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Within the next few days, Washington and Wall Street may mount a new, sweeping PR campaign designed to deceive investors about the crisis.
Deception #1. If Congress raises the U.S. debt ceiling tomorrow, they will try to convince you that the crisis is “over” — that they have largely “solved the problem” and that we can go back to “business as usual.”
Nothing could be further from the truth!
Our entire Weiss Research team has maintained all along that the debt ceiling would probably be raised in the 11th hour.
Warning: Shocking Video Many people say it’s shocking. Others say it’s more than shocking. But that’s not a bad thing, because they also say it’s motivating them to finally take protective action — or to help persuade their loved ones to do the same. We’re talking about American Apocalypse, the video which has already been viewed by thousands of readers like you. The timing could not be better — click here to watch it now. |
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But we’ve also told you that no matter how much (or how little) is cut from the federal deficit, nothing can be done to change this fact of life:
The more the government cuts deficit spending, the more the economy will shrink … and the more the economy shrinks, the bigger the deficit will be.
This is the same vicious cycle that’s afflicting Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Italy. And it’s the same one that we’ve seen many times during the decline of great nations.
When Will This Vicious Cycle
Be Striking the United States?
It already has been.
Local and federal governments have already been cutting back, and the U.S. economy has already begun to sink back into a recession.
In fact, the government’s GDP report this past Friday proved that this vicious cycle has actually been under way at least since the beginning of the year.
What’s the near-term solution? Sorry, there is none.
The cycle of contracting GDP and contracting government is the natural, inescapable consequence of the toxic assets and debts accumulated over many years.
It’s caused by the build-up from past overspending, past overborrowing, past abuse, and past neglect.
Think about that. It’s obvious that no one has a time machine to go back and change the past. So it should be equally obvious that the only way out is many years of collective sacrifice, belt-tightening, and financial pain.
Starting when? The big message of the debt ceiling crisis in Washington — no matter how it’s resolved tomorrow — is simple: The pain starts right now. The day of reckoning is not next year or 10 years from now. It’s today.
TODAY is the day the U.S. government is being forced to cut back even while its earlier efforts to revive the economy are already failing.
Never forget: The only reason the U.S. economy did not sink into a deeper recession two years ago was because the government pumped in trillions of dollars of stimulus and bailouts.
So now here we are, with the economy faltering again, and guess what! Instead of pumping in more money, our leaders have had no choice but to do precisely the opposite: They’re cutting! They’re taking money OUT of the economy!
For corporations, that means falling profits.
For average Americans, it means more lost jobs.
And for Uncle Sam, it delivers an instant double-whammy — plunging revenues from income taxes and surging costs for unemployment benefits.
Result: A much BIGGER deficit than anyone dreamed possible! Despite any budget cuts!
Deception #2. When S&P, Moody’s, and Fitch downgrade the U.S. government’s debt, Washington and Wall Street will try to convince you that it’s not going to have much impact.
Standard & Poor’s has already said that the downgrade will directly impact government-owned and government-sponsored agencies: Ginnie Mae, Sallie Mae, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and many more.
S&P has also promised that a U.S. debt downgrade could precipitate downgrades of up to 7,000 municipalities.
What they have not told you is that many corporate bonds could also be subject to downgrades.
Why? Because the companies that issue these bonds rely on U.S. government subsidies, contracts, financial guarantees, bailouts, and more. Or they do business with other companies that rely on the U.S. government.
And in a broader sense, they operate in a country — the United States — where the government’s credit rating is a key factor in virtually every financial transaction.
So a downgrade for the U.S. government is inconceivable without a chain reaction of downgrades in virtually every business sector.
Plus, there’s one more explosive fact that S&P has chosen not to highlight in public:
The Impact of a U.S. Debt Downgrade on the
Ratings of Thousands of Banks and Insurers
Throughout modern history, thousands of U.S. banks and insurers have held large portfolios of U.S. Treasuries, government agency bonds, municipal bonds, and corporate bonds.
And almost invariably, it has been assumed that, with the exception of junk bonds, these holdings were a key factor in helping the financial institutions get better ratings.
What happens to their ratings if a substantial percentage of their bond holdings is downgraded? The answer should be obvious: The financial institutions themselves must ALSO be downgraded.
Result: Mass downgrades for thousands of U.S. banks, credit unions, and insurance companies.
How vulnerable are they to this collective disaster? The table below, based on the Fed’s latest data, gives you the answer in a nutshell:
Why Ratings of Thousands of U.S. Banks and Insurance
Companies Are Vulnerable to a U.S. Debt Downgrade
Data source: U.S. Federal Reserve’s Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States. For banks and S&Ls, the numbers shown combine the totals from the Fed’s tables L.110 and L.114. For credit unions, see table L.115. And for insurance companies, see tables L116 and L117.
