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When I first met Martin, almost 20 years ago in 1995, we immediately hit it off. We talked of bubbles past, present and future. We both knew, instinctively, that it was only a matter of time before the world would experience such a rash of bubble–blowing, that nothing, absolutely nothing, would ever be the same again.
Together, we set out on a mission: To expose the shenanigans both on and off Wall Street. We tore apart the financials of companies like Enron and WorldCom. We repeatedly warned investors of their imminent demise.
We warned of the Asian financial crisis in 1998, and the demise of Long Term Capital Management, the first major financial derivatives bombs that exploded and nearly took down the U.S. banking system.
We warned of the Mexican “peso” crisis, and how investors would be fleeced by the investment bankers.
We exposed the crooked sales pitches that Wall Street used to get you to buy just about anything under the sun, investments that brokers themselves knew hardly anything about, or worse, laughed at, but which they could sugarcoat with such finesse it would make a candy-maker shy.
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Investors should think on their own, to dispel all the misinformation that’s out there. |
We harped, over and over again on conflicts of interest on Wall Street. We exposed crooked gold and silver bullion dealers. We left no stones unturned in our efforts to protect investors.
We warned of the real estate crisis, harped on and capitalized on the birth of emerging markets, caught the entire rally in the gold market since 2000, and its turn into a temporary bear market in 2011, and more, much more.
We will continue to warn investors of the dangers that Wall Street and Washington seem to perpetually create for investors.
But by the same token, we will also always do our utmost to help you profit from them.
Because very simply put, no matter how insensitive Wall Street or Washington is to your wealth, we’re the opposite …
And we want you to have as many informed opportunities to protect and grow your wealth as is humanly possible.
[Editor’s note: For Larry’s guide to investing in natural resources with real assets that produce real earnings, check out his Real Wealth Report.]
That’s especially true in today’s global economy, where central banks and governments all over the world are determined to save — not you, but their own butts — and at your expense.
It’s also why Martin has set out on a mission to help you profit from further rallies in the market — with stocks that are fundamentally strong and pay good dividends even WITHOUT the wind in their sails from money printing and other government schemes.
It’s why I am constantly harping on investors to think on their own, to dispel all the misinformation that’s out there, to avoid buying into conspiracy theories, and to recognize markets for what they truly are …
Subject to free market forces that no investment banker, central bank, or government can ultimately manipulate or control.
It’s also why we are searching out many new ways to help you profit — including strategies to help you grow your wealth as America’s enormous bond bubble continues to burst … as the dollar continues to rally … and as gold and other tangible assets continue lower in their temporary, but powerfully disinflationary, bear markets.
2015 is going to be a banner year for YOU. According to my models, it will be a year as significant, if not more so, than 2008, when the real estate crisis hit.
It will be the year sovereign debt markets collapse … the year the euro plummets into an abyss, and with it, the entire European Union experiment.
It will also be a pivotal year in the war cycles, with more conflicts due to hit, all over the globe. From increased cyber espionage to more social protests against authorities.
From increasing currency wars, to outright trade wars.
From domestic and international terrorism, the increased frequency of civil protests and wars, to outright international conflict.
And the markets — all of them — will be ripe for the picking.
We’re lining up new products to help you profit … revitalizing existing products to make sure they are up to the task … and fine-tuning every aspect of our research, our economic models, our trading models and more.
As for the markets right now, gold and silver may have one more bounce in them, but they remain in bear markets which will bottom in 2015.
Most commodities also remain in bear markets, even oil, which will not see its lows until it moves below the $50 level. And no, the decline you’ve seen in oil is not a conspiracy theory, designed to break Putin, as so many conspiracy theorists claim.
It’s disinflation, which is striking almost everywhere, depressing the prices of most tangible assets, while providing still more fuel for the long–term bull market in the Dow, which will see the 31,000 level, in the years ahead.
For now, I wish you a very, Merry Christmas!
Best wishes,
“We are so close to a bottom in precious metals, I can taste it†– Larry Edelson (6/7/13)
It will be the year sovereign debt markets collapse … the year the euro plummets into an abyss, and with it, the entire European Union experiment.
Now Larry is saying its 2015… well one year he may get it right for a change..
Listening to this twit has cost me a fortune.. now read his columns just for laugh !
“As for the markets right now, gold and silver may have one more bounce in them, but they remain in bear markets which will bottom in 2015.”
This opinion subject to change,as necessary.
This is actually one of the few times Larry is correct. This is what I have said several times in this comment area since last summer and I have been right (unlike Larry).
u sure sound like larry!
You must not have read too many comments – I have been one of his harshest critics and have called out his outright bad calls right away. I have been 100% accurate.
