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Russiagate is casting a long, dark shadow over Washington.
It is darkening prospects for health care reform, tax reform, and the president’s $1 trillion plan for infrastructure … weakening the president’s hand in trade negotiations … dimming hopes for better relations with Russia … and raising some urgent questions for investors:
Could Donald Trump become the fourth U.S. president to face the real possibility of impeachment?
Will this crisis cast a similar shadow over Wall Street?
If so, will the Trump stock market rally come to a premature end? What about the bond market?
Ghosts of the Past
After the Civil War, President Andrew Johnson was impeached by a Congress unhappy with his vetoes of legislation to protect the rights of former slaves. Like today, the nation was suffering from the most extreme partisanship in its history. And he was ultimately acquitted in the Senate by just one vote.
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Top: Andrew Johnson impeached after Civil War. Middle: Nixon resigning to avoid impeachment. Bottom: Clinton impeached over Lewinsky affair. |
President Richard Nixon faced imminent impeachment over the Watergate break-in and subsequent cover-up. Like today, a primary concern of Congress was interference with democratic elections. But, to avoid impeachment, he resigned from office.
President Bill Clinton was impeached on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice in relation to his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. And like Johnson, he was acquitted in the Senate.
Will Donald Trump also be impeached?
You’d think the answer would depend entirely on the specific merits of any case against him. But the Constitution’s definition of “impeachable offenses” is so broad, it hands Congress a rich menu of choices to pick from.
According to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, the president “shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
Even if proven, would collusion with the Russian government to interfere with the U.S. election be considered “treason”? Or is that a stretch too far?
What about “high crimes and misdemeanors”? What assortment of behaviors might this soup-to-nuts category include? According to constitutional lawyers, it is not limited to actions that break the law. It can also include two other vague categories — abuses of power and violations of public trust.
“Well, then,” you say, “if we can’t find clarity in the Constitution, can we at least get some guidance from past impeachments?”
HALF the risk, DOUBLE the profit potential! Paying 50% less for an investment position means you cut your risk by half. It also means you DOUBLE your profit potential. No wonder so many wealthy investors say this is the ONLY intelligent way to invest! Read more here … |
Some, but not much. In the three cases I mentioned above — Johnson, Nixon and Clinton — Congress issued or drafted articles of impeachment that covered a very wide range of behaviors, including
- exceeding the constitutional bounds of the powers of the office …
- behavior grossly incompatible with the proper function and purpose of the office, plus …
- employing the power of the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain.
What do they mean by “exceeding,” “grossly incompatible,” or “improper purpose”? Not clear.
So “an impeachable offense” is exactly WHAT? The only simple answer was provided by Gerald Ford in 1970, when he was still in the House of Representatives:
An impeachable offense can be “whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history.”
In other words, impeachment is, first and foremost, a political phenomenon. The proceedings come with all the trappings of a court trial, except, that is, the most important one: The last thing anyone would possibly say about the “judge and jury” is that they’re impartial.
So if you’re wondering what the chances are that Trump might actually be impeached, the first questions you need to ask are also purely political:
Does the opposition party have enough votes in the House to impeach? Right now, no. Come January 2019, maybe. But long before then, you need to also ask …
Does the president have the full support of his own party? For health care reform and infrastructure development? No. To block impeachment, yes for now; later, uncertain.
Does the president have strong public support? Among Republicans, absolutely. Among Democrats, absolutely not.
The END of the Republican Party? Could this shocking event give Democrats control of Congress and the White House for the next 100 years? Read more here … |
Is the president launching into a new war? If so, could it discourage Democrats from launching a new political war in Congress? In the wake of President Trump’s air strikes against Syria, the answer right now is a possible “yes.”
Bottom line …
Whether you blame it on anti-Trump forces, on Trump himself, or on some combination of both, you cannot deny that …
- Impeachment is possible. It has already happened three times in U.S. history, two of which occurred under some circumstances reminiscent of today’s.
