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Unfortunately, racking up more debt has become commonplace in our current culture.
For instance, over the last 10 years, U.S. debt increased 124%. And last month, that figure stood at $19.846 trillion.
You read that right: $19.8 trillion!
Part of the reason is years of ultra-loose monetary policy by the Fed. At the same time, medical and housing costs surged beyond the pace of income growth.
In fact, during the past 13 years, median household income increased 28%. But medical costs increased 57%, food and beverage prices jumped 36%, housing was up 32%.
Unfortunately, racking up more debt has become commonplace in our current culture.
For instance, over the last 10 years, U.S. debt increased 124%. And last month, that figure stood at $19.846 trillion.
You read that right: $19.8 trillion!
Part of the reason is years of ultra-loose monetary policy by the Fed. At the same time, medical and housing costs surged beyond the pace of income growth.
In fact, during the past 13 years, median household income increased 28%. But medical costs increased 57%, food and beverage prices jumped 36%, housing was up 32%.
It’s no wonder that many Americans were forced to tap various forms of credit to stay afloat. But the debt problem goes beyond revolving debt.
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Student loan debt grew faster than auto loans, credit cards and home equity loan debt combined since 2003. |
A growing concern — and something I talked about in early May — is the surge in student loan debt, which grew faster than auto loans, credit cards and home equity loan debt combined since 2003.
According to LendEDU, there are 43.3 million borrowers in the U.S. that hold outstanding student loan debt totaling $1.41 trillion.
Taken further, the average college graduate with student loan debt begins his or her career $28,400 in the hole. No wonder the default rate on federal student loans continues to increase and stands near 12%.But what makes the current debt tsunami particularly troublesome is that it spans across the globe.
First-quarter figures from the Institute of International Finance (IIF) pegged global debt at a new all-time high of $217 trillion. That’s more than three times larger than global GDP.
Terrible! And that’s up a mind-boggling $50 trillion over the past decade.
Highlights of the report identified three primary culprits behind the surge in global debt …
- China was responsible for the biggest increase in growth, with total debt surpassing 300% of GDP. This is partly because the nation used debt to finance growth and now they must pay the piper. In 2016, China’s debt burden grew 2.5 times faster than the economy.
- Emerging Markets experienced a surge in (dollar) bond issuance, up $2.5 trillion to $18.4 trillion since 2016. And despite massive inflows of capital, IIF notes rapid deterioration in credit quality in the past year.
- Middle East oil exporters: Many Gulf region nations relied on aggressive new debt issuance to maintain budgets, stay afloat and stem civil unrest.
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But this debt, like all forms of debt, has economic consequences. Consider…
Consequence #1: A drag on consumption and a hit to overall demand that is likely to intensify in the coming years. Especially as debt service costs compound.
Consequence #2: Reduced home ownership, which in the U.S. has declined in each of the last six years.
Consequence #3: Enormous debt load has potential to worsen economic class divisions and fan the flames of civil unrest.
What does this mean for you?
The debt-powered steamroller continues to grow and shows little signs of abating, especially at the government level. And as leaders contend with bankruptcy, they’ll do what they do best: Avoid fixing the problem, raise taxes and take on more debt.
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Unfortunately, these trends point in one — and only one — direction: The massively indebted governments of the world, including the United States, will ultimately seek to pay off their debts with your money.
And that’s why it’s extremely important for you to diversify your wealth across various asset classes and to avoid buying government debt like the plague.
Good investing,
Mike Burnick
The late C. Vern Myers said that all debts must be paid. Debts are paid by the borrower or the lender or someone else, but all debts must be paid. “Never in the history of mankind has a debt gone unpaid”, Myers used to say. I can still his voice amplified by the huge speakers used in the NCMR annual gathering in New Orleans decades ago. Mike you are spot on in saying governments will pass their debt onto taxpayers and while investors should avoid government debt it is hard to get away when so many pension plans hold enormous amounts of government debt because it is considered “safe.”
And has the era of inflation given way to deflation?To what extent will price of property in general fall in the mid term?kj from Mumbai
I’m sure Mr. Burnick is correct with his facts. However the same articles have been written since the 1980’s.
Remember the days when the Republicans where the party that believed in paying the bills and balancing the budget? That ended when Reagan gave huge tax cuts to the Ultra wealthy who funded his election run, but had not the guts to reduce government spending….. Until we go back to the tax rates on the Ultra Wealthy that existed from 1932-1982 we are screwed as ONLY they are getting richer as the 97% are getting poorer…
Incidentally that period was the most successful in America’s history. During that time we had the greatest increase in the standard of living for the average American, the greatest increase in the Middle Class, and the greatest increase in Manufacturing and Economic output in our history. And that period was also a period of mostly Liberal Progressive (Democratic) leadership….
