But my destination is Vancouver, one of my favorite cities even in the dead of winter. While Im there, I hope to have time to swing by Robson Square, particularly if snow is blanketing the oft-drab gray and the green with a fresh layer of white.
Or, if the sky is clear, and I can spend a few moments looking out from my hotel room window, contemplating the city at sunset … that alone will help reward me for the long flight between this far corner of North America to the other. But Im afraid I may not have time for either. Because my true mission is to attend a whirlwind of investment conferences, to meet privately with the executives of natural resource companies and to find new burgeoning opportunities for you. And with yesterday’s surge in energy stocks … despite the big dump in the Dow … the mission couldn’t be more urgent. My first stop will be the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, which starts early tomorrow. Theyre featuring a wide array of mining companies, including many in oil and gas and other natural resources. Ill be interviewing the cream of the crop. Then, the Mineral Exploration Roundup, one of the biggest pow-wows of mining companies and investors in the world, will start on Monday. Theyre bringing in the best in industry leaders, explorationists, prospectors, investment advisors, suppliers and students. I cant wait to see who Ill run into there. Im very anxious to hear what they have to say. And as the eternal skeptic, Im going to be looking for hard facts not wishy-washy pie in the sky. I have a long list of people I want to talk to. And I expect Ill be jostling armpit to elbow in a hurly-burly of investors and CEOs, doers … and … some dreamers as well. But despite Vancouvers notoriously overcast weather including over 23 straight days of rain recently plenty of these guys will be walking on sunshine, because money is starting to pour into the small-caps leaders in the booming world of natural resources. Look again what happened in the markets just yesterday! The Dow plunged 213 points. The Nasdaq fell 54. But even on this huge down day for the broad market, oil stocks continued to go up, with the Oil Service HOLDRs (OIH) rising by 2%, to still another all-time high! Meanwhile, just in the past twelve months alone, $3 billion has poured into these companies for the exploration of gold, base metals, diamonds, uranium and other commodities. And its still way, way early in this profit party. Its also too soon to give you the lineup of people and companies I plan to see not to mention ones I might meet just wandering around. Heck, during my last trip to Vancouver, a chance meeting with one of the executives of a silver mining company led to a long, sit-down interview … which, in turn, led me to recommend a stock thats currently showing a bumper crop of double-digit open gains. Gains dont turn into profits until you bank em, of course. But my subscribers know who Im talking about. This company opened one silver mine at the beginning of November … and is scheduled to bring ANOTHER silver mine on line at the end of the first quarter. I also suspect this company has something else brewing simply because of the roaring silence in its emails. These guys are suddenly more tight-lipped than the CIA, and my recent experience tells me thats usually a prelude to very good things. Here are some examples of companies on my short list of prospects for scheduled or possible interviews … New Hot Prospect #1 I had a long talk with the company president last time I was in Vancouver, and he impressed me as one of the sharpest tools in the shed. Now, I cant wait to see first-hand the report on his latest test results. New Hot Prospect #2 A Chinese mining giant recently bought a stake in this explorer. Why? Perhaps because its sitting on a property in British Columbia with the potential for 50 to 100 million tons of ore containing four to six grams of gold per ton. And maybe thats just the tip of the iceberg with this company. Proven facts? Not yet. Worth investigating? You bet! New Hot Prospect #3 This is one of those companies that looks like it could be on the verge of a major breakthrough. So I dont think its shareholders will have to wait long for a big payoff. Ive been itching to add this stock … and sure enough, it surged on Thursday. Have we missed the big move or is it just starting? Ill get the scoop on this trip. New Hot Prospect #4 Im talking about tailings (mine waste). And Im talking about the profits that can be made by converting the tailings into ecologically friendly building materials. The company is also sitting on a bushel of potentially rich properties. Ive been swapping emails with their officials for a while, but A) I want a first-hand look and B) I was worried about the stocks price and volume. Maybe I shouldnt worry so much. Heres a recent chart …
