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The first time Elisabeth and I visited Russia, we stayed with dear friends in a Soviet-era apartment of St. Petersburgh.
We waited patiently in long lines like everyone else.
And everywhere we went, we thoroughly enjoyed the warm hospitality of a country still mostly enamored with everything American.
But on our most recent visit, all that had changed dramatically.
While strolling along a southern city’s beautiful embankment of the Volga River, one friend asked me, her voice cracking with emotion:
“Why do Americans hate Russians so much?
“Why in the world is Obama providing arms directly to ISIS?
My rudimentary Russian was good enough to understand the questions. But no language seemed good enough to provide simple answers, except to say “it’s not true.”
From there, we went to Zheleznovodsk, a cluster of mineral water spas in the Caucasus Mountains.
Thankfully, everyone abided by the golden rule that health — not politics — was the main topic worthy of discussion.
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In the Caucasus of Russia. Countryside beautiful. People very friendly. But any talk of U.S.-Russia relations potentially unpleasant in the extreme. |
But there was one exception. Our massage therapist always had his radio tuned to talk shows with nonstop rants on “America’s evil plots to bring Russia down.”
As I soon learned, he didn’t have much choice. All Russian news sources blast out similar “information and analysis” almost around the clock.
It is the most pervasive propaganda machine I have ever studied or experienced in my lifetime.
It engulfs government media, “independent” media and social media. It deploys tens of thousands of individuals who provide personal “testimonials” designed to shock and awe, invoking deep feelings of pity or hatred. It’s in multiple languages, including English. It employs “prominent Western analysts” to tout the same theories and support them with a tirade of stats and “facts.”
It is extremely effective. And it’s downright dangerous. The narrative:
1. Obama is leading a global conspiracy to destroy Russia.
2. Clinton will do exactly the same, or worse.
3. Unless Trump wins, Russia and the United States are headed for war.
Hard to believe they truly see the world this way? Then consider last week’s comments from Russian lawmaker Vladimir Zhirinovsky:
“Americans voting for a president on November 8 must realize that they are voting for peace on Planet Earth if they vote for Trump. But if they vote for Hillary, it’s war. It will be a short movie. There will be Hiroshimas and Nagasakis everywhere.”
Zhirinovsky himself is not considered a particularly believable source in Russia. But thanks to round-the-clock messaging by the media, the anti-Clinton sentiment is almost universal.
All this raises urgent questions for investors: How did U.S.-Russia relations deteriorate so far, so fast? What will be the impact on the global economy and markets? Is war with Russia truly likely?
The Rapid Deterioration in U.S.-Russian Relations
I hate to say this, but in this new 21st Century cold war, many Western analysts argue that it was NATO that fired the first shot. Follow along with me as I retell the events based on some (but not all) of the known facts:
February 9, 1990. Secretary of State James Baker is in Moscow negotiating the reunification of Germany. Transcripts of the meetings show that, in exchange for Russian cooperation, he makes “iron-clad guarantees” that NATO will not expand “one inch eastward.”
In the years that follow, NATO and State Department officials correctly argue that there was never a formal deal. But Russia argues, also with some factual basis, that the quid pro quo was understood on both sides: Gorbachev would cooperate fully on Germany and the U.S. would limit NATO’s expansion.
Mid-1990s. Russia’s economy is in shambles; its military, in disarray; its hegemony over East European nations, virtually non-existent.
So those former Warsaw Pact countries see absolutely nothing to gain from a continuing military alliance with a fallen empire. They naturally gravitate to NATO.
March 12, 1999. NATO begins adding a long line of former Soviet Bloc countries …
- first, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, three countries still far from the Russian border …
- but then, five years later, a new batch, including Bulgaria and Romania, somewhat nearer to the former Soviet Union, plus …
- Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, right on the Russian border.
Early 2014. The Ukrainian revolution bursts onto the global scene with unpredicted fury. A series of violent events — by protesters, riot police, and unknown shooters — erupts in Kiev. It culminates in the fall of the pro-Russian Ukrainian government and the rise of a pro-Western regime.
For Vladimir Putin, it’s the last straw.
In addition to sharing a long, 2,000-mile border with Russia, Putin views Ukraine as an integral part of Russia’s history and geography. So do most Russian citizens.
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On February 22, he convenes an all-night meeting with heads of security forces, declaring that Crimea must be returned to Russia.
On February 27, he sends in troops; and the very next day, unidentified Russian men in military uniform take control of the two main airports. Soon, they take the entire peninsula.
In March, Crimeans vote in a referendum to rejoin Russia, and the Russian Federation promptly moves to annex the territory.
It is the first time in modern history that a major nation invades and captures the territory of another nation. It’s a large, resource-rich area. It’s in Europe. And this single act threatens to dismantle the world order that has prevailed since the end of World War II.
The West responds with three rounds of sanctions, expanding each as the war in the Ukraine escalates. Russia responds in kind, with a total ban on food imports from the EU, U.S., Norway, Canada and Australia.
September 2015. Russia jumps into the Syrian civil war, starting with air strikes against rebel forces … soon expanding to a massive build-up of military bases … and most recently, the bombing of entire cities like Aleppo.
September 2016. The United States and Russia jointly announce a Syrian cease-fire. But they leave a gaping loophole: The agreement does not apply to attacks against “terrorist targets,” which, according to Russia’s standard definition, might also include U.S.-supported rebels.
U.S.-British airstrikes aimed at ISIS accidentally kill 60 Syrian government troops. Syrian or Russian airstrikes kill 14 aid workers and destroy 18 truckloads of food.
In Russian news outlets, Moscow declares that U.S. and Russia have broken off diplomatic relations regarding Syria, a not-so-subtle threat to U.S.-Russian relations overall.
October 2016. Russia suspends a landmark agreement with the U.S. to dispose of surplus weapons-grade plutonium. It announces its plan to re-establish military bases in Vietnam and Cuba. And it continues to move steadfastly toward conflicts with the U.S.
The U.S. retaliates with formal accusations of war crimes in Syria and of malicious meddling in the U.S. presidential elections.
October 15, 2016. Just this past Friday, CNN explains it this way:
“It’s not a new Cold War. It’s not even a deep chill. It’s an outright conflict.”
What Next?
I pray, hope, and expect that a direct conflict between the two nations is not in the cards, at least not in the near future. But it’s undeniable that the two nations are already engaged in escalating economic wars, cyberwars and most recently, proxy wars.
The most frightening prospect of all: The declared readiness — and willingness — on both sides to use tactical nuclear weapons.
Technically speaking, these smaller bombs are less destructive than the mega-weapons that were so widely feared during the Cold War. But paradoxically, therein lies the big concern: It’s precisely because they are less destructive that supposedly “sane” military strategists on both sides seriously consider using them.
Expect the following economic consequences:
First, regardless of which party controls the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court … and regardless of federal budget deficits, the state of the economy or the direction of financial markets, we’re bound to see a rapid build-up of
- U.S. conventional forces,
- tactical nuclear weapons, plus
- security, intelligence and cyber capabilities.
Defense and cyber-related sectors will explode with growth.
Second, despite any noise to the contrary, expect aggressive government efforts to stimulate the economy.
Whether they succeed or not in avoiding a recession is another matter entirely. But with the threat of U.S.-Russian conflict, you can be certain that the Treasury and the Fed will pursue this course to the bitter end.
Third, the fear of war — in all shapes and forms — will continue to drive global flight capital to the United States. But, as I’ve warned, this cannot continue forever. If U.S. civil conflicts deepen, much of that capital flow may reverse, seeking new safe havens.
Good luck and God bless!
P.S. Did you know Medicare Open Enrollment began on Saturday? If you or someone you care about is about to sign up — or is currently covered by Medicare — there are two unfortunate truths about Medicare supplement insurance that are costing you thousands every year… How do I know? Because my company, Weiss Ratings, is the only one in the country that has all the data and can find the few safe companies that can save you a not-so-small fortune. To find out more about these unfortunate truths–and learn how to keep from spending a dime more than you should–click here!
With the comments Hitlery has made concerning Russia, including blaming them for hacking the DNC (conveniently failing to mention they might actually have hacked her insecure and illegal home-based server), a lot of Americans are worried about the same thing as well. Bobble-head is clearly on her last legs, she has total contempt for almost everyone (deplorables? really?)….yeah, the possibility of Hitlery being elected scares us as well!
In the last eight years the US government as lied over and over again to its people
We can’t believe are own government. Just look at hillary ‘s emails.what are the people to believe?
How’s the weather in Leningrad?
Very nice weather in northern Europe, in mid-October.
If you want a world controlled by the military dictators of the communist governments of the world vote Trump. If you want a world controlled by Democratic free market Governments Vote Clinton.
You have that backwards.
Yes, Steve, that assumption is truly backward.
that’s why this lovely woman cooed “we came, we saw, he died” (about Gadaffi being sodomized to death). Nice!
that’s why she -forever- slyly manages to take attention away from FACTS to fiction (does she proof Russia hacked her emails?) but what is inside those emails is TRUE: she stole her place from Bernie. It’s so so easy to blame Russia for everything, since it has a history of “cold war years” : you are preconditioned, primed to accept whatever may come…..just like the Nazis managed to prime their people for WW2!
Democratic free markets? that’s why these deals -like CETA, TPP, rtc.are kept from you and me knowing what really is in those deals! Congress that is allowed to read them cannot divulge what they have read. DEMOCRACY is it?
Is Putin a dictator? is he a communist? learn what those words mean before so glibly using them. is Trump a communist?
One thing granted: Hillary is extremely clever….just depends what she is using it for!
Another bit, Steve: how much of your tax goes into the US military? how much in your so called military dictator countries? 10 largest militaries in the world can’t even sniff at what US has. And go and have a look at a world map and see where US has bases?
Do you see bases of your military dictators anywhere??? Anyone surrounding US with bases..compared with US/NATO surrounding ALL of China and Russia………
So true. Problem is no one is talking about it or even knows what is going
Steve; Can you read? Do you want to live a little longer? If you can, better re-read this article. Martin is trying to help our people.
Unfortunately, this comment being simplistic is also deceiving. The world would be safer, if that is what you want to, is the US to be presided by self made businessman than another political dynasty figurehead.Russians are quite fearful now dangerously.
And if you want war, vote Clinton.
You got it backwards, head in sand, it will be the end of America if hitlery is elected
and what are you smoking because if Hillary is in charge, I will need some of it…
I think she will provoke more countries than Trump just because she wants to prove that she is a world leader even when she will be a bad one…
Your watching too much mainstream media, look at what Hillary did for Libya– complete failed state and hotbed for terrorism. Once Hillary wins, expect more insecurity, conflict and the importation of terrorism and not less
Wrong , other way around , Trump will make peace and work with Russia in many ways and to defeat ISIS , but Hillary is a globalist and there aim is to reduce world population by starting a war …
Hillary is a wanna-be Marxist Dictator. Trump is a nationalist corporatist. Neither mention the Constitution or the Creator.
U r so WRONG…CHUMP DRUMPF WILL LOSE hopefully “bigly”(2 adverbs in a row…can u deal with it)…Republicans nominated the 1st Fascist from a major party…the art of the Steal actually Mein Trumpf!
Umm hello? Do your research sir. America has been funding, training, and arming extremist groups of Moslems since the 50’s, so YES ITBIS TRUE. Americans don’t hate Russians but there is and has been a covert attempt to thwart Russia using dissidents in the middle East. Dont be naive. Out country is corrupt to the seems.
The elite media in our country is damming on a daily basis in its condemnation of Russia who are suspected of HRC’s email tampering scandal. Our ugly election is not having a positive influence on any of our friends overseas. As voters we are being given a choice to accept some level of administrative corruption, with the less morally reprehensible candidate. This circus is playing out all over the planet. I get the same thing from overseas contacts where a POTUS is threatening to cut funding to schools if the school doesn’t allow some male students to use the female changing rooms, We look morally bankrupt.
