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The most frequently asked question I seem to get is, “Larry, don’t you see hyperinflation for the U.S. in the years ahead?”
It’s understandable. After all, we have seen the U.S. Federal Reserve print trillions of dollars. We see, in real life, most costs rising.
And there is no shortage of pundits out there proclaiming the U.S. will soon experience hyperinflation.
So let me clarify my position, here and now: There was a time when I expected the U.S. economy would eventually experience hyperinflation.
But in September 2011, when the price of gold failed to react to the Fed’s QE III announcement of virtually unlimited money-printing and the yellow metal entered an interim bear market, I knew something had radically changed.
So I further researched the known periods of hyperinflation in the world. And I found something that completely changed my view: There has never been a major core economy that has died at the hands of hyperinflation.
There was the Weimar Republic, of course, but it was not a core economy for the world. And even more important, the Weimar Republic’s infrastructure had been wiped out, and it had no bond market to boot — a market that could contain inflation via bond vigilantes, who would inevitably send rates high enough to kill it off.
Then there are the hyperinflations of Zimbabwe, Brazil, Argentina and countless other small economies that were never at the core of the global economy, and importantly, also didn’t have bond markets deep or liquid enough to counteract the forces of inflation and hyperinflation.
And upon further study, I found that even the Roman Empire, certainly a core economy during its reign, didn’t even die of hyperinflation.Â
It died largely because of abuse of power by politicians, which drove citizens away from the Empire. By rapidly rising taxation, which had the same effect; and by a corrupt Treasury and justice system that tracked down and confiscated citizens’ wealth, largely to fund increased military campaigns, which were hoped to revive the Roman economy. Sound familiar?
Was there high inflation in Rome before it fell? Yes, but nothing like the hyperinflation we saw in Weimar Germany or any of the countries I mention above.
So, then, what does the U.S. economy face? Further disinflation, outright deflation, eventual reflation or something else?
My view, and I am not hedging my answer or talking out of both sides of my mouth: We face a combination of further disinflation in the short term, followed by a rather large jump in inflation years from now.
But we don’t face hyperinflation, period. Our economy, even as it is eclipsed by China a few years from now, is a core economy.
Our bond markets are too deep and liquid, and our bond vigilantes, ever sensitive to inflation, will simply not allow hyperinflation to ever emerge in our country.
How high will inflation eventually go? It’s hard to say, but I wouldn’t be surprised if three years from now, we see 20 percent or even 25 percent inflation.
But I highly doubt we will ever see inflation in the thousands or even millions of percent. It’s just not possible in our economy, which is at the core of the global economy, and given our deep, liquid bond market.
Whether we have deflation or inflation is also the wrong way to think about the U.S. economy.
The reason? Ever since we abandoned the gold standard, inflation and deflation have become two sides of the same coin.
In other words, they are both present in the economy at the same time. You can have certain goods and services and even asset classes deflating, while others are inflating. It’s as simple as that.
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Ever since we abandoned the gold standard, inflation and deflation have become two sides of the same coin. |
For instance, the price of LED TVs has crashed, as have the prices of laptop computers, cell phones and many other goods. Not to mention real estate prices since their peak in 2007.
Meanwhile, other items have experienced inflation. Food prices, legal and health-care services, and more.
So it’s not a matter of one or the other, it’s a matter of what sector is inflating and why, versus which sectors are deflating and why.
Nevertheless, there’s another important underlying force that you need to understand, another one that resulted from the abolishment of the gold standard.
A certain level of general, system-wide inflation is always baked into the cake.
It’s due, again, to the fact that we no longer have a gold standard. But it’s also due to many other forces, such as population growth, limited availability of natural resources, the constant desire for people to improve their lives and more.
This is important to understand, because it’s the chief reason prices will be higher a year from now, five years from now and even 10 years from now … no matter what the U.S. or global economy does.