Yeah ….and it may rain tomorrow or it may not…
We hit “unsubscribe” on your emails by mistake – please continue
“buy ung at 26$” buy reccomendation this year. ung under 16 today
2 yrs ago in monthly newsletter.
“buy drd at 7.50 or better. within the next few months it could easily go to 15$ and double from current prices since the forward p/e is 2.5”
drd at 1.50 today
“sell ir at 58$ stock market about to crash”
ir over 64$
summer this year.
“oil is now at 96$ the floor is $92-93 feel free to start buying quality oil companies”
6 months later oil companies down 30-50%
Larrys response to oil last week.
“looks like my $70 oil call is coming to fruition just as i warned”
“like always i am right as rain”
if u need more losing trades lmk theres plenty. larrys return this year for subscribers has to be -10% when stocks are up 13%
2 weeks ago.
“after this current correction shakes out, which could prove to be the biggest of them all, stocks will be ripe..”
today all time highs
he’s a bit off on timing of this one but be patient, it’s almost here.
jon ….good job – keep it coming it might save somebody !!!!
Ok my turn:
Larry dec 2013 oil going to 60, oil goes to 107. Then larry says oil going to 124 soon, oil dives to below 80 shortly after.
Ive lost si much money with this charlatan on gold and oil it hurts thinking about it over the holidays.
Yes merry xmas larry enjoy your subscribers money!
Yes. I get much better results by “casting” the dried chicken bones!
They keep saying, ‘buy PM’s and take physical delivery’. Works every time!
Dow 31,000? When will that be? I am curious… For sure not 2016 or 2017 as Larry claimed before… Maybe another 20 years or more.
Pete……no, not according to martin Armstrong – could be 2018
ya, and armstrong predicted 30,000 by 2015, did he not?? armstrong isn’t always right or should i say socrates.
and a lerry sales pitch back to you larry. very interesting, and selective, memory you have.
all these guys at Weiss are charlatans and martin is probably the worst. larson is laughable. their thrust is to scare folks with forecasts of impending disaster and then sell them solutions. evidently there are a lot of sheep out there who fall for it. DON’T TRUST ANY OF THEM of them with a penny of your money
Is anyone here a subscriber to Real Wealth report? I haven’t seen many positive reviews here.
I was a subscriber for about 3 months a year or so ago before I cancelled, His ads are hype but his actual results per his own schedule in RWR was a net Loss of 15 or 17%
on his recs except he had a great gain on the gold bullion and a gold stk fund he bought about 8 or 10 years ago, Right now I am loosing 40% or so on his GDX ,
Nilus ____ A younger guy advertised average returns of 25%, After I subscribed I saw his actual return was 2%, per his own list, so I cancelled and called to tell them why.
Avertised at 25, 30% etc but 2% was the actual.
How about this call for 2014:
” I am 100% certain gold will bottom this year.”
He may be right here if it does not go below 1140 in 2015
Yes, but then above he say’s this.
“As for the markets right now, gold and silver may have one more bounce in them, but they remain in bear markets which will bottom in 2015”.
Most commodities also remain in bear markets, even oil, which will not see its lows until it moves below the $50 level. And no, the decline you’ve seen in oil is not a conspiracy theory, designed to break Putin, as so many conspiracy theorists claim. i think you’ll find it’s possibly designed to break usa’s shale oil program? ,.
I was a subscriber but asked for my money back after Larry set us up for the correction in Gold with the anticipation to back the trucks up to fill them up with the precious stuff. Now we don’t hear about gold, but oil and the Euro, and war cycles.
Sheiss Research that’s all I have to say.
RC …I’m sure Martin Weiss knows the word even if it is misspelled …lol
The only real way to make any money trading is to learn to read the weekly/monthly charts. Don’t count on others to do your homework…
I am sure Larry is a smart guy but his recommendations have been far from stellar this past year.I am going to follow Ronald Reagan,s famous adage ” trust but verify “
not even worth the time. i have been a subscriber for 3 years, and keep telling myself this guy has got to be right soon and he isnt. ive lost a ton of money following him and the worst part about it is ive been missing out on an explosive bull market. i will not be renewing subscriptions for this self proclaimed idiot. only bright thing i can say is after a yr or 2 i learned to put his recommendations in a taxable act. and not my roth.
this guy sux dont pay for his lousy advice and dont even read these things unless u wanna do the opposite of what he recommends. i can name 20 lousy picks from him in the last few yrs that r down 50-80% from when he recommended them as a buy
This column raises Alan Turing’s famous question. Are you communicating with a person, or with a computer programmed to act like a person?
In this audience’s case, the question becomes, “Is Europe in economic collapse because of a conspiracy, or have they simply run out of useful ideas to fix their debt problem?”
Understand the dynamics behind the dilemma and the seeming importance of the Conspiracy question pales.
