Mike Larson here with some numbers that will knock your socks off.
I was so impressed with the 1,992% track record behind the new ETF service Martin launched recently, I decided to apply the same signals to high-leveraged, limited-risk vehicles and multiply that profit potential by over FIVE times.
These signals are well documented and published in real time. They are not based on 20-20 hindsight. And I calculate that …
If you had applied these same signals to LEAPS options (long-term options), you could have built each $10,000 invested into $1,032,504 … or each $25,000 into $2,581,259. That’s 103 times your money*.
Of course, you’d still have to pay your broker’s commissions and give Uncle Sam his “fair†share. But with the kind of astronomical gains that this illustration demonstrates is possible, I don’t think you’d mind too much.
I like LEAPS options because they give you such great leverage. Plus, they also give you the TIME you sometimes need to ride MAJOR, long-term trends — two years or more.
And I LOVE this strategy because it’s so well documented, so easy to follow … and most important, capable of providing you with such huge profit potential.
LEAPS Power Trader:
Designed to Help You Turn
Each $10,000 into $1,032,504 …
Or Every $25,000 into $2,581,259!
The results are solid. And our approach would have prevailed over fifteen years of some of the most volatile markets we’ve ever seen. That’s not overnight. But as you can see, the results are not exactly petty change, either.
Our new service that makes all this possible: LEAPS Power Trader, designed to make you millions of dollars in profits, without betting the farm and without risking more than you invest.
You can start with as little as $10,000. And you shouldn’t have to put up a penny more, unless, of course you want to go for even bigger profits. Like turning $25,000 into $2,581,259.
This new strategy is so powerful, that even with the inevitable losers, your profit potential is astounding. The key to its success: Compounding profits while strictly controlling losses.
Look. If anyone tells you they can trade leveraged investments with a 100% win rate, tell them to take a hike. Losses are inevitable.
For example, consider this series of 13 signals from LEAPS Power Trader:
Seven losers and six winners. But in each case, the losses are cut off at the pass, with the maximum loss 21%. Meanwhile, you let the six winners ride: 13% gain, 43% gain, 86.8% gain, 52% gain, 100% gain, 180% gain.
Net result: Each $10,000 invested at the beginning of this series turns into $43,773 after just 13 trades. And that’s during the worst stock market we’ve seen in the last half century (including 2001 and 2002).
Or consider this series of 10 trades:
- 6 small losers (limited to 21% each)
- 4 big winners: 379%, 138%, 45% and 450%
- End result: $336,191. In other words, investors starting with $10,000 could have come out with $336,191 after just 10 trades
Those are just two examples. Overall, if you followed each trade faithfully, this strategy could have multiplied your money 103 times over, turning your $10,000 into $1,032,504 … or $25,000 into $2,581,259.
Even with the inevitable losers, this shows you the incredible profit power of LEAPS combined with documented, real world signals.
And remember, even if the world turns upside down tomorrow, with the purchase of LEAPS options you can never lose a penny more than you invest. Meanwhile, your profit potential is unlimited.
Why LEAPS Options are the Single
Best Vehicle For Investors Who Want
to Go for 103-to-1 Growth of Their Money
If I were a wild-and-wooly speculator, I’d be trading high-risk futures contracts on stocks and commodities.
But I’m not. Like my publisher Martin Weiss, I have a strong conservative streak. So risky futures investing is out of the question for me.
Instead, for truly awesome profit potential, I focus on LEAPS options — unique investments that offer you unlimited profit potential, while strictly limiting your risk.
With LEAPS options, you can take advantage of every one of the powerful megatrends now swinging into action. And you can leverage those forces to the hilt, putting your profit potential on steroids. You can multiply your money — but not your risk — 103 times over.
There are now over 2,100 different LEAPS options, covering stocks in every sector of the market, and even LEAPS on foreign stocks from countries like China, Hong Kong, Germany, Taiwan, France, England and more — all traded right here in the U.S.
There are also LEAPS put options that allow you to profit handsomely from market declines.
And LEAPS are traded in large volume on regulated exchanges. They’re used by hedge fund managers … money managers … banks, insurance companies, mutual funds and professional traders and investors.
Some of the key benefits of LEAPS …
Benefit #1. Plenty of TIME!
Unlike short-term options that expire in just a few months, LEAPS options have a lifespan as long as 3 full years. This usually makes them less sensitive to short-term moves in the underlying stocks, and less volatile. You can buy them without feeling like you have to check on them every day and without losing sleep over them.
Benefit #2. Huge Profit Leverage — yet your risk is limited strictly to your initial investment!
LEAPS options provide longer-term investors the opportunity to benefit from huge moves in some of the best known stocks — WITHOUT having to shell out mountains of cash to buy them.
