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On President Trump’s first day in the Oval Office, he made good on his campaign promise to “rip up” trade deals he thinks are unfavorable to the U.S. economy by withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations.
And mark my words, this is only the beginning.
Not long after Trump’s election win – a surprise to most investors, but an outcome I predicted in advance thanks to my cycle analysis – I’m on record saying: “I have no doubt that he will follow through on this promise. He was clear about one goal throughout his campaign: Getting much tougher on trade relations.”
My cycles and AI models warned you to expect chaos in the global economy and financial markets, including a worldwide sovereign bond crisis. This was long before Mr. Trump even decided to run for president.
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The fact that Donald J. Trump is our 45th president at this critical time in our nation’s history fits in perfectly with my cycle analysis. |
The truth is, we were heading down this path no matter who became our next Commander in Chief. But the fact that Donald J. Trump is our 45th president at this critical time in our nation’s history, indeed in the annals of world history, fits in perfectly with my cycle analysis.
Look, this is the guy who authored “The Art of the Deal” and “The Art of the Comeback.” So make no mistake, he fully intends to use the same hard-ball negotiating tactics when it comes to a broad range of issues including:
- Foreign trade talks…
- Confronting China …
- Levying tariffs and taxes on imports …
- Even combating Isis and terrorism in general
As I said, this is just the beginning. Going forward, expect more divisive politics and social unrest that will make the million-women march look like a tea party. Ultimately, you can expect an end to the era of big government, not just in the U.S., but worldwide.
The old order that has been in place since WWII is about to come crashing down. The era in which governments amassed an unsustainable $275 trillion in total debts and obligations is quickly coming to a painful end.
The Coming New Black-Market for Gold. Official government attacks on gold are ramping higher. The digital cashless society is on its way paving the way for a potentially very strong bull market in gold! 2017 will go down in history as the year all hell breaks loose. Countries like India have already virtually outlawed all gold holdings and are even going door-to-door to confiscate gold. If you think 2016 was wild, just wait until you see what’s in store for the new year and beyond! I’m predicting that 2017 will represent the tipping point in the great Supercycle sovereign debt crisis I warned folks about two years ago. Prepare now for the looming bottom in gold. Check out the first lesson of my ULTIMATE Gold and Silver Trading Course. Click here now to watch it FREE. |
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Financial markets, global currencies, even our societies have been built on this shaky foundation of debt, and it’s about to topple. Over the next four years, President Trump and his policies will play a key role in these events, just as my cycles forecast.
Best wishes,
P.S. We are in for five years of chaos in the economy, the markets and in our business and personal lives. As this supercycle courses through the world economy in the months ahead, the investors our governments count on for loans will snap their wallets shut. Even now, investors are reading the handwriting on the wall: Government debt is simply too massive. It can never be repaid. It would be financial suicide for them to continue loaning their money to Brussels, Tokyo or Washington; insane to throw good money after bad. And so, governments — including our own — will simply run out of money. Read more here …
You are correct Larry in pointing out that governments role in society is being changed right before I eyes. We the people have spoken at the voting booths and expect the new POTUS to run America like a business. This populist movement has been born as a result of the politicians inability to listen to constituents and collaborate on issues. Like him or not Trump will listen and “get ‘er done”
Sorry Al I disagree. You have spoken like so many elections in the past and nothing was done thus the 20 trillion dollar debt. Just like most of Trumps contractors that work on his many businesses he will stiff you to. Its not the “Art of the Deal” its “The Art of the Steal” Check your wallet. He is going after Social Security in a big way. Read the following proposals and income levels for SS cuts. They are rather staggering.
According to a recent write-up by MarketWatch, folks in the “low” and “very low” income groups ($12,280 to $22,105 annually) would basically lose nothing. The cuts he’s proposing for them are in the 0.5% to 1.7% range.
But he’s proposed a cut of 22.7% if you earn between $49,121 and $78,593. Johnson considers $49,000 to be a “medium” annual income level.
And proposed cuts of 60% would start at the “high earner” level for folks with $78,594 in annual income.
Once you hit $118,500 or more in annual income, the cut would be 66%.
