You know me; you’ve seen my forecasts. You know why I’m convinced that the stock market is about to shock the living daylights out of most investors, leaving millions of investment and retirement portfolios in ruins.
It reminds me of the days just before the devastating Tech Wreck in 2000 and just before the real estate bust triggered this great recession in 2007. I can see the danger so clearly, I feel I could reach out and touch it.
We’re doing everything in our power to get our warnings heard — on national TV, in the press, even in Congress. And as you know, we’ve been alerting our readers of the dangers nearly every day for weeks.
We’ve also been doing our dead-level best to alert you to the enormous profit opportunities a major event like this one offers you.
Possibly for the first time in your life, everything you need to grab truly massive profit potential — the right knowledge … the right investment vehicles … and the right expertise — is within your grasp …
Advance Intelligence on the
Future of the U.S. Economy
And Investment Markets
The megatrends driving the economy and investment markets today are massive, sweeping and irreversible.
We now know that the brief economic respite we experienced in 2009 and early 2010 was NOT a real recovery; just a shabby imitation of one — a threadbare sham, bought and paid for by $3.7 trillion in Washington bailouts and money-printing.
We know that money is now gone with the wind. And with voters in an uproar over Washington’s colossal deficits, Congress is in no mood to throw good money after bad.
And so, day after day, every economic report we see paints the vivid image of an economy in the process of unraveling.
Consumer confidence, spending and retail sales are in freefall. The wholesale and manufacturing sectors are contracting. You’d be hard pressed to find a single sector of the U.S. economy that could fog a mirror. The entire recovery is collapsing before our very eyes.
Meanwhile, we’re treated to the spectacle of Obama, Bernanke, Geithner and an endless parade of lesser politicians, bureaucrats and spinmeisters patting themselves on the back for “ending” the recession.
And we’re barraged with Wall Street propaganda — stock pushers hyping companies with rising earnings as “proof” that it’s safe to buy stocks again. (The fact that the much ballyhooed earnings were due to massive layoffs, plant shut-downs and store closings is confined to the fine print.)
To the casual observer, this witches’ brew of Washington baloney and Wall Street B.S. has proven convincing enough to push stocks higher over the past few weeks.
But to investors like us — folks who keep their eyes on the macroeconomic ball — it’s clear that, given today’s economic realities, this is merely another head fake: The latest in a long line of sucker traps that have nicked investors for massive losses over the past decade.
We know that with each uptick in stocks and with each downtick in the economy, the chasm between economic reality and stock market fantasy is widening.
And if history teaches us anything, it’s that this kind of gross imbalance is fleeting — that the higher stocks go, the farther they have to fall.
Most important, we know that when a major stock decline is written this clearly in the stars, smart investors have the opportunity to pile up greater profits in a few weeks than most investors hope to earn over many years.
Investment vehicles
that strictly limit your risk
BUT NOT your profit potential!
Back in 1929 when my dad used $500 to amass a $100,000 fortune, he did it the hard way — by shorting stocks, which exposed him to unlimited risk. With that strategy, he could have faced margin calls costing him a not-so-small fortune — or worse.
Today, there’s a much better way to profit from a decline in stocks — with options that …
- Cost as little as $10 or $20 each …
- Give you the right to control stock worth $2,000, $5,000, up to $10,000 or more …
- Can hand you a gain of up to $100 or more for every $1 change in the underlying investment …
- Give you the flexibility to go for gains in things that are rising OR falling …
And most importantly, that give you the potential for virtually UNLIMITED PROFITS …
While STRICTLY LIMITING YOUR RISK to the amount you invest plus the small brokerage commission!
The analyst who has helped investors
to 170 winners and $1.1 million in gains
despite the worst economy since
The Great Depression!
I won’t mince words: The newest addition to the Weiss group — Jeff Manera — has amassed the best track record I’ve seen in my four decades in this industry:
- 170 winning trades with average gains on the winners of 149.1%. That’s enough to multiply your investment by an average factor of 2.5 to 1 … and to do it one hundred and seventy times …
- An overall gain of 1,034% even after subtracting all losing trades — enough to multiply your money 11.3 times in just five and-one-half years!