For example, suppose you wanted to buy 200 shares in Microsoft. You’d have to shell out over $5,600 for 200 shares. But with LEAPS on Microsoft, you could effectively control the same 200 shares for the next year-and-a-half for a mere $130. That’s 1/43rd the amount you’d spend to buy the 200 shares outright.
If Microsoft’s share price rises, say, just 15%, your LEAPS investment could spin off up to 193% gains — 13 times what the stock would gain. And you’d never be at risk for one penny more than your initial $130 investment (plus any broker commissions).
Or consider General Mills. The stock was recently up almost 13% in nine months. Very nice gains for a relatively conservative investment. But suppose you wanted to do even better. For just $380, you could have bought a LEAPS option on General Mills, representing 100 shares, and instead of a 13% gain, you could be looking at up to an 82% gain.
Benefit #3. Make money on the way down!
On the flip side, LEAPS can also help you take out hefty profits from stocks that are tumbling and getting beat up in this schizophrenic economy.
Consider some of the builders and real estate companies we’ve told you would fall flat on their faces. You could have purchased LEAPS put options on some of those companies, like Lennar or Toll Brothers, and racked up gains of as much as 255% — without ever risking a penny more than you invested, plus your broker’s commissions.
Benefit #4. Profit from the boom in China!
Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corp (HSBC) recently surpassed Citibank as the world’s largest bank. Now, HSBC’s share price has rocketed from $77 to $94 recently, gaining a nice 22%. But with LEAPS on those same bank shares, you could have done over 10 times better, raking in 258% gains.
Benefit #5. LEAPS on Exchange-Traded Funds.
These give you a double advantage — the leverage and loss limitation of LEAPS plus the diversity and diversification of Exchange-Traded Funds.
In LEAPS Power Trader, you get ALL of these benefits, with limited risk and all you have to do is follow my simple instructions on what to buy (or sell), how much to pay, and when.
When You Become A Member
Of LEAPS Power Trader …
FIRST, you’ll immediately download our LEAPS Power Trader Operating Manual — everything you need to know about LEAPS, from A to Z:
— How the backbone of the LEAPS Power Trader model has chalked up an unbeatable track record in alerting investors to major moves in dozens of different U.S. sectors …
— How LEAPS Power Trader applies those signals to the best possible LEAPS options we can find for you …
— How LEAPS provide you with incredibly powerful profit leverage. How they limit your risk. How to maximize profits. And how to compound them to multiply your money 103 times over.
SECOND, we’ll send you your first LEAPS recommendation as soon as we get the next signal, which could be any day now.
Just check your e-mail regularly and follow the simple instructions. It’s easy. It’s convenient. And you can place your trades online or with a simple phone call to your broker.
LEAPS Power Trader has just one objective in mind: To help make you a million dollars starting with an investment of $10,000!
Want to invest more? That’s fine. Just be sure to limit your investment to funds you can afford to risk.
THIRD, on each trading recommendation, we will tell you exactly what to buy, when to buy it, how much to buy, and what to pay for it.
Every LEAPS Power Trader signal you receive — sent to you instantly via e-mail — will clearly explain what’s happening right now and why the trade is being recommended. All you have to do is read our simple instructions to your broker word for word … or send him a fax or e-mail.
FOURTH, well-timed buy signals are great. But they’re only half the story. You also have to know exactly when to sell. For every single recommendation, you’ll get follow-up instructions on when to take profits or cut a loss. Our goal is to make this as easy as possible for you. No guesswork. No wondering what to do next.
Expect at least 10 – 15 trades per year. But don’t worry about having to check your e-mail every five minutes or having to trade every day.
Remember: These are long-term options. You don’t have to watch them every minute. You can go out and play golf or enjoy your day without having to worry that you’ll be missing out on a crucial opportunity.
FIFTH, if you have any questions, no problem. We’ll be glad to answer them for you. You get full, unfettered access to our Customer Care Representatives via phone, via e-mail, via fax, or whatever is most convenient for you.
We have a dedicated number strictly for LEAPS Power Trader members. When you call, you get the red carpet treatment and first-rate service that you deserve.
SIXTH, you get our money-back guarantee. No one can guarantee profits, but if we can’t deliver the kind of profits that make you absolutely delighted, you can cancel the service at any time in the first 60 days and receive a full, 100% refund on your membership. Plus, if you cancel any time thereafter, you’ll get a pro-rated refund on the unused portion of your membership, with the first year valued at $5,000.
Save 50% with Your
Charter Membership
Considering its HUGE profit potential, we think LEAPS Power Trader is a downright steal at our standard membership fee of $5,000 per year.
That’s less than half a penny for each dollar of profit potential this service provides.
