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Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to clog the nation’s capital today for Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th president of the United States and again tomorrow for the demonstrations against his inauguration. That’s because the passing of the office of president of the United States from Barack Obama to Donald Trump signals a major change for the U.S — if not the world — as he seeks to part ways with many of the policies established over the past eight years.
As President-elect Donald Trump readies himself to take over the White House — with fast-action promises to dismantle Obamacare, appoint a conservative new U.S. Supreme Court justice, and overhaul the tax code in short order — Democrats and Republicans alike are bracing for the new reality of a Trump-run Washington.
Obviously while the mainstream media are filled with controversy surrounding our new billionaire president, the big point I want to make to investors is that although the rhetoric around a wide-ranging spectrum of social and geopolitical issues is likely to become heated, no one knows for sure what comes next, especially as it relates to the U.S. and global economy.
As a professional investor — instead of a political commentator — I’ve been trained to maintain a dispassionate view, to not take sides and to focus on the facts and stats that matter for protecting and growing my clients’ wealth while avoiding the distractions that come with all the political rhetoric.
That’s why on this Inauguration Day, let’s take a deep breath. And let’s put political biases asides so we can separate the knowledge from the noise and identify the Trump policies that will likely have the greatest impact on the economy and your nest egg.
Here are the four key components of the Trump plan that will have the most significant impact on U.S. GDP.
- First, reducing income tax rates has the potential to have the largest economic impact. Clearly, if U.S. tax rates are reduced from where they’re at now, that’s going to free up more capital for productive spending.
- Second, the lessening of government regulations of all shapes and sizes should have a positive impact on profits for most businesses.
- Third, if there is a reduction in the amount of taxes on the repatriation of the earnings held overseas by the U.S.’s largest corporations, these businesses will have an incentive to spend more on property, plant and equipment and private-sector infrastructure.
- Fourth, President-elect Trump’s transition team has proposed a bold new package of tax credits with the aim of funding up to $1 trillion of investments in airports, roads, bridges and other public infrastructure projects.
That’s right, when you boil it all down, these are the four foundational elements of the Trump economic growth plan. As an investor, you need to watch the progress of these four policy pillars closely and not get caught up in all the political fireworks that are going to erupt over his first 100 days.
Because for U.S. GDP to move higher from the 2% annual real GDP growth that’s occurred over the past 10 years – to the 3-percent-plus that the Trump rally proponents are hoping for – will take a stair-step type jump in economic activity. Think about it: To get to a 3-percent-plus annual advance level on GDP is going to take, on a percentage basis, an increase of 50% (moving from 2% to 3%) in annual economic output. As our new president would say: “That’s #YUUUUUGGE!” And to get there, it’s going to take all four key components of his economic plan to be hitting on all cylinders.
My warning is clear and unhedged: We are in for five years of chaos in the economy, the markets and in our business and personal lives. As this supercycle courses through the world economy in the months ahead, the investors our governments count on for loans will snap their wallets shut. Even now, investors are reading the handwriting on the wall: Government debt is simply too massive. It can never be repaid. It would be financial suicide for them to continue loaning their money to Brussels, Tokyo or Washington; insane to throw good money after bad. And so, governments — including our own — will simply run out of money. Read more here … –Larry Edelson |
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Why is a 3-percent-plus annual advance so important?
It’s because for the U.S. economy to reach escape velocity from the current muddle-through malaise of 2% growth in which we currently find ourselves and to create more wealth across the board for all Americans, it’s going to take economic activity in excess of 3 percent.
Here’s a chart produced by the McKinsey Global Institute that shows the level of economic activity needed around the globe to get out from under the extreme global debt overhang currently present in the economy. And you know what? This chart was produced in 2014, well before the U.S. Debt-to-GDP ratio crossed the 100 percent barrier which is where we currently stand.
This chart clearly shows why we all need to keep our fingers crossed that the global economy comes to life soon. The situation is getting increasingly worse every day as the world’s central bankers and politicians continue to lever up the global economy.
