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This is a story that’s funny, ironic and very sad; a comedy of errors and a tragedy for all Americans.
I’ll tell you exactly what it is in just a moment. First, though, take a good, hard look at this chart …
As you can see, this is not a new issue. In fact, the problem started during the American Revolution. Back then, some folks feared the new nation would never make it. It almost didn’t.
It was equally bad during the Civil War, when the nation was split in two and more Americans died than during any other U.S. war before or after.
During World War I, my father, who was a young boy at the time, saw how tough it was. He was just 9 years old. But his teacher in school demanded that he and his friends do something about it personally.
“Then came the Great Depression and the problem got a lot worse,” he told me when I was about 9 myself. “Twice as bad, in fact. Millions of Americans suffered as a result.”
Next, in World War II, the problem really got out of hand. There was a good reason, though. The nation faced an existential threat like none other.
What about now? This monster problem is far bigger than at any time in U.S. history. It’s …
The Godzilla of Government Debt
It’s the same kind of debt that forced my father and his fourth-grade friends to walk the streets of Harlem in 1917, hawking War Bonds to anyone not too busy to listen …. and not too poor to buy.
And the chart I just showed you, courtesy of the bipartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), grossly understates the problem:
First, it shows only U.S. government debt owed to the public. If you add the government debt owed to federal agencies — especially the Federal Reserve — it’s much, much worse.
Second, it excludes the government debts of several federal agencies. (Same old smoke-and-mirrors government accounting that neither Republicans nor Democrats have ever bothered to fix!)
Third, it excludes unfunded government obligations for Medicare, Social Security and veterans’ benefits. These are huge — estimated at as much as more than ten times the officially recognized debt.
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In its latest report, “The 2017 Long-Term Budget Outlook,” the CBO admits the problem … sort of.
“If current laws remained generally unchanged,” their officials write, “the United States would face steadily increasing federal budget deficits and debt over the next 30 years — reaching the highest level of debt relative to GDP ever experienced in this country.”
True … except for the fact that, with honest accounting, it has already reached the highest level relative to GDP ever experienced in this country.
And the CBO is supposed to be bipartisan. But …
It’s the extreme partisanship in
Washington that’s so funny and so sad.
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Martin’s father, Irving Weiss, circa 1959 |
It’s a very old story. In fact, ever since I was 9 years old, I remember Dad talking about it all the time.
He did more to help President Eisenhower balance the budget in 1960 than practically any man alive at the time. So I figured he knew a thing or two about the subject.
“When the folks from party A are in power,” he lamented, “party B attacks them for ‘spending like drunken sailors’ and ‘looting the nation’s future with horrendous federal deficits.’ Then, when the guys from party B are in power, they’re the ones who spend like drunken sailors and loot the nation’s future. As if they have no recollection of what they themselves just said. A convenient forgettery about an inconvenient reality!”
I asked him how this all came about in the first place.
“During the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and the world wars, there was a reason for the government to borrow and spend. It was the only way the country could win. But now, since 1946, a new economic theory has swept the world.”
“Since 1946? What happened in 1946?” I queried.
“That’s when a British economist, John Maynard Keynes, died — actually just a few months before you were born, Martin. And that’s when governments all over the world started putting his ideas into practice. Basically, he challenged the idea that free markets were enough to always put people to work and keep the economy stable. To fix the deficiencies of free markets, Keynes argued, the government needs to intervene more directly. It needs to stimulate the economy when it’s down; cool it off when it’s overheating.”
“How does it stimulate the economy when it’s down?” I asked.
“Two ways. It can overspend by running a deficit. Or it can inject more money into the bloodstream of the economy.”
“What’s wrong with that?” I wondered out loud.
“In theory, I guess it could make sense. But it’s a political trap.”
“What do you mean by that?”
Dad settled back in his seat and let out a long sigh. “Because when the economy is down and people are out of work, they love the government stimulus. But when things are going well and everyone’s having a great time, no one wants the government to slow down the music, let alone end the party. If anything, they want even more stimulus to keep the party going.
“So, in practice,” he continued, “the Keynes theory doesn’t work. Right now, for example, do you see a depression in this country? Do you see people on bread lines? No! The worst we’ve seen recently was a shallow, eight-month recession, and it already ended over a year ago. And yet, despite the good times, here we are, with Washington running a huge deficit!”
That was in the early 1960s when the federal debt was around 50% of GDP, near the highest since World War II. Now it’s 107% of GDP. (Even with the dishonest accounting.) But despite the dire state of affairs, politicians never seem to change.
Democrats attacked Republicans for huge deficits under Bush.
Republicans attacked Democrats for huge deficits under Obama.
And now Democrats are back to attacking Republicans for deficits under Trump.
But anyone who believes that they actually attack the problem — as soon as they have the power to do so — is living in a dream world that would make Disney’s Fantasyland seem like “Naked and Afraid.”