But we want to do even better for you: With your Charter Membership, you get a full TWO years of our LEAPS Power Trader — along with the million-dollar profit potential the service can give you — for the price of just ONE YEAR. You save 50%, or $5,000!
Given the potential to multiply your money 103 times over, that’s a double bargain!
Warning: Three Limitations to This Offer
First, there are only 500 Charter Memberships available, and only Charter Members get two years for the price of one.
Second, we are making this Charter offer exclusively to active subscribers of Weiss Research publications. It is not available to the public.
Third, the Charter Memberships are available strictly on a first-come, first-served basis. Once they’re gone, that’s it. We will open the membership to the public, and the price will revert back to the normal subscription rate of $5,000 per year.
Designed to Make You 103 Times Richer …
Start NOW with LEAPS Power Trader
LEAPS Power Trader gives you the power to multiply your money 103 times over. It does it all with investments that limit your risk. And your Charter Membership gives you TWO years of the service for the price of ONE.
But these Charter Memberships are going to sell out fast. 2,000 Charter Memberships to a sister service were sold in less than seven weeks. Considering the profit potential on steroids of LEAPS Power Trader — and the limitation on 500 Charter Members — this service could sell out even more quickly.
So don’t delay.
Call Mike or David at 1-800-453-9670.
Mike Larson
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MONEY AND MARKETS (MaM) is published by Weiss Research, Inc. and written by Martin D. Weiss along with Sean Brodrick, Larry Edelson, Michael Larson, Nilus Mattive, and Tony Sagami. To avoid conflicts of interest, Weiss Research and its staff do not hold positions in companies recommended in MaM. Nor do we accept any compensation for such recommendations. The comments, graphs, forecasts, and indices published in MaM are based upon data whose accuracy is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Performance returns cited are derived from our best estimates but must be considered hypothetical inasmuch as we do not track the actual prices investors pay or receive. Regular contributors and staff include John Burke, Amber Dakar, Monica Lewman-Garcia, Wendy Montes de Oca, Kristen Adams, Jennifer Moran, Red Morgan, and Julie Trudeau.
Attention editors and publishers! Money and Markets issues can be republished. Republished issues MUST include attribution of the author(s) and the following short blurb: This investment news is brought to you by Money and Markets. Money and Markets is a free daily investment newsletter from Martin D. Weiss and Weiss Research analysts offering the latest investing news and financial insights for the stock market, including tips and advice on investing in gold, energy and oil. Dr. Weiss is a leader in the fields of investing, interest rates, financial safety and economic forecasting. To view archives or subscribe, visit http://legacy.weissinc.com
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LEAPS Power Trader is designed to combine (a) one of the best documented, real-world track records known with (b) some of the most leveraged, limited-risk vehicles in the investment world.
Thus the 103-times profit potential cited in this letter is derived from the combination of:
(a) Actual published signals for buying and selling mutual funds. These signals are not based on hindsight and therefore provide a real world, reliable, and well-documented track record.
(b) Hypothetical trades assuming the signals were applied to the longest-term call option available on the stock representing one of the largest holdings of each fund.
The resulting hypothetical gains and losses were internally audited to ensure accuracy and remove bias stemming from the advantage of hindsight. However, all hypothetical performance records contain certain limitations: Due to the varying liquidity and volatility of the markets, the actual prices may have differed from those assumed. And the additional volume of trading generated by investors following our model portfolio could, in itself, have had an impact on the market.
For example, some of the trades assumed the purchase of single options in larger quantities than might have been available. In the LEAPS Power Trader, if the investor’s profits become so large that they create a similar problem, we may recommend that you (a) buy a broader diversity of similar options and (b) move a substantial portion of the funds from your trading account to other investments, such as Treasury securities or mutual funds.
In sum, the results cited in this letter are not what an investor actually achieved in the past. Rather, they are provided as an illustration of the great potential profits we believe our high-performance signals can produce when applied to LEAPS.
The track record is based on the following trading rules: (1) At the end of each calendar year, move your initial capital (e.g. $10,000 or $25,000) to cash and hold it in a money market account. Use these funds plus any interest income generated to help cover commissions and other costs. (2) Pay any taxes out of a separate account. (3) Invest the entire proceeds of each trade into the next trade. (4) When a buy signal is issued on a sector, purchase the longest term call option available on the stock or stocks representing the largest holdings in the sector. (5) Sell the option when a sell recommendation on the sector is issued or when the option closes at 20% or more below the purchase price of the option. (6) Repurchase the same option if the buy signal on the sector is still in force and the option closes 20% above the first purchase price.
Note: Any cash balances accumulated in the money market account could represent additional profits over and beyond the $1,032,504 or $2,581,259 results cited above.
For more information, see our terms and conditions.
© 2006 by Weiss Research, Inc. All rights reserved.
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