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Edited transcript of this year’s “Next Black Swans” video: Right at this moment and probably for many months to come, we are passing through a unique vortex in time.
It’s unique because it involves three extreme megatrends that are, or soon could be, impacting every aspect of life in the United States: Real estate. Presidential elections. Jobs. Plus, your money.
And it’s especially unusual because it’s driven by powerful, unpredictable forces that are beyond our control — Black Swans that appear out of dark clouds … swoop down unexpectedly … and land in unexpected places …
Like the Black Swan that attacked the very heart of our nation on 9/11, with great loss in life and treasure, setting off a chain of events that have continued to ricochet through time:
The U.S. invasion of Iraq. The fall of Saddam Hussein. The rise of al-Qaeda in Iraq. The sudden emergence — and global spread — of the Islamic State.
One year ago, we also talked about another Black Swan event that struck at the very heart of our financial markets. It wasn’t September 11, 2001. It was September 15, 2008, the fateful day Lehman Brothers filed for Chapter 11, again setting off a chain of events that have continued to ricochet through time: America’s deepest recession since the 1930s. America’s largest bank failures and rescues of all time. And now, the largest Fed money-printing operations the world has ever seen.
One year ago, I also showed you that despite our problems here in the U.S., the instability abroad was worse. That’s also true today.
I showed you that ISIS was expanding across the Middle East and beyond. I explained to you how more countries around the world were getting dragged into international wars and conflicts. Also true today.
Plus, I illustrated how those conflicts were helping to drive foreign capital into U.S. assets, also continuing today. From the East to London … then across the Atlantic to New York … not to mention, flight capital flowing from Canada … and from Latin America.
All that continues. But now, we are moving into a new phase, a phase in which Black Swan conditions are beginning to appear more prominently right here in the United States.
How will that alter these global money flows? How will that be felt in our community? These are tough questions, and I’ll do my best to address them before we part today. For now, let me ask you a big question: What do you think will be next MAJOR Black Swan event?
Sorry, that’s a trick question. Because, by definition, if we could predict them, they would not be Black Swans to begin with.
No one can predict Black Swans. What we can do, however, is to analyze the set-ups for Black Swans. We can study the pre-conditions that give rise to Black Swans.
Let me give you just three prime examples, three major megatrends that are set-ups for future Black Swans.
Black Swans of the First Kind:
In the Financial Realm
I’m talking about a big bubble. Not a housing bubble or stock market bubble per se. But another kind of bubble — the money bubble, the big money printing by the U.S. Federal Reserve and, by other major central banks around the world.
Of course they don’t use money printing presses like they used to in the old days. They do it electronically. But it’s still the same process. The Fed and other central banks around the world create money out of thin air. They pump that money into the banking system. And then they pray the money will be put to good use.
Yes, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “So what else is new? This is what they’ve always done, right?”
No, this is not what they’ve always done, and I’m going to prove it to you right now. I’m going to take you back in time to show you how they used to do it. I will show you how they do it now. And I will show you why it’s dangerous.
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We go back a half century — to the 1960s. The Cuban Missile Crisis and the real threat of a thermo-nuclear war. The assassination of JFK. The Vietnam War, with troop levels more than double the peaks in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.
Yet, despite all this, the U.S. Federal Reserve does not print money wildly. The Fed’s balance sheet, which reflects printed money, grows slowly and gradually.
Perhaps you could argue that, fundamentally, those Black Swan events of the 1960s are not really serious threats to the U.S. economy.
But the 1970s put that argument to rest: On August 15, 1971, President Richard Nixon walks into the Oval Office, sits down before national television cameras, and says …
“I have directed secretary Connally to suspend temporarily the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets, except in amounts and conditions determined to be in the interest of monetary stability and in the best interest of the United States.”
With those words, he demolishes the gold standard and shatters the postwar agreement that guarantees stable world currencies.
We see oil prices doubling and tripling; long gas lines and no gas for sale.
New York City sinks to the edge of outright bankruptcy. But still, the Federal Reserve does not print money wildly. Still, it grows its balance sheet slowly and gradually.
So you come up with a new argument. You say that all those Black Swan events are still not serious threats to the U.S. banking system, and maybe that’s why the Fed does nothing unusual.
