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The pullback I’ve been warning you about in the U.S. equity markets is finally at hand. But once this pullback in the broad stock indices is over — the Dow Jones Industrials will lead the way higher yet again, and catapult to 31,000 over the next three years.
And one sector I’ll tell you about in a minute, will do even better — tripling, quadrupling and even quintupling in value — with select individual stocks in that sector spinning off gains of 2,000 percent, 3,000 percent and even more.
What? Are you out of your mind, Larry?
No, I’m not out of my mind. Quite to the contrary, I believe I am the one analyst who really understands the forces that are building to send the Dow rocketing higher. And especially the sector I’m about to tell you about.
Moreover, if you think I’ve lost my mind, consider this: My best forecasts have always been accompanied by the same shrill voices of others telling me I’m nuts.
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The mining sector has been beaten up so badly over the past three years that even a normal rebound in the sector could enrich savvy investors by easily doubling, tripling and quadrupling in value. |
When I foretold of the 1987 stock market crash months ahead of time, they told me I was crazy.
At the depths of the 1987 crash when I said that the stock market would see new highs merely two years later, they wanted me committed for life. Yet that’s precisely what the stock market did.
When I forecast in early 1989 that a war would break out somewhere in the world in August 1990, they thought I was crazy. But on Aug. 2, right on time, Iraq invaded Kuwait.
When I forecast the 1999–2000 top in the Nasdaq and the Dow … and the peak in the markets in 2007 … I was still virtually alone, with most analysts and investors thinking of nothing but blue sky for the markets and property prices.
And on March 19, 2009, I even defied my colleagues predicting that the stock market bottom had already been reached at Dow 6,495, and that the market’s next big move would be a rocket ride to first, 11,000 … then 14,000 and then, even higher.
Then there’s the big bottom in gold and silver I nailed in 1999 and their peaks three years ago, just 12 days from their highs in September 2011.
And many other wild calls I’ve made, including the rise in Asian equity markets and emerging economies in 2004 … the slide in the value of the U.S. dollar since the turn of the century … and my now infamous call to dump every mining stock that was publicly traded at the sector’s peak in October 2011.
These are ALL DOCUMENTED forecasts that, yes, I am very proud of. They have protected and grown the wealth of tens of thousands of investors.
And if I didn’t know better, I’d throw my hat in the ring right now with all those pundits out there who say the economy is not strong enough, so the Dow must crash.
BUT, I do KNOW better. The fact of the matter is that the Dow is going to reach 31,000 over the next three years …
NOT IN SPITE OF gargantuan federal debts …
NOT IN SPITE OF political dysfunction in Washington …
NOT IN SPITE OF the mess in Europe …
NOT IN SPITE OF the rising geopolitical conflicts all over the globe …
I know better because for the better part of nearly 36 years now, I’ve traveled the world and studied every major market and economic system on the planet. I have charted how they interact and influence each other. And I’m an avid student of the history of economic systems and markets.
And the fact of the matter is this: If you understand “the way capital flows like a loose cannon on the deck of a ship in the middle of a torrent … ”
As Herbert Hoover put it in his memoirs …
Then you will understand the powerful undercurrents in the world today — and you will be well-positioned to make a fortune over the next few years as most U.S. stocks catapult higher.
Once the current pullback in equities comes to an end, here is what you need to know to back up the truck to prepare for Dow 31,000:
First, collapsing governments in Europe and the U.S. will be just about the best thing that could happen for the U.S. stock market.
I know what you’re thinking: That’s a pretty bold, almost unbelievable statement. Larry has definitely lost his marbles.
But mark my words: As Western governments and their Western-style, largely socialist, huge entitlement programs go bust, the private sector will become the recipient of a tsunami of cash otherwise eaten up by the public sector, and that will send stocks into an explosive move higher.
And as Western governments teeter and the banking system crashes again — and it will — stocks will be deemed to be a safer place to put your money than just about anything else.
After all, just look at the Cyprus confiscation of bank depositor money last year. Banks will not be bailed out in the next crisis, and depositors everywhere will be bailed in.
Why keep your money in a bank then, when there’s no safety to be found and instead, large amounts of your capital will be deemed to be bank creditor funds?!
Second, rising interest rates will also be one of the major reasons the Dow and other broad market indices explode higher. To the contrary of many of the best minds on — and off — Wall Street, rising interest rates are no reason at all to be worried about the stock market, and in fact, are the opposite: Explosive fuel that will drive stocks much, much higher.
How so? There are three chief reasons.
1. Rising interest rates are a sign that there is rising demand for money and credit. That’s a positive.
2. Rising interest rates are also a sign that bond values are going to be heading down, and quite dramatically. As investors leave the bond markets, they will have to put their money to work in other asset classes.
3. Unlike when interest rates rise solely due to a healthy growing economy, this time around rates will rise because of a crisis in confidence in government.
Sounds bad, right? After all, if governments are collapsing and rates are rising as a result, stocks must crash too, right? Wrong. Dead wrong. Reason: There will be a GIANT shift of capital AWAY from the public sector, and BACK INTO the PRIVATE SECTOR.
