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The big controversy began on April 10 of this year.
I woke up around 5 AM, as usual. I wrote my weekly Monday column, as usual. I made sure it was impartial, also as usual. Then we pressed the “send” button. And it set off a firestorm unlike any I’ve seen on these pages before.
The subject line: Will Donald Trump be impeached?
In the reader comment area, Tom M., wrote: “What a pathetic article, [Martin]! What actual evidence do you have that Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russians?? Only main stream media accusations. If you have something, let’s see it. Otherwise shut up. Try writing about something you know.”
Burr B. jumped in with an abundance of question marks. “Did you vote for Hillary???” he asked. “Do you support Israel?? Without real evidence, impeachment would start a war within!!! Are you falling for the Alinsky playbook? Where do you stand?????”
Reginald put this way: “Mr. Weiss, you are doing nothing more than promoting the same idiocy as that continuously spooned to the U.S. public by mainstream media.”
There were some readers who liked my comments, with one writing anonymously, “Great story and all things are possible if you believe. Amen.” But they were a small minority.
One of the few nonpartisan comments came from Anne, writing “I really don’t see an answer to the question posed in the title of the article.”
My Response
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Bill Hall |
Since no one was talking about impeachment on April 10, it was almost impossible to evaluate the odds. Now, though, some bookmakers in the UK think they can. If you’re curious about that aspect, be sure not to miss Bill Hall’s Friday piece “What Are the Odds of a Trump Impeachment?”
Perhaps the negative response to my earlier article had something to do with this: I was writing about impeachment back in the day when practically the only group talking about it in public was a small segment on the left.
Today, however, that’s changed dramatically, especially considering the short time that has elapsed. Now, the prospect of impeachment, while still unlikely, has moved beyond the fringes.
Some are vehemently refuting the implied allegations.
Some seem to be salivating over the prospect.
And in either case, it’s fair to say that impeachment is only the latest controversial topic in the most divisive environment since the Civil War.
The Biggest Socio-Economic and
Political Schisms in 100 Years
If you’ve been reading my columns, the venom and vitriol on both sides should come as no surprise. Indeed, on more than one occasion, I have shown you this chart which tells the story better than a thousand words.
The black bars represent the concentration of wealth (or income inequality) in the United States. Take a look, and you will see that this measure …
- hit a peak in the late 1920s …
- fell sharply in the crash and Great Depression, as the rich lost big fortunes …
- bottomed in the 1970s, and …
- by 2008, was back up to its peak levels of the 1920s.
Then came the Great Recession, and, if history were to repeat itself, the rich would have again lost big fortunes.
But thanks largely to massive government bailouts of the nation’s richest institutions, the opposite happened. Big Wall Street firms made out like bandits. And the concentration of wealth in America became even more extreme.
The red line in the chart, based on an exhaustive statistical study of the voting record in Congress, represents the level of political division in Washington and the country as a whole.
What Wall Street insiders don’t want you to know: Why the U.S. stock market is slated for sudden destruction — but only AFTER it spins off two massive fortunes for investors who make the right moves now: Read more here … |
When it’s at a low point, it indicates that Democrats and Republicans are working together to pass bipartisan legislation. When it’s at a high point, it means they are voting almost entirely along party lines and throwing bricks at each other. In approximate synch with wealth concentration, this measure of partisanship in America …
- also reached peak levels in the 1920s …
- also fell sharply during the Great Depression …
- also bottomed in the 1970s …
- by 2008, also was back up to its peak level of the 1920s …
- And now is also more extreme!
This is why last year’s election was among the ugliest in American history. This is why a media war is now raging with new bombshells lobbed from both sides. This is why partisans in all branches of government are screaming, kicking and backstabbing. And yes, it also helps explain why the word “impeachment” is now bandied about more often.
This is terrible.
It’s distracting for government, debilitating for the economy, dangerous for investors. And, to the degree that it augments the chances of war, it could be downright disastrous for all.
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For Washington, impeachment is the ultimate black swan event. But it’s not the first. If you’ve seen my video “The Next Black Swans”, you’d know that the recent past has already given us at least two major black swans.
And if you’ve seen my video series “Russia’s Long March to War,” you’re aware that the granddaddy of black swans is also possible someday.
Fortunately, it’s also preventable. (To view this series, click on Part I, Part II and Part III.)
Good luck and God bless!
