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With oil surging to as much as $96.24 on Thursday, with gold closing at $808.50 on Friday, and with the engines behind these powerful moves just now revving up to high gear …
Some of the greatest profits ever are now being made in these natural resources, their shares and the options on their shares.
So the timing of our Emergency Strategy Update could not have been better …
The Global Resource Explosion
Edited transcript
(with key charts updated)
Bob Nichols: Hello! I’m Bob Nichols, financial TV journalist and news anchor for over 30 years and host today for our online strategy update, “The Global Resource Explosion.”
The natural resource boom is one of the world’s most explosive investment areas … spinning off profits that are putting virtually every other sector to shame … driven higher by the most powerful economic forces on the planet … and just beginning to unfold.
Today, Martin Weiss and Larry Edelson are going to tell you where to find the greatest opportunities, which investment vehicles to use, and how to maximize your profits.
But this is actually the third major event that I’ve hosted for Martin Weiss and his team at Weiss Research.
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The first major event was in February of 2007. That’s when I — and thousands of loyal subscribers — witnessed, first-hand, as Larry and Martin told you about one of the most powerful forces on the planet today — the massive wealth being created by three billion people in Asia.
Like today, we had Martin here in the U.S. and Larry Edelson on the line from Asia — plus experts on the line calling in from South America and Europe.
Martin and Larry told you about the profit opportunities in China, the largest consumer of natural resources in the world. And they told you about the profit opportunities in Brazil, the largest provider of many of the world’s natural resources. Martin, bring us up to date.
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Martin Weiss: Since then, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen about 15%. But China’s stock market has put our market to shame, rising by one hundred and twenty-three percent, based on the most widely traded China ETF.
Bob: All just in the eight months since our first event?
Martin: Yes. And look at Brazil! Look how its stock market has surged almost as quickly as China’s, up a resounding 82%. This shows you, in a nutshell, the massive power of Asia’s growth and the massive impact its having on natural resources.
Bob: Then came the second major event with you, Larry and your team. Again, thousands of your subscribers joined. Again, you told you them about amazing global opportunities — this time in soaring foreign currencies.
You told us about the falling dollar … and how your father, J. Irving Weiss, tried to stop it from falling many years ago, even enlisting the support of Bernard Baruch, Hebert Hoover and former Fed chairman Bill Martin … how that valiant attempt failed, and how we’re now paying the price with a falling currency. What’s happened since?
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Martin: While every major currency on the planet has been rising, the dollar has been falling, crossing an invisible red line to its lowest level of all time. This means it has crossed from a period of slow, orderly declines to a new era of rapid, chaotic declines … from a time when its impact could be ignored to a time when its impact will be felt everywhere, especially on those assets that rise the most when the dollar falls — natural resources.
Bob: Which brings us to today’s event — the new profit opportunities being generated right now by the global explosion in natural resources.
Martin: It’s the sequel of sequels. It’s the price explosion that’s driven by the two most powerful economic forces on earth today — the unprecedented demand from China that Larry and I told you about in our first event … and at the same time … the unparalleled plunge in the U.S. dollar that we told you about in our second event.
Bob: You’ve saved the best for the last! And Larry is, hands down, one of the leading experts in this field.
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Martin: Yes. It was Larry Edelson who was among the first to tell you, with no punches pulled and no vacillation, that gold was going to explode higher, heading for its all-time highs.
When Larry first began writing the gold column in my Safe Money Report, gold was under $300 an ounce. He forecast a run to $500, $600 even $800. And sure enough, that’s precisely what it has done.
It was also Larry Edelson who was among the first to write that oil was going to explode past the $80-per-barrel level, toward $100 and beyond.
Indeed, it was Larry who coined the now-famous phrase “an explosion in every natural resource under the sun.”
Bob: Every natural resource under the sun!
Martin: Precisely what we’re seeing right now. I just got back from Brazil where I saw it first-hand. Everywhere I went, I saw new millionaires, thanks to commodities. In sugar cane. In ethanol. In soybeans. Even in powdered milk.
