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The powerful economic changes we’ve been warning you about have now begun to hit the U.S. economy where it hurts.
So to help make sure you’re completely ready for the huge volatility ahead, I want to change our relationship in a very fundamental way.
To make that possible, I will "pay" you $297 to immediately cancel your current Weiss Research subscription, and in a moment I’ll explain exactly how and why.
That’s nearly $300 for you.
All you have to do is decide whether you want to accept it or not.
But don’t worry: If you decide to go for it, I’ll still be there for you through thick and thin. So will Weiss Research analysts Mike Larson, Larry Edelson, Nilus Mattive, Sean Brodrick, and Tony Sagami. Plus, you’ll still get your regular daily emails from us.
In fact, if you cancel your subscription right now, you can get ALL five of our investment newsletters and ALL the profit opportunities they bring you for as long as you want, and STILL get the $297 IN ADDITION to all these newsletters.
Unbelievable? Perhaps. But it’s true.
You cancel your subscriptions. You get all five newsletters.
You get them FOREVER.
PLUS, you’ll also get all the NEW monthly newsletters we introduce in the future.
And on top of everything, you get “paid†$297!
Yes, I agree. It’s hard to believe. But it’s a fact. And by the time you finish reading this letter, you’ll know everything you need to know to claim your $297.
It’s an opportunity that I am offering exclusively to my loyal readers and only for TEN DAYS. The opportunity expires promptly at midnight, Saturday, June 18th.
I Have Selected This Ten-Day Window
Right Now Because of the Dramatic Events
That Have Just Begun to Unfold!
Nationwide, housing prices have just made new lows. Unemployment is rising again. We have an obvious downturn in the U.S. economy.
We see a rapid deterioration in U.S. bank finances.
Plus, we are facing landmark battles in Washington — and a Congress sworn to block any major new bailouts or stimulus schemes. Meanwhile, money pumped in by the Fed continues to rush overseas.
I don’t want you to be hurt by the fall-out or miss any of the dramatic opportunities this crisis has already begun to generate.
Plus, there’s another, very practical reason I have limited this offer strictly to this ten-day window: Because of the mixed impact this kind of big give-away can have on my business.
I’ve been running this company without interruption for 40 years straight, and if you consider the legacy of my father’s companies before me, we have an 80-year Weiss family tradition of guiding investors to safety and wealth building opportunities.
I’m in great health and have a solid team of successors to keep the business going for decades to come. But I also know how important it is to manage a business prudently for the long term. So you can understand why I must limit this offer.
Now let me explain the new kind of relationship we can have and how it works:
It’s The Weiss Elite.
The Weiss Elite is a small, elite, group of friends and subscribers.
The idea is very straightforward: You get every monthly investment newsletter and EVERY PROFIT OPPORTUNITY they provide!
You get every single one we launch in the future. You get them for as long as we publish them — and as long as you want them.
You get all that FOR LIFE — for less than the cost of just ONE YEAR of those services.
You’ll receive our widely acclaimed Safe Money Report, Real Wealth Report, Income Superstars, and Crisis Profit Hunter.
You’ll get each and every one of the bonus reports that come with each newsletter subscription.
You’ll get every email flash alert for news updates — and action to take — that are also part of your service.
Perhaps most exciting of all, you’ll be among the first to get the new Weiss newsletter we’re getting ready to launch in several weeks — a brand new, high-powered service from Tony Sagami to go after the amazing array of profit opportunities in Asia.
It requires no overseas brokerage account, no foreign currencies and no special experience.
We’ll give you the opportunity to try it out before virtually everyone else in the world.
And then when we launch it to the general public, it will cost at least $299 per year. But it will be yours FOR LIFE with your membership in The Weiss Elite.
And there’s more.
In recent months, we have inaugurated some incredibly valuable services and offered them FIRST to The Weiss Elite members.
For example, members of The Weiss Elite were the first to gain unlimited access to the proprietary research we have on 40,000 companies and investments.
That includes every public company in the U.S., ranging from the smallest upstart to the largest blue chip. Plus, it also includes every exchange traded fund (ETF) and mutual fund.