P.S. Did you know sin stocks can turn $10,000 into a $1 million windfall? You can still buy these intriguing stocks for a song — a thousand shares for $1,000, $500, in some cases, even as little as $250. And if history proves anything, it’s that paying pocket change to buy rogue companies on the launching pad can produce truly amazing profits. Recently, for example, one of these sin stocks garnered a lot of media attention by suddenly exploding in price. If you had invested $1,000, you could have walked away with nearly $100,000. Click here to read more …
Have you read Mish Shedlock’s articles about impeachment? He’s very sensible and says the chances are like less than 1%. In fact there are good odds on Trump being returned in 2020. While overall Trump is down his core supporters are even more in his favour.
Impeachment wouldn’t resolve anything anyway. Washington is too dysfunctional.
The current administration is hellbent on increasing inequality in our country through 1) tax breaks for the wealthy; 2) major reductions in Medicaid; 3) major removals of regulatory impediments such as environmental protections. In response, the administration expects major R&D investments and new jobs that will make up for revenue shortfalls. But the evidence for this top-down growth is non-existent. Most companies of size will use any windfalls to buy back stock and increase dividends. Also automation will reduce jobs. It is a testament to the lack of knowledge that so many poor Americans are willing to support the economic policies of the current administration (which, by the way, benefit me).
All those inbred hillbillies woke to a start today. They voted for Trump; he lied and took their entitlements away.
We now have proof that Seth Rich leaked DNC documents to wikileaks. there was no “hack” by the Russians or anybody else. the documents are there are Rich’s computer, and the intermediary who delivered them to wikileaks has written about it everywhere. If they want to get rid of Trump because he is inconvenient or unpredictable they will have to find another excuse. And Hillary will need to look for another scapegoat for her nefarious political campaign that illegally stole the nomination from its rightful winner – sanders. But for now Trump has bent over to the military industrial intelligence complex and is acting as their errand boy. the entire “controversy” is a joke.
nail —–> head
You operate in a criminal market place.
It is probably coming to an end since the criminals know things have gone to far and many have caught on to the perps.
They know seek to collapse the system thinking they will resurrect a new system and still come out on top.
Both sides democrats and republicans want to continue their gravy train.
It is about over.
I find it ironic that there is so much noise about Russian involvement in the past presidential election. The US (through the CIA) has a sordid past when it comes to involvement in foreign elections. We have backed and/or put into office some of the nastiest dictators since the end of WWII. As for Russia they are the just current boogieman to keep the defense industry humming along.
Thank you, Dr. Weiss!
The nasty and uncalled for comments are a result of the facts discussed in your excellent captioned articles.
The majority of your readers appreciate you and your excellent team, and we rely on your wisdom, always impartial, original and important analysis.
As Army General “Vinegar” Joe Stilwell WW II moto stated: “Illegitimum non carborundum”.
Thank you and keep up the great work!
Best regards,
Joyce St.James
There is no free press. 80% plus of the press is bought and paid for by the Democratic Party, who does not hire people who would question their propaganda and obtains federal funding for their non-profit agencies to do “good” things. Thought you would have learned some things from your father and Brazil. Do you really think Sound Government might result from your article? Look in the mirror and wake up! Thanks for your status quo commentary.
Trump bashing to the extremes as we see every day will first bring sympathy acts and statements from abroad.(Putin ” I can clear this up”) The American public will see through the fire storm of lies and false news reports. when this happen the more venomous the opposition becomes The stronger Trump will become. Maybe the Dems will wave as they depart.
Europe thinks Trump is a clown. You can peruse volumes of evidence; European leaders won’t touch him with a ten foot pole. Because of President Blowzy, the United States is a joke.
dang lying dems , they said they were gonna leave if trump won !!!
Dear Martin,
I thought the article by Bill Hall on May 19 was absolute nonsense. That one was pathetic. Do you know that President Trump had the constitutional right to even call Comey off Flynn’s trail? His decision to fire Comey was the right thing to do. When I read that article I was so disappointed that gamblers would get the spotlight on impeachment. I hope to see better articles from Bill Hall in the future.
Not if it’s obstruction of justice. If you don’t think I’m right, look up Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre. It’s too bad the hillbillies won’t educate themselves before showing their ignorance.
Obstruction of justice is a criminal charge separate from the impeachment process. Trump knows he doesnt have a leg to stand on, which is why he hired Marc Kasowitz yesterday to defend him as an individual (not as the President.) They conceal this information in books.
Hey Martin,
republican Pauli RINO is cool & calm and says WE WILL WORK IT OUT…
That’s easy to say if your wife is a multimillionaire and you won your last election by a landslide. It is almost unbelievable to me how corrupt, virulent, detached, fiscally irresponsible our federal govt has become !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The republicans think it is just another day at the golf club ?????
Based upon presently known facts, impeachment would be the end of our constitutional republic. This is unthinkable, Martin.
