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On Thursday, precisely 17 minutes after the S&P 500 hit its lowest point of this entire bear market, I urged my subscribers to take more profits on their inverse ETFs.
And now, with thousands of hedge funds set to dump hundreds of billions of dollars-worth of stock beginning tomorrow, the impact could be huge. That’s why I’m set to issue new recos to go for another round of profits early this coming week.
If you’re already on board with me, great! The more the market declines, the more money you’re making. If not, the deadline to join is tonight at midnight.
I’d hate to see you miss out on these historic recos — because if last week proved anything, it’s that this great crisis continues to worsen by the hour …
General Motors going down: When we first predicted GM’s eventual bankruptcy, Wall Street snickered. Now, nobody’s laughing. Even with no further deterioration in sales next month, its independent auditors are going to raise questions about its ability to continue as a “going concern.”
That event, in turn, could trigger the recall of up to $6 billion in loans by GM’s creditors, throwing the giant automaker into bankruptcy before year-end. But the Democrats in Congress can’t get the votes together to pass bailout legislation for GM until next year.
Could they squeeze out a stopgap compromise? Perhaps. But whether it’s mandated by the bankruptcy court or the Treasury Department, GM is going to have to lay off hundreds of thousands of employees and stiff its creditors.
Unemployment skyrocketing: The Labor Department reported that jobless claims soared to 516,000 last week, 52% higher than this time last year … about the same as they were the week after 9/11 … and more than at any other time in 19 long years.
Foreclosures still exploding: RealtyTrac reported that foreclosures soared 25% in October. By the end of the year, more than one million bank-owned properties will be crushing real estate values nationwide.
Shell-shocked consumers are killing retailers: Nordstrom announced that third quarter earnings plunged, then slashed its forecast for the year by 25%. Third-quarter same-store sales dropped throughout the industry: Down 12% at Kohl’s and Saks Fifth Avenue, and down 15% at Neiman Marcus. J.C. Penny reported that its profits fell for the fifth consecutive quarter and net income has fallen 53% from this time last year.
Soros predicts possible depression: Called on the carpet by the United States Congress, billionaire hedge fund manager George Soros said, “A deep recession is now inevitable and the possibility of a depression cannot be ruled out.”
The emergency hearings were called to assess the damage that’s likely to be inflicted on the stock market as hedge fund investors stampede for the exits in the days and weeks ahead.
Investors, who have entrusted more than $1.9 trillion to hedge funds and who have taken a shellacking this year, rushed to take advantage of last Friday’s final opportunity to place redemption orders in an attempt to save what’s left of their money.
These hedge funds now have until the end of the year to dump potentially hundreds of billions of dollars worth of stock to repay those investors. The impact on global stock markets is expected to be horrendous.
My analysis: This is the “sweet spot” I’ve been waiting for — the time to strike before these massive hedge fund redemptions begin crushing stocks through the end of the year — and I want you to grab the huge profit potential inverse ETFs offer you now.
That’s why I’m set to release my newest recos — double inverse ETFs specifically designed to help you multiply your money as this massive new wave of hedge fund selling hammers stocks — early next week!
But the only way I can guarantee you’ll receive these all-important recos is to activate your membership in my Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader by midnight tonight. Heck, with just one trade this summer, these double inverse ETFs could have helped you turn $5,000 into as much as $10,335 … or $50,000 into $103,350 … or $100,000 into a whopping $206,700, all in just a few weeks!
On big down days in the market, you could make those kinds of gains in just a few hours. But I don’t stop with just helping you go for huge gains on single days: My Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader is designed to help you compound your gains — month after month — as long as this crisis lasts. And in this super-volatile environment, only inverse ETFs can make those kinds of gains possible — all in a regular brokerage account, even an IRA!