- Despite Syria, the chances of impeachment are rising. We have investigations by the FBI and the Senate moving forward full speed … House investigation stalled momentarily by partisan bickering but now back on track … establishment media shouting “scandal” every day and from every mountain top … and probably more of the same to come.
- The consequences of impeachment, or even just talk of impeachment, could be far-reaching. Specifically …
Washington is already under a cloud. As I said at the outset, Russiagate is casting a shadow over nearly everything the president and Congress do or propose to do, including foreign relations, trade policy, health care, tax reform, infrastructure, and more.
Stock investors are happy (for now). They like the strength in the economy. They like the fact that corporate profits have not been directly impacted, yet. And they’re glad Russiagate has not gotten in the way of White House initiatives to lift regulatory burdens on business. However …
Bond investors have big reasons to be concerned. Regardless of political persuasion, leaders under siege and with waning public support often resort to overborrowing, overspending and binging with money printing.
Until recently, they were able to get away with it thanks to deflation. But if inflation returns, they will lose that cover. Throw in falling global confidence in the U.S. government, and over the long term, you’ve got double trouble for bonds, especially government bonds.
Good luck and God bless!
If only that would happen again That is the question
I expect better from your firm. This silly headline stuff is beneath you, or at least it used to be.
I really don’t see an answer to the question you posed in the title of this article
What a pathetic article. What actual evidence do you have that Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russians?? Only main stream media accusations.
If you have something, let’s see it. Otherwise shut up.
Try writing about something you know.
The Republican leaders of Congress are interested so it doesn’t seem pathetic to anyone else. What other media would report on the accusations other than the main stream? You think conservative blogs and fake news sites would report that?
Did you vote for Hillary???
Do you support Israel??
Without real evidence, impeachment would start a war within!!!
Are you falling for the Alinsky playbook?
Where do you stand?????
it is unbelievable that the democrats can manipulate the nation into areas of impeachment for the president. what has he done to deserve all the criticism and bulldust thrown at him?
the russian intrusion into the election is a sham dreamt up by the elites and others.to assuage their disappointment. it seems now that if, in future elections, the losing party is a poor loser they will make all sorts of accusations and impeach the next president and the next and the next etc. etc. etc. so, what we have here is a precedent that can be drawn on by any poor loser!! imagine the disharmony. and the bedevilled economy. is there any honesty left in this country of u.s.a.? it seems that at every turn their is double dealings, coverups, warmongering and other nasty things attributable to the nation’s leaders. truly the situation is deplorable. WHEN WILL YOUR COUNTRY GROW..UP!!
Very good story and all things are possible if you only believe,
And everyone have an opinion. It may be fake or real? Look might can not right, no way. I will end with this, speak the truth and speak it forever.
When individuals such as yourself are more concerned about freedom than profit.
Wish I had read your comment before writing my own. You said it so much better.
All of this BS regarding Russia is just that. There is ZERO evidence that Trump is or has worked with the Russians for any kind of quid pro quo. IF the media and the Democrats in Congress were REAL and cared about the USA, however, they would be all over the Hillary-Podesta Team involvement with the Russians…..THAT is where millions were made and 20% of our uranium was sold out. No problem there, though….it was REAL collusion by Democrats. Move along.
You do realize that ther was “that guy” yes you! during watergate scandal as well….
But i guess Nixon was innocent too. See what makes this country great is not ignorant stubbornness to admit when we’re wrong but the fact. That we can all be wrong and held accountable even our leaders……if guys like you had the final say so we would’ve never made it out of being ruled by a single king in the dark ages.
LOL! Flynn pleads guilty and flipped. Manafort is on his way to the pokey. Kushner is up next. Trump’s team denial of any contact with Russia has been disproven by the preponderance of the evidence.
Do you think Russia held our hands at the voting booth and made us vote for Trump? We, the people, elected Trump as our president. And we will support him 100% in everything that he is doing to MAGA.
No we the people did not elect him ! The electoral college voted for him and I am sure that if it would of been the people votes then we would of had a different outcome!!!