I have never seen or heard so much hatred and so much rubbish about Trump in his first 100 days or so,He is fighting from both sides,what about the country,it just seems everybody wants to be president to do a better job,but alas,with so much in fighting nothing will be done.Trump might be the worst or best one youve got.Did you really expect a miracle in the first 100 days,if you did,vote for Jesus next time
Yes I voted for Trump and based on what he has accomplished so far and still is trying to do I would do the same tomorrow. Mr reasons are not for more of the same that you so correctly described in writings but to change the direction of our country. If one feels that more welfare, out sourcing American jobs, open boarders, expensive energy, unsafe cities, terrorism attacks, self serving politicians, and high taxes are good for America then Trump is not your president. For American citizens to listen to “anonymous sources” make claims that the national media runs with as facts shows how uninformed we have become. ( Hate to say uneducated but…..)
Having just returned from a extended trip to Europe and seeing for myself what they have become I pray that we wake up before it’s to late. Unless you want what I outlined above turn off national news and give Trump a chance. I hope Martin you will do the same in your writings and give us the eyes and experience that will financially let us survive the mess we are in.
You failed to point out that the election of Reagan brought the Republican Revolution in the early 80’s and that brought a change in the distribution of wealth as the Billionaires who supported Reagan and those others, got richer and the majority of Americans did worse, just as they did after the prior Republican Revolution leading into the 1920’s….. Same political outcome, same economic outcome, as after BOTH periods of Republican Dominaton, the Stock Market Crashes and Depressions of 1929 and 2008 occurred……
The second thing you failed to mention was that the period from 1932-1980 was a period of Democratic leadership and that was also the period of the GREATEST economic growth and the perod of the GREATEST increase in the livng standards of the average American in our history.
If nothing else, the election and probable Impeachment of Trump and the electorial removal of the rest of those Republicans supported by the Billionaires, will likely bring another period of economic success of 60 years, not seen since 1932-1980, as, once again, the elected officials begin to look out for the average American rather than the Billionaires
I would humbly point out to Eagle 495 that these last 8 years were dominated by B. Hussein Obama and the Democrats during which time this country witnessed the doubling of our national debt that had accumulated during the first 200 years of our history. It also saw the crushing loss of national output, enormous growth in dependence on food stamps, skyrocketing student debt and incredible growth of wealth in Wall Street while everyday Americans’ jobs and incomes suffered. Yeah, the Democrats were just wonderful!!!
Your articles are always so verbose and lengthy- always with a marketing pitch of some kind. IF i had done this, than that.-always lots of hindsight. One cannot read ALL the information?unless they have nothing else to do.
Can’t you be more concise and to the point. I (for one) might read it and actually get something out of it.
PJK, Fair Haven, NJ.
Martin, I think you give honest evaluations. Some of the people who accuse you should watch the documentary on Amazon called The Brainwashing of my Father.
Something to keep in mind from smart men from days gone by, “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” Soren Kierkegaard 1813-1855. And more to the point please remember the words of John F. Kennedy who said this ten days before he was assassinated “For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day…It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operation.” And if just for moment you think you can believe anything that comes out on TV or major media outlet remember it was the the director of the CIA that said in 1981 “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.: William Casey There is a multitude of life ending disasters waiting at tomorrows door. The waves against us that you teach are all there. For my part in addition to knowing what’s coming I also like to know who it really is that’s pressing the spear against my chest.
how to fight a war by the master chinese tactician of long a ago. confuse the enemy. trump has not been colluding with the russians but with the chinese. trump employs a very able man to do his subterfuge as long ago as early last year, and the mainstream press and everyone fell for it, including you it appears martin. the colluder with the russians is none other than madam clinton, who, as secretary of state sold the american interests in the kazakhstan uranium mines for over US$500m. .and pocketed the lot, but you wouldn’t read about that in msm cos a whole heap of media moguls, royalty, bankers etc. etc. would be exposed by geoff epstein as pedophiles on pedophile island. you have probably heard of it. so it is hands off hillary! she can do and does what she likes and nobody blabs cos of the aforesaid items. nice society we run in the west. and we talk lol of democracy. and fairness and the american dream…oops nightmare!! ron from oz
Hi from the UK,
keep up the good work Martin.
Kind Regards
John B.
Income inequality…truly the issue of the day…worldwide.
(Thanks for showing the courage that you always have)
Currently, and while the two sides of congress aren’t working together, the house and administration is far from dysfunctional. Lowering of regulatory burdens and executive orders designed to push the government bullies off the backs of the free market has given both a real physical and positive psychological super dividend to the markets and our pockets. the VIXX index is very high and that sentiment is very, very real and has equated into very, very real gains in both institutional and small investors (like me) accounts. But in spite of the good works at home and abroad. Our REAL foe is the constant beat of negative political dogma, the possible collapse of the vehicle finance system and yes China dept…
Impeachment seems unlikely, but not impossible. So many broken promises. No major legislation passed. Investigations of wrong doing in progress by a Special Prosecutor of stature and with bipartisan support. Who knows how long it will take or what will be found.