Even last summer — between May 15 and July 15 — when stocks were far less volatile than they are now, inverse ETFs could have handed you gains of 30.9% … 46.1% … up to 106.7%. Thanks to these inverse ETFs, you could have banked …
- A healthy 30.9% gain between June 5 and July 15 as the technology sector declined …
- An impressive 37.2% gain between June 5 and July 11 as the semiconductor sector fell …
- A tidy 37.7% gain between May 15 and July 15 as the consumer services sector dropped …
- A tasty 46.1% gain between June 5 and July 15 as the real estate sector plunged, and …
- A whopping 106.7% gain — more than a DOUBLE — between May 15 and July 15 as the financial sector cratered.
And more recently — as the markets became more volatile in September and October, these inverse ETFs could have handed you …
- A 49.6% gain in just 14 days as the semiconductor sector declined between October 1 and October 15 …
- A 61.0% gain in just 15 days as the technology sector fell between September 25 and October 10 …
- An 89.13% gain in just 19 days as the real estate sector dropped between September 26 and October 15 …
- An 89.6% gain in just 19 days as the consumer services sector plunged between September 26 and October 15, and …
- An 89.9% gain in just eight days as the financial sector cratered between October 1 and October 9!
Unfortunately, you can’t go back in time to grab those gains and neither can I. But it’s crucial to understand two things: First, in each case, your money would only have been at risk for a brief time, and second, over time, these kinds of short-term gains could easily multiply your money three times … four times … even five times over!
Now, with massive hedge fund fire sales likely to begin on Monday … with most U.S. sectors starving for customers and profits … and with global stock markets set to be crushed yet again …
And with my newest bundle of recos on my favorite inverse ETFs due early next week, I’m convinced you’ll see even greater profits in a shorter period of time!
Inverse ETFs:
The Best of All Possible Worlds
I love using exchange traded funds at a time like this. Of course, losses are always possible with any investment vehicle. But like mutual funds, ETFs spread your risk over a basket of securities. And as with mutual funds, you can trade them in your regular brokerage account. You can even put them in your IRA if you wish.
But that’s where the similarities end. UNlike mutual funds …
- ETFs cost less to own. They never nick you for loads or 12-b1 (marketing) fees.
- You always know what your ETF owns. You can check online, anytime, 24/7.
- ETFs are priced continuously through the trading day — so you always know precisely what your shares are worth … and you can buy or sell your ETFs instantly … at any time of the day.
- Plus, INVERSE ETFs let you profit when a particular index or stock sector goes down. And best of all, double-inverse ETFs let you earn two dollars for every one dollar the index falls!
Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader’s mission:
To protect your capital and profits
like a junkyard dog.
If history proves anything, it’s that the ONLY way to build wealth consistently over the long haul is to avoid excessive risk like the plague. Doing everything I can to limit any losses is the only way to compound your profits over time and to turn a molehill of money into a Mount Everest of money.
That’s why Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader aims to protect your money and your profits in five, crucial ways:
1. No Margin: I never, NEVER, recommend using margin accounts or borrowed money. So you’re never exposed to the high risk of shorting or speculating in any leveraged futures or options.
2. You’ll Never Have All Your Eggs in One Basket: Because I use exchange traded funds, your investment is always spread out over a basket of stocks or bonds in each fund. Plus, my strategy is to own more than one ETF at all times to further diversify your portfolio.
3. You’ll Never Get Locked in to a Buy-and-Hold Strategy: Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader is always flexible and nimble — ready to get you into a position or to take your money off the table quickly. That’s a critical risk-protection feature in today’s volatile market.
4. I Use Every Possible Tool to Keep You Where The Most Profitable Action Is: I use every cutting-edge fundamental and technical tool available to focus your investment on the sectors that I believe are most likely to suffer the greatest declines — and to get you to the sidelines when the time is right.
5. I Designed Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader to Cut Any Losses Short while Letting Your Profits RUN: Because your money is only exposed for short bursts of time, there’s little risk that you’ll be in a losing investment for more than a few days.
Plus, I Designed Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader
To Give You SIX MORE Huge Advantages …
I named this service “Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader” because I believe that inside every crisis, there’s an opportunity. And I also believe that, since this is the greatest economic crisis since the 1930s, we now have the opportunity to go for the greatest profits we’ve seen in nearly eight decades.