Worldwide, it’s not just gold and oil, but also copper, zinc, nickel and platinum. Not just metals and industrial materials, but also corn, wheat, cocoa, coffee and sugar. Not just well-traded resources, but also resources that few were paying attention to — like water.
And, most important, not just the commodities themselves — but the countries, the companies and the stocks that are creating new millionaires as we speak.
When Larry first began writing for me, he was responsible for the natural resource column and portfolio in my Safe Money Report.
He recommended Enerplus when it was trading at $11.20 per share. Today, the stock is selling for $46 per share, up 311%.
He recommended Agnico-Eagle when it was trading for $6.06 per share. Now it’s reached a high of $57 for a rise of 576% since that time.
And he recommended Glamis Gold, when it was trading for $1.50 per share. The company was recently bought out for over $45 a share, up 4,145% since the day Larry first recommended it.
Bob: Four thousand, one hundred, forty-five percent?
Martin: Yes. Larry told subscribers to take profits before these stocks reached their peaks. But his picks were doing so well, I asked him to start his own newsletter with a model portfolio devoted to natural resource stocks.
Bob: Can you tell me what’s in the portfolio now and how they’re doing?
Martin: Sure. We’ll get to those before the end of the hour.
Bob: OK. In the meantime, let me give you a brief intro for Larry. Larry is one of the world’s leading natural resource strategists. In the 1970s, he founded a commodities firm with offices in New York, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Vienna and Osaka, Japan. He was one of the world’s largest gold traders. He’s the media’s go-to person for analysis of the natural resource markets. He’s on a first-name basis with officials of the Bank of China, the Shanghai stock exchange and the Dubai gold market.
Larry, you’re calling from Asia today. Why?
Larry Edelson: Because Asia is responsible for the big demand push that’s behind the natural resource boom. Not just China but also India, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia — all countries I frequently visit.
Bob: And Martin, you just got back from Brazil, one of the world’s greatest suppliers of those natural resources. I really appreciate the fact that you and Larry have traveled that far to make this event possible, and I’m sure your readers do too. Because it gives us boots-on-the-ground, face-to-face fact-finding. You bring us first-hand, ringside views of both sides of the Global Resource Explosion — the demand side and the supply side.
Larry, what do you see coming next?
Larry: A brand new phase in the commodities bull market that’s just now beginning to unfold. For the past several years, the bull market was driven almost entirely by supply and demand — China and India essentially devouring the world’s natural resources.
The bull market was impressive. But it was just the first phase, just the beginning.
Bob: Why’s that?
Larry: Because now, on top of the supply-and-demand forces, we have a new, far more explosive force that has burst onto the scene, a new force that is starting to drive up the prices for these same natural resources at a far faster pace.
Bob: And that force is …
Larry: Money! Lots of it. Paper money being printed and injected into nearly every economy on the planet. In unprecedented amounts.
Central bankers are panicked because of the housing crisis in the United States. So they’re pumping in money like there’s no tomorrow — an almost endless supply, depressing the value of the dollar against other currencies.
Bob: Where’s the evidence of that?
Larry: Absolutely everywhere. In surging money supplies all over the world. In the massive infusions of cold cash by central banks.
Bob, at the outset, you mentioned the surge in foreign stock markets. What do you think was one of the key forces behind that surge?
Bob: Money?
Larry: Yes. And Martin, you talked about the surge in foreign currencies. What do you think was one of the key factors there?
Martin: Money.
Larry: Yes, especially U.S. dollars pumped into the U.S. economy at an accelerating pace. The only way Washington knows how to avoid a recession in the United States is to open the floodgates … to paper the world with unbacked dollars … and by definition, to drive up the value of tangible assets like gold, oil, and every natural resource under the sun. In other words, inflate their way out of the mess. That’s why the dollar has now busted to its lowest level of all time.
I just arrived here in Asia. One of the first things I saw as I walked out of the airport were the money changers. Years ago, it would cost you about 1% or 2% to change your dollars into a local currency.