… because Obama and his bathroom Perv ideology is morally bankrupt.
Yes. Hillary Clinton’s remarks regarding Russia’s responsibility for the DNC computer security breach is a joke, given the fact they have traced it back to the US Department of intelligence. That’s okay! Why apologize to the Russians for the insult? They’re not proud people are they? Pres. Putin and the Eastern Orthodox Church of Russia have both thanked the Western world for their sanctions, preferring to rely upon building their own economies, with their own products, made by their own workers, while avoiding the insane immorality of the West. Americans have no idea because they simply listen to the “Hollywood” media of America, rather than doing real investigative journalism, simply read what is put on their prompters – what boils down to nothing more than preprepared propaganda for the Rockefeller-UN “Brave New World” of lechery.
There is no electricity bill in Libya; electricity is free for all its citizens.
There is no interest on loans, banks in Libya are state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at zero percent interest by law.
Having a home considered a human right in Libya.
All newlyweds in Libya receive $60,000 dinar (U.S.$50,000) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family.
Education and medical treatments are free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25 percent of Libyans were literate. Today, the figure is 83 percent.
Should Libyans want to take up farming career, they would receive farming land, a farming house, equipments, seeds and livestock to kickstart their farms are all for free.
If Libyans cannot find the education or medical facilities they need, the government funds them to go abroad, for it is not only paid for, but they get a U.S.$2,300/month for accommodation and car allowance.
If a Libyan buys a car, the government subsidizes 50 percent of the price.
The price of petrol in Libya is $0.14 per liter.
Libya has no external debt and its reserves amounting to $150 billion are now frozen globally.
If a Libyan is unable to get employment after graduation the state would pay the average salary of the profession, as if he or she is employed, until employment is found.
A portion of every Libyan oil sale is credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.
A mother who gives birth to a child receive U.S.$5,000.
40 loaves of bread in Libya costs $0.15.
25 percent of Libyans have a university degree.
Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great Manmade River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.
Libya will never be the same,Libyan Iraq Afghanistan Yemen Syria Iran? Russia Who’s next for regime change.
And what did all these countries had in common? No central banks and wanted oil in a different currency the the dollar.
no “regime change” in russia is possible – neocons may relax. there is universal hatrid of the “democracy movement” – a tiny pack of curs fed by uncle sam. russia is somewhat mightier than ass-naked arabs that uncle sam’s puppy warriers used to chase around deserts – and even that for little effect. why neocons are so eager for war with russia?? – its immediate effect will be annigilation – glassification – of enemy – guess which.
We don’t just look morally bankrupt…we ARE morally bankrupt as a nation! However, we are NOT given a choice between only two candidates…there is a THIRD, but the corrupt and complicit corporate media is suppressing this third, Third Party option! Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson is on the ballot this November in all 50 states. Look up Libertarian values and you will see they match precisely with the values and principles of freedom, personal responsibility, and small, civil government that this country was founded on, and that the U.S. Constitution guarantees. The only way this country can turn around from this bad course is to go back to the beginnings, get back to basics, and remove this bad and corrupted government with our votes in accord with our rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. By voting radically DIFFERENTLY, and showing unity as a nation that we will no longer tolerate the bad behavior and policies of our leadership, and voting OUT this criminal cabal of Democrat/Republican gangster polititians, we are making a stand that WE THE PEOPLE are now in charge of the direction we want our country to go, and NOT the moneyed elitists. Gary Johnson may not be the best President ever, but he IS the best choice of the three we have been given if we want to save our nation from it’s present destructive course. NOW is the time for each one of us to take personal responsibility for our own actions and our own lives, and THAT is what Gary Johnson represents. Vote Gary Johnson for US President 2016! #GaryJohnson #GaryJohnson4Prez http://www.JohnsonWeld.com
If only Obama had stood at is red line in the sand on Syria. History will not treat him well. Forget what all the U.S. media has to say.
why should he(we) care about assad? what would be his motive? what would the usa gain?
what did we gain for quadaffi’s death(murder)?
The US presence in the sovereign country of Syria is a violation of international law. The US determination to overthrow Assad – a democratically elected leader widely popular inside Syria – derives from a complex agenda. Run a pipeline from Qatar to Europe to eliminate Russia as a major gas supplier to Europe and thus bankrupt Russia.with the hope that Putin will be defeated and another drunk leader like Yeltsin will replace him allowing the US to gobble up Russian resources; Maintain US “hegemony” – its place as the sole dictating power in the world; and of course, the hegemony of the US dollar. US intrusions in middle eastern countries have been tolerated by China and Russia up to this point. Now the US is threatening to “bomb back to the stone age ” Russia’s long term allies as it did Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan. nyet.
That’s nonsense. Gen. Wesley Clark, as Dem candidate for pres, went on record in 2004, telling of the US Pentagon’s above top secret Middle East plans for regime change, as far back as 1991, and expanded after 9-11, to include Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Iran. He quoted Rumsfeld as saying this was the perfect time in history to take advantage of instability in the Middle East. He said this when we were only involved in Afghanistan and Iraq. Now only Iran remains, and Syria is in ruins. Wake up. America armed and trained Al Qaeda, then ISIS, and is supporting them to kill Christians throughout the Middle East. It has violated international law by promulgating Civil War and bombing Libyan, Syrian, Russian, and Iranian troops. No wonder Russia is involved. They have always been an ally of Syria, and are a Christian nation. That Obama and Clinton continue this policy makes them every bit as responsible as the Bush admin. All this shows that Dem & Rep admins do not follow the wishes of the American people, except when they and the media whip them into a war frenzy, with bogus reports and false facts.
Gentlemen –
I am curious to know WHY none of the so-called, awful, Shemitah declarations and warnings have not taken place. Reports have been generated, books have been written, and “I,” like a sucker have fallen for all these schemes. I have been one of the strongest “advocates,” esp. on FaceBook, re-trumpeting these warnings – all if which have not “come to pass.”
I feel like the little boy who kept calling: “Wolf!!”
People are starting to see me as a quack!
Besides, I am losing a lot of money – buying-into all this hype…
Dates of “declared disaster,” come and go.
Is this ALL just a ploy, to rip even MORE people off?
DUHHHHHHhhh – the Shemitah Y2K Mayan calendar Niburu are all FEARNOGRAPHY
that was (is)pure fakery!
Seems to me Shemitah is in full effect….just look around!
C’mon guys! I am a 64 year old retired electrical engineer, an honorably discharged U.S. Army, 82nd abn div, veteran. I am totally pro- America. All that said, please stop pretending Russia is the ONLY bad guy here. There is no collapse coming, socially, economically, or militarily. Yes I am prepped..but stop the fear mongering. Besides, like it or not there are way too many people on this planet. Wanna cure global warming, have space and resources. Lose about 2/3 of the population and stop letting dummies make children and be getting more dummies. Is that politically correct.. Hell no but it’s simply a math problem. There’s my thought.
True Greg, Bill Bennett predicted this anti trump panic and pure terror and fear of a truly independent person like Trump ruling the USA. Most of the sitting political hacks are going directly to prison jf he wins, The mainstream media are all doomed as the lies and deception are exposed. The New York Times will be first to go if he wins. All political scams will be exposed. Donald Trump is regular guy, he like women, he does what he says he will do. I have video of the demonstration in Washington by the 3 million silent majority when Obama rigged his re-election. The only way the (democraps) communist’s win is by cheating;
I just love Jill Stein If we had her here in Australia I would support her. You are so lucky to have her, sadly she has no chance in such a rigged system and most Americans don’t know she exists.
Trump’s wife is a communist ,and still a citizen of a communist country .
Right on! Good thinking and good comment!!
Those dummies making more dummies are the masses that have been manipulated by churches, states, and media for most of human history. Throw in a central bank or two and you control them with the debt-stress-role-waste system like we, and the majority of the industrial democracies, use.
No lesser of a man than Thomas Jefferson warned about the pervasive nature of debt on mans liberty.
Take away any one of those four legs and the system becomes unstable. The last time was 08 when new debt was rejected at 7 percent and dropped until if found a new equilibrium in the 2.5 range.
Now the value of a role, purchased at the cost of a lifetime of debt, is in being debated Throw in the millennial generations revaluation of stress on a persons long term health and you have all the makings of a generational conflict. Then there is the subject of waste or conspicuous over-consumption of resources that is absolutely necessary for economic growth but leads to massive environmental degradation.
The two thirds reduction in population that you specify my not be so far fetched or even an option given our current trajectory.
US neocons are the worst idiots in US
THEY want war to give work to their factories in each US State
and return their campaingn contributions ( backchichs)
If any kind of war starts between US and Russia make no mistake it would be unprecedented Global disaster.Who would win this war?There would be no winners only losers.Who would lose more ,those who have most.
America is incapable of winning a war with anybody. Name me a single war won by the USA, there are none. WW2 was actually won by Russia. By the time the US troops got to Berlin it was already in Russian hands, Hitler was dead. I admit they won the war with the Japs, using a German made bomb. The USA has attacked dozens of countries since and always lost out.
maybe that’s the point , something similar to divide and rule transformed to destroy and get our companies in….after all, so far it has been no skin of US ‘s nose to fight wars since they are all “somewhere else” and body bags are hidden but even worse the amount of civilians “somewhere else” that get maimed and killed are kept out of the equation as much as possible. Think of Fallujah, where US used depleted uranium with result that those who survived are full of cancers, even with children born afterwards contracting cancers, deformaties etc….what’s Clinton’s slogan? America is not (only)great but GOOD. Unbelievable chutzpah because she must be saying this knowing most are uninformed. After all,” the left , the low social capital individuals, the basement dwellers, are a “bucket of losers” and Trump devotees are of course “a basket of deplorables””.
The War for Independence, 1770’s.
Saveusall1 – that was with the help of the French, forget what you see in Hollywood blockbusters. Don’t forget in 1812 when the French were tied up and not there to help the White house burned.
Dont forget the German foreign legion ..the Hussians and indian allies who where dumped at the treaty of Paris ..then slaughtered..forgotten. No vet benefits for them
Not really accurate Francis. The SOLE reason why the allies stopped before taking Berlin and the rest of Germany was because FDR ordered the US to stop. Russia would not have won on its front if it wasn’t for gas supplied by Britain, trucks and jeeps provided by the US, and massive amounts of food and ammunition supplied by the US. It was the last war we won – because it was the last time we actually fought a total war to win.
Knowing the capabilities of the Russian intelligence apparatus and the methodology of Communist organizing with it’s penchant for small cells and detailed history of organizers, I have to defer to Russia. Does Obama want to be remembered as a great U.S. President or a great Islamic warrior? Russia probably knows but he was useful to them to a point by weakening America. Now Obama is trying to turn the U.S. and it’s allies against Russia in favor Arab Spring Muslim revolutionaries. Ukraine and the Russian state of Georgia are two examples that Russia won’t tolerate it. Even when Russia warns of terrorist, Obama chooses to ignore the advice to the peril of America. Now, where did Hillary put that reset button?
i truly hope that Trump will be elected as the next president of the u.s.a.,so the war can be avoid it,but i doubt it,the elite will rig these elections…however,Washington DC is the elite’s military arm,and the U.S.A. its an imperialistic nation! we the people want peace,not war,but the elite’s agenda must go on ,no matter what! Peace!
