There’s been such a large demand for my blockbuster package of free global profit reports, I’ve decided to extend my special gift program until Memorial Day week.
The reports have a total retail value of $1,243. They give you the cream of the crop of specific recommendations from me and my entire global team. And they open the doors to what could become a global profit bonanza for you.
In my view, the timing couldn’t be better: Just in the few days since I issued these reports, investors following the instructions they contain should have already begun to take advantage of the latest surges in my favorite foreign markets. And in the weeks ahead, I see more of the same.
There will be bumps along the way. And you still have to proceed prudently, recognizing that all investments involve risk. But with this package, I give you everything you need to jump in immediately, including …
Free Global Profit Report #1
The Beginner’s (and Expert’s)
Guide to Safe & Simple Overseas Investing
You’ll see how cashing in on overseas growth is far simpler than you ever imagined.
You’ll learn how to cash in globally by investing locally — in ETFs and companies that are perfectly positioned to ride the economic tsunami that’s sweeping the world.
Are profits guaranteed? Of course not. But in this guide, you’ll discover:
- The two big questions you must ask before you even consider investing in a global company. Ignore these questions and you could watch your investments sink.
- The four costliest blunders you MUST avoid. Why most U.S. investors are going about global investing all wrong … taking way too much risk … missing out on the greatest opportunities and working too hard to profit from these exploding markets.
- Why the great international stock market boom is still in its infancy.
- Where the richest opportunities for 2007 are awaiting you.
- Plus so much more.
Free Global Profit Report #2
The Triple-Play Strategy
For Global Wealth Building
One of the smartest global investment strategies is a Weiss exclusive we call “triple-play” investing. Why? Because you could make money in three ways — with just one smart investment.
Moneymaker #1: High dividends. The profits a company predicts may never happen. But the dividends they deliver are automatically deposited in your account and they’re yours to keep. We look for companies with dividends that are double, triple, even four times what you can get with the average S&P 500 stock.
Moneymaker #2: Stronger money. The dollar has gone down four out of the last five years, while major foreign currencies have gone up four out of the last five years. Since 2001, the euro is up 55% … the British pound is up 43% … the Australian dollar has surged 60% … and the New Zealand dollar has jumped 74%.
Moneymaker #3: Capital appreciation. By choosing solid investments in the fastest-growing global economies, the capital appreciation alone can be staggering.
You get all of this in The Triple-Play Strategy for Global Wealth Building.
Free Global Profit Report #3
The ETF Advantage for
Growing Wealthy Globally
One of the very best ways we know of to cash in on overseas growth is through exchange traded funds (ETFs).
ETFs give you the diversification and convenience of mutual funds, but without the outrageous loads and charges for their marketing costs … without minimum investments … and without the miserable tax headaches.
And now, you can buy American ETFs that invest in foreign stock markets just as easily, and in exactly the same way, as you buy any other American ETF — with the same low commissions and all the same advantages. That makes them an ideal vehicle for you to cash in on the explosive growth overseas.
Want to take advantage of the surge in the Brazilian market which rose twice as much as the S&P 500 last year? Just buy the iShares MSCI Brazil ETF (symbol EWZ), giving you broad diversification among Brazil’s largest and most established companies.
Meanwhile, China’s stock market rose a whopping 131% last year, nearly ten times more than ours. To participate in that boom, use the leading China ETF (FXI).
All from the comfort of your living room, using your regular broker, online or offline!
Overall, there are now more than 100 ETFs dedicated to international investing to help you grow your wealth without the hassles of foreign brokerage accounts, foreign currency conversions, or foreign taxes. That’s why we’ve written this free guide.
It gives you a simple, plain English explanation of how ETFs work and how you can use them to capitalize on today’s massive global trends.
Suppose you prefer to invest in individual companies with sky-high potential? It’s a bit more risky, of course, but the profit potential — when you invest intelligently — is even greater. For instance …
Free Global Profit Report #4
Feeding the Giants: How to Grow
Wealthy as the Demand for
Natural Resources Skyrockets
Not long ago, we sent our International Opportunity Hunter Sean Brodrick to Canada to investigate some medium-sized natural resource companies that showed promise.
The result was an urgent alert to our readers that recommended seven larger-cap stocks. Six months later, the gains in these stocks averaged a stunning 106.9%. Not one of those recommendations lost money. The lowest gain was 30.6% in six months. Five of the seven had gains of over 100%.
So we sent Sean back to the Great White North for another expedition — this time looking for some promising smaller-cap companies. Here’s what Sean discovered:
White-Hot Stock #1 is a company sitting on some of the richest metal reserves on Earth — in gold and uranium. The cost to buy into those reserves is a meager 16 cents on the dollar. And the company is working fast and furious to expand those resources.
White-Hot Stock #2 is a natural resource company that is ramping up quickly toward production of 2.5 million pounds of uranium per year at its new mine, while expanding its reserves rapidly. You can buy a stake in these rich reserves for about 20 cents on the dollar.