Now, the money changers charge you about 5%, some places even 7% — because they don’t want to touch the dollar unless they’re getting paid for the risk of holding a sinking currency. The U.S. dollar used to be respected. Now, it’s being treated like a third-world currency.
Think about that for a moment: If common money changers don’t want to hold dollars, do you think the Bank of China does? Do you think any foreign bank does? Do you think oil-producing nations like Saudi Arabia and Iran do?
Bob: Of course not.
Larry: They’re already beginning to sell dollars. And when today’s trickle of dollar selling becomes a flood, it’ll be a tsunami that carries commodities to their highest highs ever — and creates more millionaires more quickly than ever before.
Look. For half a decade, commodities have been like smoldering embers, already in a steady, solid uptrend. Now the monetary authorities of the world are taking those embers and pouring on to them the rocket fuel of devalued money, much more money than ever before.
Bob: Where does that take investors?
Larry: It takes us beyond rising foreign stock markets, beyond rising foreign currencies and far beyond the kinds of profit opportunities you’ve seen so far. It takes us to the place where Mother Nature and mankind are conspiring to create one of the greatest price explosions you’ve ever seen, or you’re ever likely to see.
Bob: Can you give us a couple of examples?
Larry: A couple? Are you kidding? Look at gold! Gold surged to over $700 an ounce in 2006. Then it fell back to under $600 and was locked in a range between those two extremes for over a year.
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Gold rose gradually along this bottom line, building up strength. But it was unable to poke its head above this top line, a temporary barrier to further rises. Then came the housing bust in the U.S. — and more importantly, the Fed’s money pumping in reaction to the bust. That’s when gold busted through this barrier, launching the new, faster surge that we’re now witnessing.
This will go down in history as one of the great break-outs of modern times.
Bob: What about oil?
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Larry: Similar pattern: A rise into 2006, followed by a protracted decline. And with that, the formation of a temporary, invisible barrier, seeming to prevent oil from surging to new, all-time highs. But then it happened …
Bob: The explosion in prices you’ve been warning about so persistently. There it is!
Larry: This is another break-out that will go down in history as one of the most important of our time. And now, from this point forward, in both the gold and oil markets, we’re sailing. We’re on our way.
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But it’s not just gold and oil. Look at the surge in sugar prices, doubling in the last year. Look at the surge in corn prices. Look at wheat, tripling in price. Supplies are literally drying up all over the world. Thanks to chronic, long-term droughts that are getting worse by the month plus unprecedented demand all over the world.
Look at copper, rising seven-fold. With falling demand from the housing disaster in the United States, what could possibly be driving copper higher? It’s demand from China and India, coupled with money that’s being devalued.
And don’t forget platinum, at $1,500 per ounce, headed for $2,000.
Bottom line: The global resource explosion is not just this or that commodity. It’s in all commodities and natural resources. For the evidence, just look at the CRB Index, which reflects 16 of the most widely used natural resources in the world.
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Bob: Hold that chart on the screen. And don’t change it until you help me with a couple of questions that have been bothering me as you’ve been flipping through these.
My first question is about timing. I know you’ve been telling me — and thousands of investors — to get into gold and oil and these other resources. And I know you’ve been right as rain about it.
But now gold and oil have already gone through the roof. And you’re saying I should buy into this now? Plus, I have another problem. I don’t buy commodities. So how do I do this?
Larry: I’ll answer your second question in a moment, and I think you’ll love the answer. But for your first question, you need to let me change the chart. You’ve got to take a very close look at this same commodity index, the CRB, from a totally different perspective.
This is the same CRB Index, but measured in terms of today’s dollars. The dollars in your pocket today, although still green, are not the same dollars you had in your pocket 10 years ago, let alone 20 or 30 years ago. They’re worth a lot less. So when you measure this index — when you measure anything — it makes no sense to do it with a yardstick that’s shrinking. You need to measure it with a fixed yardstick — constant dollars.