Summing it all up, the first 100 days or so of Donald Trump’s presidency are likely going to be a noisy and chaotic time with all kinds of mixed messages coming from the mainstream media.
No matter your political persuasion, you should keep your cool and focus on the progression of the four key economic policy items I have outlined in this article so you can keep your portfolio out of harm’s way and profit from opportunities when they present themselves.
As I wrote in a previous MAM article, we are headed into a period of HIGH UNCERTAINTY, which likely means lots of volatility for the financial markets.
Keep an eye out for future articles where I’ll share with you a few simple-yet-powerful ways average investors can hedge their portfolios against market downdrafts that do not involve leverage or risky inverse strategies. These are strategies that I use every day to hedge downside risk in the portfolios that I manage.
Buckle up and hang onto your hat. For investors, the ride is about to get very bumpy.
Best wishes,
Bill Hall
This is the scary time to live in America.
I enjoyed your article and appreciate your balanced and informative message. I look forward to future articles which may provide valuable investor guidance as we move through these uncharted waters.
Robert A. King
Very Good to hear from you! Thank you!
The last time the US tried tax repatriation, didn’t most of the money go back to stockholders instead of property, plant, equipment and infrastructure? Wouldn’t you expect the same outcome if it happened again?
Nice pie in the sky article, but ECONOMIC HISTORY has showed us differently when ruled by Conservative Republicacans…. For you to say “that it is going to be different this time” in the face of economic history amounts to “gee, I wish it would be this way”…
1. Our Debt began to explode with Reagan when he cut taxes for his wealthy supporters but had not the guts to cut spending. He actually increased spending… And it has continued to explode under ALL of the Republican Presidents since Reagan for the same reasons…
2. America has ALWAYS DONE BETTER when the average citizen has done better and that has not happened since Reagan under the Republicans. Wages have gone down and the economic health of the average citizen has crumbled as the Middle Class has gotten crushed. In eoncomic terms, Income Inequity has exploded under the Republicans and as the average Ameerican has had less, the Velocity of Money has gone down and along with that the economy…
3. ONLY the wealthiest in America have done better since Reagan
4.. Simple ECONOMIC HISTORY shows us the returns from the stock market have been about 300 TIMES better when lead by Democrat Presidents (who try to make life better for the majority) as oppossed to being lead by Republican Presdents (who only look out for their supporters, the wealthiest 3%) since 1929. That is almost 100 YEARS OF ECONOMIC HISTORY!
5. Let us not forget that BOTH Stock Market Crashes and Depressions in the past 100 years have happened under Republican Presidents after periods of Republican Domination in Congress. 1929 Hoover: 90% LOSS and 2007 Cheney/bush:60% LOSS….. And BOTH recoveries were lead by Democratic Presidents and Democratic Congreses. 1932 FDR and 2009 Obama……And here we are again with a Republican President and Republican Congress made up of the wealthiest people in America…. And YOU think it is going to be better THIS TIME?
6. We all know the markets HATE uncertainty and now we have a Twitter Queen who seems to have the reasoning ability and rehetoric of a 10 year old and wants to drive our deficits higher and You expect the markets fo do better?
The markets will do better for a while, until the dust becomes clearer. Draining the media swamp and extremists of both parties will not happen without a fight. It just depends Eagle 495 on how much of a fight the swamp wants. However we will certainly have our day of reckoning, from the debt build up accumulated from both sides. Try to give Trump a chance, it will help in timing the next correction.
IF I REMEMBER RIGHT EAGLE495 THE DEBT BEGAN TO EXPLODED UNDER OBAMA in a scant 8 yrs he managed to double the national debt to over 20 trillion it took the war of 1776, the war of 1812, the mexican american war , the civil war, spanish american war, world war 1 , world war 2, korean war, vietnam war, the gulf war, operation iraqi freedom, and the war on terror to accrue the first 10 trillion and 232 yrs it took obama just a scant 8 yrs to add another 10 trillion to the national debt and the only war i can think of he was involved in was the war on the united states
Dear Mr. Hall,
Your article is very articulate and full of welcome positivity (despite its caveats), which indirectly suggests that the future still have a chance to be somewhat bright again!