- Enough to grow $10,000 to $113,400, or $100,000 to $1.1 million!*
And Jeff has done all this despite the worst economy since the Great Depression … and despite the biggest bear market since 1929! Even better news: Jeff is looking at recommendations designed to help you go for …
- The opportunity to transform $25,000 into $209,750 as the rapidly crumbling U.S. economy causes the S&P 500 to come unglued …
- 877% gains as intensifying economic uncertainty and massive deficits continue to push gold prices through the roof …
- 529% as the sovereign debt crisis ravages Europe — and ultimately, the U.S., too …
- The chance to turn $2,000 into $168,000 with the greatest leverage you’ve ever seen or are likely to see — all with limited risk.
Be sure to see Jeff’s full report, below …
Here’s what you must do NOW to protect yourself as today’s cold economic realities burst this great “hype and hope bubble” in stocks …
And how you can USE this time-sensitive situation to go for gains of up to 529% on one trade … 877% on another … and even turn $2,000 into $168,000 on a third — all with strictly LIMITED risk!
by Jeff Manera
Thank you, Martin, for that kind introduction.
In this rapidly changing environment, I see a whole new slew of profit opportunities — with options!
Consider housing stocks, for example. Just recently, you could have bought a series of put options on one of my favorite targets in the housing sector — Toll Brothers — and walked away with gains of 104%, 180%, 253% and 457%. And this is example is not from years or months ago. It was just this year — between April and June, 2010!
Or, in approximately the same time period, you could have seen another whole series of big winners with put options in …
A veritable explosion Jeff Manera’s track record speaks for itself:
- Pulte Group — gains of 150%, 204%, 285%, 353%, 364%.
- Hovnanian Enterprises — gains of 137%, 286% and 325%.
- Lennar Corp — gains of 124%, 152%, 176%, 208%.
These are the kinds of gains I’ve seen in my track record before, although on different stocks, of course. And they’re the kinds of gains I feel we could see again, as sector after sector crashes and burns.
Here’s another great example: Between May 1 and October 10, 2008, for instance, the S&P 500 fell about 35%, not exactly a good-news event for most investors.
But throughout that period, instead of losing money in the stock market, you could have been making money hand over fist: Simply by buying and holding put options, your money could have grown 739% thanks to the decline.
That 739% gain is enough to turn $2,500 into $20,975. If you invested $25,000 you could have walked away with $209,750. All in just over four months. For example, for just $450, you can place a bet that the S&P will fall to last year’s lows. If you’re wrong about the timing or market direction, you could lose up to the entire amount plus a small commission. If you’re right, you could walk away with $4,200.
And if you zero in on some of the most vulnerable stocks, you could do even better. Assuming stocks merely return to their 2009 lows — a scenario which is now very possible as the economy sinks again, here are the gains you could achieve simply by buying and holding put options:
- Gains of 386.9%, 885% and 1,840% on the put options of a major U.S. bank stock.
- Gains of 240%, 1,346% and 1,353% with put options on one of its big competitors.
- Gains of 768%, 897% and 1,064% with puts on a major leader in technology.
- Gains of 1,845%, 2,438% and 2,567% with puts on one of the world’s largest global automobile manufacturers.
PLUS, I’m going for gains of 529% … 877% … and even to turn $2,000 into $168,000 with these emerging situations:
529% gains as the euro continues to unravel: With Europe’s government debt crisis still deepening — and with Moody’s, S&P and Fitch downgrading more European debt pretty much every month, the euro is getting beaten to a pulp — and there are huge amounts of money to be made with every downtick.
The dominoes have only BEGUN to fall. And every time another country hits the skids, we’ll have a chance to grab massive profit opportunities.
Just this year, for instance, while the euro fell by a modest 13% …
- Two put options on the euro soared 250% and 273.9% respectively.
- Or, you could have bought another put on the euro and walked away with a 457.3% gain in just 73 days.
- And two other euro options could have handed you gains of 524% and 529.3% in just 70 days.
Better yet, these options were very inexpensive — between $75 and $130 each, so you could have spread your money out over many of them.