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See the peak in the CRB Index the last time the Fed and central bankers went hog wild with money pumping? It was 1,047!
Bob: You mean that huge move you just showed us in the previous chart represents the same rise in this index as this little blip here on the right?
Larry: Yes, it does. It means that just to match the previous peak, on average, the 16 major commodities in this index have to at least double in price from today’s levels.
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Look at gold! Its all-time peak in today’s dollars was $2,271 per ounce. Just to match its all-time peak, it’s going to have to nearly triple.
And it’s not just the falling dollar that supports higher prices in gold. It’s also the underlying fundamentals. In South Africa, the world’s largest producer, gold production has fallen to its lowest level since the great strike of 1922 — 85 years ago. Gold production is also falling in other countries. Meanwhile, global gold demand is growing 20% per annum.
Bob: Is gold the most extreme example?
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Larry: No, it’s not. Here’s another metal — aluminum. Its peak the last time we had a crisis just like this one was $7,559 per ton. And here’s the recent peak: $3,363. So it’s selling for less than half its peak value.
Ditto for tin. Here’s its all-time peak the last time we saw a situation like we have today — $39,595 per ton. And here’s the most recent peak today — $16,700 per ton. So it’s also selling at less than half its peak value.
Bob: So it could easily double in value?
Larry: Yes! And that’s without the huge demand growth I’m seeing with the construction boom here in Asia.
Every time I come to Asia, I think I’ve seen it all. Construction cranes everywhere. More cars everywhere. But then, when I come back the next time, I realize that what I saw before was just a prelude of what was to come.
Car ownership in China is only 40 vehicles per 1,000 people, compared to 900 per every 1,000 in the U.S. If that stat just rises to 100 per 1,000, it will overwhelm the markets for steel, aluminum, platinum, rubber, iron … you name it.
And that’s just the auto industry, which pales in comparison to what’s happening with the demand for food here in Asia, with the surge in wealth and the shift to Western diets.
Take wheat, for example. People say wheat is now so expensive. Baloney! They don’t see what I see — how millions of Asians are shifting from their traditional rice diet to a diet tied to bread and wheat.
And look at this chart. The peak for wheat during the last money-pumping period was $30.46 per bushel. Now, the most recent peak is $8.87 per bushel.
So wheat is selling for less than one-third of its historical price in this kind of environment, even without the huge new demand coming from Asia.
Similar pattern in corn. Its prior peak was $16.29 per bushel. Now its recent peak is only $4.21.
Bob: So that means …
Larry: It can go up another four-fold just to match the peak of the last money-pumping binge in this country. But that’s not one of the most extreme examples.
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Consider sugar: Sugar’s peak in the last money-pumping era was $2.31 cents per pound. Now, sugar’s recent peak was 21 cents per pound! In other words, sugar could go up ten times in price even without the extra demand for sugar to produce ethanol.
Bob: Whew. But what evidence do we have that commodities can actually match their previous peaks?
Larry: I was anticipating that question. The evidence is crude oil. Crude oil is the single most important natural resource on the planet. And it’s living proof that natural resources can and will do everything I’m saying. Look at its previous high! And look how close it is now to returning to that high in this cycle. Oil is the leader. And it’s pointing the way for nearly all commodities.
Bob: How far can oil go from here?
Larry: Consider this: The last time oil prices spiked higher, there was actually a surplus of oil in the world. Today, there is no surplus. Today, over 80% of the world’s oil is gone. The 20% that’s left is more expensive to get out the ground and to refine. Meanwhile, we have three billion energy-hungry people on the planet who were consuming minimal amounts of energy the last time oil prices spiked a generation ago.
Martin: Bob, let me interject: This is the best of both worlds: You have a boom that’s already well under way. Plus, you have a boom that has a long way to go.
Bob: Yes. But now can we get to the answer to my other question? I don’t buy commodities. And I don’t do futures. How do I profit from this amazing situation?
