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A massive ramp-up in lending to questionable borrowers … fraudulent loan documentation … and accelerating defaults.
Does this ring a bell — the subprime mortgage loan disaster of 2007, perhaps? Not exactly, but you’re on the right track. That was the last debt bust.
Welcome to the new bust, this time in subprime auto loans.
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Ten years after the second-worst financial crisis in American history, consumer lenders are at it again. But this time, they’re working overtime to finance a different part of the American dream, according to this eye-opening Bloomberg article.
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It’s not the beautiful home this time around, but rather what sits gleaming in the sun parked outside in the driveway.
Subprime auto lending has been around for a while. But after the housing bust, and subsequently tighter mortgage loan standards, banks had to find other outlets for their questionable lending practices.
That has boosted subprime auto lending to a whole new level.
And just like the housing bust, risks aren’t just confined to bank balance sheets. They are spread far and wide, as auto loans are sliced and diced and packaged into subprime securities.
Securities that are sold to unsuspecting bond investors worldwide.
Yes, indeed history may not repeat exactly. But it sure does rhyme.
Consider that in 2009, total subprime auto-loan securities totaled just $2.5 billion. But only seven years later, at the end of 2016, Wall Street created and sold $26 billion in subprime auto bonds.
That’s a tenfold growth rate!
And there’s potential for much more growth. That’s because the overall market for auto financing is much larger, at $1.2 trillion.
But not surprisingly, this “growth industry” for banks and finance companies is already running into trouble …
Auto-loan fraud is approaching levels seen in mortgage lending during the housing bubble. Delinquencies are on the rise. Losses on subprime auto loans are on the rise too and may reach $6 billion this year. That’s double the loan-loss level in 2015.
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Granted, the new debt crisis in subprime auto loans is not likely to reach the magnitude of the mortgage crisis in 2008. That’s because the auto lending market is just one-tenth the size of the market for home mortgages. But it’s bound to cause some distress among lenders.
Remember, during the subprime meltdown, just 10% of mortgages defaulted. But that caused the stock prices of many lenders to plunge 50%-90% in value … and several went belly-up.
And in the new subprime auto bust, the default rate could be much higher.
Why? Because it’s a lot easier for an underwater consumer to toss his or her keys to the repo man, than it is to walk away from their own home.
But what really worries me is the bigger picture …
Subprime auto loans are simply a sign of the times. It’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The reality, as you can see in the chart above, is that nothing has changed in the last decade since the financial crisis. The world is still drowning in debt.
As shown above, total corporate and business debt as a percent of GDP has climbed right back to a new record high, at 45% of GDP.
Not coincidentally, this is almost exactly the level of corporate debt-to-GDP reached just before the economy and stock market went bust the last two times … in 2000 and 2007.
So, watch out for the next big debt bust!
Good investing,
Mike Burnick
What is exacty your definition of “sub-prime” autoloans. And how does that different from “prime” autoloans?
The more I look at the world, the more I come to the conclusion that we are doomed to strife and suffering. We never learn, Greed and the focus on short term personal gain (be it personal or “corporate personal”) always seems to prevail in the end no matter what rules or regulations are implemented. eventually arms are twisted and rules are bent and changed (usualy through bribes and contributions etc.) so that the greedy can again focus on short term gain to the detriment of the rest of society and civilization… (sigh!)
Being guilty to being a part of this greedy society and looking out for #1… Do you have any recommendations as to who to short for this unravelling? ;-)
Who removed the “Inner City” Restrictions on reduced requirement home loans that brought the sub prime crash? The Republican Majority congress! Who removed the Glass Steagall Law which outlawed the dangerous 1929 trading (allowed by that Republican Majority) that brought the Stock Market Crash of 2007? The Republican Majority Congress! Who is currently the Majority in Congress? The Republicans! When did the deficit begin to go to the moon? From Republican Reagan forward, who cut taxes to his Billionnaire supporters, but had not the guts to cut Federal Spending….. Actually, he increased spending….. What are the chances of another Crash currently with a Republican Majority Congress? Based on history of the past 100 years, it is 100%! Think about that when you view the next attack ad on a Democrat paid for by the Billionaires of America who fund the Republican Majority!….. :(
The Republicans were involved with the repeal of Glass Stengel but Clinton was president! The problem isn’t the Republicans but the voters and ultimately the politicians they vot for. The choices are often bad and worse!
The G.S. removal legislation was brought by Gramm/Leach/Bliley, all powerful REPUBLICANS in a Majority Republican Congress. Clinton got bad advice from Treasury Sec. Rubin (who came from Goldman). Rubin was rewarded for misleading Clinton with a seat on the board of Citibank at a Million a year for NEVER showing up for a board meeting until a New York Times reporter spilled the beans…
How much money did Hillary get from Wall Street for campaign contributions – All of it.
You assume there is a difference between the two parties. Bad assumption.
Are you flippin’ kidding me? Your lack of awareness of the realities of the bust are beyond amazing. Jimmy Carter’s Community Redevelopment Act is the source of the real estate bust. It forced lenders to lend in undesirable areas because to do so was discriminating against minorities I watched Janet Reno go after banks for what was called ”red lining” Saw news reports of Acorn showing up at bank officers homes to demonstrate against discriminatory lending. Then toward the end of ’08 listened to John McCain warn that Fannie & Freddie were facilitating a potential meltdown while Barnie Frank went on the news to say everything was fine. So, what parties are causing this. Let’s Eagle, George Soros-Demoncrat, Bill Gates-Democrat, Warren Buffet-Democrat, Tom Styer-Democrat. I could list the wealthy Dim’s supporting the undermining of the u.s. economic system ad nauseum. Oprah, Spielberg et. al.
Try reading the truth by Googling or looking up the Congressional Record what I’ve told you rather than feeding at the trough of untruthful and misleading media approved by the RNC. You’ve been conned!….. :(
And just last night back to back auto commercials on TV advertising 0% for 72 months and up to $7000 off the MSRP. And under $200 a month leases. I’m waiting for the 37/40 to 72 month lease to show up. Yep summer selling season. One lender even qualified my dog until she couldn’t hold the pen in her paw.
All as a result of excessively low interest rates created and maintained by the Fed, you might add.
When will you be coming out with recommendations for a stock pick/sell to projected June 2018 sell off?
I have not seen any major guidance since Larry’s passing.
Thank you
You are correct. Soon you can buy cars for pennies on the dollar.
Unfortunately for President Trump and the Republicans history is once again repeating. The prior two term Democratic (Obama) Administration enjoyed the good part of the business cycle- the up part. Now, the Republicans get to enjoy the downside part of the business-credit cycle. Same kind of thing occurred in 2000 with President Clinton. Good Times followed by not so good times ( Mild Recession).
President Trump will undoubtedly own-it (the Economy), but probably won’t admit it. Next year’s Midterm Congressional elections will be interesting to see if the Republicans lose some seats in the U.S. Senate and just how many. The Senate could easily “flip” over to a Democratic Majority again- history repeating. In any case, it probably will be very close.
Business Cycles? Who brought 1929 and 2007 with out financial trading regulations? The Republicans! Who brought the recoveries of 1932 and 2009 with programs that helped the average American and re-regulated the financial markets? The Democrats!
Simple Cycles to learn from the past 100 years: Republican cycles run about 30 years and end with a Stock Market Crash and Depression. Democrat cycles last bout 50 years and bring great prosperity, increases in the Middle Class and improvements in the living standards of the average American.
$10,000 invested in ONLY Republican Administratins since 1929 would only be worth $11,000 today (actually you’d be underwater with inflation). Same amout in only Democratic Administrations would be worth over $400, 000 today. Articles from New York Times and Forbes…..
Good dependable FED will just buy up the worthless paper so the Sachs of the world will not be harmed. Bernanke started the “Too Big To Fail” policy on the backs of retired savers.
False News: It was Paul Volcker (appointed by Carter) who brought the great rally of the 1990’s…..It was Greenspan (appointed by Reagan) who brought the Crash of 2000. And it was Bernanke (appointed by Obama) who was tasked with cleaning up the carnage of the Republican Crashes of 2000 and 2007.
Mistype: Bernacke was appointed by bush roughly two years before the Cheney/bush Crash of November 2007. Yellen was appointed by Obama in early 2009 to clean up the Cheney/bush Crash and Depression mess. She oversaw a turnaround which has brought almost a 200% stock market rally after the 60% loss of Bernanke and Cheney/bush…..
What ever happened to our report on GOLD and GOLD STOCKS?? Minerals are hardly ever mentioned any more. Edelson had some comment on minerals almost on a weekly basis. He also talked a lot about cycles.
Sense you took over for him I almost never hear about cycles or gold. Whats up??
Only Wars and Inflation cause rallies in Gold…. Give Draft Dodger Trump time and he will most likely give us a war that causes a climb in Gold….. :(