Start with their holdings in Treasury securities. According to the Federal Reserve, banks and savings & loans hold $216 billion; credit unions have $21 billion; life insurers have $156 billion; and property-casualty insurers have $93 billion.
Total Treasuries held by U.S. financial institutions: $486 billion, a very substantial sum.
But those holdings are small in comparison to what banks and insurers have piled up in bonds issued by a raft of U.S. government agencies: Banks have $1.5 trillion, according to the Fed. Credit unions — $162 billion. Life insurers — $386 billion. And property-casualty insurers — $116 billion.
Total government agency securities held by U.S. financial institutions: A whopping $2.2 trillion, all of which will be immediately subject to downgrades by the major rating agencies as soon as the U.S. loses its top-notch credit rating.
And that’s STILL not the end of it.
U.S. financial institutions also have $725 billion in municipal bonds and $2.9 trillion in corporate and foreign bonds, most of which would probably also be subject to downgrades over the next few months.
All told, U.S. financial institutions now hold an astonishing $6.3 trillion in securities subject to immediate or future downgrades in the wake of a U.S. government debt downgrade.
Of course, the banks and insurers invest in other things besides government and corporate bonds: Mortgages, commercial loans, and more add up to total financial assets of nearly $19 trillion.
It remains to be seen what percentage of those assets will also wind up on the rating chopping block. But even assuming those other assets never wind up on the ratings’ chopping block, here’s the bottom line:
A whopping ONE-THIRD of all the financial assets of all U.S. financial institutions is potentially vulnerable to mass downgrades.
Bottom line: If folks in Washington or Wall Street try to tell you this isn’t a big deal, tell them to take a hike.
What You Should Do Right Away …
The instructions I gave you last week are unchanged:
First, unload and avoid all medium- or long-term government securities — including those issued by the U.S. Treasury, Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or any government agency.
Right now, their notes and bonds are still fetching premium prices in liquid markets. But that could change very quickly. So don’t wait. Sell at the market.
Second, if you haven’t done so already based on our guidance in our Safe Money Report and other publications, increase your allocation to gold bullion or equivalent.
The world’s largest gold bullion ETF — GLD — is still viable. Plus, you can purchase gold bullion coins from American Century, Dillon Gage, FideliTrade, Manfra, Tordella & Brookes, Rare Coins of New Hampshire, or other reputable dealers.
Third, substantially reduce your exposure to U.S. stocks, starting with the most vulnerable. For a reliable opinion on which those are,
- Sign up or sign in at www.weisswatchdog.com,
- Search for your stocks (using the first word of the name only),
- Add them to your Watchlist, and then
- Check your Watchlist to see the latest rating.
Social Security Cuts Are “On the Table” … Washington lawmakers are considering changes to Social Security that will mean deeper and deeper benefit cuts. So In this video, our income investment expert shows you how to secure safe, growing income streams in your golden years. Secure Your Growing Retirement Income Streams Right Now By Using this Secret Strategy! Click to here to watch it now. |
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Fourth, for vulnerable investments you do continue to hold, be sure to hedge. A handy vehicle: Inverse ETFs — ETFs designed to rise in value when your investments fall. Specifically,
- To hedge against a decline in U.S. Treasuries, you can use ProShares UltraShort Lehman 20+ Year Treasury ETF (symbol TBT), and …
- In addition to the inverse S&P ETF that I cited here last week, if you specifically want to hedge against a decline in U.S. financial stocks, consider ProShares Short Financials ETF (SEF).
Good luck and God bless!
This is a completely contrived republican crisis and I am so surprised that Weiss has turned to politics instead of history for a solution. Why is it the the lessons of the first Great Republican (caused) Depression are forgotten? At the same stage 73 years ago the republicans forced FDR to destimulate like the repubs are doing right now and what happened – duh – the economy went down the toilet again. The answer now should be to tax the billionaires and multimillionaires while creating accelerated depreciation for capital investment and credits for research but, but only for US based research and investment. Tax cuts for the rich and corporations at the expense of the poor and middle-class is republican robinhood in reverse and has never ever worked to get the economy going! The next stage of this crisis is for the republicans/Weiss to advocate policies which create a doubledip so more homes can ultimately be foreclosed on and the mega-rich can buy real estate assets by the block for pennies on the dollar from the poor and newly poor just as they did when republican balance-the-budget nonsense starved a barely recovering economy into another dip in 1937
I assume that you in general think keeping cash in a short-term money market fund is better than FDIC Bank Deposits. However, my brokerage keeps telling me that I shouldn’t move funds from their FDIC Bank Deposit funds (in the brokerage account) and transfer them to their Treasury Money Market Fund. They say a run on the short-term Treasury Fund would make you investment less than $1 per share and that the FDIC insured account is better. Why do they keep telling me this? I’ve had this discussion three times with them. I am just an ordinary family person-not an expert and I don’t know what to think! I’m sure many others are wondering also.