Larry: You don’t need futures. You can get very nice leverage with natural resource stocks. Then you can multiply that leverage many times over with resource stock options.
Bob: Please explain.
Larry: Look. This is one of the biggest megatrends in history. So my strategy going into this is to use every tool at your disposal to maximize the opportunity without ever being exposed to open-ended risk, without ever risking more than the small amounts you invest.
Resource stocks alone already do that for you. They already give you nice leverage.
Bob: What do you mean by that?
Larry: Take a gold mine, for example. Let’s say it costs the mine an average of $250 to produce each ounce of gold. And let’s say we’re back in 2001 when an ounce of gold was selling for $260. At that point, the company’s profit margin was $260 minus $250, or just $10 per ounce. Now, watch what happens with the price of gold at $750 an ounce: The company’s profit margin is $750 minus $250, or $500 per ounce. So the profit margin jumps from $10 to $500.
Bob: 50 times?
Larry: Yes. 50 times. Now compare that to the price of gold. The price of gold triples, but the company’s profit margin goes up 50 times. So that’s sixteen times faster. That’s built-in leverage of over 16 to 1! That’s why you saw a company like Glamis Gold jump so many times more quickly than the price of gold.
Bob: Can you show me your current picks?
Martin: I have a list of those. So let me jump in here. This is Larry’s entire Real Wealth portfolio, including winners and losers, including regular pick and bonus picks. OK?
Bob: Good. That’s the way I like to see it.
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Martin: One stock is in the red, and two are showing single-digit gains. Five stocks have double-digit gains ranging from 16% up to 27.5%. Eighteen stocks have double-digit gains ranging from 40.1% to 97.5%. And nine stocks have triple-digit gains ranging from 111.2% to 175.3%!
Bob: Wow! Larry, what’s your comment?
Larry: The right natural resource stocks can give you huge leverage time after time. But this situation is so unusual, so special, I’m recommending that everyone that’s serious about this — everyone who has some speculative funds available — take it one giant step further and look at options on these resource stocks.
Bob: Are they widely available?
Larry: There are thousands of options on resource stocks — moderate options to go for quick singles and doubles and aggressive options to go for grand-slam home runs.
Options on domestic resource stocks and options on foreign resource stocks, all traded right here in the U.S., all available in a regular stock options account.
Bob: What kind of leverage?
Larry: 40, 50, even 100 to 1.
Bob: You mean that, between the leverage in the stocks and the leverage in the options —
Larry: You can multiply the two. So if the stock alone gives you, say, 10 times leverage and the option gives you, say, 50 times leverage, you can effectively get as much as 500 times leverage compared to investing in the commodity itself. See why I say you don’t need futures?
Bob: Yes, I do. That’s what I call horse power. But can you get that horse power to the wheels? I mean, is it really possible to translate that leverage into profits? Do the numbers really pan out? Martin, you know what I’m talking about.
Martin: Here’s what we’ve done: Our research department got the list of stocks Larry has recommended recently. And then they asked this question: Suppose that, instead of buying those stocks, an investor bought the call options on those same stocks. What kind of results would you have seen?
Bob: Larry, do you have those numbers?
Larry: I have them right here, and let me run through some examples with you.
I recommended one of the largest iron and steel companies in the world, a South Korean company traded on the New York Stock Exchange by the name of Pohang Iron and Steel. The stock jumped 55%.
Bob: Not bad.
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Larry: But take a look at the call options. If you bought a particular Pohang call option on September 28 and sold it a few days later, you could have a gain of 283%.
And here’s another call on the same stock: Up 547% in just 19 days.
Plus one more, also on Pohang: A 1,536% gain in less than two months. That’s 16 times your money, enough to turn $1,000 into over $16,000.
Bob: 16 times your money in less than two months?!
Larry: Yes. And check this one out: An el-cheapo call on Pohang, which you could have bought for just $110 on August 15, turned into $3,450 on October 2. That’s a 3,036% gain in 48 days!
Had you bought 10 of these, your total investment would have been just $1,100 plus some broker commissions, and you could have walked away with $34,500!