How do you know Trump is not just another one of them? For the previous 10 years Bill and Hillary were his “very good friends.” He was “strictly Democrat” – pro-choice – pro-NAFTA – pro-legalization of immigrants, etc. and now he is magically the Savior of the Republican Party? Hmmm. He is a voice for conservative Americans, though certainly not an elegant one. Certainly it is that voice that has given him such popularity, but I’m afraid he is just a red herring.
I think you underestimate the intelligence of the public. The propaganda war against Russia and Putin is obvious. Much of the English speaking world now gets its news from RT – which is far more fact-based and free of hysterical rhetoric than the media in the US and UK. The backlash against the US and the UK could be felt in financial markets. Kerry issued a statement in London yesterday that was packed with lies – on the order of ‘black is white, ignorance is strength, 2+2=5’. Kerry blamed Russia for a hundred things the US is solely guilty of. It reached an unprecedented of level of absurdity to anyone actually following the war in Syria. The “rebels” in Syria were paid and armed by the US with the objective of overthrowing Assad. (The DOS does not deny this.) A task the US expected to be as easy as the destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Russia got in the way of US plans and now the US is tossing tantrum. Robert Parry at consortium news is publishing the truth about the red baiting. I urge you to read him.
I enjoy getting another perspective from the RT TV and YouTube channels. Yes, it’s biased, but it provides another dimension and understanding of positions. It also manages to cover items before they hit the BBC etc A few months back Putin gathered a load of Western journalists inc BBC’s John Simpson, to tell them where we are heading (War) and why (US defensive missiles updated for offensive purposes) but I saw no coverage of it on the BBC, just the usual diatribe about Ukraine.
same here. but maybe i’m worse than you: BBC is totally biased, tells lies and only looks at what fits its narrative….so it annoys me listening to them.
The American Free Press in Washington D.C. is also doing a good exposure on this as well as reports covering some things of Russian radio navel traffic.
I would also read F. William Engdahl books Full Spectrum Dominance, Myths Lies & Oil Wars, last Gods of Money Wall Street &the Death of the American Century. These are what our media, so called representatives, and so called educational are not telling us is really going on in this country and around the world.
Engdahl lives in Germany spends time in Russia and is conversant with these people, which allows him to have an incredible feel for how things are developing.
By the way the other which people are commenting on has been telling us the propaganda that our controlled media and lying congress has been pushing.
I would also pit on my list of books to read, Vote Scam book one and book two.
These go into how vote corruption is carried out in this nation.
Judson, thank you for the suggestions. Anytime I’ve heard Engdahl it has been so revealing.
Thank you for your message today. I’m glad you see the whole truth. Nice work.
I think you are right on with your comment except you under estimate the intelligence of the American public.
The propaganda war against Russia is NOT obvious to the majority of Americans.
And our elitists are counting on it!
Big surpriise… Russia is dying and Putin needs to blame someone other than himself…. Oil, their ONLY export, is going into the tank and with that the Russian Army’s ability to wage war… None of the nations of Eastern Europe want anything to do with Russia… All we have to do is stand back, have a strong defense and watch them destroy themselves again….
You are quite misinformed. By the early 2000’s Russians were the number 1 exporter of natural gas, and had ended their reliance on Rockefeller Oil. This was thanks to their successful innovation of deep wells in Kazakhstan, and now through Eurasia. Russia is doing just fine without us but is fearful of our expansionist policies of “regime change in support of Jihadi revolutions and marriage to Saudi Arabia.
when we look at the leaders of the u.s and russia its evident putin is a better leader he looks out for his country and he is looking out for its people too bad its impossible to say the same thing about barack obama a weak and ineffective so called leader who has done his best to divide this country and weaken it externally every chance he gets his lies his contempt for the united states is evident to all but the low I.Q. voter who is easily manipulated by the liberal progressive social engineering democrat media machine ……..ABC CBS NBC MSNBC CNBC CNN PBS GOOGLE TWITTER etc…
Sad but true. Dr. Weiss, it seems you have appraised this worsening situation chillingly clear.
If a third term were possible for Obama, he would not have finished his first year before the bombs would have rained from the sky. Hilary will continue, if elected, God forbid, Obama’s foolish and destructive policies. Putin understands Trump, and vice versa. There is mutual respect.
Dr. Weiss, please devote more time and attention to speaking out to groups that are not in the financial circle. Make some waves-get on T.V. and share your views with the mainstream of Americans. Thanks, Don Solins
Dear Martin.
I wonder why you failed to notice the USA’s barbaric actions like murdering millions in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan,Iraq, Libya, Balkans and so on.
Were you not told about Victoria Nuland assigning $5B for the change of the Ukraine’s geo/political position about a year prior to the unrest there?
Did you forget or just playing blind and deaf about who created the Syrian crisis?
Can you provide a single example where USA didn’t create problems like creating terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and so forth?
I don’t suppose you want to know what USA did during the eight year Iraq-Iran war.
And, Martin, what do you know about the USA’s “friendship” with the most barbaric nation of Saudi Arabia?
Well, perhaps you gain political information from the all telling the truth USA’s media.
In this case I would like to urge you to comment on economical matters of which you are a guru but don’t disqualify yourself venturing to the political matters knowing as much as the man in the street informed by the worst media in the world.
Crimea has belonged to Russia since Catherine the Great, about the same period as Scotland has been in Union with England. Russians regard Crimea as Englishmen regard Scotland. Emotionally, the ties are comparable. When Russians think of Crimea, they think of Pushkin, of Tolstoi and many other writers and poets. Scotland means more to England than few frozen mountains and bogs! We think of Marmion, of Walter Scott, of Scottish songs and dances and the bagpipes and Scottish valour.
I think the Russians feel the same about Crimea. Crimea is as vital strategically too to Russia as Scotland is to England! None of your commentators seem to have mentioned these facts.
Scotland doesnt have oil or any other of the tangible economic resources the Crimea has. You’ve greatly oversimplified the issue.
Scott I think you may find the North Sea has a lot of oil
While this historical background may be true, the “election” which was held there was far from free. I have several friends in Ukraine (one who had lived there for years and was fluent in the language) who had friends lose their jobs because they didn’t vote in that election. If you did vote, there was only one choice. In other words, there was incredible pressure to vote for reunification with Russia. Putin and Hilary should (and maybe Trump?) should get along “thick as thieves” – – all are professional liars.
We true Americans want nothing more than truth, justice and to be safe. What do we have now, but never ending lies from our govt officials, justice only for the rich, and a threat of terrorists at our doorsteps with Russia again being a Nuclear threat to our existance. Now when visiting other countries we don’t want to speak English in fear of being noticed and we are ashamed to say we are Americans. I’m ready to retire after paying into Social Security for 40 years and even it’s being threatened. No wonder our children can’t find good paying jobs, their parents won’t retire and our government keeps making it harder for our business’s to stay profitable. So what’s next people. Are we actually coming to a world apocalypse as the bible foretells? Are we all following Satin’s plan? About the only way to prepare now is down on our knees and to start praying, for the forgiveness of all the worlds sins. Living on this earth is surely going to hell. Heaven has to be better than this. Forever, the optimist.
George W Bush started the tide of anti-American sentiment with his invasion of Iraq, which bankrupted the country, yielded no discovery of WMDs, and created widespread instability in the Middle East. The rise of ISIS is directly linked to the Arab world’s view of the US as interlopers in Arab affairs. Russia hopped on the bandwagon of anti-American sentiment to interfere in Syria. Now here we are.
ISIS was created armed and supported by the WEST, (US) as a proxy army to overthrow Assad. He is a very popular elected leader of a sovereign nation. Russia didn’t hop on the bandwagon they came to the aid of a long term ally and only just in time to save the country.
For the record, I’m not Obama’s fan either. He’s just less bad than the worst ever.
As long as the banks and lending institutions are making loans liberally take the hype with at least two grains of salt. If Hillary is elected, there is no hype, The USA will be finished!!
With Trump, at least we have a hope to wait and see.
John Turner: You are probably correct. Seems that HRC is aligned with those in the USA who want war with Russia. It seems unclear why this would be the case other than war enhances central government power. HRC may want this increase in federal power because she may believe (wrongly) that federal power will increase her power.
No mention in your account of Obama/CIA first encouraging & funding the uprising in Ukraine. It is also hardly part of Europe after 300 years as part of Russia.
Same story in Syria with Obama stirring up and funding rebels against Assad, who was keeping a lid on the place. And Libya and Egypt and——
you are, in my opinion right. It won’t matter who is our next president – as a matter of fact the way things are going we may just get Obama if his plans fall out about his desire to work “for and with” the UN NWO
My idea is that nobody should vote in the election – mainly because neither will make the kind of president who can bring America back from the brink – this election seems rigged on both sides – with republicans against Trump and Dems against Hillary – the media picking true and false as they see fit instead of demanding truth over sensationalism – and I, you, and everyone else who should not suffer for the frivolity of the media and candidates of a once Constitutional, Freedom of Speech, Due Process of Law, not to mention Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, One Nation , Under (whichever) G-d (or no G-D) Indivisible with Justice and Freedom for ALL – has been mutilated by both those groups and have shamed our country – with rhetoric better served for the pre-school cotton mouthed drooling crowd who are so afraid of reality that they insist constitution free zones are lies, the very few feeding the many is fine, and redefining justice for all as the entry of foreign nationals committing crimes and being rewarded for it – and transporting (at our expense) terrorist cells all over our country by Government agencies, on planes and in border patrol vans, interviewing suspects three or more times and released every time, and bills changed left and right by executive orders and spineless supporters – FOR THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE – FOR NATIONAL SECURITY – how secure do you feel today with water from the Great Lakes, and land sold off to Foreign Countries and Corporations – but then I’ve only been around since before television, what do I know
Hilary is a Sociopath…..with no love for any one but her self. Read the book…”The Sociopath next store”…which describes these people. They are the con men the wife beaters. Bill Clinton is a better example because he is described as charming….Hilary is not…Hilary is also dangerous because she says A,inski was one of her mentors. Alinski wrote “Rules for Radicals”. In it he says…” Tell them ( the voters)….anything to get elected. The idea is to get power ….then us it…”..
I understand you have never seen such a pervasive propaganda machine before as the one you experienced in Russia. What about the propaganda that Western Europe and the US now are orchestrating against Russia? Or the activities of NATO now more or less on the border of Russia? Or the politically organised oil prices which are “killing” the Russian economy?
When the Russians where in Cuba during Kennedy`s presidency, the USA felt threatened and we almost had world war III. Why is it then so hard to understand that Russia might feel threatened now?
I am not an investor but I would like peace and decency to exist between nations. Europe should be on speaking terms with Russia. We do not want war because we know from experience exactly how terrible wars are. The USA, however, has never had such wars on their soil. May be that is why the USA still seem to believe that conflicts could be solved by invasions and wars? Ordinary people all over the world including USA want peace; It is only politicians influenced and controlled by big business (read: the weapon industry) who want war!
Bring it on! The world is over populated and corrupt to its very core! I am sure the Clintons and others of the same ilk (the Bush clan) will be somewhere in the deep recesses of a Colorado
mountain toasting themselves for the destruction of the USA and perhaps the World. Life was not meant to be lived in the misery dealt out by self-serving politicians who keep feeding the cravings of worthless souls. The values of family, friendship, and love will be rewarded in Heaven.
Russia is a propaganda state….but so is America. The press in the USA is dominated by a small coterie of companies with strong ties with the government.
The USA (and the west) is subject to extremely powerful lobby groups, such as lead by George Soros, that have as a prime purpose the growth of globalisation and not the wellbeing of the citizens of their countries. Politics is not a melodrama where the good guys( the Americans) wear the white hats and the bad guys the black hats, but can easily turn into a tragedy
Is an unfair story.
Russia did only intervene in Ukrainia because it was obvious that it could not tolerate its One of its three main naval bases to fall in the hands of the US.