Ever wonder why the richest people in America are spending Billions to get members of the current Republican Party elected?
So your saying the likes of Geroge Soros didnt get richer under Barrack Obama. Is this how you live you life, make only left turns only allows for conclusions to circles, never a forward path. And if your short memory recalls, because of spending Regan was able to reduce the 17% interest rates and increasing over the top Inflation brought on by the Carter administration and its inability to led in the world. More business opportunities were evolved through technology that has spurred millions of jobs and endless creativity that enjoyed today. But heck you dont believe a president that spent 13.5 trillion dollars in only seven years, more than 150 years combined administrations is bad, because it Democratic progressive way. So take a number in the soup line because that kind of thinking results in poverty. I mean heck the National debt only cost every single America 64000 ea person old or young. Thats the poverty the Democrats bring, History proves it!
What bank to buy?
I want Mike Burdick to tell me what he knows about TEFRA – The Fed Government Law that was signed into law by R. Reagan in 1981? – I know it is a law that allows the Federal Reserve to confiscate up to 50% of ones assets including cash savings accounts, IRAs, Roths, SEPS, 403b’s etc. What can my wife (403b) and me – my SEP-IRA diversify our cash holds in within these types of Retirement Accounts hat cannot be confiscated in a total Government FED confiscation? – Banks will close and we will have a Bank Holiday. Credit Cards will not be valid on any purchases, and the government will create what they will call – FED-COIN. Then when the banks re-open, a lot of our hard earned savings will be gone. Replaced by Crappy Government Bonds payable in 100 years. IF THIS CRAZY THEORY PLAYS OUT, …..MIKE>>>>>> what can we diversify in that the TEFRA LAW CANNOT TOUCH IN OUR LOCKED UP RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS? – This is no joke!Thank you.
Stephen Ettinger
Our leaders in Washington are totally unqualified to lead this country. They are remnents of the 60s and 70s. They are process and personal self interest driven. The world and this country has advanced way beyond their abilities forged 40-50 years ago. They no longer really know or understand this country and the world. They are not interested in learning. Trump is the consequence of their persistent blindness
Seems counter intuitive to say on one hand that debt is a growing problem and on the other say that the banks that are doing the lending will do better. What about defaults?
I don’t think very many people are concerned with the long run.I mean,why would a bank make a mortgage at 3.5% over 30 years?Just about everyone knows that over time,this would be a bad deal for the lender,since there is no way govt will be able to pay its debts without greatly devaluing the currency.But,if you are lending the money at the bank,you care about the fees you’re getting today.You probably will be retired or working somewhere else in 10 years.In any event,as long as everyone else is doing it,you’re covered.If you don’t make the loan,your bank makes less money today and you lose your job or bank goes broke.
I think all it will take is one major nation or region to collapse into bankruptcy, brought on by the inability to push more debt into the future, to bring the whole house of cards down. Look at all the toys and gadgets you have around today and realize that they won’t be available and you wouldn’t be able to afford them anyway. At my age I doubt I will be around to see it so to the younger generations all I can say is “So long suckers”.
Yep n sad…already I think 50% inherited tax rate over 5 mill…govt wins.
What is the chance that these marijuana stocks will have legal trouble due to trumps stand on marijuana
Llalon Miller
These are all fiat currency debts.Not real money debts.Fiat currency can be created at no cost by govt.We’ve already seen the Fed create fiat with no limits,during the Obama administration.EVERY country in the world,that became broke,devalued its currency to reduce its debt load.There is no reason they won’t do it in the future.So,debts aren’t the long term problem.The value of fiat currencies should be your worry.Better not hold much of your assets in fiat currencies or fiat futures,like bonds,CD’s etc.Stocks of great companies,with products needed in the future,commodities,etc. best long term.
In the fifth paragraph of your article, the comparison of the rise in median household income to the rise in medical, food and beverage, and housing costs leads me to conclude that inflation is greater than government agencies are reporting. If this conclusion is true, do these numbers provide more evidence that government and cultural leaders are deceiving us into economic slavery? I’m reminded of that old saw, “The borrower is a slave to the lender.”
yes indeed..economic slavery. that is the ultimate aim plus reduction in world populations.
the ‘leaders’ don’t really like us minions, so we are expendable. and we have this ring through our nose. and it gets more hurtful and we wonder why it is there. but we don’t dare raise a voice about it. the police or whatever will take you away. fema camps? apparently over 200 now all fitted out with guillotines and gas ovens. don’t believe it? well thats up to the reader. i don’t really know who is winning the battle right now. this world is so complicated. internet has provided us with info. but a little info is dangerous. tread a wary path friends. the govt. of the people has replaced the govt. for the people by the people. cheers from oz
dow and s&p hit record highs friday and hardly a mention of this in the news. lots of headroom left in this bull market. when record highs like this become front page news, look out below!!!