And even beyond the remarkable profit potential it gives you — the very real potential to multiply your money many times over — I’ve designed Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader to give you six more strategic advantages:
1. You can start with limited capital: Because most of these ETFs go for as little as $10 or $20 per share, you don’t need to already be rich to go for gains that could make you rich.
That means it’s ideal for investors with as little as $5,000 to invest and also for investors with $100,000 or more!
2. There’s nothing to learn: Just follow the plain-English trading signals two to three times a month.
3. No new accounts to open: You just follow my trading instructions in your regular brokerage account!
4. It’s the soul of convenience: Just check your e-mail each weekday for instructions. When you get a signal, just make the trade.
5. It’s easy to follow: In each trading alert, I tell you what to buy … when to buy it … what you should pay … and I even give you my profit target for each trade.
And I do the same when it’s time to sell. You can execute each trade online or simply by reading the trading instructions to your broker.
6. You’ll be delighted with the profits you earn, or it’s FREE: No one can guarantee profits, but you must be delighted with the money Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader makes you, or cancel for a full refund within the first 60 days. In addition, you can cancel at any time for a pro-rated refund on the balance of your membership.
Your Complimentary Quick Start Guide
Will Have You Going for Huge Gains in No Time
Your Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader Quick Start Guide, valued at $149, tells you virtually everything you’d ever want to know about exchange traded funds … how to maximize your profits while minimizing your risk, including:
- How Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader is ideally suited to help you grow your wealth when stocks and bonds plunge — and ALSO to help you keep your money growing even during bear market rallies.
- How I identify sectors that are most likely to crater as bonds crash and interest rates soar.
- My six favorite ETFs that are designed to profit from falling foreign stocks. These ETFs are created in the U.S. for U.S. investors. And they trade on U.S. stock exchanges. But they are strictly designed to profit from FOREIGN stock market declines.
- The case against traditional investment strategies: How falling sectors can devastate the portfolios of most investors while multiplying the wealth of those who use inverse ETFs.
- An IRS-qualified strategy that allows your profits to compound without the drag of taxes, thereby helping your money to grow even faster.
- How Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader is designed to cut your risk by helping you take your profits when the time is right — and cut your losses short by moving you out in the trickiest of times.
- Why I consider the Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader approach to be one of the most practical and reliable ways to build wealth.
- A comprehensive description of the signals you’ll be receiving — and step-by-step instructions on what to do with each one.
- How to make sure you can reap 100% of the service’s profit potential in just a few minutes per week.
- And much, much more!
Membership is less than ONE-FIFTH
of what others pay for my trading signals
— less than the cost of your morning coffee!
As you probably know by now, we offer many specialized trading services to our subscribers. My Crisis Opportunity options service, in particular, sells for $5,000 per year and many have just paid precisely that much to join it.
But I don’t want you to have to pay that much. I don’t even want you to pay half that much.
If you sign up during this special Introductory Period, you’ll save FOUR-FIFTHS of that cost and get all of my Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader signals for just $995 per year. That’s just $2.73 per day; less than the cost of a single gallon of gasoline or a cup of Starbucks coffee.
Looking to save even more? Great: Sign up for two years for just $1,795! That brings your daily cost all the way down to $2.46 per day!
Plus, when you join Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader, you’ll take advantage of our convenient automatic payment plan. We’ll automatically charge your credit card each time your subscription is about to expire. You’ll never have to worry about renewal notices or missing a single issue.
The Greatest Profit Potential
Deadline Midnight Tonight (Nov. 16)
When you think about it, the decision before you now really is a very simple one …
You can stay on the sidelines and forfeit the opportunity to grow your wealth for months, even years, as this historic crisis continues to hammer stocks — OR …
You can thank your lucky stars that we live at a time when we have inverse ETFs that let you profit — handsomely — when stocks and bonds crash … and join me in USING them to seize the opportunity to multiply your money.
