
The Last Word for 2014 … Is Yours
As the final hours of 2014 tick away, I wanted to present some thoughts about various issues and get your viewpoints. …

What You Really Need to Know About Gold in 2015 …
I love gold. I love its history. I love the role it’s had in many a monetary system. I love the beauty of gold. I love the versatile uses of gold. I …

What I’m Watching in the Waning Hours of the “Old Year”
In 31 hours, give or take a few minutes, you, me, and millions of other Americans will celebrate the end of 2014, and welcome in 2015. It has been one heck of a year for investors ... …

Do You Have Enough for Retirement?
[Editor’s Note: Because of the holiday, some readers might have missed this article that was published in our Afternoon Edition last week. As it generated a heavy response from readers and many …

Greek Political Turmoil … Libyan Energy Battles … Asia Air Crises All in the News as Year Winds Down!
The holiday season is often a quiet time in the markets and the news. But not this year! …

Money and Markets Economic and Company Calendar Dec. 29-Jan 2
There will be a few economic reports of interest in this holiday-shortened week, including the ISM Manufacturing Index on Friday and Jobless Claims on Wednesday. Otherwise, this “boxing week,” as the British …

Will 2015 be another 1999?
Will the year 2015 deliver a speculative bubble reminiscent of 1999? Will it then be followed by a great bust similar to the Tech Wreck of the early 2000s? This was the …

S&P Surges While Oil Plummets … And a Glimpse Into 2015
Here’s a quick, executive summary of stories from this abbreviated trading week, with a link to the full articles online. Markets were closed Thursday and most of them for a half-day on …

Small Businesses, Consumers Feeling Good — Are You?
Confidence levels for small business and for consumers appears to be on the rise in America. Is that a sign of things to come in 2015? …

What a Year, Huh? A Look Back at 2014’s Highlights (and Lowlights!)
With the last few days of 2014 ticking down, this is a great time to look back at the year that was. Because boy was it an exciting one! Think of what …

Happy Holidays
Our Money and Markets team is off today, spending some quality time with family and friends. But we wanted to take a moment to wish you all the best during this …

Merry Christmas and a Glimpse Into 2015 …
When I first met Martin, almost 20 years ago in 1995, we immediately hit it off. We talked of bubbles past, present and future. We both knew, instinctively, that it was only …

Americans Fall Short on Retirement Savings
Americans are not saving enough for their retirement, at least that’s what the numbers are telling us. …

After Long History, Allison Succeeds as Public Company
Some of the most advanced technology developed in the past 10 years has gone into improving industrial goods whose mechanical operations were long taken for granted. Leading the charge for commercial trucks …

Are We Pushing Them Together?
My enemy’s enemy? Is that how Russia and China are looking at the West now? Is the West pushing the two giants into each other’s arms? That’s what it was starting to look like over the weekend. …

Why the S&P Surges When Oil Plunges
Last week, I gave you hard proof of how our team predicted the oil price plunge, with great specificity and plenty of lead time. I showed you Larry Edelson’s chart, published here …

Oil: Disaster or Bonanza? And the Saudi Effect
Here’s a quick, executive summary of the week’s stories, with a link to the full articles online … Oil: Disaster or Bonanza? Have you been shocked by the oil price plunge? Most …

How Can You Make a Ton of $$? By Pouncing When Huge Profit Opportunities Are There for the Taking!
There’s nothing I like more than a great deal. I don’t care if it’s at the grocery store, in the stock, bond, and currency markets, or anywhere else! The trick is ... …

Fed Confirms: Clock is Ticking Toward America’s Day of Reckoning!
The Day: A Wednesday in early 2015 The Time: 2 p.m. Eastern The Event: America’s Day of Reckoning I’ve been predicting it for a while. Now, the Federal Reserve just confirmed: The …

Stock Markets Surge Globally as Central Banks Soothe Sentiment! Will it Last?
Was early Tuesday morning the “max pain momentâ€? It just might be — and just as we’ve seen in the past few years, central banks were the catalyst. …

Ponzis, Central Banks and Your Gold
Dan was a wealthy man. He lived a life of luxury. And why shouldn’t he? He was a valued senior executive of a major investment firm with a salary of more than …