We also cover nearly every U.S. bank, credit union, and insurance company.
And all of this research is based on the objective ratings we originally developed.
If you want our rating on any institution, you can get it instantly.
Or if you want our help to SEARCH through the strongest among THOUSANDS of institutions, that’s also a part of your membership.
Grab our ratings as often as you like on as many institutions as you want. There are absolutely NO LIMITATIONS!
And there’s another very unique benefit to The Weiss Elite — a benefit that flows directly and naturally from our 80-year history. It’s the Weiss Family Program, which I’ll explain to you in just a moment.
But …
Please Don’t Underestimate the
Exclusivity of This Membership.
I will never send this invitation to the general public.
I am sending this invitation exclusively to our loyal readers, representing only a fraction of investors who have followed our updates.
And we have set aside only a very tiny number of memberships — enough for only 2% of our loyal readers.
So I am asking you not share this invitation with anyone else.
Now, if you know me, you know I devote a lot of my time and heart to helping the average investor. So I’d love to make this available to everyone if I could. But since this is such a huge give-away, we MUST strictly limit the number of memberships we make available.
That’s why I’d like you to keep this to yourself and your closest family members only.
Most important, I recommend that you NOT wait until the end of this ten-day window. Membership is first come first served. If all the available memberships are taken BEFORE the last day, we will close the doors sooner.
In other words, the BEST time to collect your $297 is right now.
So now let me explain precisely how you can effectively get paid $297 — and at the same time cancel your Weiss Research subscription.
Remember what I said at the outset: A membership in The Weiss Elite costs LESS than one year of the services that members receive.
You can get a lifetime membership in all our monthly investment newsletters PLUS access to our ratings on all 40,000 companies we cover.
And you get it all for LESS than the DISCOUNTED price of what you’d pay for a single year.
On top of that, you get all the Weiss Research monthly newsletters we will launch in the future.
In the first year alone, you’ll immediately save a whopping $297! That’s how I “pay†you this money immediately.
If you got only ONE YEAR of our services and nothing more, you’d already have a huge benefit — nearly $300.
But that’s just the beginning …
By the second year, you’ll have saved $1,074!
By year five, you will have saved $3,405!
And in year ten, your total savings will add up to a whopping $7,290!
WITHOUT even including the value of the new services we’re going to be adding — typically a few per year.
Just consider the tremendous wealth of benefits you get …
Membership Benefit #1:
You Get a Lifetime of
Mike Larson’s Safe Money Report
SAFE MONEY has three crucial missions:
FIRST, WARNINGS. Mike specifically identifies the most vulnerable assets you may own and show you exactly how to SELL them BEFORE they lose significant value.
SECOND, GROWTH, even in the worst of times — to help you use relatively conservative investments to cautiously grow your core portfolio over time regardless of the dangers and obstacles we encounter.
THIRD, LARGE PROFITS — to go for double- and triple-digit profits with money you can afford to play with. For this purpose, Mike recommends inexpensive investments that offer you unlimited profit potential PLUS strictly limited risk AND that give you many months to be right.
The simple truth is that when the first leg of this great double-dip recession struck, SAFE MONEY readers were ready.
They had been warned that a great real estate bust, credit crisis and recession were coming months in advance. And they were continually updated on the brewing crisis every month thereafter.
More than that: They had the names of the companies that were most likely to fail — the stocks that were most likely to fall to zero — months in advance.
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After our warnings, Citigroup fell 95.1% … Wachovia dropped 95.9% … Bear Stearns plunged 97.1% … and Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Washington Mutual and General Motors ALL lost more than 99% of their value — just as we warned they would.
If you had heeded our warnings, you could have been safely OUT of stocks, and IN investments that soar when stocks sink. Like the special exchange traded funds that soared 51% … 76% … up to 99% and more, even as the S&P 500 sank. With these simple, easy-to-buy ETFs — the more the MARKETS fall, the more MONEY you stand to make.
And you could have done even better with your speculative money as the companies we named as candidates for failure fell like dominoes.