For instance, $5,000 in cash squirreled away in a bank in 1913, when the Federal Reserve was created, is now worth only 4.13 cents. That’s right: 4.13 cents.Â
Put another way, it would take $121,000 of today’s money to buy what $5,000 would have bought in 1913.Â
Want more recent examples? Consider the following …
It now takes $6,760 to buy what $5,000 bought just 14 years ago … $8,910 to buy what $5,000 bought in 1990 … and roughly $30,000 to buy what $5,000 bought in 1970.
Even a McDonald’s Big Mac, which cost a mere 57 cents in 1959, now costs about $3.99, an increase of 600 percent, for an average annual increase of just nearly 11 percent a year.
The bottom line: There are several.
First, we have, and pretty much always will have, a base level of inflation in our economy. It’s the natural state of things.
Second, that said, inflation and deflation are again, two sides of the same coin. While there will always be prices and sectors that inflate, there will also be prices and sectors that simultaneously deflate.
Just consider the stock market, which is inflating. Or the dollar, which is also inflating, its price rising, which in turn, causes deflation in certain other assets, namely commodities, because the inflating dollar automatically purchases more of those goods.
And third, and perhaps most importantly, never let anyone convince you the U.S. is headed into hyperinflation. It simply will never happen. Buy into their theories, and you will lose your shirt, failing to recognize the yin and yang of the markets, the deflation and inflation that are both ever present.
I repeat, I am not talking out of both sides of my mouth. Deflation and inflation are ever present, two sides of the same coin.
Once you recognize that, you will become part of the savvy investor crowd, and you will be able to follow the money flows as they shift from sector to sector, asset to asset, based on the ever present and ever changing faces of inflation and deflation.
Gold and other precious metals are still largely on the deflation side of the coin, and I sure hope you have taken advantage of my recent suggestions to purchase inverse ETFs on both. If you have, you should be sitting on some very nice gains indeed.
Best wishes,
What about the Chinese etc pumping money in to real estate in Australia,USA, UK and driving up prices???
Do not listen to this guy unless you want to lose lots of money. If you stayed out of equities because of Larry you lost. I have made much more but going opposite to his recommendations. Don’t be a sucker!
I agree with you, it’s probably the reason he doesn’t live in the U.S.
I do understand that some of you may have lost some money, but please do not come unglued now. We are facing some critical timing in the near term and have a chance to do well from it. I follow Larry, not exclusively, but I find him helpful in making up my own mind on which way to go and when. Does he always get the timing perfect is a decision each one of us makes, but I can tell you that he has helped my fund save at least $200,000 so far in the last six weeks. This board gives us all a chance to share information and I wish we could have a mature discussion and debate about choices going forward.
So sad for you. Get your money out now. Critical timing is not what Larry provides. He waits until the move has happened then he gloats about how he predicted it but somehow he just never got around to telling anyone about it. You are on the wrong side of the move if you listen to Larry. Trust me.
I worked at McDonalds in the early Seventies, in 1973 the price of the Big Mac was $0.55.
There was no Big Mac till 1967. The Big Mac was introduced at a McDonalds in Uniontown, Pa. In 1968 it went on McDonald’s menus everywhere.
I agree… I have been following this guy since 2008. He is about to do a flip flop on his views. Don’t listen to this guy!
this guys a moron
he sends out his october news letter recommending a 3xs leverage s&p short then posts on here two days later saying buy dips in good companies?? idiot
Larry, your advice is a joke – You make your predictions while looking in the rear-view mirror, after your clients have lost their money from your previous incorrect predictions. What a financial sage.
Recently Larry’s models were WRONG about bottoms in oil, gold, natural gas and long term bonds. Also, WRONG on highs in the S&P 500.
How can his models be THAT far off yet he speaks with such certainty about the markets ?
With record setting highs being constantly made in the Dow and S&P his subscribers continue suffer more losses.
