The deadline on our next recommendation — aiming to turn a $2,000 investment into as much as $21,600 — is tonight at midnight. The recommendation is going out first thing tomorrow.
So I decided to wake up early this morning to give you a final heads-up. Here are the factors I see coming together at this juncture:
Factor #1. Timing!
We told you Phase II of the natural resources boom was about to begin. Now it’s here. We have:
* a gold price explosion — blasting through $500 and hitting a high of $506.78 on Friday
* a silver price explosion — plowing through three barriers and reaching $8.62 and most dramatic of all …
* a copper price moon rocket — surging even more quickly than both gold and silver.
Factor #2. Leverage!
You now have the potential to make triple- and even quadruple-digit gains. When metals prices explode like this, the big leverage is in the mining shares, and the biggest leverage of all, in the smaller companies.
For example, Rider Resources, a small company that traded for as little as $3.95, soared to $17.89, a gain of 353%. Oilexco went from 83 cents a share to $3.50, a gain of 321%. And Pacific Rodera Energy rose from just 16 cents a share to $2.14, a gain of 1,237%.
If you had invested $2,000 in each of these ($6,000 in all), your investment could have turned into as much as $44,220!
You can’t go back and grab those gains, nor can I. But we believe Phase II of the natural resources boom could provide even greater profit potential.
Factor #3. Risk Protection!
As with any investment, you can lose money. But, with these kinds of investments you can never lose a penny more than you invest (plus any commissions you pay your broker). You never have to borrow a penny. You never have to touch futures contracts. You never use options.
Factor #4. Small Investments!
Since I’m talking about small-cap stocks, the amount you need to invest is minimal, helping to limit your overall capital exposure.
Factor #5. Investment does not expire!
There’s no expiration date. You can hold them as long as you want, and provided the company remains solvent, no one can put a time limit on your opportunity.
Factor #6. Bargain price despite latest surge in metals!
Many of these companies are trading at a fraction of what their reserves are worth. Their share prices are far behind the metals prices. So far!
Indeed, the company we’re going to recommend tomorrow is a tiny mining firm with at least $400 million of copper sitting in the ground. And yet — because no one has seriously looked at this company — its share price is giving the company a mere $9 million valuation.
If I were an investment banker, I’d buy the whole company right now — lock, stock, and barrel. I’d raise the $9 million, put together a deal to buy up all its shares and have $400 million worth of copper, minimum, sitting in reserves.
That’s 44-to-1. Put another way, the company’s copper is valued at a mere 2.3 cents on the dollar.
Of course it’s going to cost money to get the copper out of the ground and processed. But even taking all those costs into consideration, our associate, Sean Brodrick, has calculated that the current fair market value of the company’s reserves is about 12.6 cents on the dollar.
If this company’s shares only rise to that still-low level, the company’s total market value would soar from $9 million to over $48 million.
And that’s based on last week’s market prices. Today, with the copper surge we saw just this week, it’s already worth even more. And if you use the prices I expect to see in the next couple of years, the company should be worth close to $96 million. The $9 million investment would multiply by more than 10 times.
If you buy $1,000 worth of shares in this company, immediately, from day one, we think the value of your shares is worth substantially more than what you pay for them.
If the company’s shares rise to match our estimate of the current value of its reserves, you could turn that modest $1,000 into as much as $5,400.
And if the company’s shares rise to reflect the expected future market price of its copper and other reserves, you could be staring at a $10,800 mountain of money. $2,000 would bring you $21,600.
Chinese Firms Are Trucking Through Canada’s
Mineral-Rich Resource Areas With Bags of Money
You know how closely I follow China! The Chinese are already the biggest consumers of copper in the world, and they will be consuming most of the world’s copper for years to come. The country is building a city the size of San Francisco every two weeks.
And as you already know from other industries — especially oil, gas, and coal — China’s companies are on the hunt to acquire as many companies with untapped reserves as possible.