This sounds more like a wish than a question. Please leave this topic for tabloids. Seems the article itself, full of generalizations, is just an excuse for yet one more headline about Trump and Impeachment.
Long time over due. Looking to the future. It will take a long time and require Republican support.
What you describe overall is the damage done to the United States overall when democrats are in control. The last 50 years have been the worst. They have lied, manipulated, plundered, legislated, the collapse of our country. Not one democrat president legislated or served in the best interests of the United States. They were elected to destroy the Constitution and the power of this country. I for the first time in my life wish that I had been born a man so that I would be able to fully defend my country against the enemy within which are democrats, groups that align with them, rogue republicans, illegal aliens, refuges, communists. The last 8 years of democrat reign almost destroyed the United States; thankfully we woke up. However that evil faction has been emboldened and enraged at their loss will only be resolved by their blood in the streets. Facts are NRA has 150 million members; most of us have at least 2 firearms, 2 assault rifles.
After what Obama did to this country, if the Dems. would start impeachment proceedings, I think it would start a civil war.
Dr. Weiss:
Excellent article! I’m glad you’re not afraid to tackle questions that are in the back of our minds. So far the Trump presidency has been a farce & embarrassment to most people internationally. His revolving cabinet selections of incompetent & unprepared cronies add doubt to the success of this presidency. Trump’s unwillingness to unite all Americans & his impulsive personality pron to rash decisions have many of us worried.
HEY ALVIN lets talk about barack hussein obama let talk about he colluded with the russians , lied to the american people about everything falsely accused a man in florida of starting demonstration that led to the destruction of the embassy and deaths of 4 americans in libya by burning a koran divided this country as no other president in the history of this country doubled the national debt in under 8 yrs blamed everything that went wrong in his presidency on the previous president here ill let you know in case you forgot …………HEY THIS ISNT MY FAULT ITS BUSHS FAULT the idiot obama used that quote everyday for over 6 1/2 yrs everyday and libtarded liberals never had a thing in the back of their minds as there was any doubt . hypocrites .
Aw Hawk,
One again, you have the wrong President….. I think you mean Dump… Er, I mean Trump….
Al, your ignorance and uneducated comments show that you have do not do your due diligence when researching a fake news article such as this article. President Trump, since he has been in office has created approximately 500,000 new jobs, decreased our deficits by over 60 Billion dollars, whereas, Obama increased our deficits by 600 Billion dollars, added 3 trillion dollars to the stock market and last but, and certainly not the last thing that President Trump will accomplish, is funding the NAACP college in order for blacks to have a equal chance for excess. Also if you understand anything about economics you will find that President Trump is working on the American people come first before illegal aliens and refugees. With the Democratic Party, the Republican Party establishment RINOs along with the rest of the puppet government, that is bought and paid for by the New World Order there leader George Soros. President Trump is surrounded by traitors. These traitors are trying to destroy the United States of America by running up our deficits to $20 Trillion and beyond. President Trump did not run up these deficits the Bushs, the Clintons and Obama did by fraud, money laundering and stealing taxpayers wealth. The beginning began with the federal reserve fiat banking system (1913), the elimination of the gold standard and greenback (Nixon). Along with the never ending Imperial Industrial Complex moves of war all over the globe. President Trump is and will be our last great hope to begin back our Republic of the United States of America. If “We The People” don’t get behind President Trump but instead get behind the false narrative of the New World Order our country and constitution will be no more and a tyrannical government will be put in its place which will be run by the New World Order and the Democratic Party, the Republican Party establishment RINOs lead by George Soros, Bill Gates, and many other elites that want one currency, one power and one government aka the Globalist Movement or New World Order. As my two Vietnam friends told me, don’t believe me look it up and do the research.
Russiagate? Oh my!
Trump will ABSOLUTELY NOT be impeached. He’s got majorities in both houses AND his voter base will NOT stand for it. His base is overjoyed and expanding as he fulfills each of his campaign promises. He has done more already than O did in eight years. No chance.
