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Just the other day, Martin Weiss, who was traveling the world to survey various dangers and opportunities, emailed us that he was abruptly interrupting his travels to rush home. The reason: Something very dramatic is going to happen in October.
I got the email very early in the morning, opened my Skype and called him right away. Then, after we hung up, I said to myself, “Wow! That was one hell of a call! I wish I had recorded it so I could share it with my readers.”
So you can imagine how pleased I was when I found out that Martin has an MP3 Skype Recorder that he always runs to record his foreign language lessons, and it was recording our call without us even realizing it!
You’ve got to hear it for yourself.
If you value your wealth, your investments and your financial security, drop everything and listen NOW!
Plus, while you’re listening, you may want to read the unedited transcript of the call, below …
Transcript of Skype call between
Martin Weiss and Sean Brodrick
Martin Weiss: Hi, Sean. Why the hell are you calling me on Skype so early this morning?
Sean Brodrick: Yeah, I’m so sorry about that, Martin. But I just had to talk to you.
Martin: Don’t worry, Sean. You didn’t actually wake me. It’s OK.
Sean: Well, here’s why I had to call you, Martin. The thing is, I saw your email that you sent a couple of hours ago, right? And you had a word in there — “doomsday.” It just jumped up at me. Like a ghost. It just grabbed me. And the thing is, I see it too — in the cycles, and it seems to me they’re all converging into late October. And I see it in the debt numbers. They’re off the charts. But I had to call and find out: Exactly what are you worried about?
Martin: It’s very similar, from a different perspective. Nearly everything I see is coming together in the same time and place. It’s a recurring nightmare for me that does keep me up at night. You’d think Elisabeth would be angry, right? When she heard your Skype ring on my iPhone just now because …
Sean: Well, yeah, I was kind of worried about that, Martin.
Martin: Don’t worry. It normally would have woken her up. But I had already woken her up earlier — when I got an urgent call from an old friend in Japan.
Sean: You mean because of that North Korea missile that flew over Japan.
Martin: That was a part of it. But he actually said that type of thing is just a trigger event that will set off a chain reaction of financial events. You know, I’ve known him since the 1980s. He and I used to work together in Japan. He was the chief economist of a major brokerage firm. And in the 1980s, he and I were also worried about a crisis, about a coming bust in Japan in the 1990s.
Sean: Oh yeah, that one!
Martin: Yes, that bust actually turned out to be far worse than either he or I had expected. The Nikkei plunged by over 80%. The Japanese economy sunk into a depression that lasted not just one decade, but two decades. And now, he says the next crash in Japan is going to make the 1990s train wreck look like a walk in the park. And I happen to agree.
Sean: Well, I have to tell you, Martin, there are just CRAZY things that are happening all over the world. And not just in Japan, either. I mean — look at what Russia’s doing! And also, look at the terror attacks all over Europe! And not just that. Look at all the crazy things our governments have done for the past decade with debt and money! This is how I look at things — but it’s all part of a giant cycle. It all fits together. You could say that a perfect storm is brewing. And I’m thinking that we must do everything that we possibly can just to alert our subscribers before it’s too late, Martin.
Martin: I’m very worried about that because …
Sean: … because, you mean, we don’t have much time to prepare?
Martin: We have time — not much time. But, yes, it’s because of that and because it’s so big. But most people in the United States are also so complacent. I’ll tell you something: I just traveled to 11 countries in a round-the-world trip. I’ve been in Italy, in Germany, Turkey, the Arabian Peninsula. From there we went to India, then Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Japan. We’ve been in Russia.
Everywhere I go, I talk to people from all walks of life, especially high-net worth investors. And you know something, Sean? They’re not really complacent like most American investors. They’re trying to find a place to MOVE their money. Quick! They feel the winds of the brewing storm we talked about — in their gut.
Sean: Well, maybe they’re feet are closer to the fire. These cycles — the long-term cycles, short-term cycles — they say the same thing. It’s actually quite amazing, you know, how they mesh with what your friend in Japan is saying and what you’re seeing in all those countries. And I tell you — it’s not a pretty picture. I’d say it’s a very ugly picture, one might even say, a terrifying future, and it all begins in about six weeks.