NATO all the time roamed further east that is a fact,and it is natural that when you push a cat in a corner the cat will claw back.
The west has since many years financed, backed and armed ” democrats ” and ” rebels” in order to undermine and overthrow the existing political situation in several countries, which all of them are now in rubble.
It is scandalous to accuse the russians of the destructions when irresponsible far too confident politicians pulled the plug but were not aware that Russia would defend their ally.
It was a tremendous political mistake and miscalculation which the US now wants pin on the back of Russia.
Of course OUR newspapers are ALWAYS right, ” right or wrong, my country”, isn’t it so? the OTHER is always dishonest, we are angels…
WE the WEST should be brought to court for warmongering and inhuman behavior playing with the lives of millions of people.
We honor the memory of the Holocaust, but that are crocodile tears and they are easy to shed, It is far more difficult to stop the horrors we today perpetrate hiding behind falsified innocent blabber.
Blood on the heads of those who all the time invent new conflicts.
Ps Why doesn’t the US smash that N-Korean angry kid?
HM +++
Couldn’t have said it better myself HM !!
Given that the Assad’s both have promised ruin unless the Wahhabi Suinni’s in Syria stopped their 1000 year pattern of rape, murder, robbery and enslavement of Kurds, Christians, and Alawi’s, and not revolt when stopped, and that this has led to a civil war in Syria, and the US broke the peace that was organized by attacking Assad’s troops, killing 62, and wounding, 100’s, and that Russia is being blamed for supporting Assad, and all kinds of economic measures have been applied by Obam, it is no wonder that Russia feels how it does. The Propoganda may be a bit severe, but it is justified to a degree, and as usual, Obama has been working to injure the US.
I think you should stop using Google translate. The syntax is different in English. So your comment actually cannot be understood.
Yeah…something wrong there. Looks like he copied an old telegraph message.
I’ve studied history quite extensively and take many issues with the “facts” as you have stated them. This is pure propaganda itself, meant to criticize other propaganda. No doubt Russia uses propaganda, but the US relies heavily on it too. You have just spun a narrative. We’re always the good guys in your stories.
To the planet. It is time everyone on social media started a campaign to stop this idiocy by the politicians and warmongers of the USA and Russia as well as all the NATO countries to foment war. They should be bombarded by all to cease this nonsense. We do NOT need this crap from paid elected or not .servants
Now that makes sense, this is a good comment. Thank you Sean
Russia wants war? USA surrounds Russia bases breaking the agreement not to move eastward after USSR breakup. USA destroys Ukraine. USA for years does not attack ISIS. Oil trucks allowed free transport to Turkey funding ISIS further. USA destroys Iraq & Libya and then destroys Syrian infrastructure. USA coalition planes attack Syrian forces. Israeli medics treat wounded ISIS terrorists. In the Internet age Dr. Weiss you have to be fair.
In the internet age it is foolish to read or listen to corporate news. It is all propaganda. Do your own research if you want to know what is really happening.
Good analysis overall. I have been following retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson ( Colin Powell’s chief of staff), Ray McGovern ( retired CIA analyst and there are others on their website supported by former analysts) and William Engdahl whose last book is a detailed analysis of how hegemony has prevailed to put us where we are today: https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Hegemon-Whom-would-destroy-ebook/dp/B01FMPNKJK/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1476711561&sr=1-1&keywords=William+Engdahl. I also receive Paul Craig Roberts news (he was an asst. Sec. of the Treasury under Reagan). Also the Russians had no need to invade Crimea where they have had permanent bases for centuries-I believe there were about 30,000 troops already there and no surprise that Crimea being almost all Russian voted to rejoin Russia. I think this map sums it up best: http://www.globalresearch.ca/proof-that-russia-and-iran-want-war-look-how-close-they-put-their-countries-to-our-military-bases/5439167
Lithuania ia also on russian border, but from the southwest, because there is Kalilingrad enclave.
Sadly our corporate media is lying. The 60+ Syrian soldiers killed was no accident. The 18 or so food trucks bombed was not Russian doing. Than there are the kaliber bunker busting cruise missiles the Russians used to blast the underground intel bunker in Aleppo which issued the order to accidentally kill those 60+ Syrian army and some Russians inbeded with them. It’s full blown propaganda war on both sides with lies and deceit. It’s ugly. If you want to see some independent analysis look up Israeli news live on youtube.
The supposed position of the Russian (KGB) gov’t is against Clinton and for Trump. That’s very curious. Why would Putin be against Clinton? After all, Clinton was the one who facilitated the Russian purchase of 20% of the USA uranium. Clearly, Clinton can be bought…..just shovel money thru the Canadian Clinton foundation to the US-Based Clinton foundation. Anonymity about your graft because the Canadian based foundation is not obligated by law to disclose donors and whatever prize it is you negotiated with the Clintons for that graft. So, why would Putin want to damage that little scheme? AND, with all the hacked info surrounding the Clinton’s and probably the 33,000 emails they tried to destroy, the Russians could easily use that and whatever else they have to pressure, bribe, coerce, etc a President Clinton. So why would Putin want Trump over Clinton? This sounds like more Democrat and Big Media BS.
When one looks at the illegal actions of the USA , war crimes charges come to mind. We have overthrown every secular and anti AlQuaida leader. Sadam Hussein of Iraq, Muomar Gaddafi of Libya, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, and Assad of Syria. We replaced a good friend, Mubarak with the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Morsi. Now THAT we supported. Thank God Al Sisi overthrew him which brought down the wrath of Obama. This Obama administration is either criminally insane or plain treasonous. With Clinton and Kerry, they set a new standard in incompetence. Supporting Al Nusra (who swore allegiance to ISIS ) in Syria , to orchestrating the Ukrainian coup. We have turned the middle east into a graveyard, and are responsible for the deaths of 650,000 people.
Interesting enough, the axis of evil, Obama, Kerry and Clinton were the Peaceniks of the 60s and 70s who spat on Vietnam soldiers and called them ‘ baby killers ‘.
Obama was 8 years old in 1970. Kerry, Clinton, most Dems and Pubs are warmongers. Warmongering has been part of our culture since we landed on the shores of North America 396 years ago. Its present form has been around since the 1920’s. Indeed American troops were dispatched against the Bolsheviks in 1918. MacArthur led US troops against the Bonus Army in 1932 to dispel the “Communists”. This right wing element wanted the Cold War (and hot wars) after WWII. The left wanted continued spending as their was a steep recession after WWI. So military spending became our ongoing jobs program.
The Soviet Union collapsed in 1990. Saddam become our new Boogieman in 1991. Do you think this was a coincidence? Our Foreign Policies are designed to transfer taxpayer money and borrowed money to the MIC, period.
“…we landed on the shores of North America 396 years ago”. That makes the year 1620. Correction. The first permanent English settlement in America was at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, not the Plymouth colony in Massachusetts.
I know about Jamestown, they died before they could clear out the Natives. The Pilgrims and subsequent waves of occupiers did away with the Natives.
Regardless of who wins the election, I wouldn’t be surprised if a nuclear bomb will be used by SOMEBODY within the next 4 years. I wonder what’s in the cards next. Man has used every weapon ever invented……it’s just a matter of time when they drop a nuclear bomb!
After that, everything will change …….. just like after 9-11. This country needs PRAYER. He is the only one which can save us!
The US Peace Council reports that Syria is not a civil war, but an attempt at regime change like Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Yemen, a la Project for a New American Century; therefore, there are no Syrian “rebels.” Victoria Newland admitted funding fascist Ukraine coup by US. Khrushchev gave Crimea to Ukraine in the 1960s because he was from Ukraine; it’s traditionally Russian. The US & Hillary created ISIS; ISIS head Baghdadi’s real name is Shimon Elliot, an Israeli actor and Mossad agent. US, Turkey, Israel Saudi & Qatar fund ISIS; stolen Iraqi oil is ISIS-transported to Turkey and to Israel; ISIS never attacks Israel, and ISIS wounded are treated in Israeli hospitals. This is why the US couldn’t wipe out ISIS, while the Russians are doing so. The US Peace Council was in Aleppo and reports the Western-coalition merceneries only control 270,000 people in Eastern Aleppo but that most of the city is free now under Syrian control. Syrians resist US pressure–as Iraqis tried also–to be divided sectarianly. We obviously have no right to be in Syria or Ukraine, but that doesn’t stop Bush, Obama or Hillary, for we’ve been at war illegally every day of Obama’s administration. The central banks of all the non-rogue nations are bloated on money created out of thin air over the corpses of the innocent. The Russian-US conflict is Hegelian dialectic toward NWO, but Hillary & MSM media push Russia to cover collapsing economy with war excuse. Trump says he wants to work with Putin, and even Jill Stein says Hillary is more dangerous than Trump because we have 2,000 nuclear missles on hair-trigger alert. Maybe Martin should balance Russian propaganda against the overwhelming US MSM support for Hillary. The deeper issue is the Russian-Jewish problem before and during Communism that, e.g., has kept the great Solzhenitsyn’s last novel “Two Hundred Years Together” from being available in English except partially on the Internet. The Mexican ethnologist Samuel Ramos said: “Culture is that function of the human spirit that elicits the divine.” Any words/actions falling short of of this are–intentionally or not–evil, and as Richard Wilhelm translates the “I Ching”: “Compromise with evil is impossible.”
Dan, great opinion, based on FACTS.
Hillary and especially McCain are clearly pushing for war. US military industrial complex (yes it exists) clearly are pouring money into the democratic campaign in the hopes Hillary wins. Kerry is a retard and putty (along with Obama) in Putin’s hands so anything can happen, but most likely it will be very bad.
obviously all comments are totally infused with American propaganda. did you know that the last agreement concerning Syria included an American promise to separate “moderate” rebels from al Nusra….but these so-called moderates REFUSED. That is why the agreement broke down. US killing the Syrian troops -so said by mistake- at start of this accord (with Al Nusra immediately taking up these positions!/….they must have been pre-warned or is it simply coincidence?) followed by the incidence with the relief convoy (WHERE IS THE PROOF Russia or Syrian government had anything to do with it?) Just ask yourself whether that would have been in their benefit?
BTW, some months ago US admitted it could NOT clearly differentiate their “so called moderate rebels” from the rest> You forgot that? Also the ones they had trained had disappeared…how many were left to be counted Congress asked and the answer hesitantly came as 3 or 4. WOW again.
Also the latest reports on young ones being killed by Russia/Syria in East Allepo do never mention that kids also daily get killed in West Aleppo from rebel bombs.
US is really angry with Russia because they don’t click their boots on US commands. US and West is equally exasperated with alternative media -like RT- which today has received notice from bank in UK that its A/C will be closed without any reason. DEMOCRACY, freedom of press, REALLY?????
Talking about Crimea: Russia had a base there forever! it did not bring new troops in as you alleged. Never mind that US NGO’s had been lying low in Ukraine for years until they would see an opening to pounce…and wow there she was dealing out cookies on the maidan (she= Newland) and there you see Mc Cain proudly posing with Ukrainian Nazis. Great stuff, this sly interference in other countries affairs…but it has been going on so long and has been perfected so successfully (eg the splitting up of Yugoslavia) Why stop.
Funny isn’t it that nobody asked why it was that Saddam suddenly became an ogre for killing those Kurd villagers !0 YEARS EARLIER, with lovely visits of Rumsfeld inter alia: in between this time cosying up to Saddam: a bit of DELAYED reaction, don’t you think?