But the next decade, the 1980s, puts that theory to shame: Between 1980 and 1991, we witness the failure of 1,200 savings and loans. We see the failure of 1,500 commercial banks, including Southeast Bank here in South Florida, not to mention the Bank of New England, and many, many others. We see the nation, shocked by images of state-wide bank shutdowns in Maryland and Rhode Island. But still, the Federal Reserve does not print money wildly. Still, it grows its balance sheet slowly and gradually. Ditto for the 1990s.
Clockwork Profits — NOT Guesswork There is a way to free yourself from uncertainty of financial markets. Boris and Kathy have designed a new strategy to help you reap massive profits it’s like clockwork. What’s more, this strategy has the power to make you $74,000 richer by New Year’s Eve. Click this link for more details. |
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Until, that is, the Y2K bug: Many people are afraid that, because of a glitch in computer programs, the banking system will collapse, the power grid will go down and the economy will come to a screeching halt.
And in the second half of 1999, the Fed Chairman himself begins to believe it. The result is this surge in money printing as you see here.
As it turns out, Y2K is a non-event. But then the Fed Chairman embarks on a second money printing binge in response to 9/11!
And those were just the warm-ups. In 2006, President Bush appoints a new Chairman of the Federal Reserve with the nickname “Helicopter Ben.” It’s Ben Bernanke, and he gets his nickname from his pet theory that, in times of crisis, the Fed should pour money onto the economy like hundred-dollar bills from helicopters.
Now comes the real deal. Now comes the Big Bang of the 21st Century, the granddaddy of financial Black Swans.
You know what that event is. It’s when Lehman Brothers fails. And then within a few short weeks, Bernanke embarks on the first outright money printing in the history of the U.S. dollar. It’s literally off the chart.
Just around this time, I meet causally with a former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Paul Volcker. He and I happen to be at the same conference in Washington, D.C., sitting in the same lounge, talking about a dear mutual friend, and about all the government rescue operations. That’s when he says something very unusual and with no punches pulled,
“Mr. Weiss, when I was Chairman of the Fed, I never could have imagined, in my wildest dreams, that the government would ever do something like this.”
But that’s just the beginning! This time, even after the immediate crisis dissipates, Mr. Bernanke does NOT take that extra money back out of the banking system. He teleports us into a new world — a world in which billions turn into trillions, and a world in which all the books on monetary policy are dumped into the Potomac.
For starters, he gives us a new creative name — quantitative easing or QE … and prints even more money. Then when the first round of QE is not enough, he embarks on QE2. And when QE2 is still not enough, he and his successor, Janet Yellen, give us QE3, almost as big as QE1 and QE2 put together.
All told, between that fateful day in 2008 when Lehman Brothers fails and today, the Fed has printed and pumped more than $3.6 trillion dollars. That’s 91 times more than they printed and pumped to offset the economic shock of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Initially, of course, all this money feels good, like strong painkilling narcotics. We get cheap money and zero interest rates. We get more consumer spending. We get higher real estate prices and rising stock prices. All very endearing to some people. But in the long run, it’s the invisible side effects that are more enduring.
It wipes out the interest income of average American families and retirees who want to live off their savings. Or worse, it transforms them into speculators who wind up losing a portion of their principal.
It pushes investors to chase yield by taking big risks, and among those investors, only a small minority can be consistent winners.
Instead of paying out more in dividends or hiring more workers, it encourages big companies to buy back their own stock with borrowed cheap money.
And this helps explain why we’re now seeing a decline in capital investments — by those same corporations. In fact, it’s a key reason why, in the first quarter of 2016, we witnessed the first major plunge in capital expenditures since the Great Recession.
Right now all of this continues. It’s ongoing. But it raises an obvious question, a question that Fed Chairman Yellen is asked — and probably asks herself — all the time: “What will happen when the wonder drug stops flowing into the bloodstream of our economy?”
That is the first set-up — for Black Swans of the financial kind. But in the meantime, all this printed money also contributes to …
Black Swans of the Second Kind:
In the Social Realm
Let me restate the consequences of the Fed’s money printing: Zero interest rates. Virtually no safe yield opportunities for investors. A lot of big-stakes speculation. But only a small minority of winners. And fewer high-paying jobs. All this has driven the second major megatrend of our time: The concentration of wealth.
And let me add this: Today, the concentration of wealth is no longer just about the plight of the poor. Nor is it an issue limited to the nation’s middle class. It is also hindering higher-net-worth investors from growing their portfolios — by taking money away from dividends and from interest income.