Fed Speak, Russia and Something From Cuba
Today, the Fed blinked, according to most Wall Street pundits, who widely expected the Fed to remain on track to raise interest rates sooner rather than later. …

Europe Down the Tubes in 2015!
Almost everyone I talk to thinks the European sovereign debt crisis is coming to an end. They claim the decline in the euro will stoke inflation there … that Mario Draghi, the …

Russia Crashes! But U.S. Markets Shrug Amid Intervention Talk! So What’s Next?
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse in Russia, it did! It wasn’t just Russia, either. Venezuelan bonds collapsed further. Middle Eastern and South American stock markets got rocked. …

The Saudi Stimulus
Veteran technical analyst and data cruncher Tom McClelland notes that many analysts are likening the recent price drop in oil to a big tax cut, with an associated stimulative economic effect. But what …

Emerging Markets Meltdown Brings 1998 Long-Term Capital Management Debacle to Mind!
The year was 1998. The locus of the crisis was Russia. The cause was a debt crisis. The result was a collapse in emerging markets stocks, EM currencies like the Russian ruble, and EM bonds. …

Oil Disaster or Oil Bonanza?
Have you been shocked by the oil price plunge? Most pundits have! So have the big oil magnates in Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela, Mexico, Malaysia, and every other country that was betting …

The Great Unraveling — and the End of the Euro Zone?
Here’s a quick, executive summary of the stories for the week, with a link to the full articles online. The Great Unraveling The world is unraveling; the depth of the disorder is …

Global Stocks Crashing! It’s Not as Bad Here, But Should We Be Worried?
Stock markets are crashing! No, not the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Or the S&P 500. They’re only a couple percentages off their all-time highs. …

Key Housing Trends I’m Watching as We Head Into 2015
Several days ago, I hung hundreds of Christmas lights on our home, our trees, and our bushes to get ready for the holidays. I always enjoy decorating, and my wife indulges me …

Are We Facing an Oil Crisis? Or is Wall Street Getting Swept up in Oil Hype? Here’s My Take …
All oil, all the time. That’s what it seems like the news is focused on, considering that crude prices have dropped to around $60 a barrel from a summer high near $108. That’s a five-year low. …

It Takes Two — the Critical Elements to Investing!
It’s been said that “timing is everything,” and when it comes to financial markets, most investors would absolutely agree that good timing is essential. But if you’re a long-term investor like Warren …

What’s Missing This Year-End? Washington Budget Madness!
No DC madness this time when it comes to budget time? Perhaps we can focus on other things like actual market fundamentals. …

Oil Plunge Has More to Go!
The interim bear market in gold and other precious metals that I’ve been tracking for you isn’t the only bear market out there. As I warned quite some time ago, the price …

“Carry Trades” Dominating Market Action — But Troubling Tremors Starting to Emerge!
You may not know what they are, but "carry trades" are dominating market action around the globe. …

The Last Days of the Euro Zone?
Do you want to worry about something real, now that everyone is in such a good mood? I suggest worrying about the breakup of the euro zone again. Yeah, yeah, I know …

Mickey D’s Getting Eaten Alive – But Why? My Take …
The numbers we keep getting out of this American fast-food icon show the company is running off the rails. …

The Best Stock in the World — and the State of Oil
Here’s  a quick, executive summary of the stories for the holiday-shortened week, with a link to the full articles online. The No. 1 Stock in the World Right Now? Martin D. Weiss …

Job Growth Surges! Wage Growth Ramps! Chances of Fed “Bloody Wednesday” Rising Fast!
The U.S. Federal Reserve has trotted out excuse after excuse for keeping interest rates pegged at crisis-era levels. Today, its last excuse got blown out of the water! …

What China’s Market Tells Us About Our Rates, Stocks
The economic data out of China has been downright awful. Just consider the following litany of depressing news: ==> The amount of bad loans clogging the Chinese banking system jumped 72.5 billion …

“Draghi Drama” Drives Today’s Market Action! So What’s Next for ECB, Currencies & Stocks?
Draghi Drama! That’s what drove the markets today without a doubt. …