I am SO disappointed to read your article. You are clearly misinformed. Regarding Russia, there is NO THERE THERE. Russiagate? No. How about Ricegate! Bengazigate! Obamagate! Servergate! The Obama run OFAgate!
I’m also disappointed because it tells me YOU are NOT tuned into actual events, but have been listening to or watching left wing propaganda, reminiscent of Goebles or Pravda. Your (false) world view must color you ‘advisory’ culture and mind-set. I’ve noticed it elsewhere too (Mike). Now that Larry is gone, I’m having 2nd thoughts.
I’m also disappointed because it shows your lack of good judgement to risk alienating a large chunk of your client base with such a left wing article.
It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so — Mark Twain
A new poll from Quinnipiac University shows Trump’s disapproval rating rising to 58 percent
Dick, he’s down to 32%.Flynn has pled guilty and will flip.Manafort is toast. Deutsche Bank is turning ver records The GoP is shaking in its boots about the midterms. So apparently it was you who was “NOT tuned into actual events” and was listening to right wing propaganda as you demonstrated with your alt-right nonsensical conspiracy theories such as “Ricegate! Bengazigate! Obamagate! Servergate! The Obama run OFAgate!” As for the failing trump administrations accomplishments, they consist of executive orders which will be as easily overturned as Obama’s were. No major legislative achievements. “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled” Mark Twain
If Hillary Clinton was under the same cloud as Trump I’m sure the right would
be foaming at the mouth for impeachment. It’s very clear that numerous individuals
closely allied with Trump have had questionable at best dealings with Russian operatives,
not to mention the numerous conflicts of interest Trump has and will not fully disclose. Trump has also made numerous false and libelous statements about others since becoming President. I suspect the right may at some point find it convenient to get rid of Trump for their own political purposes and allow a much less volatile Mike Pence do their bidding. Your article is quite reasonable. The alt facts crowd will want to stick their head in the sand, but at some point the lying and incompetence will catch up with Trump.
It didn’t catch up with Obama.
Because they weren’t guilty of any crime despite the alt-right Russian troll farm propaganda. We shall see about Trump
Mike Clancy said it best. Are you kidding me?
This is an excellent article. Very well researched and thoughtfully presented. While I would love nothing more than to see that buffoon get tossed to the curb, I disagree with the comments that say this article is anything but what it is — factual. Thank you for another great article!
Mr. Weiss, you are doing nothing more than promoting the same idiocy as that continuously spooned to the U.S. public by mainstream media. Can you please explain exactly what “collusion” occurred between “Russia” and Trump? The release of contents of the Clinton campaign’s e-mails that indicated clearly that Hillary Clinton was conducting all kinds of nefarious double-dealings during her campaign? That it was somehow a “crime” that Clinton’s own team’s misdeeds were revealed to the public? The Americans that voted for Trump did not do so because of information given to them by the “Russians”–if in fact any of that information was ever leaked by Russia at all, and is not just a huge fabrication by the DNC (the most likely scenario). Â The American people knew, without the help of the Russians, that Hillary Clinton was totally corrupt, that she was running an offshore “pay to play” graft scheme, that she and the DNC had cheated Bernie Sanders out of the Dem nomination–which he rightfully won, Â that she had been involved in incredibly criminal enterprises throughout her career, including Rose Law Firm, AFDA, Mena cocaine smuggling operation, Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, Uranium One–the most criminal “collusion” with Russia, which paid the Clintons huge sums of money while sending twenty percent of U.S. uranium resources to Russia so that it could fulfill its contract to build nuclear weapons for Iran, the theft of money earmarked for Haiti and re-routing it to people who are in fact in federal prison today, Â deleting 33,000 public records in violation of federal law, threatening U.S. security by using a private server for secret communications and thus endangering the lives of numerous intelligence operatives, lying to the families of the Benghazi victims, stealing furniture from the white house, and much more, ad nauseum. Â But barring all this, most importantly, Americans knew that Clinton would expand the totally failed policies of the most inept, abject failure of a U.S. President of all time, aka, Barry Soetoro, alias Barack Obama. Â
You need to stay out of the realm of Constitutional law, because you are doing nothing more than revealing your own highly limited knowledge of the subject.