In other words, we’re no longer talking just about the rich squeezing out the middle class. We’re also talking about American’s billionaires squeezing out America’s millionaires.
And as I’ll prove to you in just a moment, this trend has gotten a lot more extreme since the Fed began wildly printing money on September 15, 2008.
Of course, this wealth concentration in America didn’t begin in 2008. In fact, to get the full picture, I want to take you back nearly one hundred years, to the 1920s.
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This chart shows you what proportion of the nation’s wealth is held by the super-rich. Not the top 1%. Not the top .1%. But the top .01%. In other words, the wealthiest one in every ten thousand American households.
Back in the 1920s, their share of the nation’s wealth was also rising — from 5% to 6%, to 8%, and then to a peak of 10% in 1929.
That was reversed when the great crash wiped out the fortunes of the super-rich, and the Great Depression drove their business enterprises into the gutter.
But jump ahead to 1978. That’s when the concentration of wealth in America reaches an all-time low. And that’s when it begins to rise again. which brings us to this critical point in history: 2008.
The year 2008 is not just when Lehman Brothers fails. It is also the year when the wealth concentration in America matches the peak levels of another important prior turning point long ago: the year 1929.
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The year 2008 is when inequality in America is close to what history tells us is a potential breaking point, and that’s precisely when the Great Recession begins.
But there’s a big difference between the Great Recession of our era and the Great Depression of the 1930s. Back then, the Great Depression reduced the wealth share of the super-rich. This time, it doesn’t. Instead, thanks primarily to the Fed’s money printing, the concentration of wealth surges to new, all-time highs, never before seen in this country.
The end result is the great social and cultural divide of America today.
Regardless of your own personal opinion of this megatrend, you should not be surprised if this social divide fuels powerful emotions — pride and shame … greed and envy … fear and anger. All fuel for Black Swan events of the social kind. And regardless of your political persuasion, you should also not be surprised when this concentration of wealth comes with the …
Black Swans of the Third Kind:
Political Division and Dysfunction
I know. You’re probably thinking this last topic is strictly for cocktail-hour chit-chat. Or maybe you’re wondering how I’m going to take this conversation beyond the typical rhetoric of politicians.
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Here’s how: With this scientific study of political division and dysfunction in the United States. It’s based on an exhaustive study of voting patterns in the U.S. House of Representatives. And as you can see, it tends to move up and down, more or less in tandem with wealth concentration.
When the red line in this chart is low, it means that Republicans and Democrats in Congress vote mostly by the issues. In other words, they cross party lines and draft legislation together.
When the red line is high, it means that our elected officials usually disregard the substance of the issues. They vote strictly along party lines. They accomplish next to nothing. And they throw bricks at each other.
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Most people called that Washington gridlock. But that was just up until 2008, when the political division and dysfunction in this country reached the same level as it did in 1929. Now it’s even more extreme, as you can see in this chart:
What comes out of this polarized environment?
You guessed it: Black Swan politicians (like Trump), surging out of the blue, gathering momentum, changing history and shifting America’s destiny.
So there you have it. The three extreme megatrends of our time, the three set-ups for Black Swans in the United States:
Black Swans of the first kind — in the financial realm.
Black Swans of the second kind — in the social realm.
Black Swans of the third kind — in the political realm.
Each of these is one side of the same single pyramid. Each is replicated, in far greater extremes in other giant economies of the world. And each is helping to drive even more flight capital to safe haven destinations. Next question:
What is most flight capital looking for?
It’s looking for quality, very high quality. Companies with the strongest balance sheets and longest, steadiest earnings history or the highest caliber, Class-A properties in choice locations.
It’s looking for safety — not just safety from financial risk, but also safety from social risk. Crime and organized crime. The decline of government services, hospitals, schools.
And it’s looking for safety from political risk. Election upsets, impeachments, coups, labor unrest.
Third, investors are almost invariably looking for one more very important thing: yield.
They used to find yield in bonds. But thanks to the massive money printing and zero interest rates, they can’t find much yield in bonds anymore. Investors also went for yield in dividend-paying stocks. But now they can’t find much good yield in stocks either.
So they’ve piled into commercial real estate. And that’s why, right at this very moment, commercial real estate prices in the United States have seen their biggest boom of all time. Even bigger than the boom of the mid-2000s.
Here’s my advice …
One. Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. In other words, invest and expand primarily in response to real current demand for your products and services — not on spec, not in response to someone’s forecast of future demand.