White-Hot Stock #3 is another small-cap company that recently jumped 254% after Chinese investors grabbed a piece of it. And now, we believe they’re coming back for more. And why not? This company has a current market cap of less than $150 million, but we believe it’s sitting on nearly $4 billion in assets. If our estimates are right, that means you can buy a stake in its assets for less than four cents on the dollar!
Small-cap stocks are not for your core, safe-money portfolio. But they’re fun and they’re cheap. So you don’t have to invest very much and you can still get a great bang for your buck.
You’ll find Sean’s latest recommendations on these stocks, plus many more, in this free report.
Free Global Profit Report #5
The Hottest Global Warming
Investments On Earth
We’ve told you about the unprecedented growth in China, India and all of Asia. There has never been a more powerful force at play when it comes to helping you grow richer globally … until now.
Now, there’s a second unstoppable force. It’s global in impact. It affects every last citizen on Earth. And it will soon usher in an unprecedented investment opportunity for intelligent investors who invest globally.
The conditions for this kind of investment don’t come along every decade … or even every century.
These conditions come along maybe once every 10,000 years. Because the force I’m talking about is nothing less than global warming.
It doesn’t matter whether you believe man is causing the warming or that it’s just a natural cycle. What really matters is that the rise in the Earth’s temperature is a proven fact — and it’s putting huge pressure on governments worldwide to come up with clean, alternative energy sources.
And right now, there’s only one that has the potential to fill our energy needs without emitting greenhouse gases: Nuclear power.
That’s why we are at the very beginning of a global push to build more nuclear power plants, in more countries, than ever before. And more nuclear power plants means — you guessed it — more demand for uranium.
We call uranium the “white-hot metal” not only because it glows in the dark. During the course of 2006, the price of uranium climbed by 99%, from $36.25 to $72.00 per pound. Then, in the first four months of this year, it sprinted to $113 per pound! That’s over a 1,500% increase since its record low of $7 back in 2000.
We believe the first big move in uranium is over. But the second wave — fueled by global warming preparations — is about to begin. There’s just one problem: There’s not enough uranium to go around.
Especially when you consider that Japan is planning to build 11 more plants by 2010. China hopes to build 30 more by 2020. India intends to build 31. And Russia is planning 42 new nuclear reactors.
Right now, as you read this message, the Chinese are hot-footing through the Canadian wilderness and the Australian Outback carrying bags of money. Their goal? Evaluate and buy up every small (or not-so-small) uranium producer they can.
And Sean Brodrick is right behind them! What did he discover? You’ll find all the latest details in our Global Intelligence Report …
This unprecedented investor’s guide brings you Sean’s recommendations. For instance …
All the uranium you want for just 4 cents on the dollar: This little-known Canadian small-cap owns an astounding $7.3 billion worth of uranium, and yet its total market cap is less than $300 million. That means for every dollar of uranium reserves it has in the ground, you pay a meager 4 cents when you buy its shares.
If we’re right about the coming explosion in uranium prices, this stock could easily turn a $3,700 investment into as much as $40,027. You’ll find complete details on this pick — and many more — in your free copy of The Hottest Global Warming Investments On Earth.
Free Global Profit Report #6
Asian Wealth-Building
Wonders for 2007 & Beyond
This valuable guide brings you Tony Sagami’s latest on-site evaluations on his favorite Asian companies that could help multiply your wealth like nothing you have ever experienced before, including:
- One of China’s leading wireless companies about to enter a period of spectacular growth.
- An Asian company deploying a new technology that promises to change cell phones forever.
- A dirt-cheap, billion-dollar Asian giant in semiconductors that’s trading at just 13 times earnings.
- A company that’s perfectly positioned to solve one of China’s greatest problems today: Safe drinking water.
- And more!
This free guide, Asian Wealth-Building Wonders for 2007 & Beyond, has the latest details on all of these amazing money-making opportunities. It’s a $300 value. And it’s also my gift to you.
Provided you respond before May 31, ALL of these reports are yours free when you join our Weiss Global Investor Services.
Just Look At What Our Weiss Global
Investor Services Gives You …
First, you get 12 monthly issues of Safe Money Report delivered via First-Class Mail and e-mail.
We believe your first priority must always be to protect your core capital with the safest investments you can find in each country or sector.
That’s why the CORE of our Weiss Global Investor Services is our Safe Money Report.
Each monthly issue gives you …
- Our picks for the safest, most liquid investments in the world today — for the money you need to grow and protect at all costs.
- Our objective, no-punches-pulled warnings of the financial dangers that could sabotage your financial security. Example: We warned our readers to avoid housing and construction stocks before their recent collapse!
- Our latest worldwide buy/sell recommendations. We tell you exactly what to buy, how much, when and at what price. Then we tell you exactly when to sell — to grab your profits or cut your losses.
Safe Money Report has been rated as the best financial newsletter in America. And our subscribers have raved that it’s the only one that delivers more than they ever hoped for.
Right now, more than any time in the history of Safe Money Report, we are almost shaking with excitement over the global opportunities before us.