Similarly, Assad was the good guy for quite a while and then suddenly he’s not? Maybe because he is secular, supports all religions, has plenty of Palestinian refugees living there with full civil rights and supports Hezbollah and Iran…plus he agreed to a pipeline from Russia through Turkey, destination Europe and denied Qatar from doing the same!!! maybe that’s the crunch! Who knows…or maybe it is Saudi Arabia who have been very jealous of majority of Arabs agreeing with Iran’s stance against Zionist Israel , so they orchestrated a slow-increasing war against Shia by subsidising millions of mosques in various countries. How can it be that such an undemocratic joke tells the world it fights Assad because of democracy? REALLY.
Anyway, keep the wool pulled over your gullible eyes, stay stuck in what you get fed without even questioning ….just like you all did -in the west- when it came to weapons of mass destruction….media lambasted anyone who did not fall into step as un-American etc…be a sheep and follow the leader over the cliff!
I know i’m wasting my time, after all it ‘s far easier to convinve people of LIES and it is to convince them they have been lied to.
I agree with Howard. The elite media in our country is damming on a daily basis in its condemnation of Russia who is suspected of HRC’s email tampering scandal. Our ugly election is not having a positive influence on any of our friends overseas. As voters, we are being given a choice to accept some level of administrative corruption, with the less morally reprehensible candidate. This circus is playing out all over the planet.
How are ranting Russian lunatics different from our own, as evidenced by some of the posters here.
Part B. to your question is how is the Russian propaganda machine different from our main stream media (that includes Fox)?
Martin, you have to get your facts straight. I am an impartial Canadian who does not read any bias American mainstream media, but it appears that Martin does given his comments about Crimea and Ukraine. It was another stupid political decision not to give Crimea back to Russia after the break-up of the Soviet Union as most of the population is Russian. They unanimously voted to rejoin Russia after the US-assisted coup in Ukraine. Russian troops were already stationed there, they didn’t invade. The bottom line is that the Russians and Syrians are longstanding allies given Russia’s Mediterranean port, and like Iraq, Syria has been on the neocon’s hit-list for illegal American regime change (which has been covertly actioned since events unfolded in 2011). I tend to agree with the Russians, especially after watching Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States a couple of weeks ago to understand better Russia’s fears. Some Americans understand that with Clinton the necons will continue to put world peace at risk in an unimportant country on the other side of the globe. The hope is that Trump would stop such nonsense before things escalate out of control. Read the lyrics to Ozzy Osbourne’s Crazy Train sometime.
My hope is that Putin takes out DC first and eliminates the politicians. Leave the rest of us alone, maybe then we could have peace.
HRC lives in a bubble and sees the world as an extension of the FOUNDATION under Bill’s control. The raped Haiti and are looking now at the world. She says “words make a difference†while blaming Russia for hacking her emails, picking a fight.
The billionaire owned media don’t want a change in their profits/power, thus the status quo. We get a biased news slant against Trump and propaganda against Russia. I don’t blame Putin for being paranoid.
Martin, you wrote an excellent article. Donald Trump is a logical choice for President.
An enlightened, strong and pragmatic leadership is what America desperately needs more than ever right now.
People like Putin (Russia), Xi Jingpin (China) , Ali Khamanei (Iran) or “simply” Kim Jon Un (North Korea) just to mention a few, are not the kind of guys you can keep at bay with self-defeating apologies, emasculated declarations about imaginary red lines or even economic sanctions. The ONLY thing they clearly understand , respect and truly fear is overwhelming military power and the absolute determination to use it in a political context of REALPOLITIK. Should these dictators come to the unfortunate conclusion that America is now vulnerable, deeply divided, and unwilling to fight, WAR will be INEVITABLE since nothing incite aggression like the perceived weakness of a fiercely hated enemy!!
Luciano, what planet do you live on??? have you seen US apologize EVER? NO WAY!
THEY are using their power (military and economic) in the most “bully-type” behaviour…what did Obama say before the sanctions were imposed on Russia?
“sometimes you have to twist the arms of people to make them do what we want them to do!”….who are the dictators, I may ask… Putin and Xi for sure are well loved and respected by the vast majority of their country….Who starts all these wars? Just read through all the comments on this page and you already will be a bit more informed.
just incase you misinterpret “people”, Obama meant EUROPE!
The solution is simple – obliterate the political, financial, and the concentrated population centers – specially the areas with the highest unemployment and poverty- in the United States. The demographics will abruptly change – eliminating the welfare class.
The ruins can be plowed under – with few useless eaters surviving and then a rebuilding commences – similar to our destruction of Germany. The 8th US Air Force – bombing campaign IN WWII did the same thing – eliminated the civilian useless.
But then, most of you are to innocent to agree that all wars are bankers wars.
Russia now has signed defense and economic treaties with China and India.
Thank Obama for playing golf while Russia and China sign more and more agrements with other nations in defense treaties and economic – non US Dollar – trade.
Thanks for this update.
It appears the Russian propaganda is simply is a result of listening to US propaganda, and the public’s support of it- and we know how effective propaganda is.
The people on both sides of this are just people- they don’t start wars. It is those in power using relentless propaganda to bias the public and then send their sons and daughters into a conflict.
James Baker agreed to halt the advancement of NATO, and clearly we violated that agreement.
If we were treated the way we treat them we would likely fell the same.
I continue to be astonished at the gullibility and ignorance of Americans on geopolitical matters. It has been a stated policy of all US administrations since Bush Sr to dominate the globe, as expressed in the Wolfowitz Doctrine to never again allow any rivals to US power to arise (not just military power but economic/financial control of the world by demanding the exclusive use of the USD as the world’s reserve currency). Well, guess what? That deal (Bretton Woods) was made when the whole world was down on its knees, exhausted and bankrupt from WW2. In the last 25 years China, especially, as well as Russia and many other developing nations have made huge strides forward and are sick of being bullied and beaten up by US and Nato. Self respect demands self determination rather than robotic obedience to military and corporate America.
I sincerely hope global war can be avoided, but the US has squandered a good thing, made tons of enemies without mercy. Sooner or later the chickens will come home to roost.
The Russian Government relies on propaganda to instill fear in its citizens so they will overlook the misery of their failed system. The American Government relies on propaganda to instill fear in its citizens so they will overlook the wasteful spending of trillions of dollars for the MIC. In a few weeks we will have a choice between bad or worse. The names you place on these descriptions will depend on your personal prejudices as the true facts behind each candidate are horrific.
It appears that their MSM is little different from ours….they have their candidate, their positions and their marching orders. THAT is the sad bottom line of your report.
Our free press is nothing now but an arm of the Obama-Clinton regime….a talking machine that spouts only their propaganda. And when our free press is totally gone, corruption and loss of freedom soon follow. And we are already see that…witness IRS attacks on opposing political groups, govt agencies refusing to answer subpoenas regarding their activities, FBI corruption, widespread attacks on the 2nd Amendment (death by millions of pinpricks), EPA shutting down businesses with regulations no supported by statutes, colleges refusing to allow free speech ……..and the president making his own laws.
Martin, Your report details some valuable things, but at the same time, it is perfused with Western propaganda – very dangerous propaganda – and I am glad to see that so many who have written comments here see through that. The media in Russia are as you say, which is not a good thing. But the Russian media blitz is designed to increase domestic support for Putin, and not to rile the Russian people up for war. It’s highly exaggerated, but it’s not all false – what you tell them “is not true” is, in fact, largely true, and no longer even denied for the most part. And, I must say, the Russian media blitz is the counterpart of the vicious anti-Russian crap that is pushed by nearly all of the major American (and British) media. It’s certain that Putin does not want war – if anyone wants war, it is neo-con lunatics like Kagan, Breedlove, McCain, and that lot, and Hillary Clinton is their gal. She probably doesn’t actually want a war with Russi (she mostly likes to kill people who can’t fight back), but since she is a certifiably murderous psychopath, it would not be difficult to push her over the line. The well-publicized comment by Zhirinovsky (anyone can make a splash in the Western media unless they are non-duopoly candidates for the U.S.Presidency) was stupid and unfortunate, but he does not speak for Russia or for the demonized Putin. Yet, Putin is right to be concerned. You have only to read what American strategic planners say themselves, to see that it is U.S. policy to encircle Russia and China militarily and to change the nuclear balance in order to make a first strike against Russia (and also China) a plausible option, and of course a first strike is something that American leaders have stressed is “not off the table”. Putin would be insane not to make defensive counter-moves, given NATO’s threatening posture, as he has done, but these are described as “Russian aggression” and (by you) as “Russia’s March to War”. I believe that you are a well-meaning person, Martin, as well as being thoughtful and experienced. But you have gone a bit off the rails here. It’s your own government that you have to worry about, not the Russians, and you ought to see that.
No mention is made herein of Libertarian Gary Johnson as an excellent third choice for President. Almost no one seems to have taken the time and interest to Google his credentials. As a result people feel that they are stuck with two unsuitable candidates. The Libertarian party doesn’t have the overwhelming financial support of the Democrats and Republicans so they alone have not been able to get the word out. I had encouraged them to concentrate on getting wide internet support, but that doesn’t seem to have occurred. As a result your readers and the general public will deserve what they get. Knowing it was probably a wasted vote, I did what I believe to be the right thing and voted early for Johnson. God help the USA.
Obama Care destroyed the healthcare and savings of ALL hardworking Americans. It will be worse under Hillary CLINTON.
Can you afford $700 to $1,800 a month in premiums? This is beyond insanity. This should scare the hell out of you. You are basically working for a failed system. Your hard earned money wasted on lies and deception.
Think very carefully before you vote for Clinton. This is your last chance to make things right. Trump is the only solution. A vote for Hillary is a vote for death and destruction.
If Hilary [wins], I mean is appointed Queen, by the Rothschild dynasty, our Country is toast. After the Supreme Court is stacked by Hilary, the [Constitution] will be equal to the use of toilet paper.The US media is controlled by the [Rothschild] and should be tried for treason for absolutely brainwashing the American public. The average American has no idea of where this [fiasco] is headed, or where it will culminate, as they number circa 50% of voters who are on the Govt. dole and will vote for who ever offers them, continued, and more freebies.
If lying, corrupt, low life Hilary is [appointed], the only hope for our Country is a revolution with the culmination of a public hanging of everyone even remotely connected to the Rothschild dynasty.
Further the [Fiat] money system has to be replaced with a [gold back] system and no Country’s money be allowed as a reserve currency, also accompanied by a [jubilee] of all debts, because the recipients of these said debts, if paid, would be for the benefit of the [Rothschild’s].
Wake up America!
James Williams
New Boston, TX
Foreign Policy reported “A prominent neoconservative and early promoter of the Iraq War is headlining an official campaign fundraiser for Hillary Clinton.”
Not a good sign.
Mr Weiss,
I have just finished reading all of the comments up to this point, 10/17 9:30 AZ time. First, I would like to thank you for a very informative article. I was surprised by the number of comments disputing your information.
I have been around for 75 years and watched our country slowly sink into a political abyss. The past seven plus years have really astonished me. Our political system has been warped to the point that few trust the system. From the outside looking in our representatives in Washington no longer represent us and our executive branch is corrupt and working to destroy the very fabric of the nation. Our military has been systematically reduced to a pre-WW II status. Our economy is in shambles and our citizens are in a total state of apathy. If Russia is pushed further with a “no fly zone” in Syria or some other type of aggression by the US, I’m afraid that regret will not be enough and millions of innocent citizens in the world will perish.
Hi, You might want to check that Russia gave the Crimea to Ukraine in the Soviet days in exchange for Ukraine loyalty. (Khrushchev 1954) So all Russia did was take back what was essentially theirs to start with. I am not a Russian fan BUT all too often people distort facts to fit the narrative. The Ukraine basically defaulted on an agreement much like NATO has. Nato and the EU expanded far too quickly and have now over extended themselves.
Of course, people like Putin also choose which agreements they want adhered to if it suits their agenda.
propaganda – a gentleman goose.