Two. Avoid the bubbles, or at least reduce your exposure.
Three. Invest in quality not quantity. A+ rated stocks. Class-A commercial property in choice locations.
Four. Prepare for Black Swans with cash. Plenty of cash in reserve to protect yourself from the unexpected.
Good luck and God bless!
P.S. Did you know Medicare Open Enrollment closes in just a few days? That means this is your last chance to choose a Medicare Supplement provider to protect you from devastating medical bills Medicare simply will not cover. I recommend Medicare Supplement insurance to members of my own family … and it’s something to strongly consider to safeguard yourself and loved ones. To find the few safe providers that can save you a not-so-small fortune, click here before it’s too late!
Thanks, Martin!
I viewed and greatly benefitted from the original video. Having the transcript is an even more helpful tool for greater understanding of capital preservation and financial stability.
Thank you.
Joyce St,James
Appreciative Member of Larry Edelson’s
Thank you, Mr. Weiss for giving me food for thought!
Hi Martin
One of the destabilising issues is the growth in entitlement to not only support the folks out of work here, but also the cost associated with an open border policy. I’m not suggesting right or wrong here. It’s just the cost reality of policy choices. What is important is the budget blowouts it causes. In many of the periods mentioned above the work ethic was different. Another consideration is the election of DJT, a non politician. Maybe many of the people are smarter than they are given credit for in that politics doesn’t help most folks like it use to. It’s the peoples one last chance before everything blows up. Thanks for the work you do in bringing these issues to our attention.
Exactly Howard, we have lost much of our work ethic. My home has been robbed twice and the people who did it were people living on foodstamps and social services, hitting the local food banks. One only has to ask who picked the fruit and vegetables in the great depression. We have lived among the poor most of our lives, they are poor because they are lazy and stupid. They have not the ability of self denial, instant gratification is all that matters.
many a self-made wealthy person has seen abject poverty. warren buffett’s mom would not eat dinner so there’d be enough food to go around, while his dad cried at the table in shame. harry hamm was so poor the only clothes he had as a child were a pair of underpants, a humiliation none of us could ever understand. jim cramer was homeless and slept in his car for years before finally landing a job at goldman sachs. they weren’t poor because they were lazy and stupid.
Mr Weiss. You left out the most important word in this whole debachle and that word is Republicans…
1929 Hoover and the Stock Market Crash and Depression….
Nixon and gold removed from the Dollar
Nixon and the opening of China
The Republican Revolution in the 1980’s brings Reagan and the TAX cuts for the wealthy that sends the deficit to the moon becasue he had not the guts to reduce Federal spending. As a matter of fact, he increased spending….
Reagan and the bring of trade deals with China and the loss of Millions of Middle Class jobs to China
H.W. Bush and a Republican Majority Congress creat NAFTA which sends more Milliions of Middle Class jobs to Mexico. Then the first ill advised invasion of Iraq
The Republican Majority Congress that with Gramm/Leach/Blyle removed the Glass-Stegal Act in 1999 which again allows the types of trading not seen since 1929 which brings another Stock Market Crash in 2007 under Republicans Cheney/bush.
The second ill advised invasion of Iraq which cost us 3 trillion front and an estimated 7 trillion on the backend not overed by a tax increase
And now comes another Republican who is going to fix all those Republican brought problems, right?
Before the Republican defenders bring it up, it should be noted that Clinton made two mistakes. He allowed the Republican brought NAFTA and the Glass-Steagall Removal to pass, when he should have forced the Republican Majority Congresses to override his veto. in both cases…
Looking at the wealth concentration graph (above), inequality has risen as much or more under Clinton and Obama as under Reagan and the Bushes. It would be interesting to find out what happened in 1978 to start this trend.
It was the Republican Revolution led by an actor…. Sadly, the Republican Majority Congress, especially in Obama’s second term, where more than happy to save their banking buddies, but less inclined to let “Aid To Mainstreet” pass… Look it up…
maybe you’ve got it backwards, eagle. the economy has a life of its own (see edelson’s macro cycle analysis). the economy is bigger than any one man or his political party, because these macro cycles are going to play out no matter who’s in office. so, what happens is, we the people put into power the party who fits into the current part of the cycle. it may appear the president controls the economy, but in reality the economy has control over who we elect to become president. politicians just go along for the ride.