That’s the funny thing. But not in a laughable sense. It’s actually very strange … and sad.
Back when I was 11, I asked my father why government debts and deficits were so bad. I fully expected him to talk about recessions, depressions and panics. And he did.
But then he said something else that I have never forgotten: “Debt and deficits mess up the way the government decides things,” he said, shaking his head with disapproval.
“They’re supposed to make decisions that are best for me and you, best for your future. Instead, they make decisions that are best for paying their darn debts.
“They push interest rates way low. That way they themselves don’t have to pay as much interest.
“They let the dollar fall in value. That makes it easier for them to pay the debts. It lets them pay with cheaper money.
“And it doesn’t stop there. A weaker currency brings inflation. The inflation makes it hugely expensive for average people to buy food and clothing, pay their rent, go to college. But for people with a lot of property, it makes them feel richer because the price of their stocks and real estate goes up. People start resenting others more. And everything goes downhill from there. People out of work. Protests on the streets. Fighting. Civil war.”
My father taught me this over a half century ago. Now, even without much inflation, nearly everything he said would happen is happening — FAST. And if there’s more inflation coming, it will be even worse.
Governments will find ways to default, either outright or via more subtle kinds of subterfuge. Investors who own government bonds will lose up to half of their principal, while those with the right hedges will make fortunes.
Exactly when and where? How can you protect yourself? How can you grow your wealth despite — or even because of — this frightening Armageddon?
To answer these pressing questions is precisely why we held our emergency subscriber conference last week.
It’s why I have made the video recordings available to you. Free to subscribers.
It’s why my team hustled to write down every single word and make the full transcripts available, too. Also free.
It’s why we devoted months to writing our just-released e-book, Countdown to Armageddon. Your cost? Free, for now.
Here’s the key: The full consequences of the debt monster are not going to strike in just one day. They will play out in a four-phase process that begins now, starts accelerating in late October and continues until the end of 2022 — five full years.
That’s why I’ve created a special new service to help investors survive — and thrive — during this period, and why I’m personally paying for the last three years of every five-year membership.
To apply for the big Early-Bird discount, go here. The deadline is tomorrow.
Or for more details, go here.
Good luck and God bless!
So the masterplan is. ?
To liquidate x invest in y
Income required to ride out a potential 8plus year bust where liquidity is almost impossible to find and certainly not through the banking system.
A spread of Y,s that yield growth and income…
New era dawning as cryptocurrency is embraced and cash all but dissappears.. Central banks in crisis as the control slips from their grasp.
Martin Fear and greed are the strongest emotions. Anyone who can accurately predict how these impact financial markets would be worth their wait in Gold.
just read a report…national debt 20 tril right….Trump just signed to up the debt…here comes the good bit…unreported but just come to light and discovered another 2 trill. debt bubble now added to the original debt…now 22 trill…just like magic…..think of a tune that starts with…….IT ONLY GETS BETTER…..see you all in hell..cos thats where we are all going
I am a Belgian citizen and am not sure I will be able to buy the recommended investments from here. After having listened to your videos I checked several and some I could find some not. It’s a huge investment for me so I want to be sure of the success – Regards
How did foreign countries get all those zeros in their money?
Because politically, a zero is nothing. .. :D
just wonder’g! if carters admin could not control int rates, in 70s and bernanckes crew obviously has, does this not mitigate all your sparsing about runaway infllation and the degradation of usd which is still the premier currency globally…gc
The problem is letting unelected bankers control the money supply for their person profit. The Federal Reserve hasn’t fulfilled its promise to avoid depressions or recessions. It has been a total failure. End the Federal Reserve. Give the economy back to the treasury.
Whereabouts in this prosperity, recession, depression and improvements in the economy cycle are we at? We need to look at the three cycles, the kondratieff cycle, the jugular cycle and the Kuznets cycle to find out where the economy is at. The kondratieff cycle is a 45 to 60 year cycle, very long term, the jugular cycle is a 15 to 20 year cycle, whereas the Kuznets cycle is a short term 7 to 11 year cycle. The Kuznets cycle just looks after fixed investments. I am currently reading with interest varoufakis book the Greek sovereign debt crisis adults in the room, which goes into significant detail about the referendum on austerity that they had there in June 2015. Since them the economy has not been scelerotic but has been significantly improving as we move into a recovery phase. How’s this gonna GDP at factor costs and GDP at market prices is anyone’s guess? But we are back in another boom, in this boom, recession, depression, recovery and growth cycle that we are in. This boom could be possibly bigger than the last boom. A massive boom nonetheless. Then possibly followed by a bust lolz. The good times are back again. Not a day too soon.