What I also see — and I’m speaking as an American investor, Martin. Right? So I see this as a massive crisis just brewing around the globe. And American investors — they can either prepare and get wealthy, or they can risk being wiped out. And Martin, you know I’m not a fear monger or a pessimist. I consider myself a positive person. I’m just a realist, and I’m afraid.
But here’s the thing, Martin. How do we get the word out to investors? How do we reach out and make that connection with our subscribers?
Martin. Yes! And this is why I canceled my next trip. This is why I’m going to tell everyone in our company who’s not already on top of this to drop everything else they’re doing right now.
Sean: But that’s not enough! We must urgently talk to all our subscribers. We need to hold an emergency conference with them, Martin. Live!
Martin: Live! Right. But when?
Sean: Well, I’d like to say yesterday. But we need a few days to alert everyone, to let our subscribers know. So they can be there.
Martin: Uhm, how about … hold on for a minute, let me open my calendar for a second, and I’ll look, OK?
Sean: Yeah, I’ll look in mine too.
Martin: OK. I got it. How about Tuesday, September 12?
Sean: Yeah, OK. But I tell you, Martin, one day is hardly enough.
Martin: I didn’t mean just one day. I meant we start on Tuesday, September 12.
Sean: Yes. But one day is not hardly enough. We need three emergency sessions, three days, OK?
Martin: OK.
Sean: On the first day, we lay out the Big Picture. Why it’s going to happen. Exactly how we KNOW it’s going to happen. Right?
On the second day, we tell them WHAT is going to happen. We lay out our predictions for everything that’s going to impact investors, every investment area.
On day three, we go to the conclusion: What to do. What to sell. What to buy. And WHEN. And then, we go over the greatest PROFIT opportunities. We name the investments …
Martin: Yes! You NAME the investments. That’s important.
Sean: Right! We name the investments with the greatest profit potential. Like when your Dad turned $500 into $100,000 during one of the worst crises in American history. I remember THAT story.
Martin. Haha. I’m glad you do. Because that was a major story. OK. I got it! We start Tuesday, September 12th. Is 2 PM good for you? Eastern Time.
Sean: Yeah, that works for me. That’s fine.
Martin: OK. We meet in the Weiss Research studios. We’ll have the cameras rolling. We’ll stream it live over the Internet. On a private channel that only our subscribers can access.
Sean: Good!
Martin: And then, all of our subscribers will have had plenty of chance to register for the event.
Sean: OK. So they have to register.
Martin: Yes, they do.
Sean: OK.
Martin: All set then? September 12 at 2 PM?
Sean: I’ll be there.
Martin: Easy to remember. Because I just realized that it’s going to be one day after the anniversary of 9/11.
Sean: Yeah, you’re right.
Martin: Sean, thanks for calling.
Sean: OK. Thank you for emailing ME, Martin. This is urgent.
Martin: It is. Bye, Sean.
Sean: Bye-bye.
where do I go to hear this
Hurricane Irma cause for rescheduling this event?
Looking forward to hear more on 12Sep17… What can I do, now, to prepare?
Pls plan on having transcript available at the end of each day’s presentation.
Will money in 1 year local bank CD’s be safe?
There are no major threats or crisis in-play towards the United States at this time. So, yes, nobody is paying much attention to the news because there is so little of importance to report. Nothing has changed, as yet. So, Americans are self-absorbed and complacent. We seem to muddle through it all. The cold of Winter is quite a ways off as yet.
Besides, if a currency reset or dollar devaluation were to occur, everyone would be hurt if your assets are in U.S. Dollars. Gold would be a hedge but what do you sell it into if not U.S. Dollars? Kind of a captive market if you live and invest in the U.S. Everything is paid for in dollars. You can not pay your utility bill with foreign currencies.
I am conflicted now; some authorities say foreign investors see the US market as the place to be as they experience weakness at home. We see our own debt and have fear but hope their money moves into US driving our Mkt into the 50’s. Your saying the Mkt. Cycle shows we are all going to feel the heat. Can we ride it up a while and get out or, will we all drop together? and what options are best – I will tune in on the 12th.
Jim R.
Can you send me a list of what to do. I am glad someone is helpful and not just lining there own pockets.