Take Lehman, for instance: If you had bought a particular limited-risk long-term vehicle when we warned that Lehman would fail, you could have grabbed a 244.8% gain — more than a TRIPLE!
And following the same strategy, you could have grabbed even larger gains when Washington Mutual failed … when Wachovia bit the dust … when Citigroup went down in flames … OR when Bear Stearns crashed and burned.
Right now, Mike is recommending a $225 investment that’s designed to skyrocket as the real estate sector sinks. Even if real estate falls no more than it did in Phase I of this crisis in the next year, with the right timing you could walk away with gains of 368.9%.
And even if it takes until January of 2012, you could still bank gains of 311.1% — more than a quadruple!
The best part is, while your profit potential is virtually unlimited, your risk of loss IS strictly limited.
Plus, Mike is also recommending a simple, relatively moderate, easy-to- buy-and-sell ETF that he believes will soar at least 60% if the banking industry’s woes are no worse than last time around.
Even better: He’ll give you a select class of investments that could MULTIPLY your speculative capital many times over.
Right now, for instance, you can buy a bet on further declines in the U.S. financial sector for just $51. If, as Mike suspects, we see major failures in the next year, with the right timing, your gain could be 364.7%. And even if the financial sector holds out for nearly a year and a half, you could bank a 315.7% gain — you’d more than quadruple your money!
PLUS, Mike will introduce you to more aggressive investments that could MULTIPLY your money as the dollar dives.
One of these vehicles — a play on soaring gold prices — can be purchased now for $475. But if gold rises 50% in value over the next year, you could grab a 376.8% gain. And even if it takes until January of 2012 for gold to surge 50%, you could see a 236.8% gain — more than a TRIPLE!
Normally, Safe Money Report sells at a discounted rate of $98 per year. As a member of The Weiss Elite, you get it for a lifetime.
Membership Benefit #2:
You Get a Lifetime of
Larry Edelson’s Real Wealth Report.
Real Wealth is your key to unlocking huge profit potential as the great, long-term boom in natural resources continues and even accelerates.
Starting in March of 2009, for example, while the S&P 500 rose 52.4% …
- Capital Gold roared 58.5% higher,
- U.S. Gold Corp skyrocketed 97%, and
- Allied Nevada exploded 363.9% higher.
That 363.9% gain is enough to turn a $10,000 investment into $46,390 with a simple stock in just one year! No exotic investments, no leverage, no inordinate risk!
And there’s more …
Gold stocks are NOT the only resource stocks that have been on a tear in recent months. The stocks of companies that produce silver and platinum have been exploding, too:
- Fortuna Silver Mines jumped 210%,
- Eastern Platinum soared 251.5%,
- Hecla Mining rose 318%, and
- Stillwater Mining skyrocketed 343.7% higher.
Think of it: A 343.7% gain would turn every $10,000 you invested into $44,370 WITHOUT using leverage of any kind!
Plus, just about every other type of resource stock you can name has exploded higher as well:
- Fortune Brands — a building fixtures company — jumped 108% …
- Anderson’s Inc — a farming and fishing company — soared 188% …
- Owens Corning — a construction materials company — skyrocketed 325%, and …
- Ternium — a manufacturing and construction materials company — exploded 465% higher …
That 465% gain would turn every $10,000 you invested into a whopping $56,500!
And select energy stocks have shot for the moon as well:
- Exco Resources jumped 105% …
- Interoil Corp skyrocketed 110% higher …
- Newfield Exploration rose 179% …
- Northern Oil and Gas soared 465%, and …
- Brigham Exploration exploded by 1,336%!
If you had bought Brigham Exploration in March of 2009, you could have multiplied your money more than 14 times over!
Don’t expect this kind of result every month or even every year. But the 1,336% gain on this one resource stock would have turned every $10,000 you invested into $143,350 in just 14 months!
Altogether, the AVERAGE gain on these 18 stocks was 246.5%! That’s nearly FIVE TIMES more than the average S&P 500 stock gained during the same period! Naturally, it goes without saying that neither you nor I can go back and grab these profits.