We are in lemming times – over the cliff we shall go.
Russia’s march to war? From the US, it looks as if the 0bammy administration is spoiling for war with Russia, and Hillary plans to make it happen if she’s elected. I’d say that it’s the US marching to war, and the Russians hoping to avoid it.
As for Russia president Putin has made a valid effort to join the society of [live and let live].
Unfortunately he is grouped with the yesteryear Soviet Union. Russia is being pushed in to a corner and has the ability to be a dangerous adversary. The rest of the world is against them evidently because of the past antics of the Soviet Union. Why not give them a chance to prove their intentions of [live and let live].
Sanctions are killing them which are mostly imposed by America and King [ Husane OBama].
Russia feels like a caged animal and naturally will strike back. Crimean is not a European country, it has been a Russian province for 300 years, and is home to their largest Naval Base. Why would they not defend it? What would America do under the same circumstances? America has no right to dictate the Government of foreign Countries, or to intervene, as long as they respect the rights of our Country. We can not continue to be policeman of the world. No wonder America is hated by most of the world! Other Countries have a right to govern as they see fit as long as they do not interfere with our Sovereign rights. Countries have different cultures, they should not be expected to conform to our way of thinking.
Russia would be a valuable ally given the chance. They have vast resources, to provide allied military support, given the chance to accomplish the objective.
We need to get away from these Rothschild promulgating narratives of Russia and give them a chance to prove themselves. Russia has a history of not acquiescing to the Rothschild objectives while the American Govt. or should I say [dictatorship] is promulgated by the [Rothschields].
I would gladly swap OBama for Putin as President!!! Hilary will only be more of the same.
Wake up America!
James Williams
New Boston, TX
The only effort Putin makes is to greedily treat himself to whatever belongs to someone else, e.g., imported beef that was sent into Russia to feed the starving population, ETC! Now his hunger is to re-gobble up any nations/territory that the Soviets (he’s one of them anyway) had their clutches on before their supposed demise. But, his hunger doesn’t stop there. He has big dreams, ambitious desires. He is the worst of “human” combinations (Stalin and Hitler). Both egotistical to the degree of dementia. He is not to be defended.
Russia leaders needs something to divert attention away from the failure of a great country to lead its people to prosperity. When the system fails, have a coup or a war and hopefully the attention of the Russian people will divert to the new threat.
Georgia, Ukraine are independent countries with majority support for democratic government> Why do the Russians need to meddle in their affairs. ?
I hope Hillary Clinton wins if she scares Putin so much !
you join the frontline in the war, dear John…you want it, you own it.
No, seriously, just read through above comments carefully, there are plenty of pointer FACTS that you may be totally unaware of….but you might be so “blinkered” that you subconsciously won’t take in all the info provided to you.
I know 2 people who were secret service for the clintons for many years. They told me that they saw almost everything they did and said. The clintons are crooked anti american scum. Bill had a new woman every other month and hillary has a MAJOR MAJOR temper. She called interns names I cant say on her….just because they were a minute or 2 late with her coffee. She should NOT be president. Anyone that shouldnt have their hands on the nuke button is her!
As State Department NEO-con, Victoria Nuland, proudly bragged, the DoS in cooperation with the CIA, spent $5B US taxpayer dollars to destabilize the duly elected Ukrainian government and installed their preferred Nazi crowd over the objections of the EU. Victoria’s response to EU objections, “F!!k the EU!” Russia was invited into Syria by the duly elected Syrian leadership to help take out ISIS, which they have done with no help from the US. In violation of UN mandates and agreements, the US simply elbowed their way in to assist their coalition’s paid proxies, ISIS and friends. The average Russian is right on target. The US government is completely out of control under the direction of a handful of Deep State globalist NEO-cons and a golfer’s President who is more interested in deregulating children’s toilets and welcoming illegal aliens across the border than doing the nation’s essential daily business.
On the face of matters, the Syrian War seems a bit extreme to war about. But it is not. Note that Iran is behind ISIS and Syria with Russian backing. Saudi Arabia is behind the rebels with American backing. Saudi Arabia, US fracking firms and Russia are competitors for the oil market and all are hurting from the oil rate cuts.
A limited war with EMP attacks could earn Russia a world monopoly if it cripples both the US oil production and Saudi Arabia. Russia has less to lose by a war as its more primitive economy can survive EMP attacks with less widespread problems. The debilitating financial difficulties from the oil price plunge may be pushing the war to higher levels because the Russians see nothing to lose and everything to gain from a limited nuclear war. They are seeing their entire government financing and power base unraveling. They gain also from blaming their financial problems on others.
Wahhabi-sallafis (Takfiris) want to kill all Shias and Christians in the World specially in Iran. Sometimes they kill Sunnis that will not to be a Wahhabi or because of helping Shias and Christians. Saudi dynasty are behind any Wahhabi-sallafi groups (Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Al-Nusra, …). Arab kings want to stable their thrones by bloods of people. They can’t withstand any Anti-dictatorship government or movement and these kings use their terrorist groups to destroy them. Meanwhile They need political supports and military weapons to do that and who brings these to them?
The answer is Governments of USA and EU.
Who is the Winner of these wars? Israel.
You don’t need EMP (with Nuclear) attack on a country to increase oil price. There is lots of other ways to do that. Drop some Sea-Mines in important straits with submarine or bombing oil pipe lines with UAV can do it better.
In the next decades oil reserves will decrease and oil price will increase. But in that time, next generations of batteries help electric cars with more powers and less price and reduce oil demand and oil price.
Sorry Mr Weiss but your fair and balanced account of the new conflict also bears the scars of Washingtonian propaganda. You forget to mention the administrative accident by which Crimea had been incorporated in Ukraine, nor the fact that the overwhelming majority of Crimeans regard themselves as Russians and not Ukrainians. The US, when Nuland spent her State Department millions on preparing the coup in Kiev most definitely envisaged the Russian navy losing its only warm-water outlet and the Black Sea becoming a NATO lake. Would the US allow the Gulf of Mexico to become a Russian lake? As a former British military intelligence office in the Middle East, I can also assure you that your interpretation of events in Syria is completely at odds with reality. The whole of Aleppo is not being bombed by the Russians and the recent cease fire was deliberately broken by the Pentagon in a rogue action against the wishes of the President. Obama is already yesterday’s man and is now sidelined as the CIA confidently prepares to install Hillary Clinton puppet.
imagine: russia agitates mexico – and mexico starts threatening Washington – to make victorious march to end in Alaska. Mexico prohibits English language in province bordering with US – making english language a crime. Then decides to exterminate non-mexicans – “gringoes” – in the provinces – strutting with “russians are behind us”. And starts indescriminately bombing the province – just for fun – which BTW is military crime. This is what happening – only change in the scenario “mexico” for “ukrain” and “russia” for “usa”. It is just the basic – there is so much more to the ludicrous side of the story, including that poor boeing – that was shot by the idiotic kakols – on the prompt from uncle sam. but who cares
As a 46 year old Russian who spend 22 years in Russia and 24 years in North America I probably should understand both sides equally, but I’m often struggling to understand the thinking and reasons coming from White House. Russians stole some emails and meddling in US elections?! Even if this true, no evidence as I understand (like it was no evidence of WMD in Iraq) you don’t start killing people because of some internet crime accusations. Russia is a huge, wild and complicated country, country that is always in need of a strong (but fair) ruler, some soft leader has no respect in Russia and would make a good b$&ch of some criminal enterprise. The perception of “evil Putin” stealing (or even knowing) some emails just laughable in a country with tens of thousands of genius hackers. I will vote for Trump not because the Russians told me to, or because I like him, he has less of a chance to get all the world in an uncontrollable spin of chaos, too bad I have to choose only between him or Hillary.
In espionage 101, you always make an overt act look like someone else did it. for all we know it could have Massad angling for more support or to attract more effort to blunt ISIS and Iran. Nothing is as it seems in clandestine operations. Russia in the meantime has little to lose as it fortifies global perception as a formidable world power.
This article didn’t seem very balanced to me. The US almost started a war over Russian missiles in Cuba but it’s OK for NATO to have weapons right up to the Russian border?
No mention of the CIA involvement in the overthrow of the Ukraine government. ???
No mention that Hillary has threatened war already with her no fly zone, exactly where Russian jets are flying. She also threatened military retaliation to computer hacking.
Fortunately Jill Stein would be a reasoned and peaceful president. Unfortunately the military/Industrial/media establishment won’t let anyone know the truth about her wisdom.
Fasten your seat belts!
BTW – for some mysterious reason it is never mentioned – but russian missiles in Cuba were in fact a response to USA bringing missiles to Turkey
well I do admire your perspicacity of analyse of situation between USA and russia.
what I want to add is that its in the logic that russia was fed up of the non respect of agreement when Germany unified. The following years we have seen Nato expanding their positions in eastern countries and specially in Poland where nuclear antinuclear warning systems were installed. I am not an expert in these things but I know that this was seen as a dangerous situation for russia. then when ukraine got prowestern government the nato got an direct access to the russian border. that this was the the drop which was too much for russia is clear. Imagine when russia came close to american border with the installation of nuclear weapons in cuba this was a real threat for the usa; now its a similar situation and there is only one way to avoid a direct confrontation and this is that the nato does not step into ukraine. It would be a clear sign for Putin that europe and the USA respect peace.
Its now since the fall of the berlin wall that russia loses the eastern countries one after the other. And you forgot to say with the massif production of petrol in the USA and the OPEC countries who let the price of petrol go down this was destroying russian economy. And when you destroy the economic health of a country its like declaration of war or at least it will result in war. So the best would be to step back a bit and showing signs of good will towards russia. Putin is not a fanatic like Hitler was. He does not have expansion ideas. remember it was Napoleon who did invade russia and it was Hitler who invaded russia and not the contrary. Its the western europe and USA who has a politic of expansion .
In Syria the USA and France did provide arms to the criminals ISIS because they wanted that the prorussian Assad to step down. Now USA declared russian bombings as a criminal act of war but the USA had bombed the same way a civilian hospital some month ago. So two different propagande are opposing. the western and the russian one. We are as bad as they are…. I think I am quite objectif and honest in what I do write here.
For 3 years now, and Scott will attest to this, I have been saying 4 bad things will happen to our country before 2020, one being World War 3.
4 weeks ago I became concerned enough I wrote the following and sent it to several newspapers and websites. Yesterday the attached news report came out about what Russia is preparing for if Hillary Clinton gets elected. God help us !!!
Time to prepare for War
Seven years of failed Foreign Policy and soft National Security has opened the Gates of Hell. War on our own soil is now inevitable. It’s not a matter of if, but of when and with whom?
After World War II, a strong U.S. Military had kept evil contained but now the gates have opened and evil is spreading unchecked.
Iran seeks global Islamic domination, Russia wants its former global empire back and China seeks dominance of Asia, the Pacific and the global economy. And let’s not forget ISIS, al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab, and the Muslim Brotherhood, all with terror cells located within the United States and a deep desire to bring us to our knees and convert us forever.
North Korea has the nukes and the capability of delivery and detonation, but the real threat from North Korea isn’t the threat of a nuclear tipped missile attack on the United States, it is their desire to sell this capability to the highest bidder. North Korea has nothing to lose and everything to gain. For the first time since the Cold War, we are on the brink of World War III.
Seven years of failed domestic policies, extreme and absurd political correctness and political and racial incitement against fellow Americans has severely divided our nation and has stoked the fires of hell. For the first time since 1865, we are on the brink of a real 2nd American Civil War.