Nice comment but not really helpful in trading ideas
What is your take on Trump’s nomination of Steve Mnuchin ,one of the top market riggers at Goldman Sachs, as Treasury Secretary. Should be interesting to see what happens to the dollar and precious metals under his reign. Maybe a setup by Trump to later fire him and get back at the “bad guys”?
I rarely agree with your views when it comes to politics, but this time I believe you’re spot on. I hope Trump will follow through on half of what you say. The only way to prevent the US from doing a Thelma and Louise is with massive down sizing in federal, state and local governments. This goes for most western countries today.
His biggest problem will be to end the very proffitable and endless series of wars that Clinton, Bush and Obama have kept going for almost 20 years. I would hate to see him end up like JFK. Kennedy didn’t just talk the talk. He walked the walk, and we all know where that got him. Let’s hope it’s not Deja Vu all over again.
Hope? What does that accomplish exactly? Trump could never have won without divine intervention. I know this is not a Christian site but I find it hard to believe a guy who is hated and actively opposed by: 1, the mainstream media, 2. academia/universities, 3. billionaires like Soros, Buffett, Ted Turner and Oprah 4. rampant electoral cheating and well funded protesting (see Project Veritas) – I find it difficult to believe that he could win on his own. So I suggest we replace our “hope” with active prayer to Him that put him there, Jesus Christ.
Hello BC
Trump really wants to beef up the military would the question “WHY” cross your mind? If you said walk tall and carry a big stick its the wrong answer.
Trump had a noted ghost writer for his Art of the Deal-the claim he wrote it as
much a lie as 75% of what he says. Your predictions: my prediction-with such a
narcissist at the head of the most powerful country in the world means the world
is in peril. I question your decisions if you can give any substance to an immoral
your talking about obama im guessing
Karsten, your emotional claims are not backup by real data. More fake news. Stop watching the MSM and broaden your perspective. Trump has only been in office 1 week now and so far he is keeping all of his campaign promises….in just his first week! So, when you emotionally claim that “75% of what he says” are lies, his ACTIONS prove otherwise.
I applaud the end of big government and the control of DC by the “Deep State”. Kennedy tried to curtail the influence of big business in DC and we know what happened to him. The democrats are deeply in bed with the so called hidden government and rely on its control of the economy and stock market. I look forward to a big shake-up in DC to hopefully eliminate this anti-democratic form of governing. Obama, hopefully, will be the last puppet of these self-serving people. Gold and silver will benefit from the destruction of the “deep state” which is not addressed in any cycle because no one in government,except Kennedy, has ever challenged this evil force. Hopefully, Trump will be successful in draining the swamp of the scum that has cared only for itself, not the country. The left is the only roadblock to prosperity and it is financed by America hating personalities, e.g. George Soros. America will prosper inder Trump once the swamp is drained!
He drained the swamp right into his cabinet. You are seriously dreaming if you think this man has any intention of draining the swamp.
Dear Robert
You may not like who the Republicans are in bed with either. I am truly amazed that you fell for all the draining the swamp rhetoric if you followed what has happened since the election. Trump has stiffed everyone else he has mastered “The Art Of The Steal” now its your turn.
Somehow we made the Greatest “Snake Oil Salesman” the President of the U.S.A.
He is going to “drain the swamp” of the current crooked politicians, and replace them with his own group of crooked politicians, banksters, and hedge fund operators.
For those who believe, his interest is in helping the Middle Class, I have a Bridge in Brooklyn to sell them.
Larry, freedom is a peculiar commodity. You can only exercise it by giving it away.
However, when it is taken away, then wait for the blowback.
Big Government has been consistently taking it away, a bit at a time, in my view.
This applies to both US, and Europe, and now we are beginning to see blowback, in many things. It is a new paradigm, and I see little sign of recognition of that, in ” Big Government.
Bend or break!