Swiss Gold Measure Goes Down Big Time
The “Save Our Swiss Gold” referendum in Switzerland was voted down in Sunday’s election. It wasn’t even close. The grassroots measure requiring the Swiss central bank to hold 20 percent of its …

Plunging Ruble, Sinking Economy Put Russia’s Putin in a Shrinking Box — How Will He Respond?
Russian President Vladimir Putin is in a box — and it’s shrinking by the day! With little relief on the way, the only question now is “How will he respond?†…

Confirmed Long-Term Bull Market!
Equity markets are now in a long-term bull market, the likes of which has not been seen since the 1932 to 1937 period, when the Dow Jones Industrials soared nearly 382 percent …

Energy, Rates and the End of Panic Selling?
We may have gotten to a point where both interest rates and energy stocks have priced in all the potential negative news, setting the stage for one of those very sharp reversals. …

Oil Credit Crumbles
While it is tempting to see the 38 percent plunge in oil prices since mid-June as benign and positive for the U.S. economic recovery, there is a nasty downside to the story. …

Have We Hit the Bottom?
Down, down, down. That seemed to be the theme this morning upon our return from the Thanksgiving holiday. The main declines came from oil prices, retail sales and energy stocks. …

28x Money Growth, Part III
The Stock I’ve Ranked as the #1 Best in the World
In the past few days, I’ve been showing you what it takes to accomplish each of these “impossible” investment feats: To multiply your wealth by seven times in less than ten …

The Impending Cold War — and a Turkey Dinner
Here’s a quick, executive summary of the stories for the holiday–shortened week, with a link to the full articles online. New Cold War Heats Up! What’s Next? There are unique times in …

Still Celebrating …
The Larson household is still full — in more ways than one! — from the Thanksgiving holiday. Given the shortened trading day, and the time I’m spending with family and friends, there …

What I’m Thankful for This Holiday Season
The Friday after Thanksgiving. If you’re not nursing a “turkey hangover,” good for you! I know I am, and I’m sure most of the traders on Wall Street are too. That’s why …

Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is a time for celebrating with family and friends, and that’s exactly what I’m doing myself. We have quite the full house, and are just hoping there will be enough turkey, …

A Quick Note of Thanks from Money and Markets …
While we don’t often agree with Wall Street, we do appreciate its tradition of closing the U.S. markets to give investors the opportunity to enjoy the holiday with their families. Taking care …

Gold’s Next Bull Market …
Almost no one thought gold and silver could ever get hit as hard as they’ve been. Not even the likes of big gold investors like George Soros … John Paulson … Rick …

An Open-and-Shut Matter
To open or not — that’s the question many retailers debated this season. Should they conduct business on Thanksgiving Day or remained closed to allow workers to have the day off? …

GDP Surging in America, Lagging or Sinking Everywhere Else! What it Means …
Well that settles it. The U.S. of A. is kicking everyone else’s tail! Revisions to the third-quarter GDP report show the U.S. economy grew at a 3.9 percent rate. That doesn’t mean our economy is firing on all cylinders, or that everything is hunky dory. …

A Central Banker’s Market
It doesn’t get any better than this for the bulls. For a hundred billion in market cap to be added to stocks these days, there’s no need for new products, services, strategy …

Americans Are Paying the Least for Gas in 4 Years … But Will OPEC Stand for It?
It’s official: The long-standing Lundberg survey found that regular gas now sells for an average $2.84 per gallon, down a dime from the previous week. It hasn’t been this cheap since November 2010. …

How to Avoid Major Scams — and the Case for MLPs
Here’s a quick, executive summary of the week’s stories, with a link to the full articles online … 6 Major Investment Scams and How to Avoid Them Not long ago, investing in …

It’s a New Open Enrollment Season for Obamacare — But the Same Old Health Care Problems Remain!
Americans can now sign up for new Obamacare coverage or switch existing coverage during this period. Everything from co-pays to provider networks may have changed in the past year. So if you are taking advantage of the law, you need to pay close attention to those changes. …