The entire Russia thing is all fake news created by the Democrats. They can’t impeach a president based on lies. Obama is the one that colluded with the Russians, being more flexible after the 2012 election, and him handing over Crimea and tons of nuclear material to them.
AND BECAUSE OF THE OBAMA / PUTIN COLLUSION the united states gave up their new LONG RANGE ICBMS AND PUTIN gave up his old short and mid range missiles
so instead of a military coup
we will have a demoRhino coup
a politician /bankers/military complex coup
We are the nation that speaks like a dragoon
i used to be disgusted , then i was amused , now i am just disgusted !!!
No, the majority in Congress are from the same Republican party and they would never ever do that or risk making themselves look bad, too. Republicans haven’t been stronger in 100 years! There is talk from some social conservative Republican leaders they would much rather have Pence as president because he is an ultra-conservative. Business leaders prefer Trump and would only tolerate Pence and his penchant for using government power on social and private issues.
The swamp is alive & growing. It has swallowed most all but, honest – working people, retires, the young, the handicapped, the truly unemployed. It has engulfed – politicians, corporations (lobby row), media, & public schools (saddest of all). It is moving faster now. President Trump did not arrive with an agenda and a congress willing to sign it, unseen.
A time when impeachment of all Congress or revolution truly belonged. President Obama’s term and what is now happening too President Trump are signs of the swamps advance. The time that President Donald Trump serves will tell weather the swamp will engulf us all.
I agree with all of the above comments.
I’ve thought all along, that there is a possibility of impeachment for Mr. Trump. The politicians in Congress would much rather have Mr. Pence in the office than Mr. Trump. Pence is one of their own, after all, and knows the ins and outs of political dealing which benefits the politicians first, others last, if at all. If they decide that Trump is a hindrance to their ambitions, they will oust him one way or another. Then there is the Deep State, which may be fighting for it’s life. If they decide Trump is a danger, he will be gone. Just like JFK.
You nailed it Chuck.
The Deep State laid a trap to Trump and it looks like he fully fell into it.
The following is a quote from a well known political activist…
See if anything fits with the activities of American political parties
1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.“ Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots†must build power from flesh and blood.
2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.“ It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.
3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.“ Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.
4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.“ If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.“ There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.“ They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.
7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.“ Don’t become old news.
8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.“ Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.
9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.“ Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.
10. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.“ Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.
11. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.“ Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.
12. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.“ Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
Saul Alinsky “Rules For Radicals”
Lao Tzu for politicians.
Frankly I am very disappointed that you would write such an article. Why would you further the discussion of the biases media by supporting the rubbish about the Russians effect on the election. We need to let President Donald Trump and his administration concentrate on getting the country out of the swamp we are in. Maybe you should stick to financial info where you know what you are talking about.
This is not your best work! Surely you can do a lot better than write these kinds of nonsensical articles, completely devoid of facts or real insights.
Wow, I can’t believe I read this from you…
In latin there is a proverb.
“gutta cavat lapidem, non vi sed saepe cadendo”…
Did you fall for the continuously repeated false narrative(s) from the left wing media?
government bonds are safe if you hold to maturity. why scare people
Proof never leaves the author’s mouth… pen. Let us compare presidencies, shall we? Obama’s and Mr. Trump’s actions in support of this country. Time is up. Obama loses. President Trump has done more for the United States of America, in his few months, than Obama did in 8 YEARS! Please, folks. Quit with the wingeing and get back to work, keeping this country viable and strong.
Frankly Martin, You are clearly revealing yourself to be a Democrat. I thought you were above trying to influence your readership with articles like this!!! Suggest you stick to financial matters in future.
The House of Representatives will not impeach Trump while the Republicans hold the lions share and control .