Instead of bringing our Nation together as one and then working together as one Nation to deal with the problems and dangers in the World, the current administration has divided us as a Nation and weakened our position in the World to the point our enemies are emboldened. Si vis pacem, para bellum , “If you want peace, prepare for war” is a Latin saying dating back to the 4th or 5th century.
Yes my fellow Americans, War is coming. Will our extreme internal differences fan the fires of hell and cause us to destroy ourselves or will the hundreds of Islamic Terrorists living among us, unleash their violent terror in our communities.
Or just maybe, a nuclear tipped missile launched from an unknown rogue submarine detonates within our air space and brings us to our knees for the final act.
George Washington warned us in his Farewell Speech of September 1796. Abraham Lincoln spoke of it in his Second Inaugural Address in March of 1865 and Ronald Reagan tried to warn us about this in a speech in October 1964. We failed to listen. We failed to learn.
Now it’s time to prepare for War.
I have heard that the war in Syria is about a gas pipeline that goes through Syria from Saudi Arabia and through Turkey to Europe and I thought that was the reason Russia wants Asaud in place because he will not cooperate with us to get natural gas to Europe. If the pipeline went through, it would undermine Russia’s natural gas sales to Europe and cause Russia more financial pain. Let me know if this is correct. Thanks
This is one of what Arab kings wants. The most important thing they wanted was Assad leave Iran and they support Assad to be a King like them. Assad refused that.
Iran will send gas through pipe line to Iraq in next few months. These gas can be send to Syria and convert to LNG, then ship to EU. But Arab kings did not like this and you see what they did in Syria.
In 1789, Catherine the Great of Russia invited many thousands of Germans (my ancestors included) free land and many other privileges if they would settle and peacefully farm large tracts of land in what is now known as Ukraine. There was no state called Ukraine at that time, the land belonged to Russia. Generations later, many of the descendents of those German settlers immigrated to Canada, my folks included. In my family upbringing I often heard references to bygone days of how things were back in Russia. Ukraine was never even mentioned, because they were never in charge. Much of what we hear about the sanctity of Ukraine and Crimea is revisionist BS.
Arnold, your information on the history of the Ukraine is incomplete. My grandparents immigrated to Canada from that region in the late 1800’s, along with thousands of other German people who had settled there earlier in that century. There were also many Jewish families who immigrated to Canada and settled in the same towns as their German acquaintances. They came from settlements near Lemberg (now Lviv) the capitol city of the western Ukrainian province called Galicia (it’s still named that today), where the language was Ukrainian. At that time it was a part of the Austria-Hungarian empire, ruled by the Austrian Hapsburgs of Vienna. This empire ceased to exist after World War 1. Unfortunately, in the hodgepodge of hegemony that has occurred in that area since, Ukrainian territory, briefly, has been parceled out and the people cruelly subjugated by the Tsars (when they weren’t even allowed to speak their language in public), Poles, the Nazis (until 1945) and, especially, the Soviets (who tried to starve them to death), until they finally declared their independence on December 1, 1991 (they had also made an attempt in 1918). As for Crimea, it was historically inhabited and ruled by the Tatars until the Russian occupation in the 18th century. The entire Tatar population was forcibly deported to central Asia on Stalin’s orders. He suspected of them having collaborated with the Nazis. In 1967, they were cleared of all charges and 260,000 of them have returned to the Ukraine and were granted citizenship. They constitute about 12% of the Crimean population. Of course, the Russians, who consider it an ideal vacation spot, vastly outnumber them. But, in my opinion, and in the opinion of many others, especially Ukrainians, that does not give them the right to take it over!
suppose in the last world war japanese landed and fought in american west – and indians fought on their side, officially, in due ranks and order, in separate “indian” units. After japan’s defeat – ??? Now change america for russia and indians for tatars and chechens – that is how it was. Japanese were interned into concentration camps in USA – even 1/16 “japanese” – without any war on the soil. So – the horrendous Stalin, the magnanimous UncleSam ? or vice-versa?
On Feb 10,1990 the German Foreign Minister (Genscher) said,” NATO will not expand to the East”. The USA and its’ NATO puppets lied.We almost had a nuclear war when Russia
encroached on US borders via Cuba. If it were not for a brave Russian Submarine captain
Vasili Arlchipov disobeying orders , we would have had nuclear war. The hypocrisy the USA knows no bounds.
The war in the Ukraine is a civil war. The civil war burst on the global scene when a group of
CIA backed thugs over threw an elected Government which favored closer ties to the “Mother Land”.
American foreign policy is supportive of Terrorist aimed at the destabilization of countries from the Ukraine, the Middle East, Africa, South America etc. How many children have died needlessly ? How many new terrorists have been created?
around the globe,
You have not included how the US has threatened Russia’s Vital Interest many times starting in 2010 and continues. Russia has not threatened the Vital Interest of the US once. If you would like to see how, starting with Hillary’s secret plan for NATO to attack Russia to threatening Russia’s Vital Interest in Syria to threatening to send Russian Troops home in body bags.
The US Media hides all of this from the American people.
Give me an email address and I will send it to you. PS I’m an American research analyst with American interest.
The other night a Norwegian TV channel showed a concert from 1993 by the “HIGHWAYMEN”; Kris Kristoffersen, Waylan Jennings, Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson. They represent the USA that many all over the world love and respect. I would vote for any of them as the next President to avoid the disaster that may come should Hillary or Trump get elected.
With 300 million people to choose from the rest of the world is wandering how the h… is it possible not to find decent candidates for this great nation? Why do Americans have to choose between plague and cholera? They deserve better!
One fact check:
You make the quote “It is the first time in modern history that a major nation invades and captures the territory of another nation.”; however, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in late 1979 which really isn’t all that long ago on the history clock.
One comment:
Near the end, you make the statement “If U.S. civil conflicts deepen, much of that capital flow may reverse, seeking new safe havens.” Just where are these new “safe havens”? Shangri-La?
I just read every post up until now and I have to say that I’m so encouraged that most people “get it” (except for a few with the wool over their eyes still and brainwashed by mainstream media of course, but there always will be)…But Martin, I will have to say that I am very surprised that your editorial is so biased towards the western media reteric.. I have great respect for you in financial matter and opinions but must say I am quite dissapointed in your views and opinions on this SO IMPORTANT subject of USA/Russia “workings”…I suggest you take the time to read all the comments here as I think you will get a much better vision of what is really going on and hopefully truly see who are the “good guys” and who are the “bad guys”…For it is not who you think! To put it simply: The Bully is us and not them. In fact Bully is too light a word, criminals would be more accurate.
I think the readers’ comments to this Weiss article are interesting. We all know different things, and are on different pages, so to speak. What I found out on the internet, in 1999 Russia outlawed Communism. About 2 years ago I took a class in Great Decisions, taught by a college Ph.D. professor of history. When we got to the section about Russia we found out that Joseph Stalin, who was dictator of Russia for 24 years, murdered 52 million Russian citizens. Anyone he feared, plus others, could be sent or sentenced to Siberia to work in the snow in the gulags. He didn’t need to build gas chambers. Just give them a shovel to work in the snow, have them move rocks, partially starve them, house them inadequately and they will die – and they did die.
We have our own problems in the U.S. I think Capitalism is a good system where rules of the game in the form of ENFORCED laws are important, or capitalism morphs into something else. Like, when 1/2 or less of 1% of the U.S. population owns the same amount of wealth as the entire rest of the country. That’s oligarchy. There are things like conflict of interest, and violation of fiduciary responsibilities when Chief Executive Officers vote themselves tremendous financial rewards if the publicly held company they manage goes broke, etc. There was a time in Japan when the government limited CEO salaries. Also, read William Black’s New York Time’s best selling book THE BEST WAY TO ROB A BANK IS TO OWN ONE. He was the lead government attorney against the Savings and Loans about 35 years ago when so many of them went broke. He discusses the $500 trillion + fraudulent and worthless (BUBBLE) derivatives JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank, Goldman Sachs have claimed and do claim to own; and that these banks are actually broke. These derivatives are reported in the Comptroller of the Currency – OCC’s Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities. Tables 1 and 2 show this information. In the more recent and longer reports, this Table 1 and 2 appear in the Appendix. If you compare the amount of these derivatives from the beginning of the Bush Jr. first administration to the end of his second administration, you will find these derivatives increased over 400%. I think it’s crucial that the public be able to reasonably safely invest in the stock market. But when trickle down wealth doesn’t trickle, and the biggest banks owned as a private corporation run by the Fed, are breaking laws by allowing their largest banks to generate $500 trillion ++ over the years of false assets where no due diligence is performed, this is criminal. I read Ben Bernanke admitted there was law breaking going on at the Fed; but he also stated that he was not law enforcement. And they ensured these bad “assets” with AIG and probably collected $ billions in illegal insurance payments when their worthless products went broke. And AIG went broke. And, as also observed by Matt Taibbi in ROLLING STONE, they could generate commissions via bogus computer trades where the parties doing the trading were fictional. I think probably about $60 trillion were paid in highly illegal commissions. These are the 1/10 of 1% I think Bernie Sanders was referring to when he said they own as much as the remaining 99.9% of the U.S. population owns. These are the trillionaires I think who want a credit crunch, and a government shutdown. They are the ones with the money to buy up the broke corporations for pennies on the dollar; and they wouldn’t need stockholders. We wouldn’t even know who owns us.
I also think with the tremendous scientific capabilities and government legal (if not illegal) concern over what’s happening about war and terrorism, the U.S. Constitution is most important, i.e. rights to privacy, free speech, Second Amendment, etc. Also, with climate change appearing to be occurring faster and faster, worse and worse, I think this may have catastrophic results much sooner then most of us think.
I took an about 2 week tour of Russia in 1996. It is so cold there, they can’t grow potatoes in the summer to freeze in the snow for food in the winter. In recent times Russia was not able to feed some of heir soldiers. Their roads, railways, vehicles and buildings are rotted by snow. I was and am very favorably impressed by the Russian art. An example, the mandolin player on our evening river cruise, played like he could be part of a philharmonic orchestra. And the people appear well educated, well groomed and courteous. I just read on the internet that Russia is 1.8 times as large as the United States. It is our earth’s geographically largest country. Their ports are on the east, a tremendous distance away and frozen over. I quickly checked on the internet, and Crimea, the eastern part of the Ukraine, most of the time for the last several hundred years has been part of Russia. Luckily, during much of the Stalin era, they were not part of Russia. Most of the Crimean people speak Russian. They recently voted to re-join Russia. It is essential for the people of Russia to survive, that they be able to import and export products. I think Russia is in many ways more capitalistic than the reality of present capitalism in the U.S. And after Stalin murdering around 52 million Russians, I think the fear of dictatorships is more present in their minds than in the U.S. citizen’s minds. I think this is one good reason why they outlawed Communism in Russia in 1999.
China is now a tremendous power. No country is perfect. 2004 I visited there for a few weeks as part of a cruise tour. I was amazed at the thousands of 30+ story beautiful buildings, where mostly the workers and families live. And the wonderful roads; and the terminals where we saw hundreds of bicycles where the workers park, and then take speed trains above and below ground, to the out of town factories where they work. I was also amazed at how courteous, healthy, thoughtful, and content the many people we saw were. China is Communist and owned by the 120 person Polit Bureau. This Bureau is self-appointed and self-perpetuated. The control is from the top down. But, the Chinese population does know who is controlling them.