If you want to be successful at investing and trading, you would no well to spend less time trying to fit cycles into your belief system and more time studying economic history.
It is all there just waiting for you to do the study….. The internet has made it incredibly easy…..
That said, it might just disprove a lot of your beliefs which could be either enlightening or painful… However, the truth and history are facts….
Bingo! You are one of the few who actually understand the cycles. Thank you sir.
Very well put! I think the author should reach the reasonable conclusion that the entire world is bankrupt.
Either we toss all of our “fiscal responsablity mentality” out the window (more QE – the hell with red ink) or we recognize that a consequence to reckless global QE, is coming and it will devastate
The world financial systems!
The latter will be our black swan event! And it will (with Trump at the helm)
make the 2008 collaspe look like child’s play!
Mr. Eagle,
Please bring your list to President Obama’s attention. Maybe he can fix some things before he leaves office after these eight VERY LONG years.
Hi Eagle 495
Do you have a view on where it all goes from here on?
Now that the most far right GOP in the last 100 years in history, since Hoover and Cheney/bush, holds the reins of power, I’m figuring down……
Sadly about 50% of the American public has bought into the false claims of the GOP propoganda machine….
History has shown us that only when the far right so blows up the economy will the voters react, much as they did in 1932 and 2009.
Let us pray that Trump does not so destroy our democracy that the voters are able to respond….
Hmmm. Seems to me that I remember Tip O’neal and the Democrats being in charge of the purse strings under Reagan. Fact: Reagan’s policies & tax cuts tripled the revenues to the Federal budget. Fact: In order to get his military spending through the Democrat house, Reagan had to cut a deal with the Democrats. Fact: For every extra dollar brought in via the booming Reagan economy, the Democrats spent $3. Lost in your revisionism is the fact that Reagan spent money on assets, Democrats spent money on social programs that never goes away and only gets bigger. 10 years after Reagan, those Aircraft carriers & fighter jets came in awfully handy, but the money spent by the Democrats was, as usual, gone down the drain. We don’t need tax increases, we need less Democrats spending our money on social garbage to buy votes.
WELL EAGLE495 we had to endure 8 yrs of the worst president in the history of the united states his doubling of the national debt robbing the social security trust fund of 800 billion to pay for obamacare premiums 2 billion to create its website and wheres all the jobs you liberal progressives promised that were going to be created through liberal policys ok ok I guess you meant companys like solandra and others that are now just shuttered doors and empty promises but liberal progressives managed to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars on companys for barack obamas biggest campaign bundlers that vanished once the truth got out about them also several hundred billion dollars is missing from these funds but not a word out of the liberal media oh and you always manage to forget to say that bill Clinton signed NAFTA and GATT hillery Clintons husband but as usual you blame everything on the republicans
YES eagel495 we had to endure your progressive bragging for the last several years saying things were going to be different this election it was going to be a landslide progressive democrats were going to control the presidency the senate and the congress WELL eagle495 how does it feel knowing there was a landslide but just not the landslide you wanted how does it feel knowing the congress is controlled by the republicans the senate is controlled by the republicans and the presidency is controlled by the republicans and soon the supreme court will be controlled by he republicans in a way I guess you were right the landslide occurred but now only 6 states are completely controlled by the democrats and the majority are now controlled by republicans I guess that silent majority has finally woke up soooooo enjoy the landslide you were bragging about I AM
See hawk,
The Con and the Fraud won (at least so far)…. I’ve gotten real good at dodging the Republican plunges….. Hope you are also, but I doubt it….. Dream on and keep voting for those Billionaires and one day, perhaps the lights will come on….. Or not!.. :(
my light came on yrs ago after voting for bill Clinton I realized my mistake but it was too late bill Clinton signed NAFTA AND GATT and yes my light shone brightly it woke me up out of that progressive liberal daze and now im a very happy and content republican I see through the lies that progressives like you tell so im going to happily tell you the truth in 2004-2014 democrats controlled the senate in 2004-2010 democrats controlled the congress and in 2008 a far left progressive democrat Obama was elected president but in 2010 that started to change when republicans won control of the congress back and in 2014 republicans won control of the senate back and now in 2016 republicans have won control of the POTUS back and in 2017 conservatives will win back control of the supreme court the worst thing this country has had to endure is a inept progressive liberal president for the last 8 yrs and squandering of 10 trillion dollars its defiantly taken a beating with Obama but with a little luck maybe the united states can lick its wounds and heal
here’s a black swan for you, about 20% of the population, the most responsible and productive portion, disappears. we Christians know what that event is but the world has always laughed at the thought of it. The world will be changed forever after that black swan lands in the pond.