I appreciate your effort but there is lamentably little cogency in it. Why? Because the numbers don’t lie and the numbers unquestionably state that our government as well as so many other key countries’ governments are so deeply indebted that it’s simply impossible for them to honor their debts.
That said, hope for the best but prepare for the worst because no one has the magic wand to change the abject meaning of those abject numbers.
Luciano Salvati
Here’s the potential impact of the Trump plan:
Lowering income taxes from the top down will simply add more wealth to the top 1%. Over the past 40 years the amount of wealth held by the top 1% has doubled. Everyone else has remained essentially the same. Income taxes are actually going up for the bottom.
Every time regulations have been shunted disasters both economic and environmental have followed. The Government that conservatives love to hate is charged with the task of correcting these disasters. Once again long term stability is eschewed for the quick buck.
The repatriation of earnings accumulated as a result of the very anti American trade treaties Trump has railed about will simply reward the robber barons who wrote them. Moreover when similar repatriations were implemented in the past the monies were allocated to bonuses and payouts not investments. Indeed American corporations are already sitting on a mountain of cash and, as has been pointed out in this forum, have been making non-productive investments such as stock buy backs.
Examination of Trumps’ plan for infrastructure tax credits yielded an assessment on Bloomberg that about 100 billion will actually hit the ground over a number of years. A drop in the bucket paid for with Government debt.
So going forward I expect the wealthiest 1% to make out like bandits. Any economic improvement will be paid for by the debt required to finance it. Reagan tripled the National Debt, Bush II turned a balanced budget into a 1.2 trillion dollar yearly deficit, Obama failed to address it and kicked the can down the road and Trump has vowed to repeat all of the past mistakes on an enormous scale. Make as much as you can before the next and perhaps final economic collapse.
You made mention of people “bracing” for a Donald Trump presidency. I’m not bracing. I’m looking forward to and am hopeful for America becoming great again for my kids and all Americans. God bless America.
How come the need for increased GDP growth for deleveraging does not increase proportionally with the Debt to GDP ratio?
My thoughts exactly. The UK has 92% government debt and requires 4.7% GDP growth to deleverage, yet Japan has 234% debt and requires only 2.9% to deleverage.
Although the future is uncertain, I believe that overall the market will progress in an upward fashion due to the malaise that has been present over the last eight years. The Trump administrations vision for the future should bring back credibility to America, along with the forgein funds that want to participate along side the rest of the pack. I am anxiously awaiting the enthusiastic response to our new Commander in Chief.
When George W Bush took office the Dow was at 10588. When Obama took office the Dow was at 7949 or 25% lower under Bush. When Trump took office the Dow was at 19827 or 150% higher under Obama. I’ll take another order of malaise, hold the Bush.
To Mike and the rest of you nay-sayers: The reason the market has expanded is not because of Obama— It’s because of foriegn money from people of debt ridden countries that wanted to preserve their money before their government took it from them…capeesh?
John, so the market does not reflect the American economy just the potential actions of foreign governments? Is that why the markets went up under Reagan too or does this phenomena only in operate during Democratic administrations? I don’t recall anyone citing this causation after the market tripled under Clinton. You must possess a unique ability to ferret out market cause and effect factors. I’m impressed! Should we ascribe any upward market trends under Trump to this…….capeesh?
I note on your Safe Money Report the new buys recommended do not show the correct quote as of 1/13/17. What am I missing. UTX, MMM,PX, PG
You said “To get to a 3-percent-plus annual advance level on GDP is going to take, on a percentage basis, an increase of 50% (moving from 2% to 3%) in annual economic output.”
All that’s required is an increase from 102 to 103, less than one percent. That is still a large amount when you look at the total economy, but it’s not fifty percent.