Plus, the leverage is powerful: Even using the most expensive example above, you could have invested just $5,200 — and 73 days later, walked away with more than $28,979.
Best of all, you could do this over and over again as long as this crisis lasts. And when it ends in Europe and spreads to the United States, we’ll have the opportunity to do it all over again as global investors crush the U.S. dollar!
877% gains in the next phase of this great gold bull market: Everyone knows the Fed has been printing mountains of new dollars and then using them to buy treasuries in a last-ditch, desperate attempt to keep interest rates low.
That fact of life — plus rising anxiety about the sovereign debt crisis and the specter of a double-dip recession — has global investors more nervous than a bunch of long-tail cats in a roomful of rocking chairs. And throughout history, one truth has always stood: Nervous investors buy gold!
Since April of this year, gold bullion has risen 7%. But options on
gold have soared far faster and higher. Select options on gold
have soared 99.2% in 48 days … 150.9% in 49 days … 246.7% in 78 days, and … 281.6% in 46 days.
Indeed, right now, for just $400 apiece, you could buy two options that I estimate could hand you gains of up to 680% if gold simply continues rising at its current pace … or gains of near 900% if the gold boom really takes off.
And if you buy these options during a temporary correction, your cost will be even smaller; your profit potential, even greater.
Turn $2,000 into $168,000 with the greatest leverage you’ve ever seen or are ever likely to see: Right now, for just $100, you have the opportunity to control interest-related assets worth $1 million. That’s an amazing potential leverage of 10,000 to one. Moreover, since I’m still talking strictly about the simple purchase of options, there’s no risk beyond your $100 plus a small commission.
These options are dirt cheap because they’re a bet on higher interest rates — and because most investors actually believe Bernanke when he says he has no intention of raising rates any time soon.
But what few people understand is that, at the end of the day, the Federal Reserve doesn’t control interest rates: BOND INVESTORS DO!
The last time the government tried to hold rates down while deficits were growing — under President Carter, in 1980 — the pressure cooker exploded and interest rates skyrocketed uncontrollably. Short-term interest rates jumped from 6% to 17% in just six months. The prime rate hit 21%!
Ancient history? No way! This is also the pattern we’re seeing in every country struck by the sovereign debt crisis. In Greece, for example, interest rates recently exploded from 2.5% to over 18% within just a few months!
Today, since these options are so cheap, you could buy 20 of them for just $2,000. If I’m wrong, there’s no risk whatsoever beyond your initial investment plus the small brokerage commission. You’d simply take a $2,000 loss and write it off.
What if I’m right? As I said, the last time we saw the real consequences of exploding federal deficits was in the early 1980s, and interest rates skyrocketed. If that happened again during the life of these options, you could walk away with more than $500,000 on a $2,000 investment.
Could the same thing happen this time around? Nothing is impossible, but I doubt it. Those kinds of massive, million-dollar paydays are rare. But, even if interest rates go up only HALF as much as they did in the early 1980s, you could still turn your $2,000 into $168,000.
And even a relatively modest rise in interest rates — two or three percentage points over the next 16 months or so — could get you more than $20,000 less commissions: A 1,000%, or 10-to-one gain.
Major recommendations due by
Wednesday of this COMING week!
Get on board now, or you could miss out!
I created Manera’s Universal Speculator — and Dr. Weiss is publishing it — for one, simple purpose: To help you go wherever the greatest profit potential is — with options that let you profit from increasingly powerful swings in stocks … interest rates … currencies … gold … and more!
Of course, it’s only fair to add that opportunities like those above do NOT appear every day — and even when they do, there’s no guarantee that we’ll catch 100% of every move. That’s OK — with my approach, you don’t have to! My goal is to help you get a reasonable chunk of these kinds of moves — and to do it over and over again throughout the year.
And while even the best track record can’t guarantee future performance, my mission is simple: To give YOU results similar to those I achieved since 2005, or better — results that could have given you 170 winning trades averaging 149.1% and multiplied your money more than 11 times over!
And beginning immediately, I’ll make sure you have everything you need to take full advantage of the profit opportunities before us:
FIRST, spend a half hour with my Quick Start Tutorial: After you join me, I’ll make sure you receive my tutorial with everything you need to make the most of Manera’s Universal Speculator.