Who killed Seth Rich? That is the question everyone should ask and demand an answer to. Doubt there will be an impeachment.
Martin, people who attack “mainstream media” get their poison from the extremist sites and from right-pushing Fox. They tend to be white christianists. They cannot be reached by reason; their playbook is entirely emotional. Ignore them. Just continue to share your solidly-based thoughts. That’s what mainstream media does! Be like mainstream media. It is our modern version of Heroes. Paul
Dr. Weiss: Thank you! Reading your articles without fail, I feel prepared for ANYTHING ! HMB.
Martin, you have to mention where you got the Concentration of wealth-political division graph from. Quote the source please for credibility sake.
The ruling elite will stop at nothing to eliminate Trump.
Pray for peace.
Prepare for war.
Donald Trump’s election as President may be the most divisive since that of Abraham Lincoln. Just as Lincoln’s election led to the supremacy of the Federal government over the states, Trump’s election seems to be aiming toward the supremacy of government over the citizens. That government, of course, will be led by the moneyed 1%, not by the other 99%. He is one of that wealthy minority, after all, and likely distrusts all others. He has shown such distrust in many of his appointments to leadership positions – especially fiscal positions.
Dear Dr.Weiss,
My opinion, so far, has been that you are an honest, competent, fair and reliable financial professional striving to help people to improve their lot while at the same time righteously “taking care of businessâ€.
In short, you are a good man and, as they say, God bless you!
It’s also my opinion that, just like no one has the magic wand to see the future, no one really knows the WHOLE TRUTH about anything, being that an obvious impossibility.
That said, once you start being fully aware that basically everything and anything in politics ( and not just politics) is tainted by disinformation, misinformation, scandals, blind ideological partisanship and quite naturally systemic LYING then it’s abundantly clear that people should take things with a grain of salt and act accordingly.
Insulting, demeaning or attacking you simply because you happen to civilly express nonpartisan, independent, personal viewpoints that others do not intend to share not only doesn’t make any sense, it’s also inherently wrong and even, I would dare say insidiously evil and very dangerous for our freedom!
Luciano Salvati
I don’t understand how holding government accountable is “in the way” of governing. All you Trumpfanatics are simply crying because your expected profits are down due to uncertainty. Will you now turn on the bevy of Republican lawmakers who are now talking “damage control?” I can’t wait to see you feed on each other. I’ll make popcorn.
The continual flooding of America with immigrants/refugees who do not want to become Americans but instead depend upon welfare as a lifestyle, is changing this nation. And not for the better. They are treated better than our own Veterans. The expanding deficit of state and federal budgets is bringing a day of reckoning ever closer. We have a Federal Government that ignores states rights and imposes a “One size fits all” mandate on every issue, whether constitutional or not.
Contrary to what the Dems would have you believe the Russia “collusion” was a strategy put together by John Podesta, Hillary Clinton etc. after she lost the election, in order to try to explain her loss. Read the book Shattered and you will find that this is what they are trying to do.
The real source of the DNC leak was not Russia, but rather a 27 year old guy by the name of Seth Rich who worked for the DNC. He was very unhappy about the way Bernie Sanders had been mistreated by the Clinton campaign and the DNC. He leaked the emails to Wikileaks. Shortly thereafter he was murdered in Washington D.C. He was shot in the head at 3AM. He was found with his watch, cell phone, rings and wallet still on him so robbery was not the motive. This is the same fate that so many people who have crossed the Clintons through the years have met. Julian Assange all but admitted that Seth Rich was the source of a leak in a televised interview. He also put up a reward in the amount of $20,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person who murdered Seth Rich.
When individuals are themselves to the right of Attila the Hun on the political spectrum virtually everyone one else is on the left. Moreover those with the initiative to speak out tend to hold stronger opinions. That is why the dialog is skewed to both ends of the spectrum. This is also why those who are the most partisan refuse to see the faults within their own “team”. I know this because when I comment on liberal sites my fellow liberals let loose when I suggest that their views on gun control and illegal immigration are stupid. Your observations suggest that is also true for conservatives.
I have been reading economic books and papers since 1973 and the printing of electronic money by the federal reserve only results in one thing and that is a reduction of the standard of living for anyone using the particular currency. The growth in the economy come from two things, increase in population or increase in productivity. Doing and producing more with less has always produced a higher standard of living, electronic printing of money produces the opposite. When a person borrows money for non productive consumption it lowers the standard of living of that person in the future. The same thing applies to nations. Now that the level of debt is so high it too is interfering with the standard of living. The angst that is the result often produces political change and sometimes wars. More later.