I do not agree with Larry on his definition of hyperinflation…
In a FREE Market, the bond that does not get bought by their own people with TRUE MONEY (money that are equivalent of man hours worked)…or bought by foreigners with TRUE MONEY….) is actually INFLATION…BECAUSE IT DESTROYS THE VALUE OF THE TRUE MONEY HELD BY THE PEOPLE ….let us set an example….there are two fish vendors…one is fish vendor sells fresh…caught fish from sea..(ORGANIC)..the other fish vendor sells engineered fish …(scientifically raised and artificially grown)…the buyers after knowing the origins of the fishes….starts to realize….the ORGANIC FISHES are better than the ENGINEERED FISHES….they start buying only the ORGANIC FISH….
after a while those who sells the ENGINEERED FISHES…realizes they hold more of their fishes…day after day….SOON they have TOO MANY ENGINEERED FISH IN THEIR INVENTORY….they try to hold it in their refrigerated warehouses but after a while it gets FILLED that they have no PLACE TO STORE IT…..they start dropping the PRICE of the ENGINEERED FISHES….but because of the slow market….the ENGINEERED FISHES both in STORAGE and in the MARKET starts to STINK…..
this is what will happen to the ENGINEERED FISHES…..and that is the HYPERINFLATION……IN A NUT SHELL……
Larry Edelson is either educated beyond his intelligence or just plain stupid.
First: He should define his terms. He apparently is talking about price increases and decreases. Real economists use the words “inflation” and “deflation” to refer to inreases and decreases in the total currency-stock in circulation.
Second: Even though politicians and other idiots think of FRNs (Federal Reserve Notes) as money, they ain’t. They are merely currency just as conapy scrip is a currency. Thee is only one real true money and that is gold, silver, bronze, copper, platinum, palladium and other “precious” metals. All the rest is mere currency.
Third: In a true free-market society, the total money-stock usually changes only very, very slowly. [Cf. the many decades prior to 1913 when the FRS (Federal Resreve System) was foist upon us. General price-levels were on a slow decline as wealth creation steadily rose.
Four: I agree that if you listen to him you’ll probably go broke.
stagflation is in our future much like the 70s! i have never been in the hyper inflation camp
gold will rise for fear of government. and protection of assets
Larry Edelson a world-renowned “gold expert”? Heh!
Why doesn’t he tell us about the manipulation of the gold and silver markets by the JPMs, GSs, Barclays, Rotschild, Deutsche Bank, etc. etc.
I suspect he would not recognize a free market if he were standing in the middle of it.
What a crock!
Larry: I find it hard to swallow this. Last December it was “It is so close I can smell it.” January, then February, then June. Just recently it was after the first of the year. You said I would not own a single stock, warning of a correction. Oh yeah, I am talking about GOLD and Miners! Gold is flat………….for how long this time, until a few tears down the road?? Have the miners bottomed? How can they survive @ these low prices? How long will we have to wait for the war cycles to impact AU and AG? Try to make me feel better and don’t pontificate about macroscopic changes in the markets. Very upset!
By the way Larry, I became aware of you and Weiss via a video in which you warned of a secret agreement between China and the US involving US debt and our currency value. How about an update on this too! (This was about 2-3 yrs ago.) johannes
One more thing….the only reason I bought in to AU n AG Trader was to get “exponential” returns. You know what? The most money I made on a trade was to sell JNUG / your advice to your Real Wealth readers. Why was this not given to your au/ag Trader readers? HUH? johannes
The USA a “core economy”? No. Not any more. It is within the top 5 economies of the world and slowly eroding. The imported consumer products are purchased with debt. This is only possible because the USD is still the reserve currency. Until its not!
When that time comes, and it will, those US dollars held overseas will come flooding back. No one will want, or have a need for them. The holders of these expatriate dollars will want something of tangible value for them. Any and all tangible assets will be bought with these increasingly worthless dollars, forcing prices ever upwards.
This will continue until that “tipping moment” arrives, when most will show aversion to accepting dollars as payment. Forcing those that hold dollars to “pile on” ever increasing amounts to satisfy the seller. This ends in hyperinflation, which is not a political problem, but a currency problem. Government and central banks will be powerless.
You have a bunch of simple math errors in your editorial which greatly distracts from the points you are making.