The spurned establishment is rearing it’s ugly head and will lead a scorched earth policy to get rid of Trump.
Trump is the people’s choice but our entrenched shadow government could care less.
The people have the right-they have the duty-to replace this government.
The scorned established will have its head burned off with their scorched earth policy. You get no second chances. You just might want to think before you act.
I believe that your company should maintain the high ground in the exercise of intelligence, and refrain from scandal mongering in the manner of a cheap newspaper.
A lot of implications without a single shred of evidence. If you are aware of any evidence of collusion with the Russians to influence the election, I would love to hear it. Trigger the crickets. A better article would be on how a political group could create a false accusation, get the media behind it, start an investigation with no evidence, and leverage it to influence public perception. I expect much better from you.
Dave – nailed it. always been my question is exactly why are we talking about this everyday. I have heard zero as far as proof but guilt doesn’t even matter the goal was to barrage and block Trump from the beginning. So I agree, that’s the article I would like to read. How “Russian Collusion” is spoken as if it’s fact without question.
To answer Ron Goddard’s question: What do you expect from an egalitarian culture which
is expected to except everything that’s swirling around. No, there’s “no honesty left”, in the U.S.A. because you’re going against the grain in almost every instance. We’re in a
deflaytionary depression. The only reason we don’t see soup lines, is that most of the
have not’s have government plastic cards that get them their basic food supply. Our
country is plagued with the politically and economically illiterate! Time for most to start
seeking the truth. Tall order. Never going to happen.
What crimes has the new President committed while in office??? Can he really be impeached on allegations of actions that supposedly took place before he came into office? And, who listens to the media these days? We know how unabashedly biased they are. I have no desire to listen to their crap. An impeachment of this president would result in another civil war in this country. No independent American wants to live under the boot of left-wing liberals who want to tell us how to live our lives. They keep passing laws that are clearly unconstitutional, knowing that they can’t possibly get the Constitution amended, and knowing that to have those laws adjudicated by the Supreme Court might take years…in the meantime, their illegal laws stay on the books.
As truly sad as it is, all the partisan squabbling, and the lack of statesmen lends credence to Igor Panarin’s “prophecy” that the United States would fragment into 6 spheres of influence. Truly sad if it were to come to pass; but, this is often the way of empires. Larry Edelson in his study of war cycles often noted the cyclical connection with rising social acrimony.
Perhaps more time and resources should be spent on the “Pizzagate” scandals!
That would be the way Trump should fight this nonsense.
Charge all suspected high-level politicians with criminal acts if they are even remotely involved. That would give them something else to occupy their minds instead of going after Trump for their dubious political aims.
Trump is the Hindenburg now. Static discharge now until the inevitable explosion. If it walks, talks like a traitor…..
yea scott its obama and susan rice
Sadly we have lost Larry Edelson.
He has passed away, and I’m saddened to hear of his passing.
How come we were not informed of his passing on money and markets.
There’s no doubt the Democrats would like to impeach, after all, they have fools among them that have said as much. The media is as corrupt as a banana republic and are on board. And, of course there are the establishment republicans like Graham, McCain, Romney and the Bush family who would love to pile on.And why is that? These groups CANNOT let Trump succeed, especially the Democrats. If Trump does succeed, they are done for a very long time since he appeals to Democrat constituent groups and the voting block that swept Trump in is huge. Just look at the asinine stories the Democrats have thrown at him….especially the Russia connection. The ONLY real Russia connection was Hillary when she signed off on 20% of our uranium going to the Canadian company in the hands of the Ruskies. And then of course there were the ridiculous speaking fees for Bill and the millions of dollars of donations to the Clinton foundation from the Uranium One investors/owners/whatever. Real events, yet what does the media and democrats chase? The made up stories that have turned up NO evidence since July 2016 when the FBI started investigating. Where did the story come from? Hmmmmmm. The DNC and the Clinton Campaign had a dirty tricks organization that was uncovered…just a chance it was them. C’om on Martin, are you serious? If the republicans wouldn’t impeach Obama given criteria you laid out for others with all the corruption and lying that Obama and his cohorts did, how in the world will they impeach Trump?