In this easy-to-follow guide, I give you …
- A comprehensive plain-English tutorial on what options are, how they work, their pros and cons, and how serious investors with some money they can afford to risk can greatly multiply their money with options …
- Instructions on how to prepare for trading — a guide to brokers … how to set up and fund a trading account … how to make sure you receive my Trading Alerts via email … via text message on your cell phone … and/or notification on the home screen on your computer, iPod, iPad or other mobile device …
- The time-honored risk management techniques I recommend to further reduce downside potential while allowing your profits to run …
- And more!
SECOND, keep an eye out for my Trading Alerts: When I confirm it’s time to strike, I will send you an email, a text message, a flash that appears on your computer’s home page or all of the above (your choice). The phrase “Trading Alert” will always be in the headline or subject line.
Each Trading Alert is in plain English: Easy to understand and follow — and will walk you through the trade step by step. I’ll tell you precisely …
Which put or call option I’m recommending …
Exactly how much I think investors should pay for the option …
Precisely when to act …
How to make the trade quickly and easily online or with your broker.
And when I believe it’s time to take money off the table — or cut losses — I will give you the same kind of specific, step-by-step instructions.
AND THIRD, if you ever need help, JUST ASK! In the off chance that you ever find yourself uncertain about how to act on my recommendations, just call our V.I.P. Universal Speculator Helpline, available equally to all members of this service. Although we can’t give you personal financial advice tailored to your individual circumstances, I’ve made sure there will always be a knowledgeable investor care representative ready to give you answers on how to act on my recommendations as efficiently as possible.
UNIVERSAL SPECULATOR is the ultimate in exclusivity:
Only one in every 400 of our readers
can be accepted for membership
To guarantee you top-notch service and also to help make sure you can execute your orders at fair and reasonable prices, no more than 1,500 memberships in Manera’s Universal Speculator will be available. And to be fair, members will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis only.
Currently, more than 600,000 investors subscribe to Weiss Research publications. So less than one in 400 (less than one-quarter of one percent) can join, and the service will fill up quickly. If you apply after the last slots are taken, we will add your name to a waiting list and notify investors if and when slots open up in the future.
The price is $5,000 per year. No discounts. No offense intended, but if you cannot spend that kind of money without losing sleep over it, you probably shouldn’t be investing in these supercharged profit-potential investments.
So if you’re intrigued by the possibilities of an approach that …
Could have multiplied your money by a factor of 2.5 on 170 separate occasions since 2005 …
Could have handed you a net gain of 1,034% even after deducting all losing trades — enough to make you 11.3 times richer and turn $100,000 into $1.1 million …
Now offers you the potential to turn $2,000 into as much as $168,000 on the interest rate play I describe above …
I think my track record speaks for itself, and I’d like you to join me. No guarantees, but I believe the gains from your very first trades could easily cover the full price of a one-year membership.
Please remember: Only 1,500 memberships are available. Less than one in every 400 of our readers will be able to join. These memberships will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis only. And when they’re gone, they’re gone. THAT’S IT!
The ONLY way to guarantee that your membership will be accepted is to apply now, while we still have open slots.
To join me in Manera’s Universal Speculator for one year ($5,000), click here. To join for two years ($8,000 — a $2,000 savings), click here.
Or if you prefer, call toll-free 1-800-408-0081. (Overseas, call +1-561-627-3300).
Plus, to make sure you’ll never miss a single Trading Alert, when your membership is close to expiration, we’ll notify you ahead of time, and unless you tell us not to, we’ll automatically charge your credit card at the same rate and for the same term. You’ll never be billed for something you don’t want and you’ll never have to worry about missing a single recommendation.
As you consider your decision, please remember: Only ONE in every 400 Weiss readers will be accepted. So our membership rolls could close very soon. To join while slots are still available, simply click the appropriate link below.
Jeff Manera, Editor
Manera’s Universal Speculator
Membership Application
YES, Jeff! I want the opportunity to multiply my money up to 11 times over or better!