The Chinese are willing to pay top dollar for copper. They’re not waiting around. And this company is perfectly situated to feed the rip-roaring growth of China’s surging demand for copper.
Wall Street and most investors haven’t figured this out yet. But they will soon. And we want to make sure our subscribers will be in this company’s shares before that happens.
What You Will Get When
You Join Our Service
My good friend Sean Brodrick heads up the service as the editor. I’m on the editorial board to lend my expertise.
Provided you respond before midnight tonight …
First, we will make sure you are on board to receive our alert that’s going out tomorrow — so you can be among the first to buy a stake in the copper company that could help you turn $1,000 into $10,800.
Second, we will immediately send you the Operating Manual for the service, designed to give you a broad understanding of the big picture, plus all the specific details you need, to help maximize your chances for success.
Third, you’ll get 15-20 recommendations per year — all undervalued, undiscovered small-cap natural resource companies that have the potential to multiply your money many times over.
Fourth, you’ll get special opportunities — companies we feel could pop any second, and give you nice profit potential over a few weeks’ time.
That’s in addition to the core portfolio, which is designed to help you take a small hoard of cash and turn it into a mountain of profits.
Most important, you get a three-year membership for the price of one! We feel three years is what’s needed to maximize the profit potential in these companies. But we also know that three years can be a big time commitment. So here’s what we’ve decided to offer you:
Join now at the regular rate of $5,000 per year, and get an additional TWO years free! You save $10,000 off a normal three-year subscription rate!
Plus, you get our iron-clad guarantee: If you’re not satisfied with the service — for whatever reason — you can write us at any time and cancel the service. We will immediately give you a refund. No questions asked.
The name of the service is Red-Hot Canadian Small-Caps, because so many of these little giants of inflation are located in Canada, a country with vast natural resources.
But don’t let the name fool you. Although our concentration is in Canada, wherever we see similar profit opportunities — in the U.S., Brazil, Argentina, Australia — we’ll be hopping on them to help you maximize your profit potential.
Deadline: TONIGHT (Sunday)
12 Midnight, Eastern Time
I repeat: To receive the first recommendations, we must hear from you by midnight, Eastern Time. That’s only about 16 hours from now!
Mike and Cindy are here today to take your call. They know how important this is for you. So they volunteered to be here all day.
Please be aware, however, that there are two essential limitations to this service:
Limitation #1. The service is capped at 500 members. There’s no room for more than that, based on the volume and liquidity of the small-cap shares we’re targeting.
Limitation #2. The membership term is three years. We feel that’s needed to maximize your profit potential.
With some stocks, we could cash out a lot sooner. Plus, we will be continuing to issue new recommendations as we move along. But as we see it now, the time horizon for our core recommendations is about three years, as Phase II of the natural resource boom unfolds.
We will e-mail out the first set of recommendations early tomorrow.
So if you want to guarantee your membership and be on board before we issue the alert, be sure to contact us by 12 am midnight tonight, Eastern Time.
To get on board … to secure your membership … to get our first set of recommendations …
Call Mike or Cindy at 800-871-2374. Or, if it’s after hours, you can order online at our secure website.
Yours truly,
Larry Edelson
MONEY AND MARKETS (MAM) is published by Weiss Research, Inc. and written by Martin D. Weiss along with Larry Edelson, Tony Sagami and other contributors. To avoid conflicts of interest, Weiss Research and its staff do not hold positions in companies recommended in MAM. Nor do we accept any compensation for such recommendations. The comments, graphs, forecasts, and indices published in MAM are based upon data whose accuracy is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Performance returns cited are derived from our best estimates but must be considered hypothetical inasmuch as we do not track the actual prices investors pay or receive. Contributors include Marie Albin, John Burke, Beth Cain, Amber Dakar, Michael Larson, Monica Lewman-Garcia, Julie Trudeau and others.
© 2005 by Weiss Research, Inc. All rights reserved.
15430 Endeavour Drive, Jupiter, FL 33478