Massive debt is terrible financial management. And it’s also extremely immoral to purposefully bankrupt the country you lead. Therefore investing in such debt is immoral. And highly risky. Therefore it’s completely OK to default on such debt, just like people and businesses default on bank loans. The only thing you need to ensure is that you don’t need to borrow in the future since you’ve just “burned your bridges” with lenders. If in fact the US debt is too big to ever repay, Trump should negotiate a discount on all outstanding debt or default if a deal cannot be negotiated. He didn’t create this mess – lenders did. Therefore they should bear the brunt of its resolution.
Dear Ken
Its only a massive debt on paper and like Monopoly you print more paper currency to pay it off. Next step emoney zap and your bank account is cleaned out for the greater good. They call it progress.
Ask yourself this
The fed is a collection of private banks administering our own money supply. Why should the people pay interest to the fed on the government debt borrowings of their own currency? This is where politicians are useless and a businessman with DJT’s experience count. We should not have to pay the JPM’s of the world anything to borrow our own money, regardless of how irresponsible we are with it. They are private banks.
On June 4, 1963 JFK signed EO 11110 which said the Treasury Dept. was to print USD from then on. That was his way of draining the swamp. In effect he signed his own death warrant. The banksters will do what they did to him again if they have to. These are interresting times we’re living in.
Yes BC
Now its your turn to get done like dinner. Your on the governments menu. They are presently concocting ways to part you from your money.
I remember that JFK brought Robert McNamara over from Ford Motor Co. to run the Pentagon more like a business not a bloated over pay for everything bureaucracy. And the government doesn’t have stockholders to answer to. And the bureaucrats whose job is to watch over our pennies have a job no matter how well they do or don’t their job. The only people who get the blame are the elected officials who have little control over them. It will be very hard if not impossible to run the government on a performance results model without a radical change in how the government conducts business. I remember spending two working days plus overtime filling out forms to obtain a mail contract for a truck company. We had forms certifying that we weren’t polluting the Alaska wilderness (We were in California) would endanger any endangered species of about a dozen different types of reptiles, ethnic diversity, etc. And at the end the last form was did we actually have any trucks and if the answer was yes one set of forms and if the answer was twice as many forms. And no we didn’t get any contract because,, wait for it,,,, our trucks were the wrong shade of color. and some bureaucrat thought my German Shepard was one of the drivers.
when are we going to get our January edition of real wealth
deficit has improved from 1.4 trillion in 2010 to 600 billion now. however, the debt is massive going from about 10 trillion to 18 trillion over the same period. can we inflate our way out of this mess? if the dow is going to 30,000 like larry says, i’d say yes. and that surely would put bonds in a secular bear market. likewise for gold.
obama ran up the debt to over 20 trillion in a few scant yrs literally doubling it in 8 yrs
I could not agree more. The long term charts show a coming time of great disruption. It will not be Trump’s fault, but he will probably get the blame unless there is some massive external event that gets the blame (election at this time was bad timing for him). The economy (and markets) run in huge cycles…and we are due for the start of bad times, probably starting this year.
If it wasn’t for Card Check or kicking off tens of thousands perhaps millions of legitimate voters from the voting roles Trump would not have won. As you perhaps know if voter in Ohio for example has the name John R. Smith and a registered voter in Texas John M. Smith Card Check claims these John Smiths are the same person and they are voting twice in states hundreds of miles apart. If one of the John’s complains he can have a provisional ballot or as we call them placebo ballots. In republican run states these ballots are never counted. My point is that if all the disenfranchised voters in Michigan were counted (and Wisconsin) Trump didn’t actually win (vote rigging). It’s no wonder these republican run states didn’t allow a recount.
Bush stole the election in 2000 and 2004. Obama stole the primary from Ron Paul in 2008. HRC stole the primary from Sanders in 2016. This is not a Republican or Democratic problem. It’s an American problem: Electronic voting is impossible to verify, and very easy to tamper with. Have it thrown out.
well actually wisconsin did have a recount since the liberals wanted it AND trump gained hundreds and hundreds of extra uncounted votes its amazing you cant state the true facts it was national news i guess the truth hurts too much
Yes hawk5000 and now you can wait for your “Dear Leader” to deliver.
question on the coming bond crisis, does this apply to corporate bonds or just government bonds
dow 20,000 I think you missed your projection of the big crash.
