About Money and Markets
Money and Markets investment website has approximately 356,000 unique visitors who view 914,000 pages per month, while the free daily e-newsletter has more than 355,000 subscribers. Its editors and analysts are nationally recognized for their market commentary and investor advocacy. This unique investment website and e-newsletter is a no-cost, no-hype source for unbiased commentary you just won’t get from Wall Street. Money and Markets is published by Weiss Research, Inc. and written by Martin D. Weiss along with Mike Larson, Larry Edelson, Douglas Davenport, Bill Hall, Mike Burnick and other esteemed contributors.

Bios for our complete team of analysts are located here.

About Money and Markets Audience and Demographics
Money and Markets subscriber age ranges from the 20s to the 70s. Since we have a wide subscriber base and offer a variety of products and services,  with investment services with risk tolerance ranging  from conservative to speculative, trading in options, commodities, ETFs, etc. this base has demonstrated purchasing power for timely offers — both paid reports and subscription offers — both paid reports and subscription offers — and is an extremely appealing segment for any financial marketer or financial news publisher. We reach a desirable group of investors who want to learn the most recent financial and investment news.

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Your marketing dollars can have a big impact by engaging Money and Markets subscribers in a variety of ways. Moneyandmarkets.com and Money and Markets e-newsletter offer compelling content from some of the best names in the industry — delivered to a highly qualified subscriber base, as well as posted on a highly visible website. We ARE “the source” for unbiased market commentary that readers won’t get from the masses.

By sending your email or space ad to our list, you will be reaching Money and Markets readers who are highly responsive, educated, and interested in growing and protecting their wealth. They’re tuned into national and worldwide current events and how they affect growing market trends.

Money and Markets is well known for its family of financial newsletters including:

Safe Money Report: Targeting mature, conservative investors who are looking to protect their assets while providing modest growth …

Real Wealth Report dedicates each issue to growth-oriented stock and commodity investments, and …

Freedom and Prosperity Letter is designed to give you the real story on the United States’ political scene and economic climate, as well as actionable advice to protect wealth and restore prosperity.

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