The reason for the urgency is quite straightforward: The presentation is about the strategy and investments I’m planning to jump into THIS week — to get my $1,000,000 portfolio positioned IN ADVANCE of the elections.
Moreover, I want to give you the opportunity to buy BEFORE I do. So your deadline is Tuesday — the day after tomorrow!
Explosive market forces are bursting onto
the scene with great speed and power …
And this week will give us one of the
opportunities to take advantage of them!
The cornerstone of the U.S. economy — the U.S. dollar — is losing value right before our eyes.
Real estate is reeling again under the crushing weight of mortgage foreclosures and legal disputes.
The 11 million unemployed plus hundreds of millions of consumers are snapping shut their pocket books.
But there are three MAJOR asset classes — gold, other commodities and foreign currencies — which are enjoying long-term BULL markets, with only temporary corrections. And now, these explosive forces are all coming to a head.
So here’s the timeline …
Tuesday (2 days from today): We take our new presentation offline.
Wednesday (3 days from today): We send out an advance alert to investors providing specific instruction on what I’m going to buy, when and how — with 24 hours advance notice.
Tuesday, November 2: Millions of American go to the polls, and as a result, fiscal conservatives sweep into power.
Wednesday, November 3: The Fed announces a whole new round of mass money printing.
And markets go haywire!
Good luck and God bless!