Bob: Gee. Is that actually how much these options rose in value?
Larry: Yes, based on data provided by Bloomberg.
Bob: Please give me some more examples.
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Larry: You saw the potential in aluminum — I showed you the chart earlier. Well, that’s why I recently recommended Aluminum Corp. of China. On September 17, if you had bought a relatively conservative call option on that stock and sold it on October 15, you would have seen a gain of 775%, enough to turn $1,000 into $8,750.
Here’s another one on the same stock: Up 1,394%. In that example, $1,000 turns into $14,394!
Plus, here’s another one: A gain of 2,316% in just over three months.
A fourth one: 4,983% — in just two months.
And my favorite: An aggressive option that soared 6,442%! Just $1,000 invested in that call option could have turned into more than $65,000.
Bob: Is this amazing or what? But are these isolated examples?
Larry: Amazing, yes. Isolated examples, no. Take Nordic American. This is a company I recommend in my Real Wealth Report, not because it mined metals or even drilled for oil … but because it carried the oil around the world in its double-hulled vessels, and is raking in big profits from the boom in oil shipping.
A call option on Nordic American bought on March 5 and sold on July 6 jumped 352.6%. A second option, bought on April 11 and sold on July 12, soared 1,100%. A third option, bought on February 27 and sold on July 12, rocketed 1,463.6% higher, and a fourth, more aggressive option on Nordic American skyrocketed an astonishing 3,900% — enough to multiply your money 39 times over.
Heck, on just the middle-of-the-road call option on Nordic, you could have turned a modest $2,000 into as much as $24,000. And on the aggressive one, that $2,000 would have swung home 80,000 dollars.
Bob: This is very attractive. But it also raises a couple of questions. First, how much risk do you have to take?
Martin: Let me answer that, Bob. The answer is you do have to take risk. But with the purchase of these options, your risk is strictly limited to the small amounts you invest.
Bob: I know that. It lets me sleep nights. But let me ask you this question: How many different examples of options on Larry’s favorite stocks did you research?
Martin: 69.
Bob: And how did those 69 examples compare to the ones Larry just told us about?
Martin: Some were not as good. Some were better.
Bob: Can you tell me more?
Martin: Sure. We looked at 69 winning examples. Among them …
The smallest gain was 50.1% in eight months.
The median gain was 1,894% in an average of about two months. So on average, each $1,000 invested could have turned into $19,894.
The tenth best example was a gain of 8,433%.
And the fourth best example was a gain of 19,400%
Bob: The fourth best gain was 19,400%? Larry, can you give us the background on that one?
Larry: Sure. That was a call option on Aluminum Corporation of China, assuming a buy date of August 16 and a sell date of August 27 — a short-term trade, but an extremely profitable one. I didn’t mention it earlier, because I don’t typically go for trades that are that short term. Usually, I aim for a month or two.
Bob: And that was not the single best example? There are actually three better?
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Martin: Yes, there are. But we don’t like to single out the single best example. The fourth best is already a reach.
Bob: Can you show us all the numbers, from all the examples you looked at?
Martin: Sure. In the left column are stocks that Larry recommended in his Real Wealth Report.
In the right column are the percentage gains in select call options on those stocks, starting first with the lowest percentage gains, and then moving on to higher percentage gains.
Bob: Gee. These are the biggest numbers I’ve ever seen. What’s behind that?
Martin: You saw the huge gains in the resource stocks Larry’s recommended. Just multiply those gains times the leverage of aggressive stock options, and this is what you get.
It’s that simple. Heck, even modest gains in the stocks can give you very nice results with options. Imagine what triple-digit gains can do for you.
Bob: I know the answer to this next question, but for the sake of any listeners who might be missing this key point, I have to ask it: Is this a sure bet?
Martin: No. Absolutely not! Larry’s one of the best traders I’ve ever met. Thirty years trading the natural resource markets. But don’t go into this thinking it’s a sure bet. There’s no such thing.