No way can i improve on ( rules for radicals). number 10 is an example of the russian myth with trump. there is no evidance of this. on the other hand hillary transferred 20% of our uranium to putins russia. investors in the deal funneled 145 million into the Clinton foundation. 7% of the media are registered republicans, so the crap spewed from these vile people comes from over 90% anti trump lefties in the media. Egypt kicked the Muslim Brotherhood out because they were too radical. Obama filled the white house with these terrorists. they booby trapped the white house. you have to be an attorney to be an FBI agent…attorneys are usually democrats. by their nature they tear things apart they don’t build. only 4% of DC voted for trump so now we have the CIA. I wouldn’t trust them either. Obama fired 197 top generals because they didn’t agree with him, like he had a clue. So far soros has paid 6 Republicans to infiltrate and destroy. I know McCain is one of them. The Epa, State Dept and the IRS are totally corrupt. If i were Trump i would replace these people with our military. they know he has their back unlike obama who changed the rules of engagement so not twice but 4 times as many of our troops died unnecessarely. In the face of all this Trump is accomplishing amazing things.
As long as Trump throws a few bombs now and then the military industrial complex owned politicians in DC will not impeach him. Sad but true.
I fully disagree with your views Martin. Democrats are showing lack of class. On the other hand they haven´t offered any real elements to support their absurd allegation. The ones inn for a legal action against are rather Obama and Miss Rice
Off the subject, but I understand Xi told Trump at their meeting, that China will now import American beef, for the first time in 14 years. I guess Trump hasn’t crowed about it reducing the balance a little, because he knows, there goes the price of beef for Americans, through a roof or two. Inflation, anyone?
If Obama weren’t already out of office, I would consider his actions more impeachable than anything Trump has done (or even talked about doing) so far. Obama did exactly what Nixon did, that threatened him with being impeached: He allowed his office to be used to spy on a candidate for President.
So, the Democrats can make up any ole story they want like “Russiagate” to get rid of trump, because he refuses to play by their rules? What happened when Obama played tiddly-winks with the terrorists and gave them money, and weapons and all that nice stuff, but the people rose up and complained? Obama and his ilk called us “deplorable”, Cellar-dwellers and the best one “bible-thumpers and Gun-toters.. then they decided they would tear at the very fabric of this country by erasing its history! now we have our companies pulling their advertisements because they are seen as racist because they are pro-law enforcement! Unbelievable!! Trump leaving office will not matter one bit, the GDP and our culture is what will bring this country down.. the GDP is still over 100% and the economy will still crash.. it is only a matter of what domino falls first and when.
I read most of the comments.
It appears that 99% are from Trump supporters and/or conservatives.
Martin, you should target your articles to the subscribers who pay the bills,
not the few who want to create hate and discontent.
Most of what you alluded to is “Fake News.”
Trump deserves a chance to succeed.
Certainly President Obama was given 8 years of chances.
Thank you.
George I totally agree with you and when people realized that mainstream media is owned by the warmongering bankers and their cronies Elise then you’ll realize that mainstream media is just a disgusting propaganda machine for the rich people who want to own your lives and your minds. Sadly it seems they’re doing a pretty good job of telling BS to the population. What’s even more sad is the population is buying the BS
You can thak Reagan for removing the Media Ownership Laws within days of taking office…. It used to be ownerhip was limited so that no one could own Television, Radio and Newspapes in an area. Now almost all forms of Media are owned by the Ultra Wealthy who are the biggest donors to the Rebublicans or the dark political pools that are also the biggest funders off Republican candidates…
Once again: ALL of the Stock Market Crashes and Depressions have happened under Conservative Presidencies with Conservative Majority Congresses after long periods of Conservative Domination.
And ALL of the Recoveries have happened after Liberal Progressive Presidenies and Majority Congresses are voted into office and the Conservatives thrown out….