Isn’t GLD just a derivative of “real” gold? I heard they sell more shares than they hold in physical gold. Isn’t that called a ponzi? Is there a risk in GLD over other gold alternatives?
To answer Martin N. above. Yes, there is a great risk in GLD. …The higher GLD has been manipulated up, the less intrinsic value it has, since they hold less gold the higher the price goes. When the big boys who also control the financial media cannot convince enough other suckers the american sky is falling and to buy into the Gold bubble they created with your future tax obligations given to them by your govt to supposedly avert a financial system collapse …and when they can’t find even enough suckers to sell their shares to, the party will be over and the drop in GLD will be look similar to what happened to silver … only worse since GLD will have to sell real gold into a falling market to cover share liquidations. GLD will drop much faster than it rose since it has much less gold available to sell compared to its price. So, it would seem GLD is a rip-off. Letting unsuspecting people think they are buying a share representing a fixed amount of gold. Even their wording in their prospectus is hard to decipher which should raise flags as it is. If you can’t understand it, it is because they don’t want you to. Need I say more? If you only buy things that are straight up, clear, and true. The crooks will have to work for a living.
Not that the american sky isn’t falling…
However, one has to decide from the facts if we are in a depression or in an inflation? Either way its not good and you will get screwed. That is why both are implemented, to take your money. Depressions occur after extended inflations and result in depressed asset prices like your home for instance. The banksters played out that bubble. Then they switched over to the financial and commodity markets. At some point these bubbles will pop as well. They are hardly the signs of true inflation where broad based demand increases have occurred rather than manipulative “demand” from a few big boys. The sooner you stop allowing govt to steal your money to give to banksters to use to create bubbles, the sooner you will stop letting yourself get screwed twice. Will the economy slow? It hasn’t stopped slowing, never did stop slowing throughout “the bush and obama stimulations” …of banksters pockets. The sooner you get your head out of the TV, the bought and paid for propaganda, the sooner you go get your own data and info which is readily available, the sooner you will realize cash is king in a depression. If the consequences of a slowing economy are less dollars chasing assets resulting in lower asset prices… what happens? I can buy more with my dollars. More house, more car, and as soon as you stop allow govt to give your dough to banksters, more food, clothes, and amazingly, gold! If I can buy more with my dollars doesn’t that mean their is negative inflation? And doesn’t gold normally keep up with inflation? Why hasn’t this been the case, why has gold been rising while employment, housing, and most of the economy except bloating govt been falling? If you listen to all the propaganda, it is due to the falling value of the dollar. Yet if my dollar buys me more house or car than it did last year, how did it fall in value? So how did gold get to where it is? Same way oil went on a moonshot surpassing all measures of inflation, war premium, counter to increasing supply and shrinking demand, everything put together on its way to over $140 a barrel a few short years ago. There are many out there who don’t want to believe the markets are highly manipulated. They dearly want to believe in the efficient market theory. Just pull out a DIA chart representing the Dow Jones Industrial Index or the SPY representing the SP500. You will find large gaps opens(gap between a day’s close and the next day’s open) with the majority of the day trading in the opposite direction. Who decide this ridiculous opening price? Did it occur due to overnight trading? Sometimes to a degree but mostly it rigged to spur those in the markets, be it investors or traders, to make a losing trade and take their money. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
If you are going to do battle with a cornered rat, you better believe it isn’t your friend.
Who controls the media you listen to?
Good luck,
we’ll all need it,
Add to the above the lousy advice spewed by the Weiss pundits and you wonder how they still have a website up.
Hey Manuel,
Weiss is on the Money hope you took all his advice the last couple of months and got out of stocks – Or i guess being the bull you are you waiting for bounce – Dow down 500 plus points today should wake you up.
Check you month Candlestick chart and check the hanging man & suicide lovers ( Ends the trend)
Target 1100 then all the way back to the bottom and sum – Why – cause the FED can’t buy the market just like the Japanese couldn’t neither can he – Bubble burst – expect big dead cat bounces followed by even bigger falls.
That D. WEISS – doubled my Cash today.
im a pirate are are are :p. I do understand.