European and US thinkers in the 1970’s, 80’s, and 90’s, kept returning to the debt problem as one of a conflict between Sharia law and Western politics. In that simplistic view, Arab nations demanded payment in gold or silver, because the Koran forbids Muslims from paying or owing debt (which is the basis of the US and Euro currencies).
The simplistic solution that sophisticated thinkers on both shores of the Atlantic proposed, was to find a cheap alternative to Arab oil, and while hunting for it, temporarily to pay out the minimum amount of gold and silver bullion needed, to keep the oil flowing from the Middle East. This policy initially was called Energy Independence. In Europe, the policy is now called Climate Change Prevention.
The simplistic solution failed, because it looks only at a derivative quantity (money) and ignores a fundamental quantity (value).
Simply put, it costs a great deal more capital to harvest renewable energy, than it costs to dig stored energy out of the ground. We are perfectly free, as consumers, to choose not to use oil. But we must pay the capital cost of harvesting the renewable energy.
The misunderstanding is that we can make those high capital costs disappear, if we merely invent a tricky way to make gold and silver money obsolete, then give away all the West’s obsolete gold and silver to the Arab nations, get a big gulp of cheap oil, stimulate our economies, and rush to build enough renewable energy plants so that we can continue functioning after the oil supply shuts down.
It is the persistent belief in this Something For Nothing scenario that has brought us to the brink of financial ruin.
When we finally understand that renewable energy costs labor and material and land, and is not free to use, we will have realistic projections of how much capital the world needs to create, to survive after the oil runs out. Meanwhile, we humans will carry on like spoiled brats, insisting that our foolish attempts at trickery, will save us the effort of performing the necessary chores of running an economy. The exercise will be exhausting. It will be violent. And it will remind us all, just how dumb and gullible we are. When the fighting is over and a lot of assets are wrecked, the survivors will have to work even harder, to rebuild.
The smartest move one can make right now, is to invest in good relationships with honest people. It will be folks who know that trickery is worthless, who will rebuild the world once the violence ends. Get to know some now, and stay out of unnecessary fighting.
some thoughts !!! be sure and use a good stock trading model…. also do your own research on stocks which includes tips from other folk… the key is to use stop loss tools to make sure you don’t lose your trading capital…. losing 80% as I saw earlier is not good and often shows an emotional attachment… be sure if your married to a stock that your also willing to divorce it… this is concerning investments and not in personal relationships of course…. ha ha !!! merry Christmas and happy new year—bill
Sorry, Bob. With all the oil and natural gas that we have, there is no immediate need for renewables. It is foolish to invest in wind and solar now because there is no way they can compete with oil and gas. Only the government will invest in and subsidize expensive renewables now – and incur even more debt than we already have. Is that what you want?
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I got fooled into following Edelson twice – and it cost me. Never again. Save your money. Cancel your subscription if you have one.
Are you still opposed to the BTCOIN currency one hears about? I remember you once said to stay away from it at all cost. Any change of heart? Bernhard.
Hi Larry. When you say “Most commodities also remain in bear markets, even oil, which will not see its lows until it moves below the $50 level. And no, the decline you’ve seen in oil is not a conspiracy theory, designed to break Putin, as so many conspiracy theorists claim”. I think that you are only half right here. Reason being is that “OIL” is 50%+ of Putin economy and without the income just from oil alone, this will create a major crash in Russia’s future! The US has OPEC agreement that they will continue high output to break the backs of Russia as part of the Sanctions against him. This is not “Rocket Science!” I believe you just got that part wrong. Thanks for listening.
speaking of rocket science, russia/china is being set up to nuke the crap out of ameriKa and whoever runs the west wants it to happen. russia ain’t going nowhere. china has a deal with russia to prop up the ruble if necessary. putin and russia/china will be riding a missile into your house in about 10 years. will you be ready? will you be ready for the complete loss of your freedom?? i doubt it. your still probably voting for dems and repubs…how’s that working out for ya???
I think your right but might be sooner than that! Invest in a bomb shelter might not be too bad of a idea and some beans ,bullets and beer!
Larry “greatest gold” forecaster in 2014:
Gold 1180 Dec 2013. Bring in Larry – “my models show gold going to 950 in Jan” buy inverse etf’s. Gold goes to 1250. Larry – stay short it’s just a sucker rally building energy for 950. Gold explodes to 1390.
Gold 1280. Larry – I’m 99.99999% sure the bottom was in at 1180, my “hidden Elliot Wave theory says so”. Gold 1150. Larry – ya bottom is not in yet my next dates show Jan and Oct 2015 final bottoms.
And there you have it folks the Edelson market run down for 2014 – lather rinse repeat. Who’s next to be spit out on the Weiss conveyor belt? Just sign up for the service.
Who were the crooked gold and silver dealers you refer to. Just want to make sure didn’t buy from anyone on your list.