Lincoln was NOT a Conservative. The Southern Slaveholders were….
We NOW have a Conservative President and a Conservative Majority Congress after a long period of Conservative Domination….
So what are the odds of another Stock Market Crash and Depression under the current regime?
And the last time we elected a businessman as President, we got Smoot/Hawley, and the Great Depression.
Mr. Burton,
That was Hoover (a “No Regulatons” Republican and a Majority Republican Congress), another in a long line of Conservative Presidents who have brought us Stock Market Crashes and Depressions since America was formed.
HOW COME eagle 495 you seem to forget the worst depresssion happened in 1937 it lasted till well after world war 2 ended and who was that president it was a liberal democrat FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT F.D.R. he was POTUS from 1933-1945 so eaggle495 how do you blame this on the republicans
You seem to lack even theslightest eduucation in Economics… 1929-1932 (Hoover)… FDR was elected and took office in 1932): the loss was 90%. The loss in 1937 when FDR pulled back the support was a small loss which was regained when the support returned…. You really need to open a book and stop believing the right wing BS as gospel, aye?
quit lying eagle495 abraham lincoln was a republican get your facts straight
does anyone ever notice when eagle495 gives out his fake facts he classifies rebublicans as DOMINATING or LONG PERIODS OF CONSERVATIVE DOMINANCE BUT IF HE IS TALKING ABOUT A LIBERAL potus they are just administrating
Fascinating how the New World Order operates to make others The Fall Guys for their murderous Rampage throughout the Middle East and soon in other areas
Mr. Weiss,
I agree with the possibility Donald Trump could be impeached. He is being drawn into war mongering, exactly what certain democrats and republicans had hoped for. This was not his original message. When the liberals start “praising” your actions, step back and take a long hard look at who and how it fits their agenda. Also, so many rules of governance have changed or been rigged.
He should, before anything else, contact Putin himself and talk to him. Perhaps then we would not have escalation towards war. The past administration humiliated him.
Dear Mr. Weiss,
I love reading your sharing of your first hand experience in the world.
However, regarding this article, I would ask you to follow-up with your readers after a little further analysis. It is my understanding (which is reflected in the 3 Congress issued or drafted articles of impeachment you quoted above) that an impeachable act has to occur WHILE the president is IN office. Any offense that may have occurred prior to taking office is not grounds for impeachment since it would not have occurred while using the the “powers of the office”. Hillary would also be conveniently exempt from anything she may have done earlier as well, should she have become the POTUS.
dear martin bring back mike larson everyone enjoyed his commentaries
How pathetic and disingenuous. Hillary Clinton and Obama and their teams have clearly violated laws and ethics standards in many ways multiple times, some worthy of jail time, but you and other liberal media continue to look the other way. But the fabricated Russia connection to Trump continues to be fertile ground for continuing accusations, even though months of left wing bias investigations including illegal spying have turned up zero credible information. Truly pathetic!
It has never yet happen in the history of the United States. You can impeach a president in the House, but getting the necessary majority votes in the Senate to actually convict is another story. So far, no president has been impeached and then removed from office to my knowledge. President Nixon came close, but resigned in order to avoid the political embarrassment and personal disgrace.
Are we in for a gold tranche? A return to the gold bullion standard? Maybe even a gold rush? What about gross domestic product at factor costs and gross domestic product at market prices? What type of depreciation are we in for reduced balance depreciation, or straight line depreciation. I think we will see a lot of growth in gross domestic product. Possibly we will also see a lot of growth in gross national product. We are all only human beings at the end of the day. Gross domestic product always rises eventually. We are on the way towards another boom. Boom, bust, recovery, growth. Where’s Toni turners weekly market wrap? What type of depreciation are we in for, straight line depreciation, or reduced balance depreciation with regards to tangible and intangible fixed assets. Are we in for an even bigger boom then we had before?
Did anyone answer the question about how stocks and bonds will likely react, if trump’s economic agenda is sidetracked, due to his prior illegal business activities, that might lead to impeachment?