Isis and problems in the Middle East are treacherous and dangerous. I think, after Israel’s being targeted by over 2,000 missiles from Hamas, they must do what is necessary to survive. Their missiles weren’t accurate; but Iran purchased missile guidance systems that they say they will share with Hamas. The land mass of Israel is less than the land mass of Los Angeles County. But I think it is a war, not on Muslim people, but against leaderships of countries that want to destroy Israel, our ally. Eyeballing the map, if the Middle East were a camel, Israel would be the size of about 2/3 of 1 camel ear. And Israel is surrounded by many countries that want to destroy it. Isis has done extreme harm to Muslims. And don’t think terrorists cannot launch even more brutal attacks. In Fukushima, they published that one nuclear plant cooling pool that is for nuclear rods that have become so radioactive they can’t use them any more, and that is not over-filled with rods, contains the radiation equal to 14,000 atomic bombs like the one dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War 2. I hope the 2 airplanes using fuel to topple the Pentagon and World Trade Center was the end, and not just the beginning.
I think mother nature itself, in the form of climate change, is our earth’s biggest problem. Also, countries make all kinds of war. What about the war to survive and stay well when you have no medical insurance. If the U.S. government sued those who allegedly made the illegal trillions of dollars of bank derivative commissions, if they got back even $20 trillion, this is a really tremendous amount of money that could solve many problems. I think the emphasis should be on getting along, and making the world a better place. Undercutting and trying to damage other countries is a bad policy. Protecting the interests of one’s own country is appropriate, as long as it is not accomplished by damaging and unfairly punishing other countries.
I conclude that for many compelling reasons, we should support and aim at being allies with Russia.
I took an about 2 week tour of Russia in 1996. It is so cold there, they can’t grow potatoes in the summer to freeze in the snow for food in the winter.
I live in far east, at south canadian latitudes – central heating in the town is on exactly half-a-year, 6 month – and everyone grows potatoes – and whatever, some even grapes – at “dacha”s. You were beyond Arctic Circle?
Because economists have been trying to solve problems by getting their information from the science of economics (that is not complete) they make serious mistakes such as assuming that Capitalism is an economic system. Capitalism is a tool that real economic systems use to make those actual economic systems function efficiently. New findings in this area have been published but have not yet been discovered and understood by the majority of educators. Investigate this matter at http://www.economicscomplete.com
Basically, a good analysis.
However, Poland is NOT “far from Russia’s borders”—it’s ON IT!
Second, I disagree about “tactical nuclear weapons”:the Soviet dogma (and I believe that it is STILL Russia’s dogma) was that the ANY nuclear weapon landing within Russia would be an ALL-OUT RESPONSE by them—NO half-measures. All major Russian cities have ABM defenses, and their missile sites are numerous, and widely dispersed. In any event, either Russia or China would first use an EMP attack—that would do more than enough damage, without any nuclear strike.
Belorussia is on Poland’s border and not Russia!
Last I heard, Belorussia is now part of Russia.
??? – presstitutes are such presstitutes. But in essense it is true – russia largely supports byelorussia, as it did the whacky “ukraine” – by providing oil&gas in essense for free. And being THE ONLY market for any byelorussian products. Big brother, ya know – how “east europe” hunkers for the good old times, then riding on mighty neck and behind hefty chest of good-hearted Bear. Wanted “democracy” – get it in wagons.
One of your comments reminds me of a mindbender about Poland:
Question: Why can’t Polacks commit suicide?
Answer: Because you can’t commit suicide jumping from a basement window.
Very true. That is generally the plan. Russia/China have the US surrounded on both coasts, in the Gulf of Mexico, & in the Arctic with nuke subs just waiting for orders to hit us with a few strategic EMP’s. They have also infiltrated us from within at every level of business and government, and bought up much of our business and real estate, not to mention most of our national debt bonds, which they recently dumped to destabilize our economy and devalue our currency to make the Chinese currency a new global reserve currency. And We, the STUPID American people, have allowed it, unwittingly. That’s all they thought they needed. Just wipe out our electric grid & wait for a few months, and 90% of us would all die off from starvation, disease, and murdering each other for survival resources. They would just patrol the perimeter to keep us from escaping, & then roll in a few months later to clean up what’s left and take over. 100% plausibly effective scenario! After the recent coup attempt on Assad, Turkey just handed Incirlik Air Base to Russia. Incirlik is now the FORMER U.S. staging location for supposedly “fighting ISIL” and ill-named so-called “War on Terrorism,” but really it’s just where they stored all the US/NATO nukes in the region to keep Iran, Pakistan, and other anti-US/anti-Israel players in check. In response to that move, The US/NATO side took all the nukes and “strategic assets” that were at Incirlik and moved them to Poland and vicinity! Now, gloves are off and all bets and deals are off. Hahaha, your move, Russia! US next step…get a war-monger in office to kick-start conflict, so all the corporate controllers can literally make a killing in profits. US PEOPLE, however, have no agreement with this. If American voters were SMART (which they unfortunately are not), they would foil all of this saber-rattling on both sides by voting a Third party candidate (Gary Johnson) into the President’s office and kicking out their corrupt, corporate-controlled, 2-party Democrat/Republican, criminal enterprise gangster polititians.
Putin didn’t fire a shot. they WANTED TO JOIN RUSSIA. GOOD BENEFITS.
ALSO, we, the u.s. and George Soros installed NAZI’S…THERE. I saw a kiosk where he had a Hitler mustasche.
martin, you are a part of the mainstream corrupt media. rife with propaganda. Look at the mirror for the blame. Hillary wants war. We’ve broken every treaty we ever made.
Putin didn’t fire a shot…his soldiers did!
I am not American but the island I live on theirs only 2 and a halfe degrees separation between you and every other person who lives on the island. I am hoping trump wins the election.
I’m glad I’m not an American so I dont have to vote for either of these people. But I think the US is headed for trouble in world affairs either way. Clinton is too devious and Trump is too dumb
The Crimea has always been part of russia untill Kruchev gifted it to Ukraine.
Maybe all should rethink what is really going on over there!
One could justly argue that the Crimea is NOT Ukranian.
It is shown pretty clearly that the Ukranian fiasco was engineered by the CIA.
Excerpt below from NPR.ORG
The transfer merited only a paragraph in Pravda, the official Soviet newspaper, on Feb. 27, 1954. The story was one long sentence and dense with detail. Here’s what it said:
“Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet transferring Crimea Province from the Russian Republic to the Ukraine Republic, taking into account the integral character of the economy, the territorial proximity and the close economic ties between Crimea Province and the Ukraine Republic, and approving the joint presentation of the Presidium of the Russian Republic Supreme Soviet and the Presidium of the Ukraine Republic Supreme Soviet on the transfer of Crimea Province from the Russian Republic to the Ukraine Republic.”
And with that, a region that had been part of Russia for centuries was “gifted” to Ukraine.
Most disheartening to see you spouting the same propaganda as our own Ministry of Truth, the MainStreamMedia. Did Putin invade Crimea or was he protecting it’s citizens? Crimea is ethnically and historically Russian. Russian troops were already stationed there. The Crimean vote to return to Russia proper was spontaneous, not strong-armed. The West however did invade Ukraine, not overtly but covertly, similar to how we’ve destabilized the MidEast. We fund and arm ISIS while “fighting” them at the same time. All verified thru leaked info and on-the-ground reporting the MSM doesn’t report. The enemy is within.
To acknowledge “Catherine” (10/18, 4:00pm) and others, it was mistaken to claim that historically Crimea was ethnically Russian (Slav) rather than Tartar and later German (if I’ve got that right now).
If you want a world controlled by the Rothschilds, vote for either Trump or Clinton, because they are BOTH big-banking Rothschild puppets! See youtube.com “Rothschilds caught rigging the US election”!
and to that – allmighty PUTIN holds rotschilds by the scruff – in latters’ eternal war againt rockefellers :-)
Hi Martin,
You talk about Russian propaganda, I think you have swallowed the western propaganda yourself, you already mentioned the breach by Nato of the agreement with Russia, the coup d’etat in Kiev was western inspired and one only has to listen to the recorded conversations with Baroness Ashton (who knew exactly who the shooters were) and your own ambassador who was recorded discussing whom the US would put in power in Kiev. The breach of the Syrian ceasefire was not accidental it was intentional, the battlefield was surveyed by drone the day before the air massacre of Syrian soldiers took place, you may want to listen to Sarah Beeley’s reports from Syria you will find them on 21st century wire. You also have the state dept saying that their planned attack on Mosul will cause a refugee disaster yet somehow the Russian action in Allepo carried out for the same purpose is illegitimate. The west refers to the Assad “regime” as opposed to the democratically elected president of Syria which is what he is. If the Syrians did not support Assad the country would have collapsed already. The Russians are invited guests in Syria the western nations are NOT. Your election result I believe will only matter as to whether we end up in a nuclear war sooner or later, Clinton never met a war she didn’t like, her crimes would see any ordinary citizen in jail. Your government has been captured by an outside agency and your congress sidelined when it comes to declaring war.
As a Brit I find the scale of the western media propaganda sickening just lies piled upon lies, if you can’t discern that, your judgement must be seriously questioned.
I read this article with growing incredulity and was very disappointed by the end. And so it continues.
Then I started reading the comments, with growing amazement, not only at the sheer number of them but that so many people get it. And so it might end.
Avoid WWIII escalation…VOTE LIBERTARIAN! Look up Libertarian values…the very values this country and its US Constitution were founded upon. It is time to go back to those ethical and civil basics! VOTE GARY JOHNSON for US President 2016! He’s the THIRD and ONLY OTHER candidate on the ballot in all 50 states this November, but the corrupt corporate media is suppressing that info from the voting public and dividing our country against itself through sheer corporate political propaganda manipulation. Don’t avoid voting just because there’s no “None of the Above” option, and don’t waste your power of the vote by resigning to voting for “the lesser of TWO EVILS”, because both of them are equally evil. Make your vote count by voting OUT the thoroughly corrupted 2-party Democrat/Republican MAFIA. The US Constitution admonishes US citizens that if our government becomes corrupt, and it HAS, CLEARLY, then we must rise up as a united people and REMOVE it and REPLACE it with one that abides by our Constitution, as originally intended by the founders of this nation’s independence from British tyrannical rulership and the designers of this document that GUARANTEES us equality under the law and freedom from government intrusion and oppression. The only way to do that without waging all-out civil war is by utilizing the power of our vote to choose a THIRD party President, and Vice President, for a start in changing who’s in charge. RIGHT NOW, if ever in the course of our nation’s history, is the most important and vital time and critical opportunity to do that! World events are spiraling into chaos, to the detriment of all life on Earth, and BOTH the corporate-controlled and media-hyped 2-party candidates are slated to continue this trend according to the dictates of the powers in place controlling them (Trilateral Commission, Bildergergers, Vatican, etc.) The only way to counteract this trend from a non-religious perspective is to vote radically DIFFERENTLY. SHAKE THINGS UP. Vote for GARY JOHNSON and let WE the PEOPLE stand UNITED in showing our corporate overlords what government of the people, BY the people and FOR the people really means! It’s time for VOTERS to take back control of our country, and make the governing bodies fear the people again, instead of the people fearing the government!
Martin left out a few things. Nato has placed Aegis “missile defense” batteries in Romania & Poland which have the capability to also launch nuclear tipped cruise missiles. These were installed to act as a deterrent to Russian aggresion. At least that is what we are being told. Does one believe that explanation ? These are located close to Russia’s borders. I can only imagine how our country would and should react ( like Cuban missile crisis) to an adversary positioning powerful offensive weapons very close to our borders. This seems to be provactive with the intention of bullying Russia to back down. Will they cry “uncle”, like our (crazy) “leaders” are counting on ? We’ll find out soon !
BTW – for some mysterious reason it is “Mauvais ton” to recall, even in russia – but russian missiles in Cuba were in fact a response to USA deploying missiles to Turkey.
Hillary is just a paid puppet of the Fundamentalist Arms dealers who believe that starting WW3 is fine, because it will bring Jesus Christ to earth and them to heaven. These psycopaths do threaten the safety of the world.