Money and Markets: Issues


Mandeep Rai - What Are the Warning Signs?

What Are the Warning Signs?

by Mandeep Rai | Friday, July 24, 2015 at 7:30am

The official Bull Market is still alive, although as you can tell by this week’s market activity, the euphoria many felt over the past couple of years is in a bit of

Mandeep Rai - New Products, Services, Gadgets –  br Knowing What’s for Real

New Products, Services, Gadgets –
Knowing What’s for Real

by Mandeep Rai | Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 7:30am

(Mike Burnick, associate editor of Martin’s Ultimate Portfolio and editor of Ultimate Stock Options, is out today. Mandeep Rai, editor of Top Stocks Under $10, is filling in.) One of the exciting

Mandeep Rai - Overcoming Those Knee-Jerk Reactions!

Overcoming Those Knee-Jerk Reactions!

by Mandeep Rai | Monday, March 16, 2015 at 4:30pm

Markets are volatile — any hint of a rate increase sends shudders through the investment community and sends stocks tumbling.

Mandeep Rai - 3 Reasons Why Growth Will Stagnate and Stocks Will Follow

3 Reasons Why Growth Will Stagnate and Stocks Will Follow

by Mandeep Rai | Friday, September 12, 2014 at 5:00pm

Markets were taken by surprise with the recent growth in GDP that reflected a 4.2 percent increase for the 2nd quarter, coming after a 2.1 percent decrease in the first quarter. Remember, that over time, stock market growth has to be reconciled with overall economic growth. It's rare that the two decouple, or move separately. So what can we expect going forward? If growth in production stagnates, you can bet the stock market will follow suit.

Mandeep Rai - Buying on Margin? Here’s the Risk/Reward

Buying on Margin? Here’s the Risk/Reward

by Mandeep Rai | Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at 7:30am

(Columnist Jon Markman is away this week. Mandeep Rai, editor of the Top Stocks Under $10 portfolio, is filling in.) What do you do when you hear about a hot stock but

Mandeep Rai - Working Harder, But Not Getting Anywhere!

Working Harder, But Not Getting Anywhere!

by Mandeep Rai | Thursday, August 7, 2014 at 4:30pm

Jobs up! Unemployment down! Great news, right? Weekly numbers, like those published today, are highly touted by market participants as a good indication of the strength of the overall economy. If you have near-full employment, that places more spendable money into the hands of the workers — and consumers comprise the largest segment of GDP.

Mandeep Rai - Is This Twitter’s Facebook Moment?

Is This Twitter’s Facebook Moment?

by Mandeep Rai | Wednesday, July 30, 2014 at 5:15pm

Is Twitter (TWTR, Weiss Ratings: D) having a Facebook (FB, Weiss Ratings: B-) moment? Twitter's shares soared today as it reported a doubling of revenue and said user numbers grew 24 percent year-over-year, an addition of 16 million active users to the current 271 million. But what has really excited analysts and investors was the number of new mobile users. In fact, many are calling it a turning point for the company. Or in the language of today, #roaring #soaring #jackpot #forreal?