We’ve given you a tiny glimpse of these opportunities in the pages of this report. But just wait until you see what’s coming in the next few issues!
Second, you get our global ALERT services …
Weiss Global ALERT Service #1:
Free FLASH ALERTS by E-Mail —
So You Always Know What To Do Next!
Whenever our editors see an urgent market shift or an economic development that could have an immediate impact on your money, we rush you a detailed Flash Alert by e-mail.
Example: One week before the Dow tumbled by more than 500 points in late February of this year, we rushed a Flash Alert to our members — via e-mail and First-Class Mail — with specific instructions on how to lock in some hefty profits on our recommendations in the event of a sharp decline.
We didn’t know exactly when the sharp decline was coming. But we knew the market was overheated, and as it turned out, our timing couldn’t have been better. Readers who acted on our alert protected their profits with stop-loss orders just before the market fell.
Then, on the morning after the Dow tumbled, we sent out another urgent e-mail with a heads-up on the best-performing ETF in Asia — which soared higher than all ETFs in the days that followed.
So, as you see, our alerts not only help you protect your money, but also give you an early jump on major buying opportunities. Our members love them. You will too.
Weiss Global ALERT Service #2:
FREE 24-Hour Access to the World-Class
Investment Tools on Our Website
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Track your Safe Money portfolio online. Gain direct access to our vast library of investment tools.
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Simply call us toll-free at 1-800-236-0407 (or click here) and you’ll be among the very first to get my global profit reports. Plus, we’ll start your Safe Money Report subscription right away.
Remember: The reports have a total retail value of $1,243. They give you the cream of the crop of specific recommendations from me and my entire global team. And they open the doors to what could become a global profit bonanza for you.
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Fair enough? Good. Then go ahead. Click here right now. Or call us at 1-800-236-0407. You, and your nest egg, will be very glad you did.
Just remember: You must respond before May 31.
Good luck and God Bless!
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Valid Only Through May 31!
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BEST Value: 6 FREE Guides, a $1,243 value …
I want to try Weiss Global Investor Services for 24 months (normally $378) at half-price: only $189. I SAVE $189! Start my Safe Money Report subscription for two full years (24 issues) along with two full years of both of the Weiss Global Alert services. PLUS, I receive 6 FREE global profit reports …
#1: The Beginner’s (and Expert’s) Guide to Safe & Simple Overseas Investing.
Value: $79
#2: The Triple-Play Strategy for Global Wealth Building.
Value $79
#3: The ETF Advantage for Growing Wealthy Globally.
Value: $195
#4: Feeding the Giants: How to Grow Wealthy as the Demand for Natural Resources Skyrockets.
Value: $395
#5: The Hottest Global Warming Investments On Earth.
Value: $195
#6: Asian Wealth-Building Wonders for 2007 & Beyond.
Value: $300
If I’m not convinced I’ll make at least $5,000 in the next 12 months, I can get a FULL membership refund at any time — even on the last day of my membership.

GREAT Value: 4 FREE Guides, a $653 value …
I want to try Weiss Global Investor Services for 12 months (normally $198) at half price: only $99. I SAVE $99! Start my Safe Money Report subscription for one full year (12 issues) along with one full year of both of the Weiss Global Alert services. PLUS, I receive 4 FREE global profit reports …
#1: The Beginner’s (and Expert’s) Guide to Safe & Simple Overseas Investing.
Value: $79
#2: The Triple-Play Strategy for Global Wealth Building.
Value: $79
#3: The ETF Advantage for Growing Wealthy Globally.
Value: $195
#4: Asian Wealth-Building Wonders for 2007 & Beyond.
Value: $300
If I’m not convinced I’ll make at least $5,000 in the next 12 months, I can get a FULL membership refund at any time — even on the last day of my membership.

About Money and Markets
For more information and archived issues, visit
Money and Markets (MaM) is published by Weiss Research, Inc. and written by Martin D. Weiss along with Sean Brodrick, Larry Edelson, Michael Larson, Nilus Mattive, and Tony Sagami. To avoid conflicts of interest, Weiss Research and its staff do not hold positions in companies recommended in MaM, nor do we accept any compensation for such recommendations. The comments, graphs, forecasts, and indices published in MaM are based upon data whose accuracy is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Performance returns cited are derived from our best estimates but must be considered hypothetical in as much as we do not track the actual prices investors pay or receive. Regular contributors and staff include John Burke, Amber Dakar, Kristen Adams, Jennifer Moran, Red Morgan, Adam Shafer, Jennifer Newman-Amos, and Julie Trudeau.
About Weiss Global Investor Services
Weiss Global Investor Services is published by Weiss Research, Inc.
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This investment news is brought to you by Money and Markets. Money and Markets is a free daily investment newsletter from Martin D. Weiss and Weiss Research analysts offering the latest investing news and financial insights for the stock market, including tips and advice on investing in gold, energy and oil. Dr. Weiss is a leader in the fields of investing, interest rates, financial safety and economic forecasting. To view archives or subscribe, visit
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