Put simply, you can either choose to sit on the sidelines … or you can choose to use this crisis to grow wealthier — with inverse ETFs that could hand you gains of 30.9% … 46.1% … up to 106.7% over and over again as long as this crisis lasts.
The decision is completely yours to make, of course. But please remember — by joining me in Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader now …
- You get specific buy-sell instructions on the brand new ETFs that are designed to help you profit handsomely when bond markets crash AND when the deadly combination of this historic crisis plus soaring interest rates crushes stock prices …
- You get a simpler way to USE this crisis to go for huge gains even while investors all over the world are losing their shirts …
- You get trading signals designed to hand you consistent gains that can quickly compound over time; turning a few thousand dollars into many times that much …
- You get five ways to cut your risk … to cut any losses short … and to let your profits run …
- You get the Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader Quick Start Guide valued at $149 to get you off to a fast start …
- You save up to $2,585 by joining me during this special Introductory Period and get my signals for as little as $2.46 per day — less than what you pay for a single cup of Starbucks coffee …
- Your membership is fully guaranteed: You must be delighted with the profits you make or just cancel anytime in your first 60 days for a full refund or anytime thereafter for a refund on the remaining portion of your membership.
I sincerely hope you’ll decide to join me in Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader right now — before I issue my next flight of recos to help you profit from massive hedge fund redemptions beginning this coming week.
The toll free number is 800-393-1706 (Overseas: 1-561-627-3300).
Be sure to activate your membership now!
Yours for crisis profits,
Mike Larson
Special Introductory Discount Certificate
• Save up to $2,585 • 100% Money-Back Membership Guarantee
YES, Mike! I want to turn this crisis into an immediate profit opportunity. I want to USE this crisis to pile up gains of 46.1% … 89.9% … 106.7% and MORE as stock and bond prices crash — and even in bear market rallies.
And thank you for making this opportunity available to me at less than ONE-FIFTH the cost of your other Crisis Opportunity service! Please accept my membership as indicated below.
I understand that my membership is fully guaranteed: Although losses are always possible with any trading strategy, I must be thrilled with Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader or I can cancel any time in my first 60 days for a full refund, or anytime thereafter for a refund on the unused portion of my membership. In either case, everything I’ve received in the meantime — my copy of Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader Quick Start Guide … all my special reports, research, recos and more — is mine to keep without cost or obligation.
I’m also taking advantage of your convenient automatic payment plan: To save me time and inconvenience, you will automatically renew my membership until I tell you to stop — and I’ll never pay a penny more than today’s membership rate — no price increases EVER.
And I’m indicating my membership preference by clicking the appropriate button below: Activate My Membership Now!
About Crisis Opportunity ETF Trader
For more details, see our terms and conditions at http://legacy.weissinc.com/COE/tc
About Money and Markets
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Money and Markets (MaM) is published by Weiss Research, Inc. and written by Martin D. Weiss along with Tony Sagami, Nilus Mattive, Sean Brodrick, Larry Edelson, Michael Larson and Jack Crooks. To avoid conflicts of interest, Weiss Research and its staff do not hold positions in companies recommended in MaM, nor do we accept any compensation for such recommendations. The comments, graphs, forecasts, and indices published in MaM are based upon data whose accuracy is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Performance returns cited are derived from our best estimates but must be considered hypothetical in as much as we do not track the actual prices investors pay or receive. Regular contributors and staff include Kristen Adams, Andrea Baumwald, John Burke, Amber Dakar, Michelle Johncke, Dinesh Kalera, Red Morgan, Maryellen Murphy, Jennifer Newman-Amos, Adam Shafer, Julie Trudeau and Leslie Underwood.
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This investment news is brought to you by Money and Markets. Money and Markets is a free daily investment newsletter from Martin D. Weiss and Weiss Research analysts offering the latest investing news and financial insights for the stock market, including tips and advice on investing in gold, energy and oil. Dr. Weiss is a leader in the fields of investing, interest rates, financial safety and economic forecasting. To view archives or subscribe, visit http://legacy.weissinc.com.
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