Also consider being more cautious in many of your opinions because they are becoming too far from the current reality that any abstract thinker can poke holes in the comments.
I noticed Larson has in recent months moved away from making predictions because his comments were so far off target also. Better say nothing like Larson than be proven extremely wrong.
Yes, these are hard comments, but you guys have really gone off track in the last few years. However, your new Technology editor seems more in tune.
Larry it’s about time that you start doing something else.
True, but this is such easy money for him
Larry, I have been your most devote reader for as long as you have been talking, you are either dumb or so smart you can not see straight. It is not that I have lost money, I have, it is that you are never giving us correct data with all of your timing positions. I hope that you throw away your wiskey magic ball, get a life, quit the industry, and be happy talking to youself.
“For instance, $5,000 in cash squirreled away in a bank in 1913, when the Federal Reserve was created, is now worth only 4.13 cents. That’s right: 4.13 cents.
Put another way, it would take $121,000 of today’s money to buy what $5,000 would have bought in 1913.”
Larry, please. $1 today will only buy what four cents would buy in 1913 is correct. Your first sentence is well off the mark.
Go to a casino, you wan’t have to wait so long.
Hyperinflation happens when government debt is over 80% of GNP and the deficit is over 40% of government spending. The US is at or near these numbers, so the danger of hyperinflation is real. What happens is that the more the central bank prints money and buys bonds the less other people want to hold bonds. But the less other people hold bonds, the more the central bank has to buy them so the government has enough money to spend. You get a positive feedback loop or death spiral.
Partially right. Hyperinflation is NOT an economic event, but a currency event.
All confidence and faith in the currency in question is lost. Hyperinflation is purely a currency event brought about by erroneous economic decisions. Ludwig von Mises said it best years ago;
“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.”
I have alot riding on the recommendations that Larry and Goyette have been giving. I had decided to go heavy in gold mining stocks, and will continue to wait and be patient for a re ound in gold.
The feedback I have taken has been to get ready for 2016-2017 5000 dollar gold.
Something tells me that I will be sitting on my investments for years waiting for gold to take off.
I will remain patient?
I’ve lost so much money listening to Larry it hurts thinking about it.
Just another charlatan selling a subscription. Didn’t he say several months ago he is 99.99999999999% sure the bottom was in? Good thing he left himself that .0000000001% margin of error otherwise he’d lose credibility -LOL!
No he said 100% this year, you’re thinking of last year.
Didn’t he say something about having a Chinese connection who told him they were buying big time? Think that secret was only for paying subscribers – LOL.
That turned out well.
Yes very disappointing pity the gold companies can’t get together to do something about it what appears to be manipulation in the comex market, selling short to depress prices. Maybe it is benefiting both sides, the US if they have no gold and need to purchase at lower prices and China if they want to buy.
This guy stinks. save your money and find someone else. HE CAN’T TRADE THE SWINGS PERIOD. He may be right in the long term down the road , yes , that doesn’t take much skill at all. Eventually anyone can get it right. If you keep guessing long enough. The Gold and Silver Trader Service is terrible. Thank God I’m out of it. I couldn’t take the B.S. any longer. Very, very, disappointed.
Mr. Edelson is as right as a broken clock. Even a broken clock can get it right twice a day. “There is a sucker born every minute”..
how are all those inverse ETFs looking now? For only the cost of subscription you too can follow his advice to experience the same pain.
i subscribed to your ‘real wealth” report and have yet to receive any. Please advise as to the problem.WPH
Larry, thank you for the above article.
Could you explain how our deep bond market can suppress or control hyperinflation. What are the mechanics of this?
Thank you for your great work.
Annemarie Wang
Man I feel sorry for all the poor saps that gave Flip Flop Larry big bucks to forecast the markets. His gold forecast – It’s going to 5K shortly and Silver to the moon.
It seems that most of the Weiss sages are great at telling a person to buy or sell after the fact. And pay Martin over $6K to get advice that is mostly wrong. Thankfully I got a refund
One would do better with a dart board then listening to these FlimFlammers
Are you for real? Your post makes me wonder whether you’re working for a competing financial “guru”.
