The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide
With no end to the global debt crisis in sight and the American economy sinking into depression, traditional advice on money could lead millions of innocent victims down the road of deepening losses. But with this timely book, Martin Weiss will guide you to the truly safe havens and show you how to turn this crisis into a unique wealth-building opportunity.
As editor of the Safe Money and author of Crash Profits, Martin Weiss specifically warned of this crisis well before it began. He helped thousands of investors avoid losses by forecasting the financial difficulties of Washington Mutual, Wachovia Bank, Fannie Mae, Lehman Brothers, General Motors, and Citigroup — plus nearly every major troubled firm — well in advance. Indeed, the accuracy of his analysis is why the U.S. Government Accountability Office has praised his work; the New York Times wrote that he was “the first to warn of the dangers and say so unambiguously”; and the Wall Street Journal reported that his company’s research outperformed that of all Wall Street firms they covered.
Martin Weiss’s father, one of the only economists in the modern era who not only advised investors during the 1930s Great Depression, but also predicted it, performed a similar service for investors. And now, with The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide, Weiss combines the past analysis of his father with his own contemporary insights to help you protect your money, improve your income, and build wealth in the worst of times.
Step by step, Weiss outlines effective strategies that will help you to sidestep the continuing dangers in stocks, cut your losses in real estate, escape a banking crisis, build a substantial cash nest egg, and put that cash away in the safest possible place. If you feel you’re stuck with sinking real estate or falling stocks, he offers you a solution that will help you sleep at night despite continuing market declines. Plus, he shows you how to recognize the ultimate bottom in real estate and stocks, giving you the opportunity to buy choice assets at bargain prices.
To survive the crisis on Wall Street and Main Street, you don’t need extensive investing experience or the ability to forecast the future. All you need is the courage to get out of its way. So throw out your preconceived notions, start with a clean slate, and follow the commonsense guidance found in this reliable resource to survive — and thrive — during the turbulent times ahead.
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