But please don’t worry you’re going to have plenty MORE chances to make that kind of money AND MORE in the months ahead — with Larry Edelson’s Real Wealth Report!
Others pay $98 for a single year of Real Wealth Report — but you get a lifetime as a member of The Weiss Elite. Your price: ZERO!
Membership Benefit #3:
You Get a Lifetime of
Nilus Mattive’s Income Superstars.
Right now, Nilus is watching a bundle of companies that have four features in common …
- A strong global presence.
- The steadiest sectors.
- Raising their dividends year after year.
- They do NOT depend on the government for their business or for bailouts. Nor do they rely on a strong U.S. economy.
The DISCOUNTED rate for ONE YEAR of Income Superstars is $78. But it’s yours for a lifetime with your membership in The Weiss Elite.
Membership Benefit #4:
You Get a Lifetime of
Sean Brodrick’s Crisis Profit Hunter.
Consider the profits Sean’s subscribers could have booked following his recent recommendations …
- Impact Silver — 88%.
- Kingsgate — 79%.
- TWO grand slam homeruns in Great Panther with gains of 305% and 368%.
On all of these examples, bear in mind that each subscriber’s actual results may have differed due to slight variations in the prices or broker commissions.
Plus, I need not remind you that what they achieved in the past may be different from what you can achieve in the future. The good news is that there are many other equally good opportunities now on Sean’s radar screen. And you get them all as part of your lifetime membership.
Membership Benefit #5:
You Get a Lifetime Membership in
Our NEW Weiss Watchdog Service.
Weiss Ratings is the only provider of independent ratings on the nation’s 4,200 insurance companies and also America’s leading provider of independent ratings on 15,000 banks, S&Ls and credit unions.
Plus, we are a major distributor for the independent investment ratings that we originally designed for virtually EVERY stock, mutual fund and ETF in America.
Most important, unlike other major ratings agencies, we NEVER accept compensation of any kind from the companies we rate. We NEVER delay downgrades or suppress publication of a company’s rating. And we NEVER enter into so-called “consulting†arrangements to help them “structure†their products.
Over the years, the ratings we created have proven to be remarkably accurate.
Our bank ratings have warned of nearly every major and minor bank failure in ADVANCE for the past three decades.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that our insurance company ratings beat our #1 competitor’s by a factor of THREE to ONE.
The Wall Street Journal reported that the stock ratings we published beat every other provider they covered by a wide margin.
That’s because I designed these ratings to objectively judge stocks exclusively on the basis of hard numbers: All without bias.
To mark the ten-year anniversary of the stock ratings, we just completed a special study — the most thorough documentation we have compiled in the 40-year history of our company — to determine exactly how much money investors could have made by buying the top-rated stocks.
The data show that if you had invested equal amounts in all 15 of the stocks we rated “A†when we first published stock ratings in 2001 — and simply held those stocks until December 31, 2010 — you would have beat the S&P 500 by 4.48 to one!
And there’s more: If you had been able to use our overall market indicator, also based on these ratings, to time the onset of the 2007 bear market, you could have beat the S&P 500 by 10.5 to one, turning $100,000 into $567,800!
With ALL of our 15 stocks rated “A,†you would not have had A SINGLE LOSING STOCK!
And remember: All of this is over nearly a decade that brought us not just one but TWO of the most severe bear markets in U.S. history!
Best of all, the ratings give you the power to make money when stocks are rising — AND when they’re falling! That’s the beauty of honest, unbiased ratings: Not only can they help tell you which stocks are most likely to rise, they can also help identify which are most likely to fall.
And when the combined ratings for an entire industry, sector or the market as a whole turns negative, it gives us a great opportunity to multiply our money with exchange traded funds (ETFs) that can pay you $1, $2, even $3 for every one dollar the index declines.
Now, as a member of The Weiss Elite, The Weiss Watchdog — based exclusively on these ratings — will guard ALL of your investments 365 days a year AND FOR FREE!