After Correction, MLPs Attractive Again
Relatively high yields. Strong recent growth. Leverage to the domestic energy renaissance. There’s a lot to like about master limited partnerships, or MLPs. But investors were having none of it over the …

As JetBlue Caves, Flying Experience Gets Even Worse!
How bad does flying stink these days? Unless you’re the kind of person who can travel first class courtesy of an expense account or your own financial success, tons. …

The Rich and the Really Rich
Fed Chair Janet Yellen, we learned last month, is “greatly concerned” with America’s growing wealth gap. That’s a little like Al Capone being concerned with bank robberies. Is it possible that Janet …

The Big Snow Job! What Plunging Temperatures Mean for Markets!
Six feet of snow. That’s enough to bury houses, block or break doors, strand motorists for hours or days, and virtually shut down cities. So what does it mean for the markets? …

Much Higher Dow Simple to Understand …
Ever since the March 2009 crash low in the U.S. equity markets, I’ve maintained my view that the Dow Industrials and other broad market indices were entering a new bull market. That …

Mega-Deals Fueling Biggest M&A and Fee Boom Ever!
The massive flood of easy money washing over the world isn’t doing much for average Americans. But it sure is making it rain on Wall Street! …

Fed Hands QE Helm to Japan
Stocks finished a smidge higher last week in a set of sessions so quiet that you felt compelled to check your Internet connection because it seemed like prices just were not moving. …

Japan Spends Hundreds of Trillions in Yen … to Buy a Recession! What a Joke!
You spend 80 TRILLION yen every month to buy bonds, stocks, and real estate ETFs. That’s up 10 trillion from just a few months ago. And what do you get? …

The Flood of Global Money … and Tanks and Junk
Here’s a quick, executive summary of the week’s stories, with a link to the full articles online … Global Money Floods In! What to do! The global money tsunami Martin D. Weiss …

Japanese Yen Collapse Makes It the Sickest Currency in the World! How to Profit …
The value of their money is collapsing. Right before their eyes. …

What Junk and Convertibles Are Trying to Tell Us
The stock market has been on a tear in the past couple of weeks, seemingly putting all of its concerns behind it. As a matter of fact, this is one of the …

Putin Pushing West With Tanks, Troops And More! Markets Pushing Higher!
Russian President Vladimir Putin is pushing west ... yet stock markets just keep pushing higher! …

How to Beat the Hedge Fund Wizards at Their Own Game
Hedge fund managers have been complaining all year that financial markets were acting a bit too well-behaved to make any money in the absence of market-moving volatility. Well, be careful what you …

Banksters Ripping Us Off — Again! Staggering Forex Fines Add to Tens of Billions in Penalties!
Do the world’s mega-banks do anything on the straight and narrow? Or do they cut corners, rip investors off, violate rules and laws, and otherwise act shady in virtually every business line they operate? …

Inflation and Deflation: Two Sides of the Same Coin!
The most frequently asked question I seem to get is, “Larry, don’t you see hyperinflation for the U.S. in the years ahead?” It’s understandable. After all, we have seen the U.S. Federal …

Are You Neutral on This Issue?
The president came out forcefully in favor of “net neutrality.†It’s a complicated issue, the type of debate that often confuses people... But this issue is an extremely important matter. …

A World at the Crossroads
Europe is at a political, economic and historic crossroads. The joyous and raucous celebrations 25 years ago and today in Berlin can’t mask the concerns. …

Will Minimum Wage Hikes Squash Job Growth?
This morning the Labor Department announced that the U.S. added enough new jobs in October to push the unemployment rate down to 5.8 percent — a six-year low. Still, the improvement in hiring has yet to translate into higher wages. …

What I’m telling Our German Audience Today …
Every year around this time, I have the pleasure and privilege of addressing readers of the German-language version of Safe Money Report. I find these trips valuable for many reasons, not the …

Guten Abend!
It’s getting close to midnight here in the beautiful German city of Munich. I’m here to speak to subscribers of the German-language version of our flagship Safe Money Report publication, “Sicheres Geld.†…