Martin, please stick by your guns. As a long time (over 20 years) subscriber I can honestly saw that you have scrupulously avoided political posturing. Keep telling it like you believe it is and let the readers sort it from there. Your subscribers are intelligent enough to sift through the mountains of information and make up their own minds.
The concentration of wealth is a direct result of the Great Society programs and all of the other big welfare programs sponsored by the Democrats and the federal government thereafter (food stamps, rentfare, obamaphones, you name it). These handout programs have destroyed the spirit of millions of Americans….the spirit to work hard and achieve. In 90% of the cases, they would have done better to handout heroin. You will NEVER acquire wealth by sitting on your butt, watching TV and taking government handouts. Never.
Agreed. Can you imagine who the uninformed media will blame when the music stops and interest rates go up?
It seems any more to be a conservative you must deny anything that is written or said that doesn’t Aline with your point of view i.e anything from the “mainstream” is patently ” liberal. I get most of my information from the PBS news hour which always presents people & opinions from both sides. On it one will hear a lot of intelligent conservative Republicans speak on issues and I’ve come to admire them even if not agreeing.
It is Donald Trump himself that is driving this talk of impeachment by what he has said and done already. He clearly doesn’t understand the rules of being President. I it was President Obama who had done What Mr Trump has done the right wingers what be screaming for his impeachment and tried for treason. This double standard is too hard to ignore for thinking unbiased people. It is my hope that Mr Trump starts acting more responsibly and the impeachment process is not necessary- it might be too late for that. At any rate the impeachment process is ugly and consumes all the time of the House & Senate and in the end as history shows only one President has been forced out of office ; President Nixon who wasn’t even impeached
Martin – the reactions of several readers are not a surprise. The lack of reaction by people on the opposite viewpoint is also not a surprise. Consistent with the graphic on Political Schism, the people of this country are also in a cultural schism, certainly heavily related to politics. I see repeated instances of people not willing to listen to the thoughts and words of others who have different opinions. We will never get to a world of peace if we don’t listen, and then have constructive conversations with those who think differently than we do. Perfect example at Notre Dame’s graduation – several hundred people did not want to hear Mike Pence’s words so they walked out. Instead, I am assuming (which is always dangerous), they are listening to Mike Pence as interpreted by CNN, NAACP, etc.
Please keep up your great work of putting out information and ideas that make us think and come to our own conclusions.
For clarification purposes, please explain the vertical line of numbers (2-14) on the left margin of the graph.
Thank you.
I was in the Air Force when the Nixon thing went down. They had the goods on both Nixon, and then later, on Clinton. But, neither were convicted. They have nothing on Trump. The lefties just want to delay or prevent the actions that this country so desperately needs…because it doesn’t fit their ideology. What happened to Americans’ sense of fair play? How about honesty? It seems that any behavior is acceptable as long as it serves their end game.
Dr Martin, theres more to the story of Donald Trump and his ascension to be the 45 President of the United States. I believe you are missing the true purpose of this unbelievable event that took place in American Politics. I think your vision is hindered by your natural knowledge of economics both in America and your experiences in your world travels. America was headed into a downfall of, (In God we Trust) world leadership as a Great and compassionate country. “We see but we don’t see”, blindness is our vision that lets us see only what is apparent to the natural eye and understanding; the future of America is in the hands of a new leader. Donald Trump anointed by the voters and by the God of Creation. How can I say that? Judge my statements after the next two years, then we can see judge, impeachment, not my president, for the rich only and words by less civil language that is used by the destroyers of “One nation under God”!
You have used the perspective of history and your own personal experience to form your conclusions, and you are right on. History can go back as Caligula, however. The most current opinion on the internet by the ghost writer of the Art of The Deal, if I have the correct source, is that the most likely event will be a resignation which reframes a loss as a win. Actually Trump finishes projects ahead of time (was it the skating rink that the city could not handle, but he came galloping to the rescue?), He has drained the swamp ahead of time, and now he can go back to his day job of furnishing work for law firms..
For an article with such a hyperbolic title Martin, it seems you said a whole lot of nothing and simply re-tread what MAM readers already know. The suggestion of impeachment alone raises tempers because people’s financial livlihoods and even their lives and that of their loved ones are riding what our current president stands for. Or more accurately, what they think he stands for, or what his policies mean to them regardless of anyone else. The piece was very unbiased, but readers can’t afford to be when this much is at stake. Hence why merely talking about something partisan, ie. real journalism, inspires this biased vitriol.