Want proof of all the above? Just look at the 1932 to 1937 time period and what most analysts are NOT telling you about the Great Depression.
Back then, U.S. and European economies were plummeting in a depression. Unemployment continued to soar. And interest rates began to climb for the very same reasons they are starting to rise today, despite central bank intentions to keep them low: Primarily because 17 nations in Europe were going bankrupt, defaulting on their sovereign bonds.
And though the U.S. was the world’s creditor then, its bond markets also came under suspicion. Banks were folding left and right in Europe and the U.S.
Tens of billions of dollars fled the sovereign bond markets — and the banking system — and went directly into U.S. stock markets.
Despite the worsening global economy, the Dow Jones Industrials soared three hundred and eighty-two percent from a low of 40.56 in July 1932 to a high of 195.59 in March 1937.
All in the middle of the worst depression in our nation’s history!
And all of my indictors and studies tell me that the Dow’s 2009 crash low of 6,495 is tantamount to the 1929 crash low in the Dow.
And that a similar 382 percent gain from that low would put the Dow Industrials just north of 31,000!
Thing is, from current levels, that’s just over a double in the Dow Industrials. Nice, and something every smart investor should take advantage of once any pullback is over.
But there’s a heck of a lot more money
to be made in the mining sector!
Why? It’s simple:
A. Although there may be one more test of the lows, gold and other precious metals, like silver, platinum and palladium are bottoming and headed substantially higher too over the next few years …
With gold likely to fetch well over $5,000 an ounce a few years from now and silver better than $125 an ounce. That alone will push mining shares through the roof.
And …
B. The mining sector has been beaten up so badly over the past three years — with many miners losing as much as 90 percent or so of their market cap — that even a normal rebound in the sector could enrich savvy investors by easily doubling, tripling and quadrupling in value.
And as I said at the outset, select individual miners will likely spin off gains of 2,000 percent, 3,000 percent and even more.
Best wishes, and stay tuned,
You’re not-so-crazy but definitely unconventional analyst,
What are your worst forecasts? The DOW ended at 121 in 1937. The DOW’s low in 1938 was 97.50. The DOW closing in 1949 was 200.50.
Hi Larry,
What are your thoughts on NUGT going forward?
Thank you!
What level should be reached before Dow has bottomed and it is time to invest in stocks
Thanks in advance for your reply
I would think that the Correction is over, now that we have taken out previous High’s.
Or is this a False Break – Never Know until it’s to late.
Pondering what Larry has for us next – Great Article.
Pride comets before a fall but it is an impressive record.
Hi Larry………………interested in your thoughts on the time frame and levels you expect the US markets to drop to before the next leg up……………John
Is this the Bill Crutcher who was a Luby’s Manager in Texarkana, Texas ???
mr Edelson
a) your forecasts…
for GOLD and BONDS and DOW
b) You keep on repeating those stories time and time and time again:
finally you will become ”correct” again
we – Your followers_ especially those joined you during the past
20 months > are bleeding a lot
I personally need a doubling to offsett my trades …. rgds/signed erhard
Well if you bought JNUG at the 14.5 or so price recommended by Larry – You would have been close to a double in about a month or so…
It was a double – JNUG went to $ 30 before Larry e-mail .
Unfortunately Mr. E has quite the selective record when it come to being correct. He conveniently forgets his wrong calls on precious metals over the past few years already.
Which is sort of true …re: bottom is in last October and canceled it in Feb. but he also said : ” Wait for my recommendation in the next letter ” … but in my opinion you don’t have to buy everything he tells you unless you agree with him . But this ” ego trips ” with these analysts ….don’t they all do it ?
I read Martin Armstrong a lot ….even he has flaws – wrong calls and when I write him about it I get no answer .
So, don’t worry – they all do it .
Reader’s should just buy stocks.
Correction comes buy more – Don’t be Gear. Use Cash you don’t need for 5 – 20 Years.
Buy Big Defensive & Dividend pay stocks.
Article’s are all good – Make for some good leisure time reading – Add’s to Macro Idea’s that are out there.
A bit confusing signals even if you are not a client.
Its Thur. June 19 and the spot bid price for gold at 2:36pm is 1318.30, up about 40 for today. Guess you were wrong about the bottom. It is easy to tout your successes without mentioning the goofs you made along the path. I for one am loading up on gold stocks no matter what you say. I know I missed the bottom, but I won’t miss this ride, especially if I wait for you to tell me when the bottom is in.
Most know what happened 6/20 in gold. One of your recommendations to bail out , I wish it came in before he closing before the closing the previous day. That stock, had a 60% retracement . When I saw that I’m tempted to jump back in Monday. Hope to hear your thoughts before then.
Have a request. This seems to be the opportunity to get into “options” Haven’t done options for a few years. Here we have the DOW ( probable with Nasdaq and S&P) forecasted to unimaginable heights. Four, six, eight times in prophets. If you know where the market is going, how about some recommendations.
I think you caught the bottom perfectly! I loaded up on mining stocks, ETFs, and options and am already up 30%! Keep up the good work, Larry!
And this time, the U.S is also bankrupt…