Money and Markets columnists take a look at key financial and political events around the globe. Here are summaries of stories from this past trading week, each with a link to the full article online.
When and where will the next crash begin?
Panics, crashes and collapses often begin in strange or faraway places. Martin Weiss, Ph.D., says: “The true canaries in the coal mine are often hidden in nooks and crannies, or in a distant economy that virtually no one pays attention to.” Here’s what the past can tell us about when and where the next crash will begin.
Why the Correction That Never Comes May be Getting Closer
It seems like nothing can knock a good bull down. But this one is running out of not “breath” but, rather, “breadth.” Fewer and fewer stocks seem to be riding the bull. Which, Mike Burnick says, may mean that “the correction that never comes” may be getting closer.
How the Merger Frenzy Hurts Your Portfolio
Bigger isn’t always better. When major industries have only a few players, they tend to deliver low margins – which often means lower returns for stockholders. Jon Markman explains it all.
This is, by far, the most important forecast of my career: Right now, FIVE of the most powerful financial and geopolitical cycles known to man are converging in one time and place. These are the same cycles that accurately warned of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Great Recession of 2008-2009 and every other major economic event in-between. They are the same cycles that helped Senior Editor Sean Brodrick and our other Edelson Institute experts predict every major top and bottom in stocks and gold since 1987. Read more here… — Martin D. Weiss |
Why the U.S. $20 Trillion Debt Disaster is a Threat to Your Wealth
Our national debt now stands at $20.162 billion after Congress raised the debt ceiling. You can round that off to an even $20 trillion with a “T.” And you can expect lawmakers to make us even poorer by raising the debt ceiling again. Tony Sagami says: It’s time to learn how to protect your investments AND profit.
Financial Lessons Learned from Pro Athletes
Many professional athletes are way better at making money than they are at managing it. Grant Wasylik reports on how an epidemic of bankruptcies has hit pro players in all sports. That’s why the NFL now coaches its players to tackle their finances. Grant shares some of this wisdom from these gridiron gurus so your wealth won’t get sacked. Hup one, hup two, hup three … click here.
3 Big Ideas in Trump’s Tax Plan
When it comes to Trump’s tax plan, the media seems to be all revved up by ideas like class warfare and big budget deficits. But it also seems to be ignoring some big ideas that could jump-start business investment and economic growth. Read Sean Brodrick’s analysis here.
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Smart investors are betting on cybers-security stocks because the bad-guy hackers just keep getting more and more dangerous. |
Hackers are Winning: Invest in Companies That Stop Them
Governments and corporations will need to hire cyber-security companies to stop nation-state hackers, says Jon Markman. So, if you invest in the cyber-sleuths, you will be both a smart speculator and a patriotic American. Read more here.
The Profit-packed Secret Hiding in Solar’s Surge
Solar power threatens to dominate the energy sector. But smart investors don’t go all-in on photovoltaic solar panels. Why? Because they know dependable sun power requires big, powerful, long-lasting batteries. Sean Brodrick puts it all in perspective.
Target Extraordinary Returns in This Far-from-Ordinary Market
Investors must be vigilant in these times of experimental monetary policy and heightened geopolitical tensions. Here’s what Bill Hall says you must do before the whole system falls apart.
The Money and Markets Team