I understand that if I had been with you during the past five and one-half years, I could have enjoyed 170 winning trades … grabbed a 149.1% gain on my average winner … and seen an overall gain of 1,034% — enough to turn $10,000 into $113,364 or $100,000 into $1.1 million.
I also understand that only 1,500 membership slots are being made available — only one in every 400 of Weiss Research’s readers will be accepted as members. As soon as the last membership slot is taken, membership rolls will close and my name will be added to your waiting list in case a slot ever opens.
Plus, I recognize that …
- This is a trading service for serious investors and for the amounts of money I’m comfortable risking — not for my keep-safe funds I need for emergencies or other essentials.
- Past performance is never a guarantee of future gains, and losses are entirely possible.
- Your mission is to do at least as well as you’ve done over the past five years — 170 winning trades with average gains of nearly 150%.
- The price is $5,000 for one year or $8,000 for two years.
- Although you cannot guarantee it, you estimate that gains from my very first trades could cover the full cost of the service.
To join me in Manera’s Universal Speculator for one year ($5,000), click here. To join for two years ($8,000 — a $2,000 savings), click here.
Or if you prefer, call toll-free 1-800-408-0081
(Overseas, call 1-561-627-3300).
* Important disclaimers: 2. Assumptions. The $1.1 million ending portfolio value includes no interest earned on cash balances, includes no compounding of profits by reinvesting cash excesses in new recommendations, and excludes brokerage commissions. For each recommendation, it assumes two contracts traded per $5,000 of initial capital. On a small number of trades, percentage gains may reflect a sequence of two or more recommendations wherein investors were instructed to “roll up” the trades to an option with a higher strike price. 3. Caveats: Past performance is no assurance of future results. Weiss Research is strictly a publisher and does not provide advice tailored to an investor’s individual needs. Options are for serious investors using risk capital and should not be purchased with keep-safe funds needed for emergencies, necessities or a significant portion of retirement money. The above results would have varied, for better or for worse, depending on the actual market prices achieved by each investor and on the actual broker commissions or other costs incurred. They assume liquid markets and/or a limited number of investors acting on each recommendation, a market condition that was usually verifiable, but may not have been the case in 100% of the trades. Based on historic market data, Weiss Research was able to validate the market prices and likely execution of the overwhelming majority of trades. However, on some options for which adequate data was not unavailable, Weiss Research relied on the records provided by Jeff Manera, the accuracy of which cannot be independently verified. Since the win-loss ratio and average gains on the few unverified trades were generally consistent with those on the many verified trades, Weiss decided not to exclude these from the track record. Jeff Manera provided, and vouches for, the accuracy of the original records related to his track record, a small number of which cannot be independently verified by Weiss; while Weiss Research provided, and vouches for, the averages and total returns based on those records as well as the data points underlying the examples of future opportunities, some of which have not been independently verified by Jeff Manera. |
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About Money and Markets
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Money and Markets (MaM) is published by Weiss Research, Inc. and written by Martin D. Weiss along with Nilus Mattive, Claus Vogt, Ron Rowland, Michael Larson and Bryan Rich. To avoid conflicts of interest, Weiss Research and its staff do not hold positions in companies recommended in MaM, nor do we accept any compensation for such recommendations. The comments, graphs, forecasts, and indices published in MaM are based upon data whose accuracy is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Performance returns cited are derived from our best estimates but must be considered hypothetical in as much as we do not track the actual prices investors pay or receive. Regular contributors and staff include Andrea Baumwald, John Burke, Marci Campbell, Selene Ceballo, Amber Dakar, Maryellen Murphy, Jennifer Newman-Amos, Adam Shafer, Julie Trudeau, Jill Umiker, Leslie Underwood and Michelle Zausnig.
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This investment news is brought to you by Money and Markets. Money and Markets is a free daily investment newsletter from Martin D. Weiss and Weiss Research analysts offering the latest investing news and financial insights for the stock market, including tips and advice on investing in gold, energy and oil. Dr. Weiss is a leader in the fields of investing, interest rates, financial safety and economic forecasting. To view archives or subscribe, visit http://legacy.weissinc.com.
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