Can you please address more specifically the reasons you feel the President is being considered for impeachment (Russian ties, etc.)? Repeating the word isn’t providing any more input or research than the news stations. Let’s address each topic one by one and I’m sure all readers would value the input you can provide, weather they agree or not. Thank you,
Alan Dershowitz, a huge ultra liberal, on two separate broadcasts (5-19-2017), said; ” Trump of which he was not a supporter, had committed no crimes, and the actions DT had taken, firing Comey, Russian connections, etc;, were Constitutional. I would credit Dershowitz, with the credentials, and credence, to make said comments. For a thorough education on impeachment, read the book “SELL OUT”, written by the Democrat Lead prosecutor (David Schippers) for the house, in the Senate trial, to remove Billy Clinton. The primary BLACK SWAN ( Remember Cycles of War – Larry Edelson Projections) event will be: as obama did, totally enable Iran, by eliminating sanctions, and releasing egregious amounts of money, positioned Iran, to be nuclear, in 18-24 months. When Iran soon reaches that stage, WW III (All Hell) will break out.
You have a wide range of audience and have been highly respected for your financial knowledge and success. When you delve into politics and join in with the media spokespeople with your comments about impeachment you influence many peoples thinking. As I and others of my associates read these most recent articles we have drawn the conclusion that you are in fact promoting such action. If the influential people like you would stay off of this type of subject I feel we would all be much better off.
Personally I feel that Donald Trump’s plan for the United States has many very valuable points and we need to get off his back and let him have a chance to make progress. Please let us know if you disagree with this analysis and comment. Thank you, Leslyn C Black
President Trump may not be impeached this go around (but). At the office, we all agree that if President Trump would shut-up all will be fine. However, we also agree that two things will not happen 1) Balance the budget. 2) President Trump be quiet.
“A house divided falls”.I guess we are going to find out.
I agree with you, the concentration of wealth is the worst thing that a country could have. Are the French Revolution or the Russian Revolution an example of what could happen when you have such concentrations of wealth. It could be said that those were different times and conditions,which I agree that USA is not in a similar situation, but the roots of firestorms are there if you don’t correct the wealth concentration. The venom and vitriol that is appearing and increasing every day is to mee a clear sign of a big problem.
Fortunately or unfortunately, God is still in control of what happens here on earth. Revelation is playing out before our eyes and evil abounds like never before. The Bible teaches that if one is faithful in giving to those less fortunate (at least 10% of their income), that God will bless them and provide for their every need. That’s the best investment strategy in the world and good for anyone anywhere anytime.
You’re right on in this commentary, Martin. Thank you for your courage in sharing that perspective.
Impeachment is possible and realistic. Trump is seriously in violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution which prohibits payments “of any kind whatever” from a foreign govt (or entities controlled by foreign govts) to a government official. And, receipt of the pymt(s) by itself is the violation, no need to prove quid pro quo. Trump is receiving these pymts thru his various businesses-condo purchases, Trump hotel guests and meetings, govt controlled Bank of China (big tenant at Trump Tower), etc… He also very recently received various valuable copyrights from China for phrases with his name. Ethics lawyers for both Pres Bush and Obama administrations are working together and rightfully pursuing a lawsuit about Emoluments Clause violations. After liberating America from England, the Framers were concerned about any foreign govt influence so they wisely included the Emoluments Clause. It is serious plus evidence exists that Trump is substantially and clearly violating it. More issues and reports will surface too as foreign govts/entities direct money to him thru his businesses. His failure to divest his business interests will create increasing problems for him. I want our president and country to succeed, but Trump is not above the law. He also plays loose with legal requirements so it’s likely he already has or will violate the law as Pres, particularly as to any investigation that relates to him and includes his financial interests. Repubs control Congress, but if Trump continues to undermine himself and maintain historically low favorability rating, it will be easier for Reps and Senators to hold him accountable for his illegal behavior.
what about for obamas illegal behavior or susan rices illegal behavior or hillery clintons illegal behavior or obamas attorney general or obamas internal revenue service or obama flooding the country with illegal aliens ( illegal immigrants ) i can go on and on with this list but as with most democrats they seem to have a short attention span and a very short memory of liberals misdeeds
You are one greatly misinformed person….. Did you ever get beyond high school?
You absolutely know nothing about what you speak!… Seriously, you gotta turn off FAUX NEWS, as iit appears that you actually believe that garbage is the truth!… :(
Of course Obama, Bush and Clinton indirectly also received money that way from investments. it is difficult not to in this world where everything seems more and more intertwined – especially money.