But you can see how it rallied hard at the end of last year. And you can see how, right now, its consolidating those gains, trading in a tighter and tighter range. That tells me the stock may be getting ready for its next major move. But I want to check it out in person before I issue a buy recommendation. New Hot Prospect #5 My subscribers already own one uranium explorer thats up about 29% from the time I first recommended it. But thats still not enough of a stake for me not with the world running a huge uranium deficit every year. In an age of dwindling oil resources, countries around the globe are rushing to build dozens of new nuclear power plants. As a result, annual demand for nuclear fuel is now equal to 180 million pounds of uranium, while only 108 million pounds of ore were produced in 2005. This deficit is going to last for years. And its going to get worse before it gets better, putting uranium explorers like the one Im looking at in the catbird seat. All These Prospects and Many More Are profits guaranteed? Of course not. With any investment you can always lose money, and small caps can sometimes be hard to sell. Am I committing to recommending these companies before I even rush out the door to PBI airport? Heck no! Is this a complete list of the companies Im planning on talking to in Vancouver? Not even close! But for me, this is like a second Christmas in January. And when Im back home by the middle of next week, it will be with a treasure-chest of information that could take the already-impressive open gains in and shift them into overdrive. Among the 15 positions Ive recommended so far, the worst of the lot is flat, while 14 have gains ranging from a tiny .3% to as high as 29%. And all this in just about five weeks. Theres Only One Problem: My service is strictly limited to 500 members, and 437 are taken, leaving only 63 slots available for new members. So if youre interested, I strongly suggest you grab your slot now. Here’s what you get when you join … FIRST, you will get my very next recommendations. Most likely, theyll come from my meetings this weekend in Vancouver. And with whats happening in gold and oil right now both sharply higher the wind is in your sails. So the timing is excellent. SECOND, you will immediately receive the Operating Manual for the service, designed to give you a broad understanding of the big picture plus all the specific details you need to help maximize your chances for success. THIRD, youll get 20-30 recommendations per year, all undervalued, undiscovered small-cap natural resource companies that have the potential to multiply your money many times over. FOURTH, youll get everything you need to know about the companies, including reports from on-site visits to their offices and properties when I meet with them. FIFTH, youll get special trading opportunities companies I feel could pop any second, giving you nice profit potential over a few weeks time. SIXTH, You Get a Three-Year Join now at the regular rate of $5,000 per year, and get two additional years free! You save $10,000 off a normal three-year rate! Plus, you get our iron-clad guarantee: If youre not satisfied with the service for whatever reason you can write us at any time and cancel the service. We will immediately give you a refund on the pro-rated amount of your subscription. The name of the service is Red-Hot Canadian Small-Caps because so many of these little giants are located in Canada, a country with vast natural resources. But dont let the name fool you. Although the concentration is in Canada, wherever I see major profit opportunities be it Brazil, Argentina, Australia or right here in the U.S. Ill hop on them to help you maximize your profit potential. Remember: Dont miss the boat on this. Call us right away at 800-400-6916. Or order online at our secure website. Good luck and happy trades!
P.S. Just this week, gold has surged AGAIN, and small-cap miners are now about to do the same. Oil is also exploding higher again and should hit a new record high very soon. And all this is happening before Iran starts blowing up … before people fully recognize the threat of Bin Ladens latest terror warnings … before avian flu spreads further … and before China or India start pouring more billions into every ounce of reserves they can find. So if you want one of the last available memberships, I strongly suggest you act now before theyre gone. Once the memberships are filled, the service will be closed to new members. About MONEY AND MARKETS MONEY AND MARKETS (MAM) is published by Weiss Research, Inc. and written by Martin D. Weiss along with Larry Edelson, Tony Sagami and other contributors. To avoid conflicts of interest, Weiss Research and its staff do not hold positions in companies recommended in MAM. Nor do we accept any compensation for such recommendations. The comments, graphs, forecasts, and indices published in MAM are based upon data whose accuracy is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Performance returns cited are derived from our best estimates but must be considered hypothetical inasmuch as we do not track the actual prices investors pay or receive. Contributors include Marie Albin, John Burke, Beth Cain, Amber Dakar, Michael Larson, Monica Lewman-Garcia, Julie Trudeau and others. 2006 by Weiss Research, Inc. All rights reserved. |
Five New Hot Prospects
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