We have all spent hours listening to videos, reading about 1/2 of what the video covered over the last 6-12 months. Larry Edelson worked on some of these concepts 1 + years ago. Very informative. Your Armageddon writings a repetitive and redundant to most of us. I agree that your tools will benefits thousands of people, myself included. What I strongly disagree on is $2,000 up front that we have to pay for when most of us cannot afford this and then have to wait 5 years for the payoff. Break it up. $250 every 6 months. $500 a year. and if we like what is working for us, we keep going with you for 5 years, $2,500 all in. I STRONGLY SUGGEST you re-evaluate how yo charge your customers reading your content. Please reproach your up front cost to get us all on board.
If you take the $2000 upfront commitment and divide it by 5 years, that’s $400 per year. There is a two year refund guarantee, so I’m figuring that if I profit $2000 minimum in the first two years, it is enough to keep going. But if not, then I will request a refund. I’ve purchased many subscriptions (Real Wealth among others,including Shawn’s) but I feel like I’ve only really profited during the extreme swings (on options Larry advised), not during the yo-yo times. I also see many, many highly profitable miners mentioned in all the sales literature that were never included in any of the subscriptions, so I’m wondering what gives? If there is a list of gold miners who increased between 2000-5000%, I’ve never heard of any of them as Larry didn’t put them in Real Wealth Report, yet they are cited as if they were in the Report in the current sales letters. So I’m worried. The doomsday predictions have been issued now every year for well over a decade, and each was a “dire prediction”, yet no country collapsed as of yet, but I suppose one day they (we) will. I don’t want to miss out when it all comes unraveled, but there have been so many special subscriptions created for these “perfect storms” that never materialized, how do we know this one is finally the real deal? I’m torn, quite frankly.
Martin: This seems to be the most over predicted crisis I have witnessed, and I’m in my seventies. Sooner or later you will be right and you can take the credit. But today’s his year is not your time. The political estamblishment is too entrenched.
D. Braatz
Martin – Your chart on government debt records what men have been doing with money in times of crisis, since the nation was founded. And, the recent hurricanes in Texas and Florida will impact your graph even more. Now, insurance policies have referred to such destructive instances as acts of god, since insurance began. And, believers in god have thought that such instances may carry a message from god. It is common for people to ask about what god is doing, in such crises. Florida and Texas have something in common. to which god may be pointing. Florida has more retired money than many states. Texas has more working money than many states. Maybe god’s permission for hurricanes Harvey and Irma carries a message about how people are handling their money. It’s something to think about.
My concern was also having to pay almost $2,000 upfront. The suggested payment plan recommended by SS Ettinger (above) makes a lot of sense. After all, if your recommendations are on target, we will all be happy to continue our subscriptions and encourage others to join as well.
I read a book several decades ago that told about the immense debt piled up during the Civil War. Lincoln’s cabinet wanted to sell bonds to resolve the issue, but Lincoln said no, he said selling bonds only opens the door to more bonds, and then more bonds, e.g. perpetual debt. His solution was to print money to pay off the debt. It worked, look at your chart again. The debt was never again was as low as it was after the Civil War. The Federal Reserve Act became law in 1913 and look what happened thereafter. When the bankers are in control, well, the chart tells the tale. Greed and avarice are not new, but between self serving politicians ( just re-elect me and I’ll fix it) and Wall Street (it’s ok, just sign here and we’ll take it from there) have proven that the stupidity of congress and the greed of Wall Street has turned a great system (capitalism) into a pay-to-play game where they are the only winners.
All created by our good friends, and worst enemies, the career politicians. But we love to believe their lies and re-elect them so they can do even more damage. Why???
Hi…The coming collapse will start slowly, in fact some believe that it has already started, it will of course, have a domino effect, but it will be a slow motion effect (In the beginning.) domino’s that look so solid that nothing will dislodge them will gradually be eroded by small losses, gradually increasing to such a level that the high and mighty will crumble and fall, giving cause for other high and mighty institutions to quake in their boots, consequently, no one will trust even the most trusted institutions …. that will be the point where collapses will gather momentum and speed, no one trusting anyone…everyone will be squeezed, credit will be withdrawn without notice, cash only sales… I was born in 1937 and I haven’t seen anything like this, not even during the war, which I remember vividly. what could have been avoided was allowed to grow into a monster, by the stupidity of the top “economists” in the world who, some even admitted to conducting experiments with the American economy, why in hell’s name didn’t the bring in Paul Volker…who has a magnificent track record, but no, they had to conduct their experiments (Bernanke admitted to conducting a gigantic experiment.) remember his name when it hits you, and he is only one of a string of perpetrators… cheers
Dear Martin ,
Thank you and your team for the great effort .
In your presentation , there was no mentioned of the interest rate directions during phase 1 to 4 , could you enlighten us further on its movement ?
Thank you
Here is an easier way to predict a Stock Market Crash and Depression…. EVERY SINGLE Crash and Depression since America was formed has happened under the Domination of a Conservative President and a Conservative Majority Congress. Most recently 1929 (Hoover) and 2007 (Cheney/bush)…… And Now…… :(
mike or should i say eagle495 same old same old with you just the same old lies and the same old line using a different name