One thing that is different than anything in the past: This president may have serious mental health problems. Although I don’t want Pence as our next president, he does have two qualities that are positive: (1) He is not mentally ill and (2) he has supported a free press in the past and therefore does not talk about jailing journalists.
-Gary Epstein
impeachment is only a slap on the wrist anyway!!!!!! Nice 2 here from u again!!!!1
A lot of the black swans are predictable, other than suddenly a string of giant meteors land on major cities (A giant meteor when it gets near a planet will break up from the force of gravity into a number of small fragments that lines up in a string like railroad cars of a train before they hit the planet, which was observed a number of years ago, when such an event occurred when a giant meteor headed for the planet Jupiter.) A couple of years before 2008, Dr. Weiss was predicting the coming housing crisis of 2008. For people knowledgeable in oil drilling, predictions were made that fracking together with oil well horizontal drilling, which was developed by small tier oilman George Mitchell, will be a black swan for the oil producing countries. This has become a true black swan for several high cost oil producing countries, as their economies drastically suffered, when the large oil price drops made their high cost to produce heavy oil undesirable.
Now, one of the next coming black swan may be the newly invented glass-battery, which has just been reported from an US university battery research lab, which is headed by the co-inventor of the currently used lithium-ion battery, and his invited researcher Dr. Helena Braga, who developed the glass solid state electrolyte for batteries. The report from the university lab indicated that the new glass batteries can have 3 times more charge, do not catch fire, can be recharged ten times faster, can have a lot more charging cycles, and can be made using cheaper sodium rather than lithium. There is a web site that says that in some lab samples, using various chemical combinations, achieved 5, 10, to even in one case achieving 30 times more charge. If the 30 times sample can be commercialized, it will be mind boggling. For example at 30 times more charge than lithium-ion batteries, a 200-miles rated Taslar electric car can go 30 x 200 = 6000 miles on a single charge, so that the car can go from New York to California and back to New York on a single initial charge. If this happens, oil driven cars and trucks will likely become obsoleted by the new cheap and powerful glass batteries. Since 80 percent of oil use is for cars and trucks, oil demand may drop five folded, and many oil producing countries and states will economically collapse when this glass battery black swan hits them. If 10 to 30 times increase charge can be achieve on a commercial scale, electricity may become transportable, rather than depending on transmission lines. Home based electricity generation and selling and distribution market may become widespread, using batteries to transport electricity instead of depending on expensive utility transmission lines. Electricity utility companies may become obsolete, as competition from “home-based” electric generation, and battery based electricity distribution become wide spread. The monopolies of big oil, and big utilities will be destroyed bringing greater prosperity, and peace on earth.
What about the monopolies of the battery companies – at least until the patents run out.
The energy still has to be generated somewhere. The maximum efficiency of a thermal
power plant is about 30%. The rest is waste heat. The real technical advance will come
with the molten salt thorium reactor. The fuel is abundant compared to uranium and has
no explosion hazard like the pressurized water reactors. The public’s fear of radiation
will probably prevent the adoption of the technical advance. The energy density of the lead acid battery is about 3% of it’s weight in gasoline which is a reference. I’m waiting
with anticipation to see if this is true. By the way solvated electrons are blue.
Your article and headline are discussing real life possibilities based on facts. It was a sad day for America to vote for a presidential candidate who built his business on the backs of American workers using Win-Lose deals. The current political situation is not about Trump vs Hillary or Republican vs Democrat. It is about good vs evil. It has been proven time and time again by independent fact checkers that 80% of Trumps statements have been false. That’s a president who lies to the people that elected him 80% of the time, but since Mr. Trump calls the media, truth and history lies, his supporters believe him. These political factors will have huge economic impacts in the near to mid future. In any case, I have learned over the past several years that “you can’t argue with ignorance”. Keep up the great work and please continue to advise us on all the possibilities that you may encounter. Thank you.
obama was the great deceiver a liar who promised the moon and gave americans nothing but a massive unpayable debt billions missing from his spending programs a dysfunctional economy and you people got the balls to whine about trumps 100 days
I did not read that article, but am surprised you would fall for all the leftist lies that pass for news.
Here is how I interpret current events. The riots with signs of ‘black lives matter’ based on lies, with screaming, fighting, dangerous people causing great trouble: and thieves breaking windows and grabbing valuables, with masks over their faces. This is supported by and organized by billionaires and enemies of the USA power. They represent a visible picture of the same sort of thing in the disguise of modern media with their screaming lies that can not be proven, hiding behind the ruse of we wont reveal our sources, the old political establishment and the DNC helping the rebellion along and providing economic opportunities for graft, etc. I think you get my picture.
It’s sad when some people become abusive when someone expresses their opinion. I think your article which I have just read, as well as your article in early April, was excellent.
