Protect and Grow Your Wealth Confidently
For more than 40 years, Weiss Research has had one mission: To provide you with the independent analysis and insights you need to help safeguard your portfolio, grow your wealth and secure your retirement.
That’s why we created this helpful resource page to assist you in quickly finding the specific information you need most — with free reports, special investment guides and highlights of some of our most popular investment services and publications.
Free Resources and Reports:
Simply put, the Weiss Watchdog free service can help you easily monitor every company you invest in, do business with or are considering for the future.
The Weiss Watchdog Team does all the work … watching these investments and companies … and will send you an email ALERT every time there is a change in the rating.
To help you find a truly safe place for your money — and keep it safe — in good times and bad, Take a free look at Weiss Ratings Strongest Large Banks & Thrifts … revealing the strongest ranked banks, thrifts and insurance companies in the U.S. that are worthy of your trust.
Contrarian investing is about bucking the trend and putting your money into sectors and stocks that everyone else hates, while they are at rock-bottom prices.
In this FREE report … you’ll find out where 75-year-old contrarian billionaire Wilbur Ross will invest next. Learn how he made a multi-billion dollar fortune buying things that few others will.
Special Investment Guides:

Winners and Losers in the Great Global Banking Crisis
If you listen to some bank executives and scan the results of recent “stress tests,” you might be lulled into thinking everything in global banking is fine. But, then the largest bank in our nation and a key global player, JP Morgan, announces its dramatic foul-up in derivative trading – a blunder that could cost the bank $4 billion, or more.
Now, it’s impossible to miss the big picture – the world’s financial system is in the midst of a monumental struggle to regain stability. Yet the agencies that are supposed to give us accurate, unbiased information on these financial companies simple don’t.
That’s why we’ve released the first truly independent ratings on the world’s major financial companies.
Monthly Publications:

Safe Money was created with one goal in mind: To give individual investors the insights and recommendations they need to keep their portfolios safe and growing even in the toughest of times.
It’s your complete self-defense system — designed to help you protect every dollar you’ve scrimped to save and risked to grow …
It’s your income compass — pointing you towards investments with the potential to double or even triple your yields reliably, year after year …
It’s your own, personal B.S. detector — fearlessly exposing the wealth-destroying lies Washington and Wall Street love to tell you, while delivering the unvarnished truth nobody else will …
And it’s your financial weather vane — constantly scanning the markets to identify which specific investments you should avoid, which ones have finally hit bottom, and which ones are most likely to grow your nest egg by leaps and bounds!
So why not try Safe Money at the low, introductory rate of just $49 for a one year subscription. Plus, you’ll benefit from our automatic renewal plan. Each time your membership is about to expire, you’ll be notified ahead of time and then charged the lowest renewal rate and you’ll never miss an issue. You can cancel or opt out of auto-renew at any time after purchase.

Stock booms go bust. Bond rallies fizzle. Paper currencies turn to dust. But demand for natural resources — food and water … oil and energy … raw manufacturing materials … and yes, precious metals — is enduring.
Larry Edelson scours the far corners of the globe to bring you unbiased profit opportunities in natural resources — personally visiting mining companies, oil and gas drillers, and agricultural producers to help you pull huge profit potential out of the ground.
You get specific natural resource investments designed to help you triple or even quadruple your money … breaking news on developments that will have a dramatic impact on energy stocks, precious metals and other investments … plus, speculative opportunities carefully selected to help you multiply your money four or five times faster!