Sonny – I don’t remember Larry saying ” gold to $ 5000 shortly ” unless he said it again in the last few weeks . Been out for at least 3 month now . When people like Larry ( what do we call them again ? ) sell you ” HOPE ” – GOLD TO $ 5000 qualifies for that – it’s to lure you in to buy their products .
Gold to $ 5000 will happen by 2032 …..lots of time but Larry needs to live in the mean time !!!!
How long before Larry will stop users from posting comments.
larry is full of bs
havnt lost any money apart from a small payment to help larry with his retiement
fed up with weiss they all seem to be just in it for the bucks they can con out of us.
William get your money back Real Wealth is just as bad as Gold and Silver Trader. You’ll see.
can i get refund on my subscripion?
Thomas …yes, phone the office – they are really good about it and it’s done the next day .
here a comment from one of your readers in Germany: Only six months ago on May 5th you predicted:
“First, we will soon see gold and silver take off like a bat out of hell.
Second, we will soon see the U.S. equity markets soar to one new record high after another (after a correction is complete).
Third, we will soon see the next wave down in the prices of sovereign bonds in Europe and the Unites States …
And the next wave higher in interest rates ..”
What happened? Explain yourself in a language that everybody can understand. It is worthless to discuss endlessly the Inflation-Deflation issue. Please tell us in plain English whether and why you are of the opinion that there has been a game change. Please respond as quickly as possible. Thank you!
There seems to be some trolls on this page or novices who haven’t learned to take an expert’s research and advice and profit from it. I followed Larry for years and have concluded he’s outstanding! I’ve learned to be very cautious when following his advice because I, too, am a novice in trading commodities and can afford to trade only about $3000. or less. I can’t afford to risk as much as he can with commodities, my favorite way to invest. His results in his Power Portfolio prove he knows what he’s doing.
“Power Portfolio” – now there’s a marketing tool right up there with Larry being “the greatest gold and market forecaster” – just check his facebook site!
And don’t worry Larry doesn’t put more than $2000 when he says he puts his money where his mouth is – then mumbles it under his breath like in a webinar he did last year.
It’s all a comedy show.
He can’t trade the swings with ETF’s and that’s a fact.
I don’t understand why everyone bad mouths Larry if you followed his GS trader trade for GLD puts you would have made over 120% on your money in less than two weeks. All of his trades might not be winners but like he always says you will have some losses with trades. Not every trade is a winning trade.
I give Larry credit for keeping me out of the miners for the last year or so. That was worth many times the subscription cost of RW in avoided losses.
Excuse me ? Larry recommend miners last year – way too early . Martin Weiss had a BIG hype about silver stocks – recommended PASS in Feb. 2014 and you could make $$$$$ in 2014 he claimed .. Were you on vacation for a year ?
> Larry recommend miners last year – way too early
And then got out. Me too, although I made a little in the run-up. Martin Weiss far over-hyped (“Larry sez back up the truck!!”) Larry’s more circumspect and short-lived entry. Shame on Martin.
I’ll tell you why everybody bad mouths Larry. He is correct 20 percent of the time and he thinks that’s good. He is a guesser not a trader. With Gold and Silver Trader he is supposed to make you money when the market is up or down. He can’t. The service quite frankly stinks and I’m out. Between the cost of the service and all the loosing trades it’s not worth it. The money made with the couple of winners does not cover or make up for the losers.
Just look at the records from all the Weiss experts, you can see how badly is their track, lots of money lost for their customer.
I too like Larry. Hes a likeable guy. That said, my fortunes have been lost with him. Sure, even a broken clock is right twice a day and he gets it right sometimes.
Unless the stock market dives to 5,000 tomorrow, all of us would have been better just buying any stock out there than buying gold and burying it in the back yard.
Ive about had it with all the doom and gloom predictions. So far, they haven’t come close to whats been predicted and most probably never will. Life is for the living and Im getting in the game now.
Nuff said.