Why I’m Glad to See Lower Gold Prices
It’s probably Milton Friedman’s most famous saying: “Put government in charge of the Sahara desert and in five years you’ll have a shortage of sand.” What sand is to the Sahara, petroleum …

Why Gridlock is Good!
The people have spoken and Republicans took back control of the senate on Election Day. So now the question is: How will this impact financial markets and the economy? …

Your most important questions, answered!
I’m getting so many questions from readers, so this week I’m going to devote my column to answering the most important ones. Let’s get started! Q: Larry, you had a tough time …

Oil War Breaking Out! What Saudi Arabia’s Latest Salvo Means to You …
Saudi Arabia just launched a massive salvo against the U.S. The largest oil producer in OPEC cut the price of oil exported here, while simultaneously raising the price of oil sold to Asia and other regions. …

New Optimism in the Semiconductor Sector
Stocks wrapped up a volatile October on a positive note after Japan’s central bank grabbed the baton from the U.S. central bank in the relay race to keep pumping cheap money into …

Explosive News! Two Disasters Raise Questions About Future Space Travel
Space flight has been in the news again in recent days. But it’s not what we would want to hear. …

Spooky Signs, Dark Scenarios and Silver Linings
Dark Scenario with Silver Lining Martin D. Weiss explains how you can — and why you probably must — create your own safe paradise amid all the global turmoil, whether it’s where …

Bank of Japan Ramps QE — Even as Fed Quits! Pension Fund Loads Up on Stocks!
Forget fundamentals, we’ve got the Bank of Japan! That’s the cry you could hear up and down Wall Street this morning after the BOJ dropped a QE bomb on the markets. …

Spooky Signs for the Housing Market on Halloween!
Today is Halloween here in the U.S. A time for trick-or-treating, gorging on candy and sweets, scaring the heck out of your kids, and otherwise enjoying the beautiful fall season. Our neighborhood …

The Numbers Say We’re Growing by Leaps and Bounds — Are YOU Feeling It?
We got our first read on third-quarter GDP growth today — and boy were the numbers strong! But do you feel better now than you did back in 2003, when the housing boom was just getting going and we were coming out of the 2000-2002 tech wreck? …

QE3 R.I.P., What It Could Mean for Stocks
Yesterday, the Federal Reserve followed through on its well-telegraphed intent to end quantitative easing (QE) as planned this month. Now investors wonder how this milestone will impact markets, if at all. Just …

The End of QE! Can the Economy Stand on Its Own?
The Federal Reserve finally put the kibosh on the third incarnation of its money-printing program. What else did the Fed have to say regarding the economy? …

Gold: The Ultimate Store of Value?
Over the past couple of weeks, gold has managed a meager rally. Yet, despite the rally, gold has already given me a major sell signal. And another one looms ahead. Ditto for …

“Alibaba” Indicator Goes Berserk! What Does It Mean?
My “Alibaba†indicator is going berserk! I’m talking about the trading action in Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (BABA). …

Wanna Bet? You Can’t Just Yet!
As of last weekend, sports betting was set to become legal in the state of New Jersey, and casinos and race tracks were gearing up to accept wagers on football, basketball, baseball and other games. But a federal judge had other ideas. …

New Offices, New Perspectives on the Markets!
The markets haven’t gotten SAFER in the last several days, days accompanied by a fresh melt up. I believe they’ve actually gotten RISKIER. Look at all that happened over the weekend ... …

Dark Scenario with Silver Lining
I live in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and it’s truly a very peaceful place to work or retire. The crime rate is among the lowest in the nation. The weather is …

Sorting Out Corporate Earnings, and Europe’s Woes
Here’s a quick, executive summary of the week’s stories, with a link to the full articles online … Is the European debt crisis back? No. It never ended! We’ve been seeing some …

Markets Stay Positive, Stave off Ebola Panic
Authorities confirmed that a patient in New York City has tested positive for Ebola. Those remarks immediately hit the markets. Is the diseases effect on the markets warranted? …

Warning Signs! Europe, China Woes Show the Challenges We Face
The U.S. economy keeps on humming along. Initial jobless claims fell last week to 264,000, the lowest level since all the way back in 2000. Industrial production jumped 1 percent in September, …