Larry could be wrong about the bull market in natural resources. Or Larry could be wrong in his picks. And if he is, you could lose money. That’s the risk. But your risk is strictly limited on the downside … and your profit potential is virtually unlimited on the upside.
Bob: Larry, Martin — let me step back for a moment and tell you what I am getting out of this. Investors have two things going for them here:
(1) They have some of the most powerful market trends in many years AND …
(2) They have some of the most powerful investment instruments ever created.
So when you combine those two, the result is the kind of opportunities you just showed us. Risk-free? Of course not. Rich potential. Absolutely! Does that sum it up nicely?
Martin: Yes.
Bob: And these are just ordinary stock options, right?
Larry: Yes, just like any other stock options. Traded on major U.S. stock exchanges.
Bob: Let me ask you this, though: Suppose commodities suffer a big correction. Many resource stocks could take a hit too, no? What should investors do in that situation?
Larry: There are three possibilities:
First, don’t berate yourself if you miss some of them. No one can catch every up-and-down move, and to make money in this market, I don’t think you have to. But in that scenario, you’ve got to expect to see profits on profitable trades erode and losses on losing trades grow.
Second, once in a while you may want to play the downside. For every call option to make money from rising markets, there’s a put option to make money from falling markets. So it doesn’t have to be a one-way street. In that scenario, you stand to make even more money.
Bob: Of course. I forgot about put options.
Larry: Third, use corrections as buying opportunities. When the correction is near an end, a lot of call options could be cheap. So you can scoop up those options for even greater leverage when the bull market in resources resumes.
Bob: I understand. I see the risks. And I see the profit potential. So what do I do? Should I run out and buy a bunch of these right now? Should I wait for a correction?
Martin: You can do it entirely on your own, if you have that ability. Or we can help you with specific trading recommendations. Up to you.
Editor’s note: This is such a broad area and the opportunities are so large, Larry has just written a blockbuster guide, “Resource Options Bonanza: How to Use This Great Price Explosion to Multiply Your Money Up To 19 Times Over.” This all-inclusive guide gives you everything you need to get started, including a complete portfolio of new recommendations. Plus, you get free regular updates for as long as it takes to see you through to the end of each trade. (Most trades are completed within less than three months.)
Weiss Research’s options trading services normally sell for $5,000. But this guide — including your start-up portfolio and all the updates — costs just $250, giving you the opportunity to go for the large potential options offer with just a very small up-front investment.
Assuming you invest, say, $2,000 in one trade, and assuming you achieve the median gain of 1,894%, your profit could be close to $38,000, or 150 times the cost of the guide and updates.
If it does not meet your expectations for whatever reason, just let us know within 90 days for a 100% refund. And if it does, we will make it easy for you to continue receiving updates with new recos.
To get started immediately, the number to call is 1-877-719-3477.
Thank you, Larry. Thank you Martin. And thank YOU, our loyal reader and subscriber, for participating in this conference.
This is a major turning point in the history of financial markets. So take full advantage of the knowledge you’ve gained here today.
Good luck and have a great day!
About Money and Markets
For more information and archived issues, visit http://legacy.weissinc.com
Money and Markets (MaM) is published by Weiss Research, Inc. and written by Martin D. Weiss along with Sean Brodrick, Larry Edelson, Michael Larson, Nilus Mattive, Tony Sagami, and Jack Crooks. To avoid conflicts of interest, Weiss Research and its staff do not hold positions in companies recommended in MaM, nor do we accept any compensation for such recommendations. The comments, graphs, forecasts, and indices published in MaM are based upon data whose accuracy is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Performance returns cited are derived from our best estimates but must be considered hypothetical in as much as we do not track the actual prices investors pay or receive. Regular contributors and staff include John Burke, Amber Dakar, Adam Shafer, Andrea Baumwald, Kristen Adams, Maryellen Murphy, Red Morgan, Jennifer Newman-Amos, Julie Trudeau, and Dinesh Kalera.
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