Dear Steven:
FYI, the idea of a “Pre-Tribulation Rapture” was UNKNOWN for the FIRST 1,800 years of Christianity, until it was INVENTED around 1830 by an ex-Anglican priest named Darby, who got it from a 15-year-old Scottish girl who claimed to have had a “vision” about something like that. He called his new concept “Dispensationalism”. It was steadfastly rejected by virtually ALL of evangelical Protestant Christianity and Catholicism alike, until the founders of international Zionism saw in it a way to trick Christians into supporting their plans for a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.
They funded a convicted swindler, con-man and philanderer named Cyrus SCOFIELD into adding Zionist-friendly footnotes to a standard King James Bible, paid for its publication via the Oxford Press (which they controlled), and VOILA! A NEW RELIGION.
Believing that their support of the Jews’ regaining Palestine and the Temple Mount, and the reconstruction of the Temple would hasten their own Rapture ahead of the prophesied worldwide chaos of the Tribulation (which it surely will NOT), they gave and gave and gave, and are still giving.
We have a 400-page book which details the whole sordid mess, if anyone is interested.
With the Republicans having control of Congress and the White House, and their propensity to vote for commercial interests, the top .01%, the lords and ladies of money, must be chortling with glee. The only hope for us serfs is to join the merchant class which the nobility depend on for services beyond the menial level. That may explain Trump’s insistence that the internet holds the solution to money worries for most of us.
Chuck – Take off the blinders and revisit the last 8 years. Seems to me that the lords and ladies have been chuckling for 7-3/4 of them.
Attn: Chuck
“the lords and ladies of money, chortling with glee”
You must be referring to the billionaires who donated over $600 million to Crooked Hilary to buy the election so they can continue their massive lies and taxpayer money sucking!! Oh, and don’t forget about the massive Mickey Mouse Media of LIES!!
They are still at it………which is in direct violation of the Federal Communications Commission laws of broadcasting news.
Trump will revoke their license for news broadcasting and they can go home crying!.
I wonder what Martin thinks about his cohort, Mike Larson, warning about “shadow trillionaires” plan to crush the stock market by January, 2017.
Eagle, this is no defense of anyone. The fact is that it would not have mattered which party was in office because it was the same elitist policies which ruled both parties and made them non-choices. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum if you will.
you mentioned that the companies buy back shares with cheap money. that is good. then they can pay bigger dividends as it will mostly stay in the company. so have a look out for such companies.
Thank you Martin for a very thoughtful & cogent analysis! The QE philosophy of The Fed’s has ruined the broad middle class by eliminating a safe yield for the saver & pension funds, their primary source of investment income. I believe the election of Donald Trump is the last attempt by the broad middle class to peacefully change our Government. I pray President Elect Trump will be wildly successful because I don’t like to think about the alternative.
1920-21; worst recession than 1929 should have been. FDR turned into the Great Depression.
FDR weakened the gold standard long before Nixon took us off the gold standard. Nixon, however, was also a “progressive”.
Reagan’s tax reforms in the 80s were to be accompanied by budget controls agreed to by the Democrats who controlled Congress and therefore the purse. As usual,the Democrats reneged.
Clinton promoted NAFTA.
Clinton repealed Glas-Stegal. The GOP controlled Congress came about because of the disastrous first two years of Slicky Willy’s administration
Iraq was liberated. The back-end comes largely as a result of a failure to maintain the peace. Hello Daesh (ISIS) and thank you Obama.
Look I get it, you hate Republicans. As you can see, it’s too easy to turn it around. A much more constructive conversation can be had with an intelligent non-partisan analysis. Democrat-good-Republican-bad is absolutely useless in terms of debate, analysis and solutions.
For the love of Pete, just stop.
Everyone trying to just make a buck. The people on public assistance want more, blue collar middle class scratch and claw, upper white collars trust the investment reps, always trying to be creative, Washington forks screwing over everyone when 90% of them have more than they could ever need. Just look at the housing crash 2006, most of the housing of values of 500k plus were never affected. What! The rest of the nation, including Las Vegas mostly loses to the banks and financial but Washington gets a pass? Wake up people.