle East Conflict, criminal international bankers, and world plutocrats. In times like these, it is hard to know who to trust, so let’s be careful, because the consequences could be devastating for the whole world. Remember, it took WWII be bring us out of the great depression, and it is a far more dangerous world today when everybody has the big bomb. What we need is honest diplomacy and trustworthy facts which only an unbiased world court investigation can give us.
“the more I hear about the Ukrainian crisis…………….the more I wonder if there isn’t a hidden hand connection….”
To find out about the hidden hand I strongly advise you to go to YouTube and watch
“The Quigley formula – G. Edward Griffin”. It is an eye opener and you will understand
much better what is happening now, the way it was planned more than a century ago
and what the intended objective is. I cannot recommend it warmly enough to everybody!!
I can’t seem to get my head around all these opinions about our world. I do know that I am an American and love my country. I do know we are in the worst situation now related to the
world than ever before. Most thinking people know something is about to happen and things
aren’t good. Our government is a mess and as they lie to us saying one thing they do another. This president is the worst ever and has pitted one race against another.
I put my total faith in a higher power, God of the bible… and not in man, but will say that I trust Dr. Weiss and his knowledge in finances and believe that he is a man of integrity.
I am thankful we have been free and safe so far.
Only Carol said it well among all the diatribe that leads us to a hell here.
Let<look to the angelic and divine guidance surrounding this planet and help them out and get on with building a new society – not panicking from our horrid past as a human race. WE never have yet as a planet loved one another as our great spiritual leaders have asked us to do.
But if you look at this new generation, outside the military, they all – across the planet -know how to play together and dance to the same music. Let the old buggers go in their traumatic memories of the past and reach out from your hearts to all the families across the earth. stop supporting governments that defend and are aggressive instead of seeking unity and cooperation. Invest in companies that do the same.