Personal Finance Corner
Welcome to Money and Markets’
Personal Finance Corner with Amber Dakar!
Personal finance is an integral part of our daily lives. Well managed personal finances require an honest analysis of your current financial position, assessing your short- and long-term financial goals and calculating how to achieve them.
Well handled personal finances enable you to budget your monthly expenditures, purchase large ticket items with peace of mind, be ready for unexpected emergencies, and plan for a comfortable retirement.
This site was created to offer an overview of several aspects of personal finance that has had or may have an affect on your life. Each topic page on this site focuses on personal finance issues, gives you the key to understanding them and offers you ideas for maintaining your financial soundness or attaining financial stability.
May your personal financial decisions be sound and beneficial for this year and years to come!
Amber Dakar aims to provide down-to-earth money management methods for the everyday person. If you’re looking for tips that will make your finances their personal best then visit this site for timely and practical information.
Amber Dakar is supervisor of the research department at Weiss Research. Before moving into her current role, Ms. Dakar was a senior analyst and product manager overseeing research for the product line. Prior to that role, Ms. Dakar was a financial research analyst providing research for numerous Weiss publications, while monitoring the performance of the newsletter recommendations.
Previously, Ms. Dakar was employed at Bloomberg L.P. as a data analyst and later as a team leader with responsibility for a broad range of research activities, including examination of domestic and Eurobond floating rate notes and dividends on preferred stocks.
Ms. Dakar is the author of The Busy Person’s Guide to Personal Finance, a primer to help consumers manage their finances so they can build a substantial nest-egg. She also conducts personal finance seminars where she provides concepts to attain overall financial health and has been a guest on various regional and nationally syndicated radio programs including CNN Radio, CNBC Market Watch, Fox News Radio and Traders Nation discussing personal finance strategies for today’s consumer.
Ms. Dakar holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s in business administration.

Are you on the road to retirement or have you already arrived? Practical information on retirement issues.