Larry ,I am beginning to wonder that after having such a bad 2016 that you might be having problems pulling the trigger on where we should put out money. You called the rise of the dollar back when it was at 94 and said it would rise and it did , up to 103. But you did have us purchase any option or etf’s. This was a big move. Some have ask you about UVXY but you said not yet . But SUXY could have been played. It is up 209% yr to date and just in the first 25 days of this year it is up 28%. So what’s up Larry?
I disagree that we are seeing the end of big government. Individual country big gov’t, yes. But this all will lead to a global collapse which will pave the way for the New World Order, a one world gov’t, and currency, the ultimate goal of the insider elites who have orchestrated this unmitigated mess for their purposes.
Larry, in your expert opinion when would you think the manipulation of the gold and silver prices through futures contracts will end. Right now gold and silver investors are being managed effectively through the futures contracts. In my view, the U.S. doesn’t have to confiscate gold nor silver, they just simply have to keep it suppressed through futures contracts. It would be nice to invest in an honest and fair market.
Never Cheryl Never. Watch the gold market tank next week AGAIN with the Chinese market being closed for 5 days. Someone will drop a big dime of paper gold on the market like last time when China was shut down for 5 days for a holiday and gold plunged over $50.
So Larry what we have is rule by Plutocracy – as our President and his Czars are all Billionaires – translation the Rich will get richer and the poor as well ? LOL
Trump will do everything he promised on the campaign trail , unlike the last guy who promised so much hope and change and will now be remembered as the do nothing President and with the lowest approval of any – and rightfully so. But he sure could BS old Bathhouse Barry
Gold will retreat , oil will go lower , stocks several corrections but a slow steady climb to 25k and beyond
Stay Well Larry and feel free to use my above forecast, you can buy me a beer in Singapore
For decades – Japan has purchased U.S. Bonds to control the upward movement of the Yen. China has followed the same route – but for a smaller number of decades.
So if they want to be competitive in one of their largest markets, they have to keep buying our debt.
Martin really they have to keep buying your debt?. They are diversifying into gold and other areas like lending money to countries that are on the knees because of debt and the Chinese come in a lend them money knowing they can never pay it back. These are better loans than TBills with a guarantee that they can never be paid back and the collateral is better than Tbills its a country. Its called the New Silk Road (Ripoff) If you were a lender and a person that was in debt over their ears would you lend them more NO. As Larry has stated time and again the borrowers to the US will soon be snapping their purses shut.
In less than 2 decades, maybe less than 1, money will be obsoleted.
3 levels of robots,
Level 1 will consist of domestic and business (corporate, local support and world support including drone robots) Automatons.
Level 2 will consist of repair and maintenance robots that fix level 1 Automatons.
Level 3 will consist of automated manufacturing of level 1 & 2.
Humans will not need to buy anything so will not need cash (ie: money) as everything will be provided for them. There will still be human endeavors like art, travel, entertainment, etc. Not to forget love & loving.
Stupid. Automation will grow, yes but humans will need to perform maintenance on automation as well as build them. Automation is a growing trend which is actually creating a lot of jobs. We won’t see what you said in our lifetime.
After reading some of the comments above, looks like it’s time to break out the tin foil beanies.
The debt debacle will be hastened by Trump’s repetition of failed voodoo economics. Reagan tripled the debt and Bush II changed a balanced budget into one with a yearly 600 billion dollar structural deficit. Obama failed to take any action to curb the deficit while both parties in Congress acted only to protect their own boondoggles. Tax cuts in the face of a 700 billion dollar deficit will push the yearly disaster over a trillion. Run, do not walk away from Government debt.
The democrats and Obama were all idiots for going so many years without a budget or plan to conquer the deficit. Obviously the Republicans had no plan either thinking of course some other candidate would prevail. Obama promised hope and change. He actually produced change. But Americans won’t tolerate a country he envisioned as a third world country. What Trump provides and few can see or realize the potential. An antithesis or an opposition with teeth to the status quo. I’m sure the nay will have something negative to say as soon as they can regain their composure. But then they were so right about Trump never being elected.