Bill Hall

I’m Bill Hall, editor of Safe Money Report.
If you’ve been with the Weiss family for a while, you may remember me. I was the editor of Weiss Wealth Masters, the Park Avenue Society and Martin’s Million Dollar Portfolio for several years between 2012 and 2014. During that time, my subscribers — as well as Martin himself — enjoyed substantial returns compared to the market, especially on a risk-adjusted basis.
Then, as often happens, my business life took a turn, which required me to step away from my weekly writings at Weiss Research for a bit because of other pressing professional demands on my time.
But I am getting ahead of myself. So, let’s start at the beginning.
My career began, as so many in finance do, with a degree in accounting. After studying accounting at the University of Richmond, I landed a job right out of college with a “Big Eight” accounting firm. Then, after obtaining the required hands-on experience, I was awarded the CPA designation.
But it didn’t take long before I was bored out of my mind.
I soon discovered with accounting, you’re merely recording history. And I wanted more. I wanted to use the numbers I was generating to look forward and help people plan for a better life … instead of simply looking back at what had already happened.
More importantly, in the financial markets, I realized you could measure success by how well your clients and their portfolios do. And this is something I take very seriously.
So, I became a Certified Professional Planner (CFP). And in 1990, I left to establish my own financial planning practice, Hazzard & Hall, with my longtime mentor, Bob Hazzard.
Together Bob and I developed a financial planning and private trustee practice, handling investments and finances for a number of wealthy clients. I also became one of the first CPA’s in the U.S. to register as an Investment Advisor or RIA. Even better, I had a blast.
Our business was so successful that it rapidly grew to a point where we had to either make a significant investment in the back-office… or sell. So, in 1995, we sold to a private bank and investment management firm that managed about $2 billion invested primarily in the U.S. financial markets. I became a Managing Director and joined their investment committee.
While working there, I also received the very prestigious Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. But still, it wasn’t enough.
You see, I wasn’t learning anything new, especially about global investing. And I knew that to move forward and do the best job for the clients that had entrusted their precious investment capital to me, I needed to learn about investing in markets all over the world… not just the U.S.
That’s because I thought then — and I know now — that it’s essential to have a global view to protect and grow your money… in good times and bad.
So, I walked away and accepted a position with a global asset manager.
And moving on was one of the best things I ever did. That’s because I joined W.P Stewart Asset Management which had offices in Maine, (my home base!) New York City, London, Hong Kong, and Bermuda and managed more than $14 billion for some of the wealthiest families around the world.
The company is famous for handing its investors compounded annual returns exceeding 16% for more than 38 years. Eventually, I was promoted to President and CEO and I even had meetings with some of the “who’s who” of the investing — including Warren Buffett, Jamie Dimon, Janet Yellen, and more.
But once again, life took a turn as W.P. Stewart was bought out.
So, for me, it was onto an exciting new entrepreneurial adventure in asset management. This time, I cofounded Plimsoll Mark Capital with Tom Barry, the former head of global investments for the Rockefeller family.
Our aim was to create a private wealth management firm with a worldwide view and unique investment approach using our combined experience managing money for the world’s superrich. It’s at this point, that I also established my relationship with Weiss Research.
After a successful five-year run, we sold the controlling interest in Plimsoll Mark Capital to a Harland & Co. — an $18 billion wealth management company based in Cleveland, Ohio.
But the sale to Hartland had an unintended consequence. It caused me to step aside from editorial duties with Weiss despite the fact that I was thoroughly enjoying putting my thoughts on paper and helping everyday investors manage their money.
That’s because, as you can imagine, I had my hands full as a director at Hartland & Co. as well as a new member of their management and investment committees. I also led the charge to help them establish a bank, Plimsoll Mark Trust, where currently I serve as the CEO and President.
My story with Weiss could have ended here, but fortunately, good things do come back around.
This time — after a two-year absence — Martin Weiss called me and personally asked that I take over the reins of Safe Money Report. And I, of course, jumped at the chance!
Why? For one thing, the timing was perfect for me professionally. But more importantly, it’s because SAFE MONEY is what I’m all about.
Throughout my career, I have learned how to make real money… enduring capital that you can hold onto and keep. And I want to share knowledge that knowledge with everyday investors… not just the ultra-wealthy.
I’m not a guy who swings for the fences. But I’m also not the guy who hunkers down in the bunker. I make money on the upside … and protect the precious investment capital that’s entrusted to my care on the downside.
I love using numbers to forecast the future and explaining economic and financial matters in an easy-to-understand way.
I’m also an avid sports fan. This is why I created the Get in and Win Sports Wagering System which applies the same time-tested investment principles practiced successfully on Wall Street for years by the world’s best money managers to the sports betting markets. And why I recently founded Game Point Capital, a specialty insurance firm that insures performance bonuses for coaches and athletes.
The bottom line … whether you’re picking stocks, wagering on sports, or insuring sport’s performance bonuses, it’s all about the odds — and making sure they’re squarely on your side so you can make money when the time is right and stay out of harm’s way when trouble is brewing.
And, most importantly, that’s what I intend to do as your guide in the Safe Money Report.
Best wishes,
Bill Hall