With this unique and uniquely powerful service, you have access to all 40,000 of our ratings. That means you can KNOW the Financial Strength Rating of almost any bank and insurance company in America BEFORE you trust them with your money.
And you can also KNOW the Investment Rating on nearly every stock, mutual fund, closed-end fund and ETF listed in the U.S. BEFORE you invest.
Plus, with The Weiss Watchdog service, you can select up to 25 companies that you own or do business with. Then you’ll be notified immediately when the ratings on YOUR investments, banks and insurers change!
We’ll alert you via e-mail and also by notifications sent to your cell phone, iPad or other mobile device.
Each email notification gives you the new rating … tells you what the upgrade or downgrade means … and gives you the action we recommend as a result of the ratings change.
Others will pay $130 for just ONE year of this service. So this product ALONE is worth $1,300 for ten years of membership.
But a LIFETIME membership in The Weiss Watchdog service is yours with your new membership in The Weiss Elite! No subscription costs! No renewal costs!
Membership Benefit #6:
You Get Lifetime Access to
the Weiss Money Network.
We created this television resource to give you a constant stream of market news and trends … analysis and perspective … and recommendations to help you protect your wealth and profit.
This new online video network from Weiss research brings you …
- Daily investment news and analysis …
- Our Money and Markets TV programs that put fast-breaking economic and investment news into perspective for you …
- The Weiss Video Library with timeless videos we’ve produced to answer your most pressing investment questions, and …
- The Weiss Academy with video training sessions on investment strategies and tactics to help you maximize your profit potential while reducing your risk.
This service is priceless, and it comes free with your membership in The Weiss Elite!
Membership Benefit #7:
You Get a Lifetime Membership
in The Weiss Elite Monthly Bulletin
With such a broad array of investment choices, you’ll need a quick, easy way to spot the investment recommendations that we think hold the most promise of all — and The Weiss Elite Bulletin delivers precisely that!
Plus, it helps you choose precisely which services to focus on. If one is not performing to your satisfaction, you can simply allocate more resources to those that do!
This exclusive weekly summary — available to members only — names our favorite investment plays of the week for you. And it’s yours forever with your lifetime membership in The Weiss Elite.
And Never Forget, You Also Get a
Lifetime Membership in EVERY
Weiss Research Monthly Newsletter
We Introduce in the Future!
I told you about the upcoming launch of our new service by Tony Sagami to grab the vast array of profit opportunities in Asia.
But that’s just the beginning. Our search team is continually on the lookout for investment analysts with solid track records, with innovative approaches, and with BIG ideas that no one else really understands or knows how to implement.
So let me quickly sum up the amazing value of the benefits you’re entitled to as a member of The Weiss Elite.
All Told You Get Weiss Products
and Services That Are Worth
a Total of $792 Per Year!
(Even at Our Deeply Discounted
Charter Membership Rates)
Here’s how it all adds up:
You get a lifetime membership in Mike Larson’s Safe Money Report. The price thousands of investors have paid for just one year: $98.
You get a lifetime membership in Larry Edelson’s Real Wealth Report. Again, thousands of other investors are paying an annual price of $98.
You get a lifetime membership in Nilus Mattive’s Income Superstars. Charter membership rate for a year: $78.
You get a lifetime membership in Sean Brodrick’s Crisis Profit Hunter — normally $89.
You’ll get a lifetime membership in our new high-powered Weiss Research newsletter on Asia which we’ll launch in several weeks. The yearly cost: $299.
You also get total access to our proprietary ratings on 40,000 stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, banks, credit unions and insurance companies. Even if each rating is worth only $1, that’s a $40,000 value, and others will pay at least $130 per year for this access. It’s yours free with your membership.
Plus, You Get All Services We Launch
the Future. Value: Unknown and Huge!
So, add up all the ONE-YEAR membership costs, and the total value of your membership in The Weiss Elite is $792!
And that figure doesn’t even include the benefits we cannot measure — such as the ratings research or any new services we’re going to launch in the future.
Moreover, that’s just the value now. We plan to increase the value of your membership at a steady rate as we launch new services and add all those services to your package of benefits in the years ahead.
That’s why some people in my organization said I’d be crazy to offer a LIFETIME membership in The Weiss Elite for a one-time price of just $755. “Hey, they said: That’s even LESS than the DISCOUNTED cost of just ONE YEAR of the services.â€
But they thought I was even crazier when I said this: “No. we’re not going to charge $755. For this ten-day period, I want to slash the cost to the bone and charge only $495.â€
That’s $297 LESS than the already-discounted value of just one year of our services! And that’s how we effectively pay you $297 when you cancel your Weiss subscription.
But Only Until Saturday, June 18th!
You make a single, one-time payment for a lifetime of research and a lifetime of profit opportunities — all delivered instantly to your inbox via email.
That’s all you’ll ever pay, except for a small annual maintenance fee of $15 — to help defray some of the ever-rising handling costs — automatically charged directly to your credit card at the end of each year.
Never forget: In the first year alone, you’ll immediately save a whopping $297! And if you go no further, it’s already a huge benefit — nearly $300.
Then, by your second year, you’ll have saved $1,074.
By year five, you will have saved a whopping $3,405!
In year ten, your total savings will add up to a whopping $7,290!
And it just keeps adding up from there.
Also remember this: My company has a 40-year history and 80-year family legacy. So to underscore our confidence in our long-term future, we are going to offer you one more benefit that we have never offered before:
Your membership in The Weiss Elite is a very valuable asset. So as a gift from my family to yours, I will allow you to pass that asset on to the successor that you designate.
And of course, he or she will be entitled to the same benefits and privileges you are — every single monthly newsletter we publish — for a lifetime.
Please Remember, Though, the Number
of Memberships Available is Strictly Limited.
When we hit our enrollment limit of 2% of our loyal readers, you will never see the $495 price again.
And even if we don’t reach our membership limit, this offer ends promptly at midnight, Saturday, June 18th.
So, cancel your Weiss subscription right now and accept this private invitation.
You get two full months to decide if The Weiss Elite fits your needs and profit targets.
If not, you can get a complete refund!
Even if you let 60 days pass and call us on the very last day of your second month, we will immediately refund 100% of your money, no questions asked.
You keep every report and newsletter we provide you in those two months. And you get all of your money back.
So we’re essentially offering you a risk-free 60 days of TOTAL ACCESS to all our best monthly research, along with a first crack at our new Asia newsletter.
THEN, you decide whether you want to lock in your lifetime membership benefits or not.
All I ask is that you to take this as seriously as I do.
I want to make absolutely sure you are 100% satisfied with the ultimate in Weiss Research newsletters.
I want you to read them carefully and act on the investments recommended.
I want you to test drive — either on paper or with real money — the broad range of profit opportunities we offer to this elite group.
I want you to take full advantage of the access you get to ratings on the 40,000 companies and investments in our vast database.
I want you to love — and profit from — The Weiss Elite Monthly Bulletin so much that your family becomes a permanent member of OUR family, always looking forward to new recommendations, new newsletters and new opportunities.
And then, if you’re not satisfied with even ONE aspect of this amazing new kind of friendship with me and my team, I want you to have the opportunity to change your mind.
That’s why, despite the tremendous value you will get just in the first two months, I insist on giving you this guarantee.
Suppose you decide to cancel later in your first year? Then, you can still get a refund of the membership fee pro-rated over a 12-month time horizon.
Let’s make 2011, 2012 — and the years beyond — your most profitable ever.
To apply for your membership now, simply click here.
Martin D. Weiss, Chairman
The Weiss Elite
(If you see a WAITING LIST notice when you click,
I’m sorry … but we’ve hit our 2% limit.)
P.S. Remember: You must love your new membership or it won’t cost you a penny. After you activate your membership in The Weiss Elite, you get two full months to decide if it’s right for you.
Even if you change your mind on the very last day of your 60 day risk-free trial period, we will immediately refund 100% of your money, no questions asked. And even if you decide to cancel later in your first year, you can still get a refund of the pro-rated membership fee.
Click here for our terms & conditions.