The chart gives an indication of the accuracy of your opinion.
All this is remarkable as evidenced from declining empires throughout history.
Well said, the Fate of Empires and search for Survival by sir John Glubb should be required reading for everyone.
The US president visited Saudi Arabia to act as a weapons salesman and then visited Israel to get advice (and maybe quotes) for building walls.
Where will he visit next?
did anyone forget when obama visited the saudis he didnt act as a salesman since he never held a job before but he did bow down almost to the saudis knees and that they put out on video for the whole world to see see the problem with america is we got to used to a president that for the last 8 yrs ( Barack Obama ) that only knew how to lead from behind in other words we had a little boy trying to do a mans job and as msot of us know it was a disaster so it time for the rest of you to put on your big boy pants and realize we have a president in trump thats trying to put america 1st again its time you have to realize its going to be messy at times
He just visited the Vatican. I hope he wasn’t looking for lessons in how to maintain a 2000 year empire. they have been only partially successful.
I love your service and the ratings too. On The Trump article, I must say I side with some of your indignant readers. Ever since the election, the mainstream liberal media, scorned Hillary lemmings, are up in arms literally. This after criticizing the Trump campaign for all the violence at his rallies, often spawned by the Hillary campaign. Washington is up in arms because they don’t know how to deal with someone who is used to getting things done. I would rather have a good businessman in office who has to learn how to politically get things done, than a career crooked politician like Hillary try to be a businessman.
CNN, Bloomberg and CNBC are so nuanced yet relentless against republicans in the way they frame questions, title features and segments its shocking and so very disappointing. l would like to think you are above that. You have been a watchdog and clarion for us regarding some huge economic issues in this country and I respect you very much for that. Please be as objective as you are vigilant. If Hilary was in office we would have been in huge trouble and blindly, liberally skipping down the road to financial ruin. Our financial issue are gigantic. WE need to get them addressing by someone who is task oriented and not some career politician like Obama whose first agenda item was a mulit-month apology tour abroad.
Does it really matter if Trump colluded with the Russians?…….NO……Does it matter if Trump covered something up…….NO….What does matter is that the Clinton Mafia was prevented from taking over the USA….Politicians are liars. They are literally murderers as its been acknowledged that the CIA employs ” wet men”…..who are assassins. So, should I care a fig leaf if Trump colluded with the Russians to keep the Hilary mob out of the “Washington swamp”…( if in fact he even did)…..NO….What is happening in Washington is an old business plan. Its called, distraction. The Clintons were masters of it thats how they kept out of jail due to all the scandals that they were involved in. Distraction consists of this….some one has a question or a ” bone to pick” with you. You ignore the question and move on to other topics. I did not think it actually worked until I was out on a sales call with my Manager. We were selling health insurance and it was terrible insurance…full of holes…but it was a cheap monthly policy. When a potential customer asked..” Does your policy cover “X”….( usually the answer was no)…we just kept talking and ignored the question. 2 out of three times my manager closed the sale and we left the meeting with a check for the first months premium for this next to useless insurance. All of this Russia/Trump business is just distraction. Distract the public from the issues that really matter and need to be taken care of…the economy,….failed foreign policy,…..debt,….0 manufacturing growth….etc…..and lets focus on Trump/Russia….ONCE AGAIN…it really does not matter what Trump did to keep the rats ( Clintons) from taking over…LETS GET DOWN TO THE REAL BUSINESS OF GOVERNING AND LETS DRAIN THE SWAMP IN WASHINGTON>>>!!!!!!!!
The swamp is fighting back. That is to be expected.
I think Larry and subsequently Mike Burnick are describing the situation best. Europe has been held together with greater debt, Japan the same, US the same and China the same. as well as Asia. Europe is about to collapse then Japan and finally the US. Asia will be right there too, they need the developed world’s purchasing to avoid a debt collapse, they have too much capacity and debt.
Europe will collapse soon, then the dominoes will fall. I find it rather amazing how functional the world appears while all the debt is being papered over. The Swiss central bank has more Facebook than Mark Zuckerberg. I can’t really add anything to this.
So what we have is an upended world where New World Order leadership thinks they can run a world economy and are willing to do anything to make this foolish attempt. That’s also why Martin can’t say what will happen.
Are we in for GDP at factor costs, and GDP at market prices to rise again? Is there gonna be an appreciation of the dollar against the yen and the euro. Are we gonna see the dollarization of the world economy? What’s gonna happen in Greece? Are they looking at another current account budget deficit? Is the GDP deflator gonna start rising again? Are we in for a period of stagflation? Could we be heading towards another gold tranche, even a return to